Stone Guardian (2 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Stone Guardian
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At first, she’d stayed up with her hand wrapped around the butt of her gun until Kirill assured her Vampires died out some time ago during the Beasts Wars, with the brutal assistance of some anxious humans. War appeared to transcend every species, including ones she’d once thought mythological. Ember sipped her drink, she’d never thought of herself as a drinker. Lately though it seemed to be the only thing that dulled her overactive imagination. Really, how many species of creatures were there and what other shit went bump in the night? She was having a hard enough time dealing with the present to try and understand their past. The one animal she happened to be curious about was an enigma to her.

Timur towered over her five foot nine stature easily by another ten, possibly eleven inches. He was huge. All muscle, from his thick arms to the columns he stood on commonly referred to as legs. What was it about shifters anyway? It was as if they all inherited the beautiful gene. One evening he’d entered the house shirtless, and his washboard abdomen had her salivating while scheming how to get her hands on his body. Perhaps she wasn’t normal. Seriously, she should have fled the island and never looked back. Not her, no, there she sat planning to try and seduce a man that wasn’t even human.

He sported a curious tattoo on his back. Two parallel lines ran along each side of his spine and crossed at the top in an arrow shape. It was different and she wondered if he’d left the body art unfinished.. His hair hung in a shaggy mane over his collar in myriad reds. To make matters worse, lately she found herself staring at him whenever he was within spying distance.

She was still having a hard time placing his accent. Initially she figured he was Russian like Kirill, and even though she heard him speaking with Kirill in his native tongue she’d also heard him murmuring to himself in what she thought might be French. Ember groaned. God, she had it bad.

Ember straightened in her seat and faced her friend. “Explain to me again why you won’t tell me what Timur is?”

Synda sighed. “Shifters as a whole are private. His origins are not my secret to tell.”

“I wouldn’t withhold information from you,” Ember groused, and continued to run her fingers around her glass.

“Uh-oh,” Synda quietly uttered the words.

Ember raised her head. “What the hell does that mean?”

Synda lifted her chin in the direction behind Ember. “Those men sitting at that little table are on their way over here.”

“So, singe their asses and send them running back where they came from.”

“I could burn down the building, and frankly I don’t feel like putting out any fires.”

Tucker strode past. “No breathing fire in my establishment. I’ll have the sign up tomorrow.” He kept moving toward the end of the bar that stretched the length of one wall.

“I’m really not interested in the company of men.” Ember sighed.

Synda giggled nervously. “Maybe not those particular men. Too late.”

A man slid onto the stool next to Ember. She spun around, came nose to torso with him, and glanced up from his barrel chest to his clear light brown eyes. He smiled and his eyes crinkled at the corners. On any other occasion he might have caught her interest. She could hear Synda telling his friend that she was mated, and for some reason he was having a hard time understanding her. Ember shook her head at his stupidity.

“So what’s your name, beautiful?” the guy next to her asked.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but my friend and I came here to commiserate privately.”

“A pretty thing like you shouldn’t be drinking alone.”

“I’m not.” She placed her elbow on the bar and her chin in her palm. “Exactly what are you, anyway?”

“A Selkie. Why?”

She glanced past the shifter and watched as Timur, a strange look on his face, strolled up behind the man. Timur tapped him on the shoulder. The man turned and looked him up and down before speaking. “Yeah?”

Timur stepped up into the man’s personal space. “I believe the lady said she wasn’t interested.”

“Gimme a minute, I bet I could talk her into all kinds of mischief.” The beast swiveled his head between Timur and Ember, winking at her.

“You’re a Seal, right?” Timur’s voice took on an ominous growl.

“I am.” He stood up, falling short of Timur’s height by a few inches. The creature bowed out his chest. “An Elephant Seal, actually.”

“Ahh, that would explain the nose.” Timur chuckled.

The man grunted.

Ember saw the guy form a fist at his side when he turned around. Without warning he swung, his hand connecting with Timur’s jaw. In awe, she watched as the impact reverberated back through his knuckles and up his arm as if he’d hit something hard, like rock. The Selkie grabbed his hand and hugged it against his chest.

Timur cocked a brow. “I always try to give someone the chance to walk away. You should have taken advantage of my generosity.” He reached out, wrapped his fingers around the Selkie’s neck, and in one smooth move slammed his head down on the surface of the bar. The wood cracked under the force. Timur released him and he fell to the floor in heap.

Ember slapped her palm over her mouth and swallowed. She couldn’t take her gaze off Timur. He was staring down at the shifter, his lips pressed in a firm line.

He glanced up at her. “Don’t look at me like that. Seals are notorious for having a hard head. He’ll come around in an hour…or two.” Timur wiped his palms on his jeans.

“Damn it, Timur! You’re paying for that!” Tucker lifted a trident from the corner and pointed it at them.

“Yeah. Time to go. I think I wore out my welcome again.” He reached for Ember’s hand.

Ember swung around to get Synda’s attention. Her friend was gone. She rose and took a few steps in the direction of the back only to be promptly tugged to a stop. Turning on her heel she spun to face Timur. “Where’s Synda?”

“Kirill had her out of here within a few seconds of walking through the door. They are probably on their way home by now.” He shrugged as he pulled her with him.

She grabbed her jacket from the hook on the wall on her way out the exit, and yanked her hand free as the door closed behind them. “What the hell are you, and why exactly are you always shirtless?”

He crossed his arms and stared at her. She could feel an uncomfortable heat creep up her neck. Ember looked around, anywhere but into his vivid green eyes. The plank sidewalk groaned as the wind picked up and whipped through the boards. Snow drifts formed around the pilings. She stuffed her arms into her coat sleeves and quickly zipped up her jacket. When he didn’t say anything she threw her hands in the air before digging into her jeans pocket to pull out the snowmobile key.

“Never mind.” She walked toward her vehicle. Ember never heard him move. He dropped down in-front of her, his wings extended as if he were some kind of angel. She pulled up short and studied the silver appendages that fluttered in the wind.

He closed the space between them and clasped her face within his palms. “I’ll be anything you want me to be.” Timur pressed his mouth to hers, tracing the seam of her lips with his tongue.

Ember grabbed his triceps as he bent her backward over his forearm. She felt his muscles bunch beneath her palms and opened her mouth, giving in to the desires that had been riding her. Twining her tongue with his, she drew him deeper into her mouth. The sweetest flavor of brown sugar raced across her taste buds. She tightened her grip and closed her eyes.

Timur broke the kiss and pulled her upright. She lifted her hand, brushed her lips with her fingers, and opened her eyes. A crooked smile softened the sharp angles of his face. She closed the space between them and swept back a lock of his hair that had fallen forward. He gripped her hand and pulled it down, holding it close to his chest.

Ember held his gaze and whispered, “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Whatever is happening is occurring to both of us. I have to leave for a few weeks, but we can explore this thing between us when I return.” He sighed and tugged the snowmobile key from her other hand. “I need to get you home.”

She shuffled back, putting room between them. “Synda never mentioned you leaving.”

“It was a last minute decision.” The wind howled as the currents grew stronger, blowing his hair into his face. “Come on, before you freeze out here.” He took a few steps forward and tugged on her hand.

Ember planted her feet. “Where are you going?”

“Kirill asked for my help. I need to meet with a coven in the states.”

“Coven, as in witches?” Her curiosity was getting the best of her.


She shook her head. “There is so much going on, so many people, things I don’t understand.”

He cocked his head. “You’re human, and few of you are privy to our existence. Your confusion is to be expected.”

Ember exhaled. “You’re right, so I guess I’m coming with you.”

Timur snapped his head up. “Say that again?”

The breeze died down. She smiled at the look of shock on his face. “Don’t look so surprised. What better way to kick-start my education? I mean, this could work in your favor. I’m great company on long trips.” She snatched the key fob out of his lax palm and turned on her heel, tossing the words over her shoulder. “So, when are we leaving?”

He shook his head and followed her. “No, you’re a human and a fragile one at that.”

“Yeah, but I’m also a cop that got caught off-guard by creatures I didn’t know existed. That
will not
happen again. If I go I promise I
watch your back.”

Ember swung around to face him and watched as he searched her face. She didn’t know what he was looking for, but she would go with him one way or another. She locked her jaw and ground her teeth together.

“Pack light.” He grunted.

She resisted the urge to pump her fist in the air, and instead she took off running. “Race you to the snowmobile. Last one there sits at the back of the plane!”

Chapter Two

Timur looked around the bedroom. The made-up, full-sized bed had never been slept in, since he spent his days in a cave a few miles away. Grabbing a satchel from the hook behind the door, he walked to the armoire and yanked the drawers open, pulling a few pairs of jeans out to stuff in his duffle bag. He was meeting a coven of witches, it’s not like he needed to dress for the occasion. Pressing a finger into the corner of the false bottom he’d made, he grabbed a couple of rolls of cash. He opened the side of the wardrobe and snatched shirts from their hangers. Dropping the bag on the bed as he passed it, he picked his watch up off the nightstand and walked to the window. The night called to him. Staring at the twinkling stars which played hide and seek with the clouds, he wanted to glide through the sky with Ember locked in his embrace. Show her what it was like to be desired and claimed. Watch her expression as they made love under the stars.

He placed his palm on the glass, absorbing the chill. The cold never affected him, heat didn’t bother him, he was constantly numb. That wasn’t exactly true, he’d felt fire course through his veins last night. All because of the kiss he shared with Ember, and it had taken a vast amount of willpower to break away from her. Timur tapped the pane with his fingertips. Taking Ember on this excursion could put her in danger since spell casters weren’t exactly fond of him, either. Still, when she told him she was coming, he’d stood there like a pet rock. On the other hand, if she went along on this field trip he could keep an eye on her. After all, the woman attracted trouble like a magnet and she would probably get into more dilemmas if left to her own devices. Yeah, he’d keep telling himself that.

He’d need to rely on all his senses to negotiate with witches and that could be an issue since Ember was a walking distraction. His people and the magic weavers had a fragile truce. One slip and he could sign over something important, like his life. He continued to argue with himself even as he answered the knock on the door. Synda’s puckered mouth and the way her hands were pushed into her pockets indicated a serious conversation was coming. Damn, he hated those.

“What’s up, Synda?” He took a quick glance at his wrist to imply he was in a hurry.

“Timur, I know you’re doing us a favor, but I wanted to make something clear and I would like to keep it between us.” She pushed the door closed behind her.

“All right. What’s on your mind?”

She cleared her throat. “Listen, Ember is my best friend and I don’t want to see her hurt, especially by a being that she has no clue how to deal with, so…”

“Seriously Synda, spit it out. I have a finite amount of time to do what I need to do and get the hell out of here.”

Synda crossed her arms under her breasts and exhaled. “You know you can be a real asshole.”

He waved his hand in a circular motion in front of him. “I accept that.”

She grunted. “Fine. If you hurt her I will kick your ass.”

“Really, you do remember what I am, right?” He pressed his lips together to keep from laughing.

“On second thought, I’ll have Kirill kick your ass on principle, and I’ll stomp on what’s left when he’s done.”

Unable to hold back the laughter, the barks that escaped through his lips sounded like stones rubbing together. He placed a hand on his abdomen. “Yeah, I welcome that fight. Tell Kirill to be ready and waiting when I get back.”

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