Stone Guardian (5 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Stone Guardian
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“Damn, that sounds good but I have no clue what you’re saying to me,” Ember panted against his cheek.

“I want you. You make me want…so many things.” His tone took on the heavy accent of his first language.

“Exactly how far are we from the hotel?”

“A few blocks, perhaps.” He whispered against her throat.

She stepped out of his embrace. “You need to move it mister, what I have in mind means the coven can wait. Possibly a few days.”

His smile was slow and his cock jerked in his slacks. The soft touch of her fingers on his cheek had him turning his face into her palm. Timur covered her hand with his and pulled it down his body, settling it over the rigid length of his shaft.

Ember looked down at their hands before lifting her face to meet his gaze. The half smirk that lifted the corner of her mouth made him want to kiss her again. “Impressive, but actions speak much louder than words.”

“It’s not polite to keep a lady waiting.” He scooped her up in his arms and swung her around.

Her throaty laugh spurred him on. The way her eyes lit up had him twirling her around again. She leaned into his chest, kissing the hollow of his throat. He approached an area where the overgrown foliage stretched up high on both sides of the trail, casting deep shadows that blocked out the illumination shed by the park lights. A large boulder surrounded by smaller stones loomed at the bend in the track. The discomfort between his shoulder blades returned. He lowered Ember to her feet. Keeping her close, he searched the deeper recesses among the trees. As if sensing his disquiet, she studied one area as he watched the other. Maintaining a tight grip on her hand he moved forward prudently.

Men appeared out of the shadows as they moved closer to the rocky outcropping. Others slipped out from the copse of trees on the opposite side of the path. Timur knew he had a problem because they hadn’t bothered to try and hide their faces. He was guessing they planned to kill him and Ember. At the very least he expected the men to try and kidnap them. Someone had leaked something somewhere, and when he was done he would know who.

Anger welled through him, his muscles tightened in anticipation. At least the idiots were human, killing them would be easy. Ember tensed next to him and he was reminded of her fragility. First, he needed to see to her safety. Surprisingly, she dropped to her haunches and started lifting layers up on the bottom of her dress.

“What the hell are you doing?” Timur asked, speaking out of the corner of his mouth.

“Aha!” She straightened, keeping her arm on her side. “Well, I don’t know what the hell you are, so how do I know that you can take on…” She nodded her head toward the strangers. “Five men. I, on the other hand, believe in being prepared.”

He glanced down at her hand. “Where the fuck were you hiding that?”

The men moved closer, surrounding them.

“Between my legs.”

The image of cold metal being warmed by her thighs appeared in his mind’s eye like a giant movie poster. He groaned.

“Hey, Earth to Timur, get your head in the game. We’ve got company, honey,” she whispered coarsely.

“Ye of little faith. Leave this to me.”

“Sorry, can’t do that. Remember, I promised to watch your back.” She glanced up, her smile was wicked.

“Woman, stand down.”

One of the thugs spoke up. “Your wallets and jewelry, now.”

Ember lifted her arm and aimed the forty-five semi-automatic in the direction of the man that made the request. “Can’t help ya, I left my purse at home.”

He laughed. “One gun against five men. You might hit one, maybe two of us if you’re fast, but not all of us.”

Timur cocked his head to the side. “It’s not her you need to worry about.” He growled.

“You know fellas. I’d listen to my guy. I don’t know if you know this, but he’s an artist,” she hollered.

One of the hoods snorted. “What can he do to us?”

Ember shook her head. “Damn, you’re stupid. His medium is death, so back the hell off.”

“Fuck it, I’m tired of talking. We’ll take what we want off your bodies.” An attacker raised his own weapon and fired.

The sound cracked through the night and a flash of fire radiated from the barrel. Everything slowed for Timur as he marked where each man was and anticipated where they would move to. He slid over, placing his body between the bullet and Ember. She swung around positioning her back against his. The bullets ripped through his jacket and shirt, only to bounce off his torso. The thug turned his gun to the side and slammed it against his hand. Behind him Ember was firing her own weapon. He heard grunts.

Timur’s wings split the back of his suit coat and his fangs elongated. These assholes had dared to screw with his night and attack his woman. His hands curled into claws. He glanced over his shoulder. Ember had dropped into a crouch, making herself a smaller target, her gun held straight out before her. She glanced up at him and winked, and a look of pure glee etched her features.

Two men ran at them, claiming his attention. To keep her safe he knew he needed to end the assault swiftly. He took to the air flying straight up. Puzzled, their assailants stopped and let their heads fall back to stare at him. Timur tucked in his wings and plunged from the sky, landing on one man while he reached for the other at the same time. He wrapped his talons around the guy’s head, lifted him, and flicked his wrist. The low crack was a clear indication he’d snapped the thug’s spine. More shots were fired, drilling into his torso before falling to the ground. He swiveled his head to see who dared to keep shooting at them. His vision tunneled and concrete shattered under his feet as he sprinted for the man.

He stopped short, pressing his chest up against the gun barrel. The hood’s hand shook, making the muzzle leave burn marks on Timurs tattered jacket. “What the hell are you?”

“I’m tired of people asking me that.” His words were jumbled as he spoke around the fangs crowding his mouth. “I am exactly what you should fear. When you step into hell say hi to my boss.”

The gangster’s hand jerked when he fired and the bullet ricocheted off Timur’s chest and spiraled back down the barrel, sending metal shavings flying as the iron imploded from the reverse trajectory. It exploded out the other side and into the face of the man trying to mug him and Ember. Blood sprayed into the air and across Timur’s torso, and the mugger fell backward. Timur looked down and watched the crimson liquid start to pool around his head. The silence was unnerving. He spun on a clawed foot in search of Ember, only to find her sitting on the chest of a downed man, his glassy eyes staring up into nothingness. Her legs were crossed at her ankles and her forty-five rested in her loose grasp. In the background he could hear sirens.

Ember dropped her gun in her lap and clapped her hands together. “So, you’re a demon?”

“Nope, and don’t look so happy. Demons are a whole other entity in our world.” He shook his head for emphasis and shifted. Seams had broken when he allowed his beast to take over and his clothes hung in shreds from his body. Timur pulled a handkerchief from his inside coat pocket and wiped his cheek. “Come on, the police will be here soon.” He took a few steps and offered her his hand.

“My happiness has nothing to do with you being a demon. I was simply ecstatic to finally know what you are, and I’m not moving until you tell me. What are you?” She sighed as she pulled up her dress to expose a toned thigh.

“Are you really going to try and have this discussion with me now?” Disbelief laced his voice. He couldn’t keep his gaze off the long expanse of her legs.

“Uh-huh. Why would you infer to that poor bastard that you were a demon? You probably scared the guy to death, literally.” Ember placed her gun in the black holster.

“That was the point. What about your ‘he’s an artist’ bit? What the hell was that about?” He looked around and counted the bodies. “Where’s the fifth man?”

“I thought it made you sound menacing! Oh, I let him get away. He got one look at you and started running, that way.” She lifted her chin in the direction the last guy had gone before continuing, “I figured you could track him down at your convenience, you being a demon and all. Seriously, we need to get you a tag line, like a superhero or something.”

“I’m nobody’s fucking hero.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “And I am not a damn demon!”

The shriek of the sirens drew closer.

“Ember, I will leave you here,” he growled.

“Okay.” She shrugged.

“Woman, seriously, we need to leave.”

“What are you, Timur?” She put her arms behind her and leaned back.

“I’m a gargoyle,” he grunted.

“See, was that so hard?” She rose and smoothed the wrinkles from her dress. Kicking off her shoes, she snatched them up before sauntering over to him. Throwing her arms around his neck, she leaned in close. “Better move fast, the cops will be here shortly.”

“I will make you pay for this little act of defiance.” He secured her in his embrace and launched them up into the sky.

* * * *

Her feet touched down on a rooftop and she took in their surroundings. An abundance of plants covered the space and a triangular shaped pane of windows rose up from the center of the expanse. Tucked in among the greenery were full size statues of gargoyles, and each wore a different expression. Chairs and tables were spread out giving the place a homey feel. She circled the garden roof top, trailed her fingers across the furniture, and dropped her shoes.

“Where are we?” Ember stopped to study one of the many statues. She rested her arm on its shoulder and tilted her head toward it. “A cousin?”

“You are full of jokes, aren’t you? No, a diversion. This is my home and if anyone should ever find it…well, my enemies will have a hard time trying to figure out exactly which one I am.”

“You rent the roof?”

“I own the building.”


“What, no snappy comeback?”

Ember moved to another section of the garden. “I got nothing. Every time I think I have you figured out, you surprise me.”

His smile made her heart beat so fast she felt it in her throat. She rubbed her palms together and turned to walk down another little trail. Pebbles bit into the soles of her feet as she followed the meandering path. Ember ended up where she started and found Timur leaning back in a patio chair facing a fire pit.

“Finished stalling?” he inquired as he lit a match and flicked it into the wide clay bowl.

“I was checking out my surroundings.”

“Uh-huh. What’s the real reason you wanted to come on this trip, Ember?” He pinned her in his unrelenting green gaze.

She resisted the urge to squirm. “You honestly want to know?”

“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.”

Ember strolled up to him, placing herself directly in front of Timur. She combed the errant red strands hanging over his forehead away from his face. Sliding her fingers down his temple, she realized his skin was smooth and cool to the touch. “Why are you always cold?”

She swallowed when his lips lifted in a self-deprecating half-smile. He wrapped his fingers around her wrist and pulled her hand away. “I’m a granite beast, Ember, my soul froze a long time ago.”

“Then it’s time to get you warm, Timur. I originally came because I wanted to help. Synda is my best friend, closer to me than my actual family, not that I have any left. But I did have an ulterior motive.”

“Honestly Ember, what is it with you and Synda dragging things out? Tell me why you’re here and get it over with.” He released her arm.

She hiked her skirt up and crawled into his lap, settling her calves outside his thighs. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“No, spell it out and put it in terms I understand.”

“I want you.”

Chapter Five

Ember studied his expression as he cocked his head to the side, his brows drawn together. “Were you hit on the head?’ He smoothed a hand over her braids before letting it fall to his side. “Didn’t you see what I turned into?”

“I did.” She leaned in and pressed her lips to his.

Timur wrapped his fingers around her knees and tightened his grip as she inched closer. Frothy layers of deep red silk flew up between them, preventing her from getting next to him. She skimmed her hands up his forearms, felt his muscles tense beneath her palm. Ember pushed her tongue past his lips and ran it along his teeth. He slid his hands up her thighs and dug fingertips into her ass. Timur wedged his erection into the apex between her legs while the fabric bunched up between their bodies.

He dropped his head back, resting it on his seat. Light reflected off his eyes like it would a cat, and she caught a glimpse of his beast. “Take off the dress before I tear the damn thing off,” he growled.

She reared back. “Gimme a minute.” Ember reached for the side zipper.

The fabric rustled as he ran his hands beneath the material along her side and the ripping sound made her pull her arm back. “I liked this dress.”

“Fuck that. I’ll buy you another one.” He rose and set her on her feet. The gown slithered slowly down her body and pooled around her feet, revealing her breasts, belly, and finally her pussy. Self-conscious, she squirmed as she stood before Timur, wearing only a thong and a leg holster. He licked his lips and grabbed her hand, pulling her toward the French doors.

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