Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth (27 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #Political Science / Political Ideologies / Conservatism & Liberalism, #Political Science / Commentary & Opinion

BOOK: Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth
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How many people have benefited from reparations in this country? My grandfather was an immigrant who died in his tailor shop at forty-seven from overwork.

Should I pay reparations?

It is my opinion that this administration is bent on crushing U.S. hegemony and power and rolling our country into just another card in the deck of cards called the new world order.

Winning the War

Despite the fact that the Obama administration appears to me to have no qualms about starting a second civil war, and despite what I’ve said about middle-of-the-road Republicans who too often side with their Democratic adversaries, I’m telling you that our resistance must be a peaceful resistance. It must be waged through the ballot box, or else this country will descend into chaos and violence.

I want to give you an overview of what we need to do in order to win both houses of Congress in 2014 and to elect a Republican president in 2016.

As I see it, we—and I mean Republicans and Independents generally—must return to being a nationalist party, a party that understands that such actions as cutting entitlement spending will spur us to take action against the leftist takeover that is occurring before our very eyes.

If you listen to my show at all, you know that I believe that Republicans—with a few exceptions—are unwilling to stand up and confront Obama regarding his legislation and policies. But if Obama is successful in regaining control of the House of Representatives while he retains the Senate, he will be able to fully control all legislation, and even the weak Republican opposition we currently have will vanish.

It’s too early to tell if a committed Tea Party politician can become the Republican Party candidate for president in 2016.
Much as I like and respect most of what I hear from Ted Cruz, we must make sure that all Republicans will unite behind a candidate such as Cruz in 2016 before we choose him to represent the Republican Party in the 2016 presidential election.

The good news is that by the early summer of 2014, selection of candidates for the midterm elections indicated to me that the conservatives and the mainstream Republicans might be mending fences, that they may be trying to find a way to work together. I hope that is the case.

That’s because, most important, we must find a way to unite Republicans and conservatives to develop a majority that can attain the presidency in 2016.

We must have someone in office after 2016 who can and will issue executive orders that reverse the damage that Obama’s executive orders have done. Someone who can purge every last radical Obama appointee. We must find a way to replace them, not with Republican knee-jerkers, but with traditionalists and nationalists, if we are to save the nation.

Americans are crying for a return to patriotism and nationalism here, the same kind of national pride that we saw the Russians display at the Sochi Olympics.

We must somehow find a Republican candidate who is acceptable to the Republican mainstream—even as we gradually weed them out of the Republican Party over time—and yet who will uphold the Constitution and the rule of law.

Cleaning up the Republican Party and repurposing it to again become the party that is committed to true American values is something that must be done over time. We must unite Republicans for the 2014 and 2016 elections if we hope to topple the Obama administration.

And the time is right to do just that.

Democrats are in a panic as they watch the instruments of control that they’ve put in place, such as ObamaScare and the IRS, lose favor in the public’s eyes, crumbling under the weight of their own corruption. The president’s popularity and approval ratings are plummeting as millions of Americans lose their health-care insurance and their hope of surviving serious illness.

Proof of their panic can be seen in the way they’re already attacking potential Republican candidates who might run against Hillary Clinton—or against Obama himself if he decides to discard even the illusion of giving up the control he has done so much to amass. They’re trying desperately to create the appearance of a scandal with New Jersey governor Chris Christie. It’s so far-fetched—creating a traffic jam on the world’s busiest bridge—it just might work. Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has worked miracles in his state, and so Democrats are doing everything they can to try to prove some sort of campaign finance trickery by pinning a guilt-by-association rap on Walker because of alleged irregularities committed by one of his campaign donors.

I’m waiting to see how they might attack Dr. Ben Carson, who has emerged as a principled conservative who might run for the presidency in 2016.

Obama himself warned that his party might get “clobbered” in the midterm elections coming up. In a meeting with donors, Obama explained that “our politics in Washington have become so toxic that people just lose faith… and that’s especially true during the midterms.” What Obama is not admitting is that his policies have so badly hurt the blacks and Hispanics his party needs to turn out for elections that many of them are not even going to vote in the 2016 presidential
election. The only thing Obama has in common with his core constituency is the color of his skin. Which is why he and his minions give one race-baiting speech after another. The president is an Ivy League elitist who cares for Americans’ problems only when it serves his agenda.

I’ve mentioned the need to keep the Republican Party together for the near future if we are determined to win the upcoming elections. The problem with a third party is that it will absolutely destroy any chance of defeating the Democrats.

Of course we’d all like an honest third party that has a chance to win. I’ve talked about a nationalist party before, one that focuses on borders, language, and culture. And that is still the message that needs to be delivered. But right now, I don’t think even Ronald Reagan could win as a third-party candidate. Look at what happened when H. Ross Perot came along in the early 1990s with his third party. All he did was suck votes away from the Republicans and get Bill Clinton elected.

I think the answer is a strong, truly conservative plank inside the Republican Party. It can be done.

First, we—and by “we” I mean the rapidly expanding number of Americans who understand that our freedoms are being taken away daily and that we risk the loss of every positive thing America has stood for—must win back control of the U.S. Senate and add to our control of the House. Only then can we even start the process of restoring the United States to greatness.

Beyond 2014, we must also begin to focus on the upcoming presidential election. And while I understand that Mitt Romney proved to be a weak candidate in 2012—and that we lost that election primarily because Romney would not even put up a fight after he demolished Obama in their first debate—it’s
likely that we’ll get another Romney-like candidate in 2016, if not Romney himself, who has suddenly reappeared, mouthing the criticisms of Obama that he hadn’t the courage to say during the presidential campaign.

As of this writing I’m not predicting who the Republican candidate might be, but whoever it is, we must get that candidate elected.

We must also understand the challenges we face even if we do elect a Republican as the next president.

The Republican Party is a compromised party. It has come to stand for little more than what the Democratic oligarchy stands for. As of the fall of 2014, we don’t know whether Ted Cruz can win a presidential election. Whatever we do, we must select a Republican who can win the presidency and who will reassert the positions and values we stand for when he occupies the Oval Office.

Ultimately, if you do not stand for the principles on which this country was founded and on which it has risen to be the most powerful nation on earth, the whole house of cards will collapse. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have what’s necessary to rebuild our country. They no longer have the trust of the American people.

If All Else Fails…

I began this book by expressing my fear of a war between Americans orchestrated by Barack Obama. Although I sought to draw a parallel between our sixteenth and forty-fourth presidents, it was not my intention to desecrate Abraham Lincoln or what he has come to represent. Though I vehemently
disagree with his centralized-government policies, Lincoln owns a worthy place in the tapestry of our great republic. The American Civil War began only a month after his first inauguration. Unlike Obama’s, Lincoln’s war was not the result of an intricately planned and implemented agenda. Our sixteenth president was far more a victim of his circumstances than the person who occupies the Oval Office today.

And anyhow, the comparisons between Lincoln and Obama are not originally mine. They belong to Obama himself. If you feel the need to comment derisively about how I handled Lincoln’s legacy here, call the White House, because that’s where your anger should be directed.

The truth is, Obama doesn’t come close to being the man Lincoln was.

Maybe the biggest difference between Obama and Lincoln is their oratorical talent. Given the chance, Obama would use all the syllables in the dictionary in a single speech, where Lincoln was a master of the economy of words.

Perhaps the most poignant words he ever uttered came at the site of the most devastating battle ever fought on American soil:

That we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Lincoln spoke these immortal words on November 19, 1863, four and a half months after the battle of Gettysburg.

On the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address,
Obama chose not to honor those who gave their lives in that battle.

Instead, he sent Sally Jewell to represent him.



Sally Jewell was the United States secretary of the interior.

While Jewell was carrying out the duty that the president himself should have attended to, Obama was speaking to a roomful of CEOs about his economic policies.

The president of the United States thought that speaking at a donor “meet and greet” was more important than attending the anniversary of the battle that began the end of slavery.

You shouldn’t be surprised.

The devil once said that his greatest trick was convincing you he didn’t exist.

Obama’s greatest trick is convincing us that he has our best interests at heart.

As I see it, he has only a dictator’s interests at heart. And he must be stopped.

How can that be done?

If only 10 percent—even 5 percent!—of those of you who voted Democratic in the last two elections vote Republican in 2014 and 2016, you can save this country.

Though I fear the worst, I also have the greatest faith in the patriotic resolve in America. According to a poll conducted in September 2013, more than 20 percent of Americans identify themselves as members of the Tea Party.
Another 42 percent of voters, many of whom may be Tea Partiers, identify as Independent.

Most would consider them outnumbered in their quest
to bring our country back to its former glory. It’s not a fair fight, the pundits say.

Not me. If this large block of voters actually voted against the treason, incompetence, and indifference, they could save the nation.

I hear the roar of those patriotic voices every day on my national radio show. I feel the conviction in their belief, I sense the soundness of their ideals, and I hear the strong beats of their patriotic hearts.

Chapter 1: Graduating to Treason?

“Transcript: Attorney general Eric Holder’s speech to Morgan State University graduates,”
Washington Post
, May 17, 2014 (

“Jay Rockefeller Says Racism Behind Opposition to Obama,” YouTube, May 8, 2014 (

Tapper, Jake, “Fellow Soldiers Call Bowe Bergdahl a Deserter, Not a Hero,”, June 4, 2014 (

Szathmary, Zoe, “Now the White House Says Hagel Made Final Call on Bergdahl as Criticism of Obama over Prisoner Swap Mounts,”
Daily Mail
, June 10, 2014 (

Morrissey, Ed, “Hillary on Taliban 5: These Five Guys Are Not a Threat to the United States,”
Hot Air
, June 11, 2014 (

Tumulty, Karen, “Bergdahl Release Arrangement Could Threaten the Safety of Americans, Republicans Say,”
Washington Post
, May 31, 2014 (

Weaver, Matthew, “Isis declares caliphate in Iraq and Syria,”
The Guardian
, June 30, 2014 (

Chulov, Martin, “Iran sends troops into Iraq to aid fight against ISIS militants,”
The Guardian
, June 14, 2014 (

“Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children,”, January 29, 2014 (

“An Orchestrated Immigration Wave at the Texas Border? Not So Paranoid to Think So,”
Investor’s Business Daily
, June 13, 2014 (

Howell, Kellan, “Border Agent Laments Gang Members Entering U.S.: ‘Why Are We Letting Him in Here?’ ”
Washington Times
, June 14, 2014 (

“Rampant Sex at Illegal Alien Child Shelters,” Pat Dollard, June 10, 2014 (

Dinan, Stephen, “Border Patrol Agents Forced to Change Diapers, Heat Baby Formula for Surge of Illegal Immigrant Children,” Fox Nation, June 15, 2014 (

“Savage: Media ‘Hiding’ Illegal-Alien Disease Threat,”
World Net Daily
, July 3, 2014 (

Starnes, Todd, “Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest,”, July 2, 2013 (

Lee, Tony, “Jan Brewer: MS-13 Gang Members Could Be Crossing Border with Children,”
, June 13, 2014 (

Zoroya, Gregg, “100,000 Veterans Face Long Waits to See VA Doctors,”
USA Today
, June 10, 2014 (

Dinan, Stephen, “Tip of the Iceberg: Senator Coburn Says VA Scandal Goes Deeper Than Wait Lists,”
Washington Times
, June 14, 2014 (

Quoted in Jasper, William F., “Last Man Standing: Nevada Ranch Family in Fedgov Face-off,”
New American
, April 11, 2014 (

Chapter 2: The Long March

“The Majority of Home Purchases Are Now Being Done by Cash Buyers,” Dr. Housing Bubble (

Katusa, Marin, “The ‘Colder War’ and the End of the Petrodollar,”
, May 29, 2014 (

Adask, Alfred, “A US BRICS Currency War,”
International Forecaster
, April 5, 2014 (

Melloy, John, “Inflation Actually Near 10% Using Older Measure,” CNBC, April 12, 2011 (

“How the NSA Is Tracking People Right Now,”
Washington Post

“Most online accounts investigated by NSA belong to ordinary Internet users, report claims,”, July 6, 2014 (

Hicks, Josh, “Issa Report: IRS Applied ‘Systematic Scrutiny’ Only to Conservative Groups,”
Washington Post
, April 7, 2014 (,

Dickson, Sam, “Shattering the Icon of Abraham Lincoln,” Institute for Historical Review (

Chapter 3: The War on Our Borders, Language, and Culture

Churchwell, Logan, “Illegal Immigrants Released into Texas to Ease Over-Crowding of Detention Centers,”
, March 26, 2014 (

O’Keefe, Makenzie, “Man Rescued During September Floods Looks to Sue Rescuers,” CBS Denver, March 4, 2014 (

“Illegal Alien May Sue Firefighters Who Rescued Him from Flood Waters,” Local 12 WKRC Cincinnati,

Spagat, Elliot, “Migrants Seek to Enter US in San Diego Protest,”
Yahoo! News
, March 10, 2014 (

Dinan, Stephen, “Deportations Come Mostly from Border, DHS Chief Says,”
Washington Times
, March 12, 2014 (

“ICE Texas Field Offices Remove More Than 800 Sex Offenders So Far This Year: More Than 2,000 Removed Every Year in Past 3 Years,”, press release, March 13, 2014 (

Ibanez, Camila, “Full Families Challenge U.S.-Mexico Border with Mass Reentry,” Waging Nonviolence, March 10, 2014 (

“The Dream Act by Executive Order Draws in New Wave of Illegal Immigrants,”
Investor’s Business Daily
, December 26, 2013 (

“U.S. Frees 36,007 Illegal Aliens with Serious Criminal Convictions,”
Judicial Watch
, May 13, 2014 (

Adams, Becket, “Obama Promises Hispanics: Your Obamacare Signup Info Will Not Be Used to Track Down Family Members Who Are Here Illegally,”
, March 18, 2014 (

Starr, Penny, “DHS Secretary on Illegal Aliens: ‘They’re Here, and They’re Not Going Away,’ ”, February 7, 2014 (

Starr, Penny, “Homeland Security Secretary: Illegals Have ‘Earned Right to be Citizens,”, January 24, 2014 (

May, Caroline, “Jeh Johnson: DHS Already Preparing to Implement Immigration Reform,”
Daily Caller
, February 7, 2014 (

Lee, Tony, “Report: Obama Admin Slashing Fines for Businesses Caught Hiring Illegals,”
, February 26, 2014 (

Carroll, Conn, “Democrats Choose Immigrant Fraudsters over Veterans and Unemployed,”
, January 10, 2014 (

“Freeing Workers from the Insurance Trap,”
New York Times
, February 4, 2014 (

Cefaratti, Todd, “Ex-CBO Chief: Obamacare Subsidies Create a Disincentive for Working Just Like Welfare,”
, February 20, 2014 (

Buchanan, Patrick J., “End of the Line for the Welfare State?”, February 11, 2014 (

Taylor, Kristinn, “Black Labor Force Participation Rate Under Obama Hits Rock Bottom—Lowest Level Ever Recorded,”
Gateway Pundit
, January 13, 2014 (

Martel, Frances, “Charter School Parents, Opponents Sue NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio,”
, March 10, 2014 (

Watson, Paul Joseph, “The War on Men: 10 Ways Masculinity is Under Attack,”, February 19, 2014 (

MacIntosh, Jeane, “Obama Wants Marines to Wear ‘Girly’ Hats,”
New York Post
, October 23, 2013 (

Maloof, F. Michael, “Top Generals: Obama Is ‘Purging the Military,’ ”
, October 31, 2013 (

Quoted in Starnes, Todd, “Pentagon Training Manual: White Males Have Unfair Advantages,” Fox News, October 31, 2013 (

Starr, Penny, “DOD Reviewing Its ‘Equal Opportunity’ Training—After Anti-Christian Materials Exposed,”, January 7, 2014 (

Starr, Penny, “DOD to Continue Using Liberal Southern Poverty Law Center as Training Resource,”, February 24, 2014 (

Bedard, Paul, “ ‘Shocked’ Anti-Defamation League Slaps FBI ‘Diss’ on Hate Crimes,”
Washington Examiner
, March 26, 2014 (

Klukowski, Ken, “Air Force: Christians’ Religious Speech Not Legally Protected Right,”
, March 16, 2014 (

Lowry, Rich, “The Strange Hate for ‘Lone Survivor,’ ”
New York Post
, January 21, 2014 (

Reilly, Ryan J., “DOJ Plans to Recognize More Rights for Same-Sex Couples,”
Huffington Post
, February 8, 2014 (

Hollingsworth, Barbara, “Planned Parenthood Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens,”
, February 26, 2014 (

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