Stray Souls (Magicals Anonymous) (55 page)

Read Stray Souls (Magicals Anonymous) Online

Authors: Kate Griffin

Tags: #Fiction / Occult & Supernatural, #Fiction / Fantasy - Contemporary, #Fiction / Action & Adventure

BOOK: Stray Souls (Magicals Anonymous)
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Chapter 25: Follow Your Heart

Chapter 26: Do Not Invite Calamity Into Your Home

Chapter 27: Dreams Are the Story of the Soul

Chapter 28: Sally

Chapter 29: Tardiness Is the Parent of Sloth

Chapter 30: To Strive for Perfection in Your Endeavours Is to Achieve Perfection in Yourself

Chapter 31: Do Not Judge by Appearance

Chapter 32: Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto Yourself

Chapter 33: Let Your Surroundings Reflect Yourself

Chapter 34: Within Yourself, You Will Find the Answer

Chapter 35: Chris

Chapter 36: Patience Shall Be Rewarded

Chapter 37: Still Body, Focused Mind

Chapter 38: Mr Roding

Chapter 39: Language Is God’s Gift to Man

Chapter 40: There Is Always a Solution

Chapter 41: Reflect But Do Not Dwell Upon the Past

Chapter 42: Sammy

Chapter 43: Always Offer Friendship in Adversity

Chapter 44: Edna

Chapter 45: If You Cannot Solve a Problem, Work Round It Until You See the Light

Chapter 46: Dog

Chapter 47: The Truth Is Just Beneath the Surface

Chapter 48: Kevin

Chapter 49: The Truth Is Buried Beneath

Chapter 50: 4 Ninja Builders

Chapter 51: The Only Thing We Need Fear Is Fear Itself

Chapter 52: To Disrespect Others Is to Demean Yourself

Chapter 53: Matthew

Chapter 54: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Chapter 55: Dr Seah

Chapter 56: A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step

Chapter 57: If at First You Don’t Succeed…

Chapter 58: A Friend In Need Is a Friend Indeed

Chapter 59: Of Wise Men and Healers

Chapter 60: Honesty Is the Best Path to Friendship

Chapter 61: Gretel

Chapter 62: Hell Is Other People

Chapter 63: United We Stand

Chapter 64: There Are No Secrets Between Friends

Chapter 65: A Puppy Is For Life, Not Just For Christmas

Chapter 66: He Is Perverse, You Are Stubborn, I Am Determined

Chapter 67: Jess

Chapter 68: All (Man)Kind Are My Kin

Chapter 69: Be Loving to Your Pets

Chapter 70: Family Is Everything

Chapter 71: When the Going Gets Tough…

Chapter 72: Mrs Rafaat

Chapter 73: … The Tough Rise to the Occasion

Chapter 74: To Prosper and Grow Is Only Human

Chapter 75: A Dog Is a Man’s Best Friend

Chapter 76: Eddie

Chapter 77: Listen Well and You Shall Learn

Chapter 78: Sharon

Chapter 79: Have a Little Sour With Your Sweet

Chapter 80: To Go to the Heart of the Matter

Chapter 81: I Am Beautiful, I Am Wonderful…

Chapter 82: I Have A Secret…

Chapter 83: The Secret Is…

Chapter 84: Anonymous, Assemble!

Chapter 85: The Dark Is Merely Light Unseen

Chapter 86: The End of Today Is Merely the Dawn of Tomorrow

Chapter 87: Man’s Greatest Gift Is Reason

Chapter 88: Victory Is in the Preparation

Chapter 89: To Fail to Plan Is to Plan to Fail

Chapter 90: A Fond Reunion Is a Form of Rebirth

Chapter 91: Our Staff Are Here to Help

Chapter 92: Look Your Fate in the Eye

Chapter 93: Expect the Unexpected

Chapter 94: If Life Throws You Lemons…

Chapter 95: … Make Some Lemonade

Chapter 96: The Past Is Another Country

Chapter 97: A Transport of Delights

Chapter 98: Form Serves Function

Chapter 99: Actions Have Consequences

Chapter 100: Recycle Your Household Waste

Chapter 101: All Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Chapter 102: Regret Never Helped Anyone

Chapter 103: Destruction Is Merely an Alteration of a State of Being

Chapter 104: Just When You Think It Can’t Get Worse…

Chapter 105: Let Yourself Go

Chapter 106: Embrace the Spirit of the Thing

Chapter 107: Death Is Only the Beginning

Chapter 108: A Girl’s Gotta Do What a Girl’s Gotta Do

Chapter 109: You Cannot Outrun Fate

Chapter 110: Mr Ruislip

Chapter 111: All Good Things Come to Those Who Wait


Meet the Author

A Preview of
The Troupe

By Kate Griffin




This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2012 by Catherine Webb

Excerpt from
The Troupe
copyright © 2012 by Robert Jackson Bennett

All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.


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First e-book edition: October 2012

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ISBN 978-0-316-23174-9

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