Strike (21 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Ryder

BOOK: Strike
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I’d won a handful of rounds this season, but I never thought a win, one that I’d worked harder than ever for, would feel like this.


I can’t celebrate the victory with the one person I want to the most. I wanna hold April, kiss the fuck out of her in front of everyone, but it can’t happen until we’re behind closed doors. It makes me want to storm off and sulk like a fucking kid.

I thought I’d feel different April being here, and I do, but having her in my heart, and not being able to hold her in my arms after a win like that? It’s a fucking killer. I might as well have come last for the shit feeling I have inside.

As we walk up onto the podium I see April in the crowd, taking photos. She lowers the camera and smiles, blowing me a kiss. It slams me fair in the chest, lifting my mood. We’ll tell Mac soon, and all the secrecy will be over.

“Congrats, mate. You fuckin’ nailed it today,” Stone says, standing next to me.

“Thanks, you too. Tough track, huh?”

Stone moves in closer and elbows me in the arm. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’d found a source of inspiration.”

The fucker knows
. I can tell by the way he’s gawking at me, eyebrows raised like he’s a mind-reader.

“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”

He shakes his head and leans in close. “I’m not a fuckin’ idiot. I haven’t seen you with another girl since April came strutting into practise a few weeks ago. I watched the way you looked at each other today. I know love, Jones. The way your face fuckin’ lights up when you’re sending texts and sneaking out to make phone calls? I see it, and I know it because I have it, mate.”

All I can do is stare at him. He’s called me on it. I don’t wanna tell him about her, but I don’t wanna deny it, because deep down I want the world to know she’s mine. I just can’t do it here. Not until she’s ready.

“You’re secret’s safe, mate. You’d better keep it way, though, otherwise Mac will have your balls, and anything else he can get his hands on.”

Thanks for the reminder, fucker.

“Yeah, thanks.”

“Anyway, good ride. Fuck me if you didn’t make me work today.”

I shake his hand, and he pulls me into a hug. “Thanks, Stone,” I say, my voice gruff.

It felt good to hear Aidan congratulate me. More than I’d ever thought it would. And here I was, worried about how he’d react. Instead, I’d earned his respect. He’s a better guy than I give him credit for. Even though I’m an arsehole to him sometimes, he’s so team-spirited. I’m fucking lucky to have such an awesome team. Well, really, they’re like … family.

Mac clambers up the steps to the podium, and the tall, bald guy with the microphone moves closer to him. When the guy turns, I realise it’s Greg Bates, one of the MX head honchos. I’d totally forgotten he’d signed up for World’s Greatest Shave to raise money. The full head of wild brown hair he usually sports is completely gone, the late afternoon sun shining down on his smooth scalp.

“A well-deserved win for the Yamaha boys today, Mac. Congratulations,” Greg says, pointing the mic at Mac.

“Cheers, Greg. Yeah, our riders are the fastest in the series right now, and I couldn’t be happier with where we’re placed leading into the final round,” Mac says and nods.

“The team’s been racing consistently, with some good championship points,” Greg continues.

“Yeah, I’m expecting a one-two finish, but as for which one of our boys will take the championship? It’s anyone’s guess.” Mac lifts his chin towards Stone and I, and grins like crazy.

“Jones,” Greg says, turning his attention and the mic to me. “Good to have you up on the podium again. You had some good starts today, running in the lead group in the opening laps. You clocked some impressive times.”

“Good to be here, Greg. I’m real happy with my fitness and had some good speed today, especially my sprint pace. I’ve got a good team behind me, and a win like this has me hungry for next round.”

Greg turns to Stone. “Stone, you nearly had it today, and with the points on the board you’re still a strong contender for the championship. What are you planning on bringing to the final round?”

Stone rubs his stubbly chin and chuckles. “Everything I’ve got, mate.”

Greg has a few quick words with Parker from the KTM team who placed third, but I don’t take any of it in, because at this point my only focus is April smiling in the crowd.
Can we just get fucking naked in bed already?

We step off the podium and the crowd quietens down as it starts to disperse.

“The man of the moment. How’s it feel, Jones?” Mac says, holding his hand out.

I take it and his large hand grips mine firmly as we shake. He’s a good man, and he’s always had my back. Deep down, even though he knows I’m a womaniser, Mac still somehow sees past that. I hope to Christ he continues to back me. Hell, I can only try so hard and push myself so far. Maybe after today he’ll see the good in me. April believes it’s there. I hope he can too.

“Pretty good, Mac. Pretty fucking good.”

“I’m proud of you, boy. Fucking proud.”

Proud. My new favourite word. I try not to let him see how much those words mean to me. If only my own father would say it …
maybe after the win today he will
. If he can just see how serious I am about this, he’ll understand that this is my life.

“Ride like this next round and the championship’s yours, boy.”

Wow. He’s right. With the points I have, I can do it. It’s so close I can touch it.
Eyes on the prize.

“That’s the plan, Mac. That’s the plan,” I reply.

Now, more than anything, I just wanna get home.




After driving like a madman from the airport, I pull up out front of her apartment as if my brakes had failed. I’m barely out of the car when April runs and hugs me, wrapping her legs around my hips. I plant my feet firm to the ground and grab her arse, holding my girl tight as I drink in her sweet scent.

“You were fucking awesome!” she says excitedly.

I kiss her sweet lips like a hungry animal and then bury my head in her neck. Her pulse beats hard against my mouth.

“Fuck I missed you today,” I growl into her ear.

I lean back to kiss her again. Her eyes are filled with tears. She tries to smile, but her lips quiver.

“I’m sorry,” she says, and sniffs back her runny nose.

“What for?”

“I know I was there, but I wasn’t really
for you. I wanted to hug the shit out of you when you’d won. I’d thought all day about telling him … about us … but I couldn’t do it. I hate this.”

I know this is hurting her, but what am I supposed to say? We need to tell him, but it’s up to her. Not my call.

“Don’t get upset over it, beautiful. We’ll work it out.” I lower her to the ground and smooth the tears from her face. It fucking kills me to see her cry. It’s downright awful. “Come on, let’s get inside. I need a long hot shower and a snuggle with my girl.”


Monday morning

“Where the hell are you? We were supposed to meet for breakfast in the office at seven,” Dad barks into the phone at ten minutes past the meeting time.

There’s no way I would’ve agreed to a seven am breakfast meeting straight after competing in a round.
Eloise, you’ve fucked me again.

“I’m still in bed, Dad,” I say, my voice raspy.
With a gorgeous woman wrapped around me. That’s fucking where.
“Besides that, it seems like the woman you hired to be my assistant isn’t doing much in the way of assisting. I didn’t know.”

“Well hurry up and get your arse in here, Spencer. I had to push back some things to deal with that sickness of yours on Friday,
might I add, I’m still pissed about it.” He’s got that angry-man tone that I can’t say I miss. I would’ve thought he’d be caffeinated by now.

“Dad, I’m not comin’ in today.”

“Do I have to give you the lecture again about commitment? Because it seems the last one went in one ear and out the other.”

Is he even gonna ask me about last round? He knew I was away this past weekend. Sometimes I wonder if he even gives a shit about me.

“I won the round yesterday, Dad. Smashed it.”

“Oh. Good. So why aren’t you coming in? You’re obviously home.” The tone is his voice softens slightly, but I don’t understand how he can be so dismissive of the win. It’s all business with this fucker. He just doesn’t get how demanding the sport is. Motocross isn’t a fucking ride through fields of daisies. It’s one of the most physically challenging sports there is, and the ache in my muscles is testimony to how hard I’ve worked.
How about congratulations?

“I need a day to recover. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hang up the phone before he gets the chance to take me down from this high. I just wish he’d let me enjoy it for once.

I let out a resigned breath out and slide my arm around April’s naked waist.

“You okay?” she asks, her eyes full of understanding. She knows what a prick Dad can be sometimes.

“Yeah. It’s just … racing is the only thing that’s mine, the one thing I got to choose. My dad thinks it’s a phase, that I won’t build a lasting career out of it. Would it fucking kill him to at least congratulate me?”

“I’m sure he means to. Maybe he’s not good with words.”

She’s too kind.

“Ha! You give him too much credit. Maybe if I win the championship he’ll take notice. I just hope I’ve got it in me, otherwise he’ll just see it as another fail.”

“Of course you do. It’s yours. You just have to go get it.”

I slam my lips against hers, slipping my tongue into her pretty mouth. She groans low in her throat as I kiss her with every emotion that’s filled my head during the last twenty-four hours. Needless to say, there’s a fucking lot.

April pulls away, licking at her bottom lip. “What was that for?” she asks, breathless.

“For believing in me … and giving me something else to fight for.”


“The love of a smart, beautiful woman. I wanna make you proud. I wanna do this for you.”

“Promise me you won’t do this for me. You need to do it for you.” She pokes me in the chest, emphasizing her point. “
deserve this. Don’t just exist in your dream, Spencer,
in it. I’ll be there to see you finish first.”

“You’re coming?”

“Of course I am. There’s no way I’d miss it. I just need to sort the flights and stuff.”

“Only if you let me pay this time.”

“We’re not having this argument again,” she says, and purses her pretty lips.

“Why not? I like you all fired up.”

“Shut up. You were an idiot last time.” She throws back the sheet, and arches her back as she stretches. “Come on, we should get out of bed. All this
has made me hungry.”

Is she taking the piss? I was so fucking exhausted last night that after a scalding-hot shower, I’d fallen asleep in her arms. I had, however, always planned on sleepy sex this morning. It’s still my plan.

“What’s your hurry?” I say, rolling her onto her side and sliding my hand over her smooth, bare arse.

My phone buzzes loudly on the bedside table. I should ignore it. I’m going offline today. If it’s Dad again, I’ll rev the shit out of him. Right now, I really don’t give a shit. He needs to give me a break.

“Do you need to get that?” April asks.

“Yeah, I guess.” I lean over and look at the display.

Fuck. I don’t need this now.




“I’ve gotta take this, sorry,” I mumble as I throw the covers off of me.

“Sure,” April says through a yawn.

I leave the room so I can deal with this in private. When I’m far enough away I answer it. “I’ve told you to stop ringing me, Petra,” I growl low into the phone.

“But you
said to call when I was in town, and as luck would have it, I moved here. I know all your dirty fantasies, Jones, and I can’t wait to give them to you all over again. Matter of fact, I’m naked now. I woke up all by myself, hungry for that big cock of yours. You should come over, fuck me good and proper.”

Never stick your dick into crazy.

“I’m seeing someone, not interested.”

Petra cackles into the phone, loud enough that I have to hold it away. “You? Jones has a girlfriend?”

“Like I said, don’t ring me again.”

“Ha! When you get bored, Jones, call me. Because you know you will. You

I disconnect the call before any more of her poisoned words can seep into my head. Acid gurgles up my throat, and I clench my hand around my phone. That’s not me anymore. Surely I could never get bored of April.



The moment he walked into the kitchen, it was like every ounce of happiness had been drained from him. He was pale.

“Everything okay?” I ask, hoping it is.

“Yeah,” he grumbles. He puts his phone down on the kitchen bench and sighs.

“I’m gonna take a shower,” he says, and kisses me on the lips.

“Sure. I’ll whip up some eggs.” I smile sweetly at him, and watch his naked motocross-rider arse strut to the bathroom. Seriously, I will never get tired of that view. You could bounce quarters off that behind.

Was it his dad who’d called? Did he give him a hard time about not going into work? All I know is Spencer’s not happy, whatever it is. I guess if he wants to tell me he will.

I go back to the bedroom, take off my robe and slip on a shirt from his bag. I hope he likes it on me as much as I like my shirt on him. When I get back to the kitchen, I take the milk out of the fridge to make us a coffee.

Spencer’s phone buzzes on the counter in front of me.
flashes on the display. What kind of a name is Pet? Is it a girl?

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