Stripe Tease (2 page)

Read Stripe Tease Online

Authors: Milly Taiden

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Romantic Comedy, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Fantasy, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Stripe Tease
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It became obvious quickly that things weren’t going to be easy. Most of the girls that were off had plans, and the ones in the club were complaining about being tired. Charlie’s had a schedule for a reason. They didn’t want anyone working more than a set number of hours.

She ran back to Charlie’s office, opening the door without knocking. “We have a problem.”

Charlie lifted his gaze up from his paperwork. “What now?”

“Gabriella can’t make it. If someone doesn’t fill in, we’ll have dead time.”

She hadn’t finished talking, and Charlie was already shaking his head. “Someone has to fill in for her.”

“Easier said,” she snorted. “I joked around telling her I’d get up on stage for her, but seriously, we have nobody.”

“No, you don’t understand. Someone has to get up on that stage. A top event promoter and his friend are coming to the club. The friend happens to be a nightlife reporter in Vegas. We need this place doing great.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” She blew her bangs away from her face and stared at Charlie in shock. His brows rose in hope.

No way. “Don’t even think about it.”

“You’re our only hope. These Ivy League students spend a shit ton of money whenever they come here.”

That part she knew. Every time college let out for a break, Charlie’s turned into a mad house. “You can’t really expect me to dance. I don’t know how to!”

Charlie chuckled and folded his arms over his chest. “You think I don’t know you’ve been taking lessons?”

Shit. How the fuck? She hadn’t told anyone about that. She hadn’t been dancing to get sexual. She did it as a form of exercise. It was fun, and she found it a lot more entertaining than walking a frickin’ straight line on a treadmill like she was taking a sobriety test that never ended. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Charlie sighed. “Your instructor happens to teach some of the girls here. She told me how great you were doing in class when I called to enroll a few newcomers. You’re doing great, Vanessa. You can help us out tonight.”

This was crazy. She couldn’t—shouldn’t—get on a stage. She was one of the first people to wonder how the girls got up there and danced. “I can’t. No way.”

She turned on her heels and ignored his calls. She marched straight to her office on the other side of the club, behind the scenes. She’d picked a small room behind the dressing area to use for herself. A quiet spot where she could breathe and get creative at the same time. This wasn’t where she sewed the costumes. This was where she came up with ideas.

With a flick of her wrist, she slammed the door once she was inside. She should not feel bad for Charlie. He’d done this to himself. She’d asked him to sell the damn club a long time ago and retire. At his age, he should be doing something fun, like fishing or living by the beach, not stressing over bills and women not showing up for work. Now they both had bigger problems. But Vanessa wasn’t going to think about that now. If she did, she’d break something. Preferably over her father’s head.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Charlie just wasn’t the kind of man to sit around and play golf. He liked his club. It was his first and only business. He was proud of it, and she couldn’t really fault him for wanting to stay there, leading the way. It was his bad business decisions that frustrated her. She unclenched her fingers and stretched them out. Waves of cold shook her to the core. She already knew what she had to do, but it didn’t mean she had to like it. She couldn’t even worry about her father’s stupid bet anymore. She had to deal with the problem in front of her tonight. That mess could wait til tomorrow or another day.

She glanced at her latest design, hanging from a clothes hanger on the wall: a golden tigress outfit. She’d been to the zoo recently and was inspired by the colors of the tigers and their eyes. In two steps, she was in front of the shiny spandex material. She’d created a short skirt and top to mimic the fur on a tiger in color. She’d added a bra and panties with a tail to enhance the outfit. And to add a naughty touch, she’d blinged out a collar with golden stones and added a long chain for the tigress to be led around.

Well, at least she’d be the one debuting the costume. She had used one of the other girl’s measurements to create the outfit. Though all the dancers at Charlie’s were women with large curves, they didn’t get naked. They danced and stripped to a bra and panties.

A knock sounded at her door, and one of the girls poked her head in. “Hey, Nessa.”

“Hi, Carmen. What’s going?”

Carmen eyed the costume, her smile widening. “I heard you’re dancing tonight?”

Great. Charlie must already be talking too much. Again. Would the old man never learn to quit while he’s ahead? She decided to go with the truth. “I am.”

Carmen nodded. “Did you want some help with your makeup before I go?”

Shit. She’d forgotten all about the makeup. She was supposed to be a tigress. She’d need her face painted. “Yes! How could I have forgotten?”

Carmen waved a hand in dismissal. “Don’t worry. I’m sure you have a lot of other stuff on your why you’re doing this.”

True. “Do you want me to come by your chair so you can do my face?”

Carmen gave the costume another longing look. “Yes. You can dress up first so your makeup isn’t ruined.”

* * *

It was time. She’d been getting ready for the past hour, and now she needed to get the show on the road. Already she heard the loud sounds of the college guys drinking and whistling to the dancers. Her stomach rolled, and she thought she might be sick, but she pushed it back.

The music changed from hip-hop to a jungle theme. She stood behind the curtain, her fingers ice cold from nerves. She’d made the lighting guy promise to try and blind her with them so that she wouldn’t focus on the men watching her. Maybe by barbequing her retinas, she’d be able to get through this without needing more therapy.

She was about to walk out on stage when the idea to get on her knees and stalk like a tigress hit her. She dropped on all fours, once again ignoring how small that costume really was or how much of her ass was on display, and waited for the curtains to open.




Cash Tigris sighed and watched the young college kids make fools of themselves in front of all the curvy dancers. He’d never been to Charlie’s before, but he knew now why the place was so popular. The women were gorgeous. Full of curves and in daring costumes, they and danced to the music.

His father had said he’d won something for Cash at Charlie’s. He hoped it wasn’t a pair of women’s underwear. Cash didn’t need nor want that. He scanned the crowd of humans and the handful of shifters around. This wasn’t a typical strip joint. Charlie’s had the look and feel of a 1920s gentlemen’s club. There wasn’t a single slim girl in the entire place—something he appreciated. He was tired of watching women who had nothing to shake try to break a hip onstage.

The sound of the jungle music grew louder. Drums beat, and the stage lights flickered on an off to a figure on all fours. Cash slipped between the men and sat at a front-row table, the one reserved for his visit.

He could see clearly from there. The woman dressed in a small tigress costume had gorgeous chocolate-brown skin and long black hair. He saw the fake blonde extensions mingling with her curls, giving her hair an added black-and-gold stripe.

She her ass to the men, her fake tail swishing from side to side. She met his gaze. Desire punched him in the gut. He knew she saw his eyes bright with his animal, but he couldn’t stop it. He wanted her. As she came closer, her scent filled his lungs. Need blossomed hard and fast. She roared, lifting a hand curled into a paw and bringing it to her lips. She slid her tongue over the back of her hand and licked, her gaze firmly planted on him.

Fucking hell. He leaned forward, captivated by her smile. She was so close. He could reach out and grab her, hold her. Take her home and fuck her. But he knew the rules. No touching the dancers. She stood slowly, gliding her hands up her large legs, between her thighs, and up to her breasts.

The beat of the music turned into sounds of nature with a hint of jazz. A slow smile spread over her red lips. Those lips drew him in like bees to honey. They were full and perfectly shaped. Then, when she swiped her tongue over her bottom one and pouted, his blood rushed down to his cock.

She yanked on the slit on her top, showing off an impressive set of breasts covered by black and yellow rhinestones. The top came off, and she her chest, making the material slide down her arms. She tossed the top to the side and walked backward to a chair at the center of the stage. His tiger roared under his skin, wanting near her. She was so fucking hot.

She sat, spread her legs, and leaned forward, grinding back and forth on the chair, rocking her hips in a sexy motion that made it look like she was fucking the damn thing.

His cock stood rock hard. He’d never been turned on by a dance so much. He could appreciate the beauty in any woman, but this woman, she pulled him in with her naughty smile and held him entranced.

She glanced around the audience and then brought her gaze back to him. The sexy smile broadened. She tugged on the side of her skirt, and the material spread open to reveal a pair of panties in black-and-gold tiger print. She stood, bent over the chair, and shook her luscious behind for the audience. A loud wave of whistles and catcalls sounded. The skirt went flying when she threw it to the side.

A second later, she grabbed the pole at her back and held on as she did a twirl while at the same time spreading her legs open in a straight line. It wasn’t the usual dirty show of a woman’s privates. She was really dancing. She rocked her hips, spreading them to hold the pole between her legs. Then she leaned back, shimmying to the music. The best part was when she curled her body around the pole like a snake. He swore at that point she had no bones around her hip area, a thought that made him even more turned on.

She dropped back on the ground, on all fours, gyrating her whole body. Every few crawls, she’d stop and roar or lick her paw. Once she was right next to him, she shoved her knees under her, glanced up at him, and winked. The music stopped, and the lights flashed off.

The crowd roared. He knew the kids were waiting to see if she’d take the rest of the outfit off, but from what he knew of Charlie’s, this was not a strip joint like some others. The girls there danced. From what he’d seen of the tigress, they danced fucking amazingly.

He got onto his feet and forgot all about the package he was supposed to pick up. Screw that. He had a cat to find. He pushed to the side entrance where the dressing rooms were located. A woman stopped him before he could get inside.

“Can I help you?”

“The tigress.”

She raised her brows. “What tigress?”

“The one that was just dancing.”

She shoved him back, but he didn’t budge. “Look, sir. I don’t know who you’re talking about, but you can’t come back here. Security will be back any second. This is a private area for the girls to change.”

He hissed in frustration. He waited a few minutes, needing to know who the tigress was—the one he knew he had to get a taste of. He loved women. He didn’t deny it. But this was the first time his tiger pushed at him to get one too. The woman who danced on that stage had the explosive sex appeal of ten nuclear bombs. He wanted to touch that gorgeous, brown skin and taste those ruby-red lips. More than that, he wanted to look deep into her eyes as he slid inside her body and owned her.

He waited what felt like an eternity before the guard came back. The look on the guy’s face told him he’d get nowhere. Instead, Cash headed for the bar. He motioned the bartender over and hoped for luck.

“The tigress on stage,” he said.

The bartender smiled. “Wasn’t she great? She’s was fan-fucking-tastic up there, looking all sexy,” the guy said with enthusiasm. Cash frowned. He’d seen how great she’d been on the stage. He wasn’t sure he liked anyone else mentioning how good she was. “I’m amazed at how good she did.”

“Do you know where I can find her?”

The bartender glanced at his watch. “She should be headed to the parking lot by now. She’s never here this late.”

He rushed off and left the guy talking, no longer interested in hearing how much he liked the tigress’s dancing.

When he got out to the back lot, he saw the tigress, no longer in costume but with her face still painted. She wore a trench coat and tried to get past a group of guys.

“I said let me by,” she ordered.

“Come on, baby,” one guy said. “You were so sexy up onstage. Let us take you out for some drinks.”

She moved away before the guys could grab her. “I said no. Now get the fuck away from my car before I kick your ass.”

Cash tried to rein in the tiger, but his animal wanted to hurt the men harassing what he saw as his. His mate. For the first time in his life, Cash lost control of the animal and shifted. The tiger dashed off around the cars so he wouldn’t be seen.

“You? You’re going to kick our asses?” One guy laughed. “I’d like to see you try.”




Vanessa readied to punch the skinny guy with the face of a goat when she heard a loud growl. She glanced around the lot, but didn’t see anything.

“What are you waiting for? You think you can take me?” asked Goat-face.

She moved fast, curling a hand into a tight fist and slamming it into the side of his face. He’d been busy trying to grab her and staring into the neckline of her trench and didn’t see it coming.

He screamed in pain and shoved her away from him and into another car. She stumbled back, tripping on her own feet and hitting the side of the other car hard. His two friends lost the smiles on their faces as they realized what she’d done. They went from happy to glaringly furious in two seconds. She tried to stand but slipped again. Then, before she had a chance to blink, a massive golden tiger jumped from the roof of a car onto the two men. The animal was huge, easily eight feet long. He slammed one of the guys on the ground, holding him down with a paw, and bit the other.

Both men screamed. She glanced around, looking for the crowd of people that should surely gather from all the screaming. The sports bar across the lot had the doors open, blasting loud music. The sounds of patrons laughing and singing along diverted all attention from what was happening in the back lot of Charlie’s.

Vanessa struggled to her feet, her knees shaking hard. She almost fell on her ass for a second time. She leaned into the car for support and continued staring at the large tiger in awe.

He scratched one of the guys with his large claws and bit down hard enough on the other that she heard bone-crunching sounds. She made a face of disgust and searched her pockets for her keys. The ones she’d had in her hand just a few minutes ago. The tiger glanced over his shoulder at her, his big, golden eyes staring deep into hers.

“Nice...ah...kitty. You’re a big kitty.”

The tiger lifted his paw and turned from the two men toward her. They scrambled to their feet, one guy holding the other.

“You should go,” she said to the big cat. “I know you’re one of those shifters.”

She’d never been this close to one shifted, but she’d had a few friends date the wolf kind. Never the tigers. She had a feeling these were a lot more difficult to tame.

The tiger didn’t pay her any mind. Instead he stared at her, licking his massive jaws. Before she could say anything else, the animal darted off into the woods of a large park filled with trees. Dammit. Shifters were a brand new problem she didn’t need in her life. Why did she have to have a damn soft spot for trouble?

For a second there, she’d almost been home free, and then guilt ate at her. The tiger had saved her. She needed to make sure he was okay. And possibly, figure out if the tiger was the man sitting by the stage, staring at her. She’d been able to make out his features because the glow in his eyes captured her attention…and kept it.

She ran after the animal into the entrance of the park she knew well. It was the only one around for miles. She swatted at cold, sweaty leaves and followed the brightness from the moon and the color swooshes up ahead. The tiger moved fast, but not fast enough. She wondered if he was hurt.

“Come back!” She felt so stupid telling a giant tiger to come back. What she should be doing is getting the hell away from him, but was she? Nope. It appeared she had a death wish.

She finally slowed down when she reached a slope in the park that led to a man-made creek. Vegas wasn’t known for trees and forests, so this was the closest the city got to nature, and it was amazingly taken care of by the local government.

She stopped when she reached the water’s edge. The creek was small. Like a little kid’s pool, but she had no idea if it was deep or not. The animal stared at the water and then glanced up to meet her gaze.

Her heart pounded in her ears, robbing her of the ability to think, much less speak. She recognized his eyes as the guy from the club. She opened her mouth and closed it a few times trying to get words out. Still, she made the effort.

“Who are you?”

The tiger remained quiet. He licked his nose, and though on a puppy that was cute, on this massive animal, it made her all kinds of uncomfortable. His body started to change before her. Bones and muscles pulled and shrunk so fast that if she blinked, she’d have missed it.

The guy was tall, like damn tall and built like a Mack truck. She had never felt so small in front of a man before. And that was to say nothing of the body on him: lean lines and muscles galore. Her blood heated as she stared at his nakedness.

For most of her life, Vanessa had dated guys who treated her nicely but had nothing going for them. Nothing. They were sweet and promised her the world. And never delivered. The previous year, she’d vowed to find a man worthy of her love, one who was the full package. By making that pledge, she stopped herself from dating the usual males. This meant she hadn’t seen a naked man in almost a year, and she’d never seen one this good-looking.

“You can stop staring at me like that,” he said, his voice so sinfully low she got shivers. “I’m not going to do anything bad to you.”

Um, okay. He definitely couldn’t read minds because something bad was the last thing on her mind. Well, not really. She was thinking up a heck of a lot of bad things they could do together. Wow. Who would’ve thought that depriving herself of sex would make her this desperate? She didn’t even know the shifter.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to stare.” She glanced up to his face and struggled to keep her gaze locked to his golden one. “Thanks for your help back there.”

He nodded, a slight lift of his lips showing his humor. “You’re welcome. It looked like you almost had it all under control.”

She shrugged. “I come out of a club every night surrounded by drunk men. There is always the possibility someone will turn stupid with liquor. Though some are really stupid without it.”

“Why did you follow me?” He took a step toward her, his gaze searching hers.

“I wanted to make sure you were okay. I’m sure those guys will tell the police a big-ass tiger attacked them, but who’s gonna believe them? Not like you see tigers roaming the strip.”

“Thank you. I’m fine.” He took another step toward her, his abs contracting with each breath he took. Jesus Christ. There was no way in hell she could stop herself from staring. He was a fucking work of art.

“ sure?” What the heck was she asking?

He nodded. “I’m fine. Do you need me to take you home?” He glanced at her lips and then up to her eyes.

She cleared her throat, her hands shaking from how turned on she suddenly was. “I’m fine.” Was she really? She felt all kinds of hot, and her skin felt tight, like she was dehydrated even though she made sure to drink lots of water all day.

“You run pretty fast,” he said, his gaze now lingering on her breasts, making her nipples pucker into tight, little points.

“I didn’t notice. I was having a hell of a time trying to keep up with you.”

Her breaths started coming faster the longer she stared at his face. He had amazing features—a strong jaw and a commanding set of eyes. And those lips. Wow. Along with the rest of his body, they’d kept her thoughts down to the gutter so long her mind bought real estate there.

“You didn’t have to come. I’m fine. But now that you’re here, I can’t let you go back alone.”

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