Stryker (8 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Stryker
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I didn’t make love to her that night I was too wound up,
instead I held her until she fell asleep before going into my home office to
make some calls. The first was to Sam.

“Sam, you spoke to Drake?”

“Yes Stryker he called, we went in after the cops left and
did our own investigation, did some questioning. The manager at the store
abutting yours said he saw a woman back there between the buildings when he
went out for a cigarette break. She saw him and disappeared. That was half an
hour before the fire broke out. I showed him a picture and it looks like it
might be our girl.”

“There’s no mistake?”

“Not according to him, it was still light enough out so he
got a good look. What do you want us to do?”

“Do you know where she is now?”

“Yes at her place in the city, I’ve got someone on her
condo in case she decides to go out again tonight.”

“Okay thanks Sam I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

“Did you want us to do anything?”

“No I think I’ll take it from here.”

I didn’t want to
leave my wife alone in the house asleep, not after the evening she’d had but I
couldn’t put this off any longer. From the moment I first suspected that she
was the one behind the phone calls that had sent Nadia into hiding I should’ve
done something but I didn’t. That was on me, now I was going to nip it in the
bud once and for all. She had gone too far this time, this time she could’ve harmed
my wife; which I’m sure was her intention.

“Sweetie wake up.”

“Hmm, what’s the matter what are you doing up?”

“I have to take care of something I didn’t want you to wake
up and find me gone that’s why I’m waking you. Now go to sleep and I’ll be back

“Where are you going?”

“I’ll be back soon I don’t want you to worry.” I kissed her
softly before settling her back on her pillows.

“I love you baby.”

“I love you too.”

She was asleep again almost as soon as her head hit the
pillow. I ran down the stairs and out the door my inner thoughts and anger
finally coming to the forefront. I drove through the quiet streets of the
suburbs of Long Island in the darkened night onto the expressway into the city.
I had no plans to dirty my hands so my movements were not very circumspect. I
parked in the same garage I’d used on the rare occasions I’d visited Sabrina at
home during our short fling. Her doorman remembering me from almost three years
ago didn’t even bat a lash when I approached the elevator. I chose her floor
and relaxed back against the paneling. I was anything but relaxed but I had to
keep a clear head if I was to achieve what I came here for. What I would like
to do is strangle the bitch for what she’d tried to do to my wife but that
would only get me a cell next to her father or worse. No what I had in mind for
her would be much worse I’m sure.

I walked down the aesthetic hallway to her door. The neo
classic white on black décor so vastly different from the warm French country
chic my wife had chosen for our home. Two very different tastes two vastly
different women. One I’d chosen as my mate for life, the other I’d enjoyed for
a time.

I knocked on her door being sure to stay out of view of the

As soon as I heard the locks disengage I used my shoulder
to force my way in.

“Stryker…” She clutched at her throat as she stepped back.

“Hello Sabrina, surprised to see me?”

“Well of course I am, I never thought to see you here

“I’m not sure about that.” I walked deeper into the room
looking around as if I was just in the neighborhood and decided to drop in for
a late night chat.

“So to what do I owe this pleasure?”

She was more relaxed now. I wasn’t yelling or throwing shit
which is probably what she would expect if she thought I knew what she’d been
up to. That’s exactly why I wasn’t going there. What I needed from her would
take cunning; as long as I could keep my rage under wraps I should be able to
get what I’d come for.

“I think you know why I’m here don’t you?”

“I’m afraid not.” She walked over to the settee and sat,
the silk robe she wore falling open to expose her crossed thighs, the top
exposing just enough cleavage to draw interest. It was a very practiced move
I’d seen it before.

“Come now Sabrina let’s not play games, you wanted to get
my attention so here I am.”

“Why would you think that I’m trying to get your attention?
That ship has sailed.”

“Then why have you been terrorizing my wife?”

I saw the change that came over her at the mere mention of
Nadia. Her countenance changed from one of beauty to be filled with venom and
malice, which played across her features in a split second.

“How dare you? I’ve done no such thing, why should I?”

“That’s something I’d like to know myself. It’s not like we
were even together when I met her so I don’t see why you would target an

“Innocent? She’s no innocent everyone knew you were mine it
was in all the papers. We were the IT couple for months and then she came along
and you just dropped me like…like I was nothing.” This bitch is nuts but I
can’t show her my true feelings, not yet. I have to keep playing the
disinterested bystander when all I really want to do is wrap my hands around
her neck and throw the bitch out the nearest window.

“That’s just it, you and I were through long before I even
met Nadia.”

“That doesn’t matter I was working on something. I would’ve
had you back before long but she had to come in and wrap her filthy hands
around what’s mine. No one breaks up with me Stryker didn’t you know? I do the

“Is that what all this was about, because you weren’t the
one to end things?”

“Haven’t you heard a word I’ve said? You were to be my
husband, I’d decided.”

“Oh I see, but by that token I should be the one at the end
of your anger I don’t see why you started this campaign against her. She had
nothing to do with it. Why the phone calls?” First things first.

“Oh that, that was nothing, it did work though didn’t it?
Stupid girl, she ran like a frightened rabbit only she didn’t go where I’d
expected her to.” She frowned at this and seemed to have disappeared in her

“What does that mean?”

“I thought for sure she’d run to her parents that’s where I
had my man set up to take care of her.” My blood ran cold at her words. How had
I never seen this in her? How had I missed it all those months?

“What exactly do you mean?”

“What…?” She looked up at me as if just realizing I was
still there.

“You said you had a man set up to take care of her. What
did you mean?” I kept my voice level and disinterested, we could’ve been
discussing the weather for all the inflection in my voice.

“Just that I was going to take care of her once and for all
but instead she ran to Paris. By the time the papers ferreted her out it was
too late to set up something new.”

“So you came back here and regrouped, tell me did Jonas
Willoughby have anything to do with this sinister plan of yours?”

“Not in the beginning no, I only got him involved when I
learned that he was in love with your insipid wife. But then that night after
the dinner he got cold feet. Weak fool.”

“And tonight, the fire?”

“What are you talking about what fire?”

Maybe she realized she’d said too much because she tried

“There’re witnesses Sabrina, there’s no point in hiding it up

“That’s impossible I made sure no one saw me…” She cut
herself off but it was too late, the damage had already been done.

“Did you know my wife was in that building when you lit it
on fire?” The anger was given free reign now. I had more than enough to do what
needed doing.

“Of course I knew the little idiot was in there I made sure
of it. That’s right I called pretending to be a new buyer and she fell for it.
I asked her to stay around a little later, I was sure the area would be less
busy by that time of the evening.”

“So your intent was to kill her.”

“What do you think? It doesn’t matter if you know now you
should know the lengths I would go to to win you back. That’s the kind of woman
you need in your life not some timid little mouse who runs at the first sign of

“You’re truly insane if you think I would prefer you to my
wife. I was never going to marry you get that through your head. I love her
I’ve never loved you not even when we were together. You were just one of many
that came before you. She’s
The venom had no cover this time her face was contorted with it as she flew up
from her seat.

“You’re lying I know you wanted me, everyone wants me.
You’ll never make me believe you desire her more than me. You’ve even shamed
her by turning her into nothing more than a shopkeeper just like her inferior
father. I find that very telling.”

“You mean as opposed to a thief like your own father? I
guess you’re right, that apple doesn’t seem to have fallen too far from the
tree either.

“How dare you, the courts are in the process of proving my
father’s innocence, he will be free soon.”

“I don’t have time for your pipe dreams I just came here to
tell you once and for all to stay the fuck away from my wife.”

“Never I’ll never stop until I have what’s rightfully mine.
I’ll succeed you know…”

“Why didn’t you this time?”

“I used the wrong accelerant or something, I didn’t want to
use gasoline that would’ve been too obvious so I did the research and found
something that’s supposed to be untraceable only it wasn’t strong enough. Not
to worry though I’ll think of something else.” She was back in her head again
as if I wasn’t present.

“You really are one fucked up individual, sad I didn’t see it
before. Had I known what a deranged bitch you were I wouldn’t have touched you
with a ten foot pole let alone my dick.” I headed for the door with her scream
in my ear.

“Don’t forget you’ve been warned, stay away from Nadia.” I
turned the screws for spite as I held the door open about to leave.

“She’s pregnant with our first child and I don’t want her
stressed.” I slammed the door on her scream of outrage and headed for the
elevator. I called my lawyer on the way down.

“Meet me at the station I have what we need.”

The police weren’t too pleased about me doing their job for
them but I wasn’t about to wait around for them not when my wife’s life was in
danger. They had to check the recording for tampering but she should be in
custody before too long. That chapter of our life was closed.

I reached home in the early hours of the morning to find my
wife just about to awaken. I’d stayed at the station with my lawyer until the
cops had run their tests and done whatever they needed to get done. I’d had to
call in some favors to get the ball rolling but that was okay. It was good to
have the direct line to the mayor and the governor in times like this.

I slid into bed and pulled her carefully into my arms,
holding her close.

“Gabe what time is it?” She yawned and stretched awake
before flying from the bed in a mad rush for the bathroom. I followed her in in
time to find her bent over the commode throwing up her dinner from the night
before. Holding her hair back was all I could do to help my poor baby.

“Gabe I think I might have some sort of stomach flu or
something, I’ve thrown up every morning this week.” I helped her wash out her
mouth before taking her back in to sit on the bed with her in my lap.

“It’s nothing that a few months won’t cure love.”

She looked at me at sea for a minute before my meaning
registered. Her hand went to the flatness of her stomach as she stared at me in

“You mean…”

“Yes I’m pretty
what it is but we’ll go to the
doctor and let him tell us what I already know.” Her smile of joy reached into
my heart and lit it up

Our sons were born exactly eight months and one week later.



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