Stryker (7 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Stryker
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She looked stunning. In her preferred color of winter white
with sapphires at her throat and ears. Her eyes bright with her budding
excitement she was the most beautiful thing in the room.


“I’m not too late am I?”

“No you’re fine. How do I look?”

“Perfect, stop stressing I told you everything’s going to
be fine. The press are ready to come in and set up are you ready?”

“I think so.”

“ Come here.” I took her little face in my hand and kissed
her forehead for good luck. “You’ll do fine baby stop worrying.”

The evening was going well as far as I could see; the fashion
show was a big hit, in fact I think she’d sold out most of the things she’d
showcased. I was proud to see that she not only knew what she was doing but
that she was actually enjoying it. In the last few weeks she’d done her
homework and I’d helped her of course. With my head for business and her
fashion sense I knew this would be the perfect enterprise for her. Now as I
watched her working the room I felt I huge sense of pride. This had been a
great idea after all. And even with a new baby coming I didn’t see any reason
why it wouldn’t work. When she’d thrown up this morning for the first time I
hadn’t corrected her when she thought it was nerves from the coming opening. It
was exactly four weeks since the day I knew I’d bred her, but still I kept that
knowledge to myself. Let her have her night, let her enjoy this moment for what
it is. Then tomorrow I’ll give her something else to celebrate.

“That was just amazing. Did you see how many women bought?
I think I have orders for everything in the show and we’re not even open for
another two days. And Priscilla says we have pre orders online. Thanks again
for insisting I get an assistant she’s a Godsend.”

“You’re welcome, see I told you it would be fine.” We’d
been home for a half an hour and she was still flying high.

“Come here, I think I want to taste some of that fire
you’ve got going on over there.”

She blushed as she walked in her stocking feet over to
where I stood next to the bed.

“Did I tell you how handsome you looked tonight?” Her arms
went around my neck as she smiled seductively.

“You weren’t too bad yourself.”

“I wanted to scratch every other woman’s eyes out for
looking at you like they wanted to take you home.” Her voice was still playful
so I knew she wasn’t serious.

“Well you got to bring me home, they didn’t.”

“That’s right, this is all mine.” She ran her fingernail
down the center of my chest beneath my unbuttoned shirt before licking me

“Did you drink tonight baby?”

“No, you know I don’t drink when I’m working why?”

“No reason, it’s just that you seem a little I don’t know
uninhibited I guess is the word.”

“That’s because I love you, and I especially love this
tattoo.” She pushed the shirt off my shoulders letting it fall to the floor as
she ran her hands over the ink on my chest.

“I wonder what those high society mavens would think if
they knew you had this hiding under here? I’d probably have to beat them off
with a stick.” She pouted and I couldn’t resist taking her mouth with mine.
With my hands buried in her hair I played my tongue over hers our bodies held
close together.

“Undress me.”

Her hands got busy with my pants as I lifted the hem of her
dress up her thighs slowly, seductively. Running my hands over her silky soft
skin until I met her heat I teased a finger inside her making her moan. When my
pants hit the floor I pulled my finger out of her body so I could pull her
dress the rest of the way over her head.

“I love this are you going to be selling these?”
She nodded as she looked down at her body
where my hands were busy. Her bra barely covered her breast, made of lace and
some sort of satiny material they made her already bountiful breasts even more
pronounced. I kissed the tops of her breasts one after the other before sucking
her nipple into my mouth. She rubbed herself against my thigh letting me know
she was ready for me.

“Let’s go to bed.” Her mouth followed mine seeking my
tongue as her hands tightened in my hair.

“No right here, hop up.” She wrapped her legs around me and
I reached between us to lead my cock into her waiting heat.

“Ummm.” Her drawn out moan had me swelling inside her as I
lifted her on and off my cock. When I got tired of standing with her impaled on
my length I moved us over to the bed where I laid her at the very edge and
lifting her ass in my hands pounded into her making her scream with pleasure.

“Move for me baby, just like that.” She pulled me tighter
into her with her heels. I latched onto her nipple with my teeth adding just
that little bite of pain to add to her pleasure. I felt the answering gush of
liquid fire as her body answered. Her back arched pushing her breast deeper
into my mouth as I worked her body with mine.

“I’m going to do you rough now baby hold on.” With that I
lifted her legs high over my shoulders and dug down deep until I was butting
against the end of her; that place deep inside that makes my cock twitch and my
heart tremble. I felt tingles down my spine as she dug her nails into my ass
begging me to cum inside her.

“I want to feel you Gabriel cum inside me.”

“Soon love, soon…I want…fuck…I want to fuck you longer.”
What I wanted and what my body needed were two different things it seems
because no matter how I fought to hold back I felt the first burst of my seed
as it left me and entered her. I shot load after load inside her as my body
pushed hers deeper into the mattress. She started cumming when the third or
fourth shot hit her, squeezing down on me and starting off a whole new stream.

“I can feel you throbbing inside me.” It felt like I came
forever as her body trembled beneath mine. I dropped like a log beside her.

“Fuck I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard in my life.”
What the fuck was that? I moved her farther up on the bed still buried inside
her. Pulling the sheets over our hips I held her close as our bodies wound


The next morning I left her asleep in bed. She was
overtired from the night before. Not just the party, but I’m afraid after what
she’d pulled out of me last night, I’d kept after her until the wee hours of
the morning again. I’ll have to watch that, if she is pregnant I’m going to
have to see that she gets her rest.

In the office I was swamped. With a new business under my
belt, there was a lot to do. I’d kept most of the support staff, but management
had been scaled down significantly. The team that usually handled such things
good at what they did, but I still liked to oversee
every aspect of things. Elbow deep in paperwork, I missed lunch and was looking
at a long night at the office. I called Nadia at her new boutique to let her
know I might be late that evening and she should go on home without me. She was
there doing some last minute paperwork before officially opening her doors for
business to the public.

“Honey, I think I might be here
five so you can call the car to come get you.”

“Well, if you’re going to be late, I might just stick
around here for a while as well and get some more stuff done.”

“What stuff? I thought you were just going over some last
minute paperwork?”

“I was, but then I got here and went over everything and
I’m going to need to order some things, plus I might want to rearrange some

“You’re not doing any heavy lifting are you?”

“No I’m not. I promise.”

“Who’s there with you?”

“No one now, I let Priscilla leave since it’s pass her
quitting time.”

“I don’t want you down here too late babe. Are the doors

“Yes they are, and it’s not that late. It’s still light

“It won’t be for much longer. If you’re still there when it
starts to get dark out, I want you to call me.”

“I will, now get back to work. The sooner you’re done, the
sooner you can get home.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later.”


I got caught up again and the next time I checked, it was
well pass six. She hadn’t called, so I guess she’d gone home. Night was coming earlier
now since summer was at an end. The boardwalk changes a lot after a certain
time of night. In the day, it’s bustling with tourists and shoppers but when
the sun goes down the clientele changes. There’s a line of bars up and down the
pier that can get a bit rowdy after hours, especially after happy- hour ends at
seven. Her store hours were nine to six. I’d made that stipulation because I
usually knocked off at five and this way we could drive into the city together
in the mornings and go home the same at night. If anything changed, I could
always have the car come pick her up but there was no way I wanted her down
there by herself.

I called the house from my car and got no answer but I
didn’t worry about that. Chances are
she was in the
shower or out in the pool. Halfway home the phone rang.


“Mr. Stryker this is Drake your wife’s security I think you
better get down here to her store.” My heart dropped in my chest, he didn’t
have to say any more for me to know that something was wrong.

“What’s going on?” I made an illegal U turn and headed back
in the direction I’d come.

“There was a fire…”

“Where’s my wife?”

“She’s here she’s fine.”

“What kind of fire... what happened?”

“The firemen are here right now dealing with it, it doesn’t
look to be too bad. Seems they caught it in time, but your wife was inside when
it happened.”

“Was she hurt? Put her on the phone.”


“Sweetie are you alright?”

“Yes I’m fine but the store…”

“Forget about the store just stay with Drake until I get there.”
I’m going to have that inspector’s head on a fucking platter. He promised me
that everything was in working order, how could this have happened? I broke
every speed limit getting there, my heart in my throat. To think just a few
short weeks ago I was so mad at her I could kill her, now the idea of something
happening to her made me physically ill.

The place was a madhouse with fire trucks, police
and spectators but I didn’t care about that, I only
wanted to find my wife. She found me as I was searching through the crowd and
ran into my arms.

“It’s okay sweetie I’m here.”

“I’m so sorry Gabe.”

“What are you talking about? You have nothing to be sorry

“But the store…”

“What did I tell you? I don’t care about that. Now you sure
you’re okay, you didn’t inhale any smoke?” My only thought now was for her and
the child I was sure she carried.

“No, I wasn’t in there that long after it started. This guy
came in and got me before I even knew what was going on.”

“That would be Drake your security.”

“Security, why do I need security?”

“Because you’re my wife and it’s not up for debate.”

“Okay Gabriel.” I wonder if she realized she only called me
that when I was being forceful with her, every other time it was Gabe.

“Come on looks like they’re looking for us.” Drake was
pointing us out to the fire chief.

“Good evening sir. I’m Gabriel Stryker and this is my wife
Nadia. We own this store.”

“Well, we were able to save the building and your stuff
inside wasn’t touched, though there might be some smoke damage. The fire was
started at the back door and thankfully the accelerant wasn’t very strong or
you could’ve had a very different outcome.”

“I’m sorry did you say the fire was started?”

“Yes I’m afraid so do you know of anyone who would want to
do this? I’m sure the cops are gonna want to talk to you about that.”

I drew her closer as her body started to shake. My anger
was a fire burning in my chest but that was for later, right now I had to get
her out of here.

“I can’t deal with this right now I need to get my wife out
of here she’s tired and shaken up.”

By then the cops had approached with questions of their

“Sir, we’re going to need you to come down to the station
at some point to answer some questions. I’m sure the chief has told you what
they found?”

“Yes he did but like I told him I need to get my wife home,
I’ll be down tomorrow to talk to you guys.” He gave me a card, which I studied
before pocketing it. Yes, I had a good idea who’d done it, I just had to make
very certain.

“Couldn’t we go in Gabe and assess the damage?”

“Not now sweetheart, I think you need to be getting home. We’ll
see about it tomorrow.”

“Okay if you’re sure.”

“So are we clear? I’ll see you guys tomorrow?”

“Sure, Mr. Stryker, let’s say ten tomorrow, they’re still
processing the scene. You might want to get in touch with your insurance
company as well.”

“Yes, I’ll have someone look into it.”

I walked away after a discreet nod to Drake which I’m sure
he understood. Before I met up with the cops in the morning, there were just a
few things I had to get to the bottom of.

She was a bit clingy which was to be expected on the ride

“Did you see or hear anything?”

“No I was in the office upstairs I didn’t hear anything, I
didn’t even smell the smoke until the security guy came rushing in and just
about scared me half to death.”

“From now on there’s going to be someone there with you at
all times.”

“Oh Gabe I don’t think that’s necessary.”

“But I do, either you have security or you don’t stay there
your choice.”

She put her head back down on my shoulder as I drove
through the gates.

Inside I took her upstairs and ran her a warm bath. “ Did
you have any dinner?”

“I sent out for something earlier and you?”

“I’ll have whatever Elsa prepared later, first let’s get
you situated.”

“Oh I’m alright Gabe, you don’t have to make a fuss.” She
took my chin in her hand and kissed me as I leaned over the tub where she was
relaxing back in bubbles.

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