Stuffing the Stow-Away (Naughty Sci Fi Menage Romance Story)(Older Men Younger Woman First Time Lusty Encounter)(Science Fiction Forbidden Pregnancy Tale)(Hot, Alpha Discipline in Outer Space) (2 page)

BOOK: Stuffing the Stow-Away (Naughty Sci Fi Menage Romance Story)(Older Men Younger Woman First Time Lusty Encounter)(Science Fiction Forbidden Pregnancy Tale)(Hot, Alpha Discipline in Outer Space)
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She could see empty
pallets hovering down the ramp on the left with the full pallets
floating up into the ship’s cargo bay on the right with barely
any room to spare. Eva knew one side was called port and one side was
called starboard, but she didn’t know which was which.


This was left over
from sailors on Earth that floated boats on seas of liquid water.
Close enough to the sun for liquid water? She couldn’t imagine
it. She used to walk out to the edge of the Triton city bands to look
at the oceans of nitrogen pulsing and rolling under a volatile crust.
Eva imagined the seas of water would be more beautiful. People swam
in them naked with droplets gleaming on their flesh in the warmth of
a sun too bright to look directly toward.


Eva wanted to feel
warmth on her naked skin dosed with the water of ocean waves. Her
hands traced over her jumper that hugged her narrow hips and the
modest, but plump curve of her ass. Eva slid her hands back up her
tight stomach and cupped her breasts. Other girls that did more than
talk had much larger breasts. Hers were smaller, but they filled her
hands as she teased her nipples with her slender fingers.


A voice barked out
something around the corner from her, but she couldn’t make out
the words in the cold fear that rushed through her body. Eva threw
her back into the crates. It was louder than she would have liked. In
the silence, she imagined the workers searching for the sound. The
voice resumed calling out numbers farther down the row away from her.


Eva took a deep
breath, heaving her small chest. She decided it was now or never. She
ran up through the rows as she saw another hover pallet rise. She ran
to the right and walked beside it as it traveled up the ramp. There
was not much room between her and a drop off to the city kilometers
below her. She moved her feet one in front of the other like
balancing on a beam. The pallet hesitated and changed tone in its hum
for a moment. She expected it to shift and bump her off into the air
to plummet to her death. The pallet held steady and she followed
along side it into the cargo bay.


The pallet dropped
and slid out from under the crates. They scooted closer to the wall
and for one terrified moment she thought they were going to slide
flush crushing her into paste. She tried to run sideways, but the
crates pressed her back and it was too late. They stopped short of
smashing her, but if she wasn’t so tiny framed, she might have
been a goner.


Eva struggled
sideways until she reached the edge of the stack of crates and could
look out across the massive cargo bay. The materials extended all the
way across the belly of the vessel. Crewmembers walked along catwalks
nearer the ceiling and the upper decks.


The tiny space
between the crates and the wall might guard her from discovery, but
if the cargo shifted during launch, she could be squashed. If she
moved to find another spot, she could be found from any direction.


She had to try.


Eva darted out from
the cover of the crates and put her back to the next stack. She was
exposed now. Crewmembers crossed on the catwalk above her. If they
looked down, they would see her.


Eva moved anyway and
passed three stacks before ducking between for cover again. She heard
voices passing by, but didn’t see them. They must have been at
least one row over.


She backed to the
wall and prepared to spring off once the voices were past, but then
she realized her feet weren’t touching the floor anymore. Her
perspective shifted and she thought the ship was sideways. Eva
expected all the cargo to come crashing down on top of her and the
crew to flip off the sideways catwalks. The crates stayed on the
floor and crew walked like nothing had changed.


She stood up on the
wall and looked up at the stacks above her head. Eva stepped back
onto the floor and the ship shifted back to normal. She smiled and
jumped onto the wall crawling through the bay behind the cover of the


has artificial gravity here. I could get used to this place.”






Eva managed to avoid
detection for three days of the voyage ducking between storage areas
to hide and sleep. Once she had to run up onto the ceiling and duck
down a corridor behind a lighting unit as crewmen passed by walking
along one of the walls. Getting used to the rules where anything
could be a floor was taking time.


Her spots for left
over food turned out to be empty, so she had to explore deeper into
the ship on day four of the voyage. She heard voices approaching and
ducked down two passages before she realized that she did not know
where she was.


The corridor was
more narrow and dark. She walked along the floor toward a light that
appeared to be coming from an open office.


Footsteps approached
behind her and she heard a conversation around the corner. Eva took
the chance and entered the office across the hall. The door closed
behind her automatically making her believe it might have been left
open by accident.


She listened at the
door for the footsteps and conversation to pass, but then her eyes
caught a screen with a picture of a beach looking from out over a
wooden railing. The wood railing looked grayed and worn by the
weather. The sunlight in the picture looked so warm.


She stepped away
from the door and closer to the picture as she imagined the ship
taking her closer to that beach, that sunlight, and that ocean with
every passing moment. She just had to stay hidden.


The corner of the
screen read Key West. Eva wondered if that was the name of the place
in the picture or if it was a direction description.


She reached out and
touched the screen. The picture vanished and the screen started


A voice from the
adjoining room said, “Hold on. Let me see what that is,
Commander Solid.”


“No problem,


Eva heard footsteps
and she slid down to her knees across the room beside a counter. The
footsteps entered the office where she hid. A man with curly blond
hair and a lab coat touched the screen and the beeping stopped. He
tapped through a couple items and then laid the screen down on its
face. He started messing with items next to the screen that Eva could
not see from her hiding spot.


The blond man in the
coat said, “Any more trouble with your knee, Able?”


A voice from behind
Eva said, “What’s that, Doctor?”


Eva turned and saw a
muscular, light-skinned black man sitting on a reclined exam table.
He was tall and his cock hung soft, but long where she could see it.
He was looking toward the door the blond doctor had used instead of
where Eva was hiding. His head was shaved and Eva wanted to touch it
– his head, his chest, and everything else.


The doctor in the
office said, “I said, how is your knee, Commander Solid?”


Commander Able Solid
extended his right leg which showed off more of his muscle. “It’s
fine, Dr. Draft. Good as new.”


Doctor Tom Draft
said, “Good. I’ll give you clearance and you can get
dressed again.”


Eva was


“You don’t
think I should go back to the bridge buck naked?” Able asked.


“The ladies
would probably appreciate it,” Tom said.


Able snorted. “Yeah,
I’ll be the sexiest commander ever court-martialed and ejected
into space by the captain.”


one now,” Tom said.


Eva saw Able’s
eyes narrow as he stared through the glass between the exam room and
the office. Able said, “What?”


Doctor Tom Draft
grabbed Eva by her arm and pulled her to her feet. Able was looking
right at her as he sat naked on the table. She wanted to run, but Tom
had her arm and walked her into the room.


“You peeping
at the goods, crewman?” Able asked without making an effort to
hide himself. She thought he might actually be growing bigger as he
stared at her. She was afraid, but she wanted to touch it.


“No, sir.”
Eva breathed.


not crew,” Tom said.




Tom nodded at Able.
“I know everyone onboard. I examined them all. She is not crew.
She must be a stow away from Triton.”


Able tilted his
head. “We left four days ago. Where has she been hiding?”


“It’s a
big ship,” Eva said.


“It’s a
small brig,” Able said and licked his lips. “And there
are a bunch of prison outposts between here and Earth. They’ll
feed you and give you a warm place to sleep.”


“Not always
warm,” Tom said.


Eva shook her head.
“No, please, I’ll do anything. I don’t want to be
cold or in the dark anymore. I want to feel the warm sun on Earth.”


“You want us
to hide you for a month and a half?” Able laughed. “The
captain will find you even if we were both working together.”


“And we have
no reason to do that,” Tom said.


Eva swallowed. She
was good at keeping men talking, but she sensed this was going to
require more than that this time. She reached down and rubbed the
front of the doctor’s uniform behind her. Able looked down at
her hand and back up at her. He was growing hard and longer now.
“What you doing there?”


“My name is
Eva. I want to see Earth and I’ll do anything to get there.
Please, help me. I’ll earn my passage any way I can. Please.”
She reached out with the arm the doctor still held, but Tom didn’t
stop her. She wrapped her hand around Able’s cock and stroked
out its entire length. He did not stop her.


“You think you
can handle all of that?” Able asked.


She ran her
fingertips on and around the head of his cock. She felt Tom growing
hard behind her.


sure. You do something for me and I do something for you,” she


“Both of us?”
Tom asked.


She had never done
anything like that before. “Yes, of course.”


Tom tilted his head.
“What do you think, Commander?”


Able smiled. “It’s
hard to think clearly with a strange woman stroking my cock.”


game if you are, Commander.”


“Show me what
you’ve got, Eva,” Able said.


She took three deep
breaths and slid her hand down to his balls. She wanted to taste him.
Without another word, she bent over and took him into her mouth. Her
tongue teased the groove at the end of his cock. She pushed down
farther and licked around the head. When he groaned, she felt
encouraged and pushed down deeper. She rubbed her tongue on the
underside of his shaft inside her mouth.


Able said, “Yes.”


She slid back off a
few inches then plunged down deeper. His hips started bucking into
her face and she increased her rhythm until she nearly swallowed his
length before sliding back up.


Eva almost forgot
about Tom behind her until she felt the doctor’s hands on her
ass. He spread her open inside her jumper. Tom squeezed her cheeks
and then spread her again.


She went down on
Able until she gagged because Tom distracted her. She pulled off and
spit on Able’s cock. She stroked his slick cock and then
devoured him again.


“Oh, that’s
good,” Able said. “I’ll hide you in my damn cabin,
if you keep sucking me like that.”


Eva smiled and then
gagged again. She spit, stroked her saliva all around his shaft, and
then took him back into her mouth.


Tom slid his hands
inside her clothes. His hands were warm and she enjoyed his touch. He
clawed at her ass and she moaned over Able’s cock. Tom pulled
the leg of her jumper aside exposing her ass and pussy. She bent over
further and arched her back. Tom dragged his thumbs through her lips
stirring her wetness and fiery sensations. He slipped a thumb inside
her and back out. She missed him inside her once he was gone, but
then she felt his tongue on her clit.


She shook as she


Able hissed and
said, “Easy, girl, no teeth.”


She brought her lips
back over her teeth and pumped up and down on Able’s cock some
more as Tom ran his tongue up and down through her pussy. He slid up
into her crack and tongued at her ass. Her eyes widened and she
concentrated on not using her teeth on Able in her surprise.


She had never been
touched like that before. Eva wondered if everyone had sex like this.
If they didn’t, she thought, they really should. Tom licked her
until she could barely feel her legs anymore.


Tom stood up and Eva
wanted to push his face back down into her pussy and her ass. He
reached over her to slide the straps of the jumper off her shoulders.
His hardness pressed against her ass as he undressed her. He pulled
her clothes down past her chest. Able reached around where she still
sucked him and fondled one of her breasts. She reached up and stroked
his balls gently between her fingers in response.


Tom ran his fingers
down both sides of her stomach. He uncovered her hips and the bared
her ass. The jumper dropped past her thighs to her ankles. She
stepped out of it and spread her legs wide exposing herself for Tom
behind her. She hoped he took her hint and invitation.

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