Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3 (27 page)

BOOK: Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3
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She nods and chews on her bottom lip. “Adam, you’re a good man. You
doing the right thing and you’ll continue to do the right thing, of that, I am sure.”

I take a deep breath and look in her eyes. “Goodbye, gorgeous.”

“Goodbye handsome.”

I lean in gently pressing my lips to hers and kiss her softly. There’s no urgency or passion about this kiss. It’s merely a couple of good friends saying goodbye. Is there a spark, yes. But is it earth shattering and the world moving off its axis, no. And that’s how I know this is right because with Hannah I get that. The world shifts, the planets align and everything moves into the right orbit.

Pulling back, I look in her eyes and they’re glistening as she stares at me. We don’t say anything and she nods, letting me go and turns without a word, heading back down the hall to her room, to where I’m assuming she’ll pack her things.

I feel like shit.

I had a good thing with Skye, but she isn’t
my girl

Swiveling around on the stool, I face the bar and pick up my beer and take a long gulp. The cold amber liquid soothing my dry throat. I hate breakups. Skye and I were never technically an item, but this definitely feels like a breakup.

Resting my elbow on the bar and my head in my hand, I drink as quickly as I can. Shogun comes up to me and pushes into my side. I lean down and pet him knowing, at least, he’ll be sticking around and not leaving like everyone seems to be doing these days.

The sound of the wheels of luggage being dragged breaks my attention, and I look up to see Skye walking toward me dragging a suitcase and hauling some bags over her shoulders.

Opening my eyes, I swallow hard. “Wow, you were already packed?”

She half-smiles and nods. “Yeah. I wanted to save time so I could help you pack. But um… looks like I can just hit the road even sooner.”

Chewing on my bottom lip, I nod and stand up grabbing her head forcing my lips to hers one last time. I’ll probably never see her again, so I better make it count.

Her mouth parts, my tongue finds hers and I kiss her passionately this time. I don’t hold back. This is it, the last hoorah. My cheeks feel wet as she cries while we kiss. I feel terrible that I’m not going with her and making her dreams come true, but there’s only one way this ends for me, and that’s bringing down this club and going back to my old life.

She pulls back from me with a small sob, and I wince at her pain. She looks me in the eyes and I want to say something, anything, I just have no idea what.

So I say nothing.

She smiles with a sniff and leans down petting Shogun and then hoists the bag on her shoulder a little higher. She looks at me again and a moment passes between us. A silence, an understanding that this is our last moment together. Swallowing hard, I take in all her features—her beautiful blue eyes, her cute button nose, and her freckle right under her left eye. The way her blonde hair falls effortlessly over her shoulders. She’s gorgeous and I’m so glad I got to know her. She smiles and takes a deep breath. I smile back and without a word she casually nods, and then turns dragging her luggage and walks with her heels clicking on the concrete floor out of the clubhouse and out of my life.

I exhale and sit back down on the stool resting my forehead on the bar. A gentle tapping on my head should make me look up, but it doesn’t. “There, there, plenty more fish in the pond.”

I look up this time to see Acid smiling at me. “Sea.”

He furrows his brows. “What?”

“Plenty more fish in the sea.”

He laughs. “That’s stupid, why would you say sea?”

I huff. “You’re so weird.”

He grins, then bares his teeth at me growling like a dog. I nod and sigh resting my head back on the bar tapping it for another beer.

I need to drown my sorrows because my vision is now becoming clear.

The reasons why I was having trouble taking down this club have all walked out of the doors today.

So there’s nothing stopping me now.

I have to complete my mission.

I have to bring down The Virginia Satan’s Savages.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Even though my bed is as comfy as fuck, tonight I’m uncomfortable. Everything is running through my mind at a million miles a second. Skye’s gone, the guys are gone, leaving me here with the arseholes. Even though I know I’m going to do my job, and be the cop I’m supposed to have been the entire time I was here, I feel guilty for betraying Mad Dog. Even after everything he’s done, I still feel guilty for turning on him. I’m just glad the guys got away, and won’t be taken in when my unit arrives and brings everyone else in this club down.

My mind flicks to Hannah. I was using Skye as a Band-Aid. A mask of sorts, to cover up the fact that I miss Hannah and the fact that everything in me really wants
I tried to make it with Skye, but I think she knew as well as I did, that my heart wasn’t in it. I think Skye knew it before I did, and that’s why she left. If she thought I loved her she would have stayed, but she knew, somehow, she knew.

Hannah’s face flicks into my mind and my chest tightens. Scrunching up my face as I think over the last time I saw her, pregnant with Molly and glowing beautifully. I feel so fucking shit for not being there at the birth of my daughter Molly. I was here, being a brother, abandoning my family for the sake of the job. It’s no wonder she left me. I’m a fucking failure as a man. I mean for fuck’s sake, I haven’t even met my God damned daughter yet.
How fucked up is that?

A sharp stab resonates through my chest and my breath becomes short. My limbs tingle and a sudden urge to stand up overtakes me. I jump out of bed and take in a few deep, harsh breaths while running my hand through my hair. Starting to pace around my room at the uncomfortable feeling invading my body, I look around for some sort of sign, something to tell me what to do. Seeing my jeans, I purse my lips and stride over to them rushing to put them on. Following that, I madly put on a shirt and leather jacket, then my boots and rush as quickly as I can out of my room, down the hall and toward the clubroom. There’s still a few stragglers up and about, it’s not that late by any means, only around eleven thirty at night, so I’m not surprised.

Acid looks at me as I storm toward the exit. “Going somewhere, brother?” he calls out but the ringing in my ears and the pounding of my heart forces me to ignore him as I pull open the heavy black door and move out to my bike. Luckily Sentinel is on a break from the gate, so I don’t have to run the gauntlet of twenty questions from him as to where I’m headed. I don’t even really know what I’m doing myself, all I know is I have to ride.

Shoving my lid on my head, I step over my bike starting the engine riding to the gate. Rover opens it for me without any questions, and I hammer down as fast as I can out of the compound and out onto the street with no idea where I’m headed. Just the glorious vision of Hannah on my mind.



Pulling up, my chest is heaving so fast I’m not sure if I’m hyperventilating, panicking or just excited. I know this is not a good idea, but I’ve had a terrible day and all I could see in my mind was Hannah. My Hog was the one taking the directions on this ride, so I shouldn’t be surprised that I ended up at our home. I guess after so long and the shit day, I needed to see her.

My heart needed to be home.

I’m parked across the street and I climb off placing my lid on the handlebars, and then turn toward our house. It looks exactly the same as when I left. The lights are on, and as my eyes move to the front room, I can see her through the window watching television. I always told her to close the Venetian blinds at night, but she never did listen.

My heart lurches into my chest at the thought that she’s mere metres away from me. My chest is rising and falling so fast as my stomach flutters at the thought of touching her, even just once. How I ever thought I could leave this life behind’s beyond me. I must have been having a midlife crisis or something. All I know is I’ve fucked up! My life is here, with my wife and kids. I need to end this sting, so I can come back and work a desk job and be here for them.

Suddenly Hannah looks up and notices my figure watching her from across the street. My breath catches at her natural beauty as her eyes lock onto mine. Her hair is a little longer but is still the same beautiful brown colour. She stands up, her chest now heaving too as she rushes toward the front door. I take a deep breath and start to run across the road and up the driveway to meet her.

The front door flings open and she steps down the driveway smiling so wide. When I look at her, her face contorts and she starts to cry. I frown as she reaches me, and we stop a foot away from each other. She looks into my eyes, hers watering profusely and a surge runs through me, a jolt of electricity so strong it nearly knocks me off my feet. Suddenly, her hand comes up so fast I have no time to react before her palm slaps across my cheek. The sting reverberating right through my face. My head flicks to the side as she starts to really cry, then she moves in, her fists connect bashing hard against my chest in quick succession.

Looking down at her losing her shit, I sniff grabbing at her wrists as she falls apart. She struggles against me, but I hold her tight stopping the pounding as she sobs loudly. I pull her to me as I ache so badly. Watching her like this is something I never wanted to see. And I caused this. This is on me.

“Hannah, baby, stop.”

“You stop! Where the hell have you been? You think you can just show up here, and for me to be okay with that, you fucking idiot?” She goes to hit me again and I grab her wrist tighter and hold her hand to my chest right above my frantically pounding heart.

“No, but stop beating me and I’ll explain.”

She sniffs and stops struggling against me. I pull her to me wrapping her arms around me. She cuddles into my body finally, and I wrap my arms around her embracing her tightly. Feeling her warmth against my chest is a heaven I’d long forgotten, but being back in the grace of an angel is a nirvana I want to bask in. I never want to let her go.

“I’m so sorry I haven’t been in contact.”

“Where have you been, Adam?”

“Undercover… deep… I still am. I shouldn’t be here, but I had a bad day and I needed you.”

She sniffs looking up at me with her beautiful green eyes that I could get lost in for days.

“What’s the mission?”

I slump my body. “Hannah, I can’t tell you that. It’s too dangerous.”

She purses her lips and frowns. “Are you in with the mafia or something?”

I smirk. “Or something, baby. Just know the guys I’m dealing with aren’t any good. But I’ve decided once this job is done and I’m out, I’m getting that desk job and I’m coming home to you… if you’ll have me?”

Her bottom lip trembles and tears flow down her cheeks as she starts to sob again, and she wraps her hands around my neck embracing me tightly. “No more undercover?”

I shake my head.

“No more you being away without a word? Do you know how much that stung me, Adam?

I nod and swallow hard. “No more, baby. I know we’re separated, but I miss you, Hannah. I really miss you.”

She smiles. “I miss you too, you big oaf.” She leans up pressing her lips to mine and a spark ignites inside of me that I haven’t felt since… since the last time I kissed her and only her—my Hannah. My cock twitches in my pants reminding me that she’s the first woman I ever made love to. I think that’s why I had so much trouble finally sleeping with Skye because I had only ever been with Hannah.

Sad for a man, I know, but we’ve been together since we were kids, and I never once thought about being unfaithful to her. Now I kind of feel like I have been unfaithful to her with Skye. But we are separated, we weren’t… aren’t together, so I can’t really kick myself in the balls too much over it.

Her hands grab at my shirt collar and she pulls back looking me in the eyes. “Want to come inside?”

I smile and nod. “I’d love that.”

She takes my hand and I walk with her toward our home. My feet feel light for once. For the past four months while I’ve been on this sting, my feet have felt heavy the entire time, but now back with the love of my life, I finally feel like me again.

We walk inside my home and my body relaxes. I feel like I’m finally where I’m meant to be. An ease washes over me, a sense of calm. I feel good. She moves us over to the lounge suite, and I take a seat next to her looking around the familiar room. It looks exactly the same, toys on the floor for the boys, but this time, there’s a baby blanket on the lounge next to me. Swallowing hard, my eyes mist up instantly as I think of Molly, while running my hand over the blanket sitting between Hannah and me.

She grabs the blanket and exhales turning from me slightly in a show of annoyance. “It’s pretty crap she hasn’t met her dad yet, you know Adam.”

Wincing, I clench my eyes tight, trying to fight the rising bile in my throat when suddenly a cry echoes through a monitor. My eyes flicker open and my heart pounds in my chest.

Hannah smiles standing up as the crying continues. “Want to meet our daughter?”

My bottom lip trembles and I nod as my palms coat with sweat. Standing up, I take a stuttered breath in as Hannah takes my hand and leads me through to Molly’s room. The one we decorated together. My eyes can barely contain the hot salty water.

Hannah opens the door as soft cries filter through the room. It’s exactly how we decorated it, just lived in now. I walk in behind Hannah and she steps in front of the bassinet. My entire world shifts as she looks at me and exhales.

“Adam, meet Molly.”

Furrowing my brows more in fear than anything, I swallow hard as I step forward and look down into the bassinet to see a red-faced miniature version of Hannah. My heart slams into my throat as time stands still and everything around my stops.

All I can see is Molly.

My beautiful Molly, and the love and adoration flowing through me is through the roof. I felt this when we had our twins, but this time, it’s enhanced and the emotion is stronger. She’s my little girl, my angel, and my heart instantly overflows with love for my Molly.

My eyes mist up as Hannah leans in picking her up. Her soft cries clench at my heart and I want to take the hurt away. Whatever it is. Hannah sniffs and holds Molly out to me. I open my eyes wide and my bottom lip trembles as I reach out taking her into my arms. Her tiny body against my chest feels perfect, and as she instantly stops crying, but I start. The salt water drops from my eyes down my cheeks as I hold onto my daughter for the very first time.

She… is… perfect.

A sob escapes me as I lean in and kiss her perfectly round head, spattered with tiny brown hairs noticing that Hannah’s crying too. She leans into my side cuddling into me while I cry like a baby and hold our daughter as she nuzzles into me and sleeps soundly.

“Seems like she just needed her daddy,” Hannah whispers.

Taking in a deep stuttered breath, I nod and lean in kissing Hannah’s temple as I rock Molly gently. I haven’t felt this emotional since… well…

I stand in statue just holding her, taking in her sweet baby smell, looking at her beautiful baby features as she sleeps soundly in my arms. I’m taking in this moment, I’m living in the now, and revelling in the fact that I’m here with my daughter, holding her and she’s all mine.
Daddy’s little girl.

She wriggles slightly in my arms after I don’t even know how long with me standing just staring at her. Hannah cuddled at my side watching me watching Molly.

“I should let her sleep,” I whisper and Hannah smiles and nods. I lean in kissing Molly, my lips linger on her soft warm skin and a tear drops on her forehead as I pull away. I quickly wipe it and Hannah half-smiles while taking her from me and placing her back in the bassinet.

“You okay, Daddy?” she asks.

Smiling, I look at Molly and nod. “Yeah… I think I am.”

She rubs my back and then slides her arm around my waist as we look down at our daughter in the bassinet. She really is the most beautiful baby girl I’ve ever seen.

“Wanna check in on the boys? I don’t want to wake them, but you can pop your head in?”

“Yeah baby, I’d love that.”

She takes my hand and I take one last look at my daughter, blowing her a kiss then walking out of her room and down the hall to the boys’ room. Hannah opens the door and I pop my head in to see their room is still the same, they’re sleeping in their jungle themed beds with their night light on, and they look so peacefully asleep. I wish I could go in and touch them, just run my fingers through their hair, but I don’t want to wake them. There’s no need. I can see them properly when the job is finished. My head’s aching badly from my heart pounding so violently. Who knew being away from your family could be such a gut wrenching emotion when you realise it’s them that have been the missing link all along.

BOOK: Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3
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