Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3 (3 page)

BOOK: Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3
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Chapter One


Making it back to the clubhouse gates—thankfully in one piece—Doug, my cop partner infiltrating the Savages with me— or Sentinel as he is now known—is on the new corrugated iron and mesh gate. A modern state-of-the-art gate system was installed after the 5113ers blew up the old one, and club member Gatekeeper in the process. The new one doesn’t moan and groan like the old one did. Instead, it glides along the tracks with ease. As I ride through the gate, I come to a stop and look up the post to the top where Sentinel is stationed, and take a deep breath still trying to calm my nerves from the chaos that I’ve left behind.

“Glad you made it back. Prez, Techie and Chops are already here,” he informs me. Nodding with relief flooding through me, I pull back on the throttle easing my Hog into the compound to park it in its usual spot. As I duck walk backward, Shogun runs up wagging his tail and smiling at me like he always does. Since Cassius died, Shogun has been a lot more of a cuddler. I think he misses his friend. Hell, even I miss Cassius. It was shit the way he was gunned down. A dog should never have to be the casualty of a biker war.

Stepping off my ride, I take off my lid placing it on the handlebars and lean down giving Shogun a great big cuddle. “Hey boy. Good to see you.”

He licks up the side of my face as I chuckle. Standing up, I pat his head and step off toward the clubhouse doors. I need a beer, or ten, after that chase. Pulling back the big heavy black door, I wander inside. Mad Dog spots me straight away and marches over.

“That was a close one. If you hadn’t shot out their windscreen, it would’ve been much harder for us to lose them. I’m glad you managed to get away from the heat too.” He slaps me on the back and I nod.

“Yeah, it was tough. There’s a bit of carnage on the highway, but I left them looking after a wreck. They had no choice but to let me go.”

Mad Dog nods with a wide grin. “We all love a bit of carnage. You fit in here perfectly, Stealth, my boy. Now let’s drink.”

He nods at Penetrator, who’s behind the bar serving. Lookout hasn’t found two new prospects as of yet.

Mad Dog wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me to him leaning in toward my ear. “Steel liked and trusted you. So I’m gonna trust you, too. You’re to sit in on all the club meetings from now on. I’m taking you under my wing. You can be my new protégé.”

Opening my eyes wide, I flinch back in shock at his words while glancing at his face. He’s smiling like he’s proud of himself. I take a deep breath wondering how easily this is all happening, and it’s all because of Steel.

“Well, thank you. I’m honoured!”

Mad Dog chuckles and slaps my back again letting me go, turning back toward the bar where our beers are now served. “Now drink, boy!”

Mad Dog walks off leaving me on my own a little shocked and slightly in awe. I fit in here so well.

I love being a brother.

I love this club.

I love this life.

And that’s what makes this so fucking hard. Since I’ve infiltrated undercover, I’ve had to tell my handler things about this place I actually didn’t want to. Things about my brothers I don’t want to confess, that will have the law coming down hard. It doesn’t help when your handler is your best friend and a man you’ve known for the last twenty-five years, growing up next door to each other and going to school together.

Hudson Stone. He’s a brilliant detective. Ruthless when it comes to bikers, but he doesn’t get that these guys are not all bad. Sure some are, like Chops and Penetrator. But guys like Techie, Lookout, Jigsaw, Ryder, Crash and Behemoth, not to mention Steel, are all decent men. They don’t deserve what I’ve done to them. Or will do, given time.

Then there’s Hannah, beautiful Hannah. My wife. The one who told me if I went undercover one more time, she was done. I thought being pregnant with our third child it was all a cry for attention—it wasn’t. She left me. I wasn’t even there for the birth of Molly, and I haven’t seen her or my twin boys Lucas and Logan since I started my job with this club. I’m too scared someone will follow me home and then they’ll be in danger.

I miss Hannah and my kids more than words can say, but this job is important, or so Sentinel keeps telling me. I’m not so sure anymore.

It’s been three days since Steel up and left, and Mad Dog is on edge. That’s why he decided on this gun and drug trade. He needs a distraction. It was a shock when he announced Steel went Nomad and left without saying goodbye.
I guess he must have his reasons.
I figure something went down because he said no one is to go after him and Willow or to harm her in any way. Chops didn’t seem too happy about that decision, so I’m assuming them leaving has something to do with him. In a way, I’m glad he’s gone, to be honest. It’s one less brother to be taken down in the end. Steel was good to me, bringing him down would have been the hardest of all.

Someone sits down next to me distracting my thoughts. Looking up, I notice it’s Skye and she’s looking at me, her eyes a perfect blue spring sky and her smile warmer than the summer sun. Her blonde hair cascading perfectly over her shoulders in waves like a Grecian goddess. The makeup on her face is just enough to make her skin flawless and epically beautiful. My eyes fall on her left arm to see her black and grey sleeve of tattoos covering the length of her arm. I lick my lips as my gaze drops to her thighs barely covered by short shorts proudly showing her coloured tattoos that read,
on her right leg and
on her left, with flowers and birds surrounding the lettering. For a club girl, she has the sultry look down pat, but she isn’t slutty like Jess or Emma.

She is perfectly gorgeous.

The total opposite to Hannah, not that Hannah isn’t gorgeous. She’s a natural beauty. Skye is too, and I’m sure without the makeup and tattoos, she’d be just as stunning. But with the added extras, it just gives her an edge. She’s striking and my cock is twitching in my pants just looking at her. Since the moment I first saw Skye when I walked into the Virginia Satan’s Savages clubrooms, I was drawn to her. She has a spark, an energy, a beauty, that pulls me to her. But I feel like even though everything in me wants to get to know her physically, my thoughts of Hannah are stopping me.

“So Stealth, heard you had a rumble with the heat. That’s a hard day’s work. You need something to take the edge off? Are you ready to mingle with the club girls yet?” she asks with a cute little smile that makes my balls ache.

Smirking, I chuckle slightly, but then Hannah’s face comes into my mind and I wince slightly. “No thanks, no offense.”

“None taken. I can spot a broken heart a mile away. I wanna help. I’m here when you need me, Stealth.”

I nod and she smiles patting my shoulder before she turns walking away from me. I can’t help but watch her arse as she struts off. My cock twitches again, and I shake my head at myself.
It’s too soon.

The thing about Skye is she’s apparently keen on me. She talks to me all the time, flirts like a trooper, but she always understands when I turn her down. She never forces herself on me and I respect her so much for that. She’s a great chick, and I really want to get to know her better.

“Emergency church, brothers!” Mad Dog bellows out from the other side of the clubroom.

Turning, I look around as everyone stands up and begins to wander off to the assembly room. Staying seated, not knowing what I’m supposed to do right now, Mad Dog looks right at me and waves gesturing for me to come over.

Standing up and striding over toward the assembly room, Mad Dog looks at me shaking his head and I furrow my brows in confusion.

“What did I just say, dipshit? You’re in on the meetings, remember? Or are you drunk already?”

Half laughing, I nod and walk through the giant wooden doors that I’ve never been through before, to enter into a rectangular room. It’s fairly bare, with just some filing cabinets and a large wooden table—the Satan’s Savages logo etched into the middle—with some chairs around it. It’s actually quite a buzz kill for me. The room is always out-of-bounds, I thought there’d be more to it than this. Walking in, I’m not really sure what to do or what the protocol is in here. Lookout points to the spare seat next to him, so I nod and sit down on the wooden chair as the other men take their positions around the table in their obviously designated places.

Mad Dog bangs his gavel, as Jigsaw sits to his right and the seat to his left is empty.

“Church is now in session. Right first things first… Chops, you’re a fucking idiot.”

Chops chuckles. “Why, thank you.”

Mad Dog frowns and sits up a little straighter in his chair. “I’m being serious you fucking cock. Doing a burnout? Normally I wouldn’t give a shit, but at least be fucking smart about it and check there’s no fucking heat around before you do it next time you moron.”

Chops smirks and sighs. “Yeah, yeah. It was dumb, so sue me. We all got back in one piece. Sure there was a little carnage that will make the six o’clock news, but so what. People eat this shit up for dinner. The world loves chaos, and we’re merely here to give it to them.”

Mad Dog raises his eyebrow and shakes his head. “Not at the cost of getting arrested. If Stealth had gotten caught, that would be on you.”

“Meh, I could live with that,” Chops declares. Furrowing my brows, I curl up my lip at his blatant disrespect for me.

Mad Dog slams his fist down on the table, the loud bang resonating through the room. “Damn it, Chops. Will. You. Take. This. Seriously.”

He huffs and nods. “Okay, right. It was a dick move, and I should’ve checked for the heat. Or better yet, not have done it at all. I just hate being wrong you know that.”

Opening my eyes wide, I chew on the inside of my cheek. I’ve never heard Chops admit he was wrong before. It’s actually quite refreshing.

“Thank you. It’s interesting to know you can be sensible sometimes considering what we have to do next,” Mad Dog states. I turn facing him wondering what he means. “We gotta vote in a new VP. I need someone who’s been with the club for a long time and knows the ins and outs. I realise most of you are happy in your placements at the moment, and others are too inexperienced to take the position. So in my eyes, there’s really only one candidate that suits the position if he’ll stop being an egotistical cock face.”

Chops sits up taller in his seat and grins maniacally as a shiver runs straight down my spine.

“I nominate Chops for the position of Vice President. What say you brothers?”

Everyone’s quiet and Chops furrows his brows as silence reigns the room.

“Well, I’ll start… aye,” Mad Dog calls and Chops smiles.

Chops glares at Behemoth and he winces and swallows hard. “Aye,” he murmurs.

“Aye,” Lookout says next followed by Crash, then everyone starts to slowly say it, but their voices are hesitant like they’re only saying it because there’s no other option.

“Aye,” I say even though having Chops as my VP is one of the scariest thoughts I could possibly imagine. Having him being able to make decisions in Mad Dog’s absence is not something I’m okay with.

Chops smiles wide as Mad Dog bangs his gavel and grins along with him. “Chops, it’s taken three decades. But finally, you’re my VP. Come grab your chair, brother,” Mad Dog announces pushing out the chair to his left with his foot.

Chops stands abruptly almost pushing over his chair and hoofs it over to the VP position. My stomach is twisting on itself as he takes a deep breath standing in front of Steel’s old spot and plants his disgusting arse in Steel’s rightful place.

“This feels so good,” Chops says running his hands over the chairs arms and smirking widely.

I glance around the room at everyone else and they’re all frowning. No one else is impressed with this rank shift either. I’m glad it’s not just me.

“This should’ve been me in the first place,” Chops grumbles.

“What?” Mad Dog asks.

“Steel was never the right man for the job, was he?”

Mad Dog stiffens in his seat and clenches his jaw. “Watch it!”

“Seriously, at the first sign of trouble he left chasing pussy. What kind of brother does that?”

Mad Dog slams his fist onto the table and glares at him. “He left because of you. If you don’t watch your fucking mouth, I’ll take this position back off you as quickly as I gave it to you, you little cunt.”

“Just remember who started this club with you, Mad Dog. Remember who had this vision with you. That little traitor wasn’t even a twinkle in your balls when we started this. I deserve this patch.”

Mad Dog huffs and shakes his head. “Don’t think you’re entitled just because you’ve been here from the start. That don’t mean shit. You earn your place here. So shut up and act like a VP, not like a fucking spoiled arse. Stop talking about the kid, or I’ll have you strung up and sent to Jigsaw.”

Chops smirks and nods. “Okay, old man, keep your knickers on. I just like to wind you up. Keep you on your toes and all that. I’ll be the best damn VP you’ve ever had. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about a thing.”

Mad Dog huffs shaking his head, then rubs his beard. “Just keep it in line, Chops… Right, to other business. Lookout where you at with finding us some new prospects?”

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