Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3 (21 page)

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She smirks and rolls her eyes. “Stealth and I fucked… hard and dirty against the wall. I screamed so hard when I came I’m surprised you didn’t hear me. His cock is
big I’m still aching from the intense pounding he gave me.” She starts to rub her hands all over her tits, putting on quite a show. “I don’t think sex with anyone else could ever be as gratifying, and as mentally thrilling as with Stealth. He’s a love machine, and his rod is made of a powerful magnificence, I’m still dripping wet from just thinking about it.” She pants hard as if she’s on the edge of having another orgasm, and I sit here stunned at her performance and words. The other guys all stare at her, hanging on her every word with mouths open and I think they have semi-wood, as she rubs her hands up and down her body. Hell, even I’m getting a semi-hard on again.

Coughing slightly trying to break the tension, Skye starts laughing and turns to face me with a smirk. “Was that okay? Not too much?”

Smirking, I shake my head. “Nope, that was good.”

The other guys laugh as she cuddles into me and they all rearrange their cocks in their pants.

“Fuck, Stealth, you’re one lucky son of a bitch to have Skye all to yourself,” Crash announces and I look up at her and nod.

“Yeah, I am.”

She nuzzles her nose against mine and the guys all chuckle at our PDA. “You guys will be the next ‘
couple in this place after Steel and Flame, I’m sure of it. Skye and Stealth… Stye… has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?” Crash cheers and I look up as we all laugh.

“Umm, no, that’s not a good name Crash. I
do not
want to be known affectionately as an eye infection,” Skye says and my chest bobs up and down with laughter.

“Okay, then Skealth,” Crash replies and I turn my lip up as Skye looks at me.

“Hmm… our names don’t mesh well together,” I state.

Skye smirks and her eyes light up. “What about Skye and FIM… Skim. I like that one,” she announces and we all crack up laughing.

“So you’re a type of milk now?” Techie asks.

“I happen to like low fat milk, thank you very much,” Skye expresses making me laugh harder.

Techie looks up to the sky and I roll my eyes waiting for the fact session. “It’s a common misconception that skim milk is lower in carbohydrates than it’s, higher in fat counterpart, full cream milk. Skim has approximately four point nine grams of carbs, whereas whole milk has four point seven grams. But I guess if you’re going for an overall calcium and protein boost, skim is higher than whole milk, plus it has fewer calories.”

We all look at him blankly and I raise my eyebrow and shake my head. “So this matters because…?”

He scoffs. “Because skim is overall the best choice for you. Oh my God, I swear it’s like you people never even listen to me!”

We all chuckle at Techie’s expense as I glance over to the horizon to watch the sun breaking dawn on another morning. The sky is cracking in hues of dark blue and pink as the yellow shines above the grey clouds of another autumn day. The mornings are becoming colder, and as I wrap my arms around Skye to stop the chill from seeping into her skin, I can’t help but think of what the hell is today going to bring.

Chapter Eighteen


After sleeping for most of the day, because we stayed up all night after the guys got back from taking out the Ingratos, I’m now getting ready to leave for work. The party is still going from last night’s victory, and it’s been nearly twenty hours since they went in and took them out. There’s been no retaliation so far and that’s a good thing, I think. Hopefully, the Ingratos didn’t mean much to the Cartel and they won’t come looking for payback, but you never know in this biz.

Walking through the clubhouse, I spot Stealth at the bar with Techie. Smiling, I strut over to him to say goodbye before I leave.

“Hey handsome, I gotta go to work, but shall I crawl into your bed when I get back?” I ask nuzzling into his side as he turns to look at me.

“Sure thing, have a good night, gorgeous.” He leans in kissing me quickly and slaps my arse making me chuckle, as I pull away and march over to Jess and Emma, who are patiently waiting for me.

“You ready to go… oh, future Old Lady?” Jess asks.

“Jess, stop! You’ll jinx it!”

“Oh, whatever. You two look so happy it makes me want to throw up rainbows all over a bucket of puppies. Actually, now that I think about it, all the guys seem much happier today. Less on edge.”

Nodding as we make it to Jess’s car, I open the passenger door.

“I guess that’s what happens when you take out a rival gang,” Emma replies and we all nod getting in the car.

The drive to Strapless doesn’t take long and Vin is there waiting for us. Aimie and Jodi are already here, and Jess fills Vin in on the lowdown while I take up my booth at the back getting ready for my call. I have around five minutes before needing to be on stage, and I’ve already done my hair and makeup, so I’m going to take a minute to message an old friend. Pulling out my phone from my bag, I swipe the screen, enter the code, and pull up the messenger app to find Lunar’s name and type in a message.


Hey girl, how’s things? I miss the fuck out of you…


I wonder where she is and what she’s doing. If she’s having a good time with the rock guy Danger, and if he’s treating her well. She was a little hurt when all the shit went down with Steel and Willow, so I think leaving with Danger made her feel like maybe she was worth something to someone.


HEY!!! OMG, I miss you like a fucking recovering nympho misses the cock! Things are… GREAT. They can be a little testing at times, but Danger is amazing and very… attentive ;) But in all honesty, I really like him, like REALLY like him. I’m glad I left with him. At first, it was to get away from the club and reminders of Steel, but the more time I spend with Danger, the more I realise that me and Steel are friends and that’s all we ever were. The feelings I had for him were friendship and lust. It’s nothing compared to how I feel for Danger, I don’t even know what this feeling is Skyzer, it’s… breathtaking!


Smiling so wide as I lean back in my chair, I chew on my bottom lip and jump slightly in my seat in excitement.


I’m so freaking happy for you whorebag. It’s nice to see you with someone who appreciates you for you and not just ‘cause you’re a convenience, you know what I mean? Not that Steel ever treated you like that, but I’m just saying you and Steel would never have worked out, but I’m glad you’re happy and you’ve found someone who makes your pussy tingle.


Smiling as I hit
I stare at the screen waiting for her reply.


I am happy and I love being a rocker’s girlfriend. I kind of wonder what I ever saw in Steel in the first place lol Danger has the same broody confidence and dominance, but he’s a softy at heart. He’s broken, but I’m trying to fix him, slowly and carefully.


It fills my heart to know that Lunar is moving on from Steel, she was so set on them being together that when Willow came into the scene, she was all over the place. Although she didn’t let Steel know how utterly devastated she was. She threw herself into the arms of Danger, and even though he was on a rebound, it seems to be working out for her. But from what I hear, Lunar was a rebound for Danger too.


I’m so excited for you. You have to come and visit soon when Danger has a break in his schedule. But for now, I have to get ready to go on stage. I love your face whorebag and I’ll talk to you soon.


I put my phone away as Vin walks around the back and gives me a smile. “Hey, Skye darling, you’re up.”

Nodding, I place my bag in my booth and look at him. “Thanks, Vin,” I say grabbing my lipstick and quickly applying another coat. I pucker my lips and throw the lipstick in the booth, taking a deep breath preparing myself for another night of work. Turning to look at myself in the mirror, I stare at my reflection. I’m pretty, I know that. I could do more with my life than fucking stripping - I know that too. I wish I didn’t have to do this. I wish there were another way. I’m so sick of being a stripper and a club girl, but I really like Stealth and he’s the only reason I am sticking around. Before he showed up, I was thinking of bailing on the club, trying to go it on my own without them. But he gives me a reason to stay.

Taking a deep breath, I look down at my thin lacy robe and walk up to the back of stage one and up behind the podium. I can see Beats sitting in his booth over to the side of the stage and I nod at him. He starts the music and the RnB tones of
by The Weeknd filter through the sound system as I glide through the beads.

The sexy rhythm flows over the speakers as I strut out onto the stage in my six inch clear pumps. The place is nearly dead as I run my hands sexily up my half naked body and sway my hips to the hypnotic music. Strutting my way up to the front of the stage, I notice an old guy eyeing me with a dirty great big smirk. At least, someone is enjoying the show. Bending down at my hips, I slide my hand up my leg and then up my side as I come back up swaying to the music as it reverbs through Strapless.

I fucking hate doing this, but I need the money, so I do what I have to. Reaching out for the pole next to me, I run my hand up and down the cool metal and walk around it in a sexy strut as the old man ogles me from the booth. My leg comes up and wraps around the pole, and I swing around in a circle in time to the beat of the music, extending my arm out gracefully. Coming to a stop, I move from the pole and slide part of my robe off my shoulder. The old guy moves forward in his seat and rearranges his cock in his pants.

Dirty old fucker!

The front door opens and some men walk in wearing expensive suits, their ponytails don’t match their designer outfits, but a smile crosses my face thinking of the big tips they might bring in. As they step in and look around the bar spreading out, an eerie sensation washes over me. A shudder runs down my spine as I take in their Mexican appearance.

Swallowing hard, I shrug out of my robe and it cascades to the floor leaving me in just my underwear and bra. I kick the robe off toward the back of the stage. The old man grins happily and moves forward even further as I turn to see one of the Mexicans talking to Vin. My heart is racing in my chest. I’m pretty sure these guys aren’t just patrons. Something is happening, and I have no idea if I should turn and run or keep going. I figure running will only heighten the situation, so I grab the pole and hoist myself up flipping upside down and wrapping my legs around the top. As I spin around the old guy cheers, then a thud reverberates over to me. Snapping my head around, I watch a Mexican banging Vin’s head down into the bar.

Gasping, I quickly lower myself down and stand up as Aimie screams and rushes over to Vin. A Mexican pushes her to the floor as Jess, Jodi and Emma all stop and turn to look too. The old man turns, and as Vin falls to the floor my heart gallops in my chest. The old man stands up and tries to walk out, but one of the Mexicans walks up right near my stage standing in front of him.

“I can’t let you leave, gringo.”

My body tenses as the old man shakes his head and starts to back up toward the booth. “But I won’t say anything to the cops I swear.”

“Can’t take that chance esé.” The Mexican pulls out a gun, aims it right at the old man’s forehead, and pulls the trigger. A loud bang resounds through the club over the music. I scream loudly, my hands move to my mouth as I watch blood burst from the back of his head all over the booth while his body falls limply to the floor. My entire body is shaking, and right now the only thing going through my head is one simple word.


I turn and start to bolt, but a hand wraps around my ankle and pulls me. My body collapses out from under me, and I fall face first straight onto the stage floor. My head smacks right into the metal pole. The pain radiates through my temple as I groan on the floor of the stage, and I’m dragged to the edge in a dazed state.

“Trying to run, little lamb? You have nowhere to go. You’re ours now, you club slut!”



We’re all still in a partying mood and with all the girls out tonight at Strapless, my brothers and I are sitting around the bonfire pretty much just drinking.

“No, seriously guys… a Right Whale’s cock can be two point seven metres long, beating out an elephant’s at two metres,” Techie announces and I wonder how the fuck we got onto this topic of conversation.

“Better it beating
an elephant than beating
an elephant,” Crash jokes and we all laugh.

“Animals are Gods, Gods are caliph,” Jigsaw announces and we all look at him and raise our eyebrows in confusion.

“Right, you high again, motherfucker?” Lookout asks and Jigsaw chuckles.

“Perchance,” he says with a wicked smirk, and we all chuckle as an alert sounds on Techie’s tablet.

We all continue to snicker as Techie checks the alert, his face drops and he turns pale white. “Fuck me,” Techie murmurs.

“With a whale or elephant cock?” Crash jokes and we all laugh as Techie shakes his head and turns his tablet around to show us.

I glance casually at the screen, but when my eyes register the picture, my stomach churns and bile lurches into my throat as I stand up dramatically. My heart races, as I breathe harshly out of my nose and run my hand through my hair, as the other guys all stand up too and look closer at the picture. It’s of Skye, on her bloodied knees, in only her underwear. Her hands are tied behind her back, blood oozing from her forehead and a ball gag in her mouth.

Turning my back to them, as my heart is pounding so fast and my mind is racing a million miles a minute, I start to pace. Swinging back around, I glare at Techie. “Who the fuck has her?”

He shakes his head turning the screen back to himself and pressing buttons on the touch screen. He shakes his head. “I-I don’t know.”

“We need to get her back. Damn it, Techie.
Trace where it came from or something!
” I yell, gaining the attention of our other brothers.

He merely nods, not even looking up from the screen, and continues to furrow his brows and shake his head. “Fuck, they’re covering their tracks too well, the IP address is bouncing all over the place. I can’t pinpoint it.”

Groaning in frustration, I tug at my hair as my breaths come in short and shallow. Chops and Mad Dog walk over and the Prez furrows his brows. “What the fuck is going on over here?”

“Someone has Skye. She’s pretty messed up, Prez. We gotta get her back,” I beg and he squints at me and nods slightly.

“Let me see,” he asks and Techie shows him the message.

He huffs and clenches his jaw. “Reply to the message asking what they want.”

Techie nods hurriedly typing away as I inwardly crumble. The wait feels like a fucking eternity but is in actuality only mere seconds when the answer comes through.

“It says, your guns and drugs off the streets,” Techie responds lackluster, and Mad Dog throws his hands in the air and groans. Picking up the nearest deck chair, he throws it across the ground, it smashes into a tree and disintegrates. The sight would normally have me on edge, but I couldn’t be more worked up than I already am.

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