Styx (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #2)

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Authors: Victoria Ashley

Tags: #STYX

BOOK: Styx (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #2)
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Copyright © 2016 Victoria Ashley


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Cover Model: Dylan Horsch

Photographer: Furious Fotog

Cover Artist: CT Cover Creations

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Perfectly Publishable

Table of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three


Sneak Peek of KASH


About the Author

Books by Victoria Ashley


THE NIGHT IS ALMOST OVER, but the club is packed to the brim with screaming women, waiting to get every single penny’s worth of their cover charge for the night.

I don’t think I’ve ever danced so much in the whole time that I’ve been working at
Walk Of Shame
. It’s fucking insane tonight and to be honest; I can’t wait to be out of here so I can think straight.

“Over here, Styx!”

“Bring your sexy ass to us and take it off!”

“Huuuurrryyy! Now!”

A group of women over in the VIP lounge, wave their money at me and whistle for me to come over to the couch as if I’m their little pet.

I’ve gotten used to it, but sometimes it makes me wish that I could go one damn night without all the screaming, whistling and groping.

I can’t even count how many times my cock has been groped and pulled on in the year that I’ve been here.

Lowering my jeans down my waist a bit, I straddle the lap of the closest woman in my reach and grind my hips against her, while gripping her hair, like I would if we were actually fucking.

Hands reach into my jeans, tugging in between our bodies, and fighting to shove money inside as close to my dick as they can.

One even shoves her hand in far enough to almost grab my balls.

This has me standing up from the first woman’s lap and picking this new girl upside down to grind my crotch in her face.

She wants to grab my shit, then I’ll pound her face with it and give her a taste of what she won’t be getting tonight.

Squirming in my arms, she grabs onto my thighs and laughs as I gently bite her leg, before turning her around and setting her back on her feet.

Smiling, she places a twenty between her teeth and then bends down in front of me to shove it into the top of my jeans.

Hands grope at my ass and squeeze, my jeans immediately being ripped away, when I step out of them to get down to only my white boxer briefs.

Laughing, Sara, comes up out of nowhere and throws a pitcher of water at me, soaking myself and the women hanging on me.

This causes the crowd of women to scream and go crazy, enjoying the very visible view of my cock through the white fabric, as I fuck the air fast and hard.

Sara lifts a brow and looks down at my dick bouncing. “You can thank my ass later, big guy.”

Shaking my head, I wink at Sara, as money comes flying from all around me, women desperate to get as good a view as they can.

I notice two women come at me at the same time, before I hear yelling and see the taller of the two girls reach for the other one’s hair, yanking her down to the ground.

Kage seems to be too preoccupied with trying to get laid, to notice, so I yank the taller girl away from the girl on the ground and throw her over my shoulder, stalking toward the door.

She immediately takes this as an invite to shove both her hands down the back of my wet briefs and squeeze my ass as I walk.

Lane grips my arm as I walk past him to get outside. “Another female behaving badly or is your ass trying to escape to go get laid?”

I bump him with my shoulder, too annoyed to answer his dumb ass question. I need to get this woman off me so I can get this night over with. “Move,” I growl,” as I walk past him and into the grass.

With quickness, I pull her off of me and set her back down to her feet. She just laughs and reaches for my dick as if I didn’t just kick her out of the club.

She thinks this is all fun and games, but I don’t take someone getting attacked around me as a fucking joke.

I yank her hands away from my dick and help her down to the ground so she won’t fall over. “A cab will be called for you. Sit here and don’t move.”

Her eyes widen in disbelief when she realizes what just happened and that I’m about to leave her here. “Where are you going?” She yells at my back.

“Make sure she gets in a cab,” I tell Lane as I walk past him and back into the loudness of the club.

Taking a second to breathe, I glance over at Kage to see him hold five fingers up. Five minutes. Five more fucking minutes and this night from stripper hell is over.

My ass is about ready to fall over from exhaustion, but these women need to leave here satisfied and ready to come back each week and it’s my job to make sure that happens.

Nodding my head at Kage, I rush over to the other side of the room, where Kash is upside down on a chair, thrusting his hips in some girl’s face.

Picking some random woman that catches my eye, I pull her chair away from the table and pick her up, so that her legs are wrapped around my waist.

I place her hands on my chest and run them down my body, while I move my hips against her to the music.

She covers her face with her free hand, embarrassed.

Not wanting to get mixed up in the crowd again for the night, I focus my attention on the brunette in my arms, until the last song finally ends.

I’m standing here completely drenched now, half-naked and sweating my ass off.

Kage, Kass and Lane must notice how much tonight has kicked our asses, because they make their way through the crowd and start clearing out the room, being sure to keep the women at a distance from us.

“Holy fuck!” Kash runs past me, naked, holding a wet shirt over his junk. “This is the busiest night we’ve ever fucking had here. I need a few shots after this.”

“No shit,” I bite out. “Three different bachelorette parties this weekend and they all decided to come on the same night.”

Stone emerges from the crowd, with Sage wrapped around his waist. He’s soaking wet like me and Kash, but Sage could care less.

She just grips onto his face, pulling him in for a kiss and letting every other girl in the room know that they can look, and maybe even touch, but she’s the only one he’s going home with.

They’re closer than ever and I’m happy as hell for them.

After all they’ve been through, they deserve it.

Now to get the hell out of here before Kash tries dragging me out tonight . . .

Walk Of Shame
, shaking my dick for money, all I really want is a moment of quiet and some time to pull my thoughts together.

To be away from the screeching sounds of women screaming and hands clinging to my every muscle, desperate to touch anything of me they can.

As fun as it is to have it so fucking easy, and know that I can have any girl that I desire, I want more than that. More than a quick fuck with a woman that simply wants me because I’m a popular male entertainer with a big cock.

I may give off the impression that I’m a man-whore that takes any hot woman to bed, but there’s so much more to me than that. What I’m looking for can’t be found inside the walls of a male strip club.

I’m a giver and when I find that right woman, I’m giving her everything that I fucking have in me. Seeing Stone and Sage together only makes me want that more.

Until then . . .

A knock sounds at the door of my office, and right away, I know who is on the other side.

It’s a twenty-four-hour gym, but there’s only one person that ever comes between the hours of two and three a.m.

Sophie Miller.

Standing up, I rub my hands down my face and walk over to unlock the door for her.

I may be tired and stressed as all hell, but having sex with Sophie, distracts my mind for a few hours, at least twice a month.

She works late nights at another club and passes the gym on the way home, usually stopping if she sees my motorcycle parked outside.

Smiling, Sophie makes her way into my office, when I open the door for her. “Rough night?” She looks me over, her eyes filled with lust and need.

“Yeah,” I breathe. “Fucking exhausted.”

Dropping to her knees in front of me, she grips the button of my jeans and looks up at me with desperate blue eyes. “Hopefully not too exhausted. I need this.”

Placing my bodyweight against the desk, I grab onto her red hair with both hands and close my eyes as she twirls her tongue around the head of my cock.

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