Succubus Tear (Triune promise) (59 page)

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Authors: Andreas Wiesemann

BOOK: Succubus Tear (Triune promise)
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Ray Hughes was dealing with the parts of existence that were unknown to him. He didn’t really being in these waters.

Heh… waters… much like Peter walking out of the boat, eh?

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of this male and this female in…well, in what I hope is to be holy matrimony. Or at least to witness the union…well, you know what I mean…”




Cain looked at Al’bah. Her face was just as he had always seen it, had always remembered it. But it was different all the same. The way she looked at him, talked to him. For the first time, Cain could actually see the difference between the beauty of a face you just see, and a face that sees you…and that it is beautiful because of it.

“Cain Lamentson, do you take this woman, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer…”

How did I get here?
he wondered. To imagine that he would defy a demon! That he rescued a repentant soul from punishment!
To think that I would part ways with Charlie, find God, and, through it all, fall in love.

He reached out and touched Al’bah’s face. Oh, how beautiful she was. From the first time her eyes rested upon his, to now. Cain fingered Al’bah’s tear, still in his pocket. He was reminded of the kiss under the night sky in the boat. A kiss that was so deep, it was as though she kissed his soul.

No matter what, I am going to help her find a way to redeem herself! I will!

Cain glanced back at Pastor Ray Hughes, who had cleared his throat, and turned back to Al’bah. She was so beautiful, and so was the entire world. The world was full of the light and beauty he had only just begun to see.

“I do.”




Al’bah looked to Cain. She still couldn’t believe how much he had grown in the short time since they met. Never in her entire existence did she believe that she would be on the physical realm of Earth.

“And you, Al’bah, do you take this man, to have and to hold, in sickness and…”

Never did she believe that she would be joined by a man of God, to a human! A creature that was secured a place even above the Angels! She looked to his face. He was still thinner than when she had first met him. But he had an aura of strength now that could be felt, perhaps even by other humans. Everything about Cain was different. Before he looked to her in lust, in ownership, in possession. But now? His eyes were tender, and his hands had a transcendent touch. His kiss now drew her soul to his, rather than her fire, her passions.
Before now, he had his moments; a compassion she would have never expected when he refused to give her up.

Now? Now there was no confusion, no questions, and no actions bordering on rejection. She remembered how suspicious he was of her. How awkward his emotions were. This was all replaced by what she could only describe as
. She had never felt love directed toward her before. She only knew what it felt like from herself to him, but to
loved…it was…it was divine.

Is this what God’s love is like? No, it must be stronger! Oh! How far I have fallen, how desperately I need you, Lord! If this is but a glimpse of what you have for those that are with you.

“I do.”




“By the power invested in me…the rings, if you please.”

Cain produced Al’bah’s ring, which was a perfect match for her finger, and his own ring. A beautiful heartwood mahogany polished to a rich, deep brown-red, inlaid with sparkling silver that was a perfect contrast. Slipping the ring on Al’bah’s finger produced shivers of ecstasy, and she edged closer to her soon-to-be husband and rested her head on his shoulder.

With trembling hands, she produced her own ring and placed it upon Cain’s own hand.

Cain looked into Al’bah’s peaceful face. As she placed his ring on his finger, he felt it was more than just a piece of wood and metal upon his hand.

It was her.

It was her life.

Cain once thought marriage was the end of many good things. He found it so terrifically ironic that it was true. He was giving up so many good things, or at least what he once considered good things. To place his love and his devotion to Al’bah was more than an emotion. He could understand now what Purity meant.

For the longest time, I have been selfish. A path that was as wrong as it was lonely. Though I am not sure if this path is the right path to take, I choose it of my own free will. But this time, I am not alone. And I think I can understand now. I think I can understand what love is.

Al’bah opened her eyes and turned her face to Cain. She moved her lips closer, her eyes closing slowly, a tear running down the corners of her eyes. Pastor Hughes raised his arms. “I now pronounce you…”

She chooses me…and I have chosen her to love. She is my Bond. She is Al’bah. She is…we are…

“Husband and wife.”

Al’bah and Cain’s broke their first kiss as husband and wife, finding themselves in Purity’s presence.



The Call of the Nephelim




Purity stared at Cain and Al’bah Lamentson, Bonded spiritually and married physically. Their Bond was twofold and strong.

“Well done, both of you,” he said.

“Thank you, Purity. But I don’t understand why—”

Purity held up his hand. “A moment, Cain.” He turned to Al’bah and smiled brightly. “I shall speak,” he said boldly.

“I shall answer,” Al’bah answered, no longer afraid of his presence.

“Do you remember your sin against God?”

Al’bah lowered her head. “No, I do not.”

“Do you remember existence since before your punishment?”


“Tell me the reasons why the sinner is lost.”

“The sinner is lost from the offense of the rebelling against God. God is infinite. God is eternal. God is holy, and God is just.” Al’bah wiped her eyes. “And so the punishment for sin against God must be just as infinite and eternal.”

“Tell me the reasons why is there no hope for the Fallen Angels.”

“Theirs was a choice made in a spiritual state that was in the presence of God. The consequence of choice was never in ignorance.”

“And that is why you have hope, Al’bah Lamentson.”

Al’bah gasped and held her breath.

“Man’s sin against God too requires such punishment. Christ came to Earth to save man. Man was tempted, and failed. Man chose to sin, and can choose to accept salvation.”

Purity lifted Al’bah’s chin to have her face him. “Your race was a spiritual race created in a state of being that was unlike the Angels, and more akin to man.”

Purity took a deep breath in and spoke again. “As the mustard seed grows when it is buried in the ground, so you too, Al’bah Lamentson, have become more than what you were. Therefore, I ask, do you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior?”

Al’bah would have fallen to the ground if Cain didn’t catch her.


“Then be well, Al’bah Lamentson, and know that you will one day know the joy of your God and Savior. “




Cain held his wife, feeling her cry in joy and gratitude. Feeling his own tears run down his face.

He couldn’t believe it. Was it really that simple? Was it so—

“Was it not simple for you, Cain? Throughout your life, you ran from the Lord. And now you embraced your Savior.” He smiled brightly. “Well done.”

“Purity, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“Cain, all your life you were surrounded by so many people who witnessed to you. During your entire time with Al’bah Lamentson, she professed her love to you over and over again.” He placed his hand upon his chest. “My words would just be added to the multitude you have already heard, and no less effective.”

“But you’re an Angel, Purity!”

Purity held up a book and handed it to Cain. “And this is the Word of God! And you did not listen to that, either.”

“Yes but…your words did help me! When you told me—”

“You were ready to listen then, Cain,” Purity said, placing Cain’s other hand on the leather-bound Bible.

Cain carried the heaviness of the leather-bound book in his hand and opened it, noticing that it was a handwritten copy. Inside was written:


The Word of God as revealed to man, written by divine inspiration by man. This handwritten copy is presented to Cain and Al’bah Lamentson, by Purity.


Cain looked at the Bible, noticing that it was accented by golden feathers. “Are you sure?” he asked, holding it out to Purity.

Purity gently pushed the Bible back to Cain. “A wedding present, for you and your wife, Cain.”

“Thank you.”

“Do not thank me. Read it, Cain, and grow in your relationship with the Lord. Serve Him. Love Him, and love your wife.”

Purity closed his eyes and sighed. “My time as your protector is coming to an end.”

“Why?” Cain asked, fully confused. “What about Taint?”

“My role was a spiritual protector. You both have given your allegiance to God. Trust in the Lord, and He will be with you. But before we part ways, there is a task that I wish to leave to you.”

“Anything!” Al’bah cried out. “I could never repay the gift of salvation!”

“Steadfast, Al’bah Lamentson. This task cannot be accepted partially.” Purity turned to Cain. “Because of the Bond between the two of you, Taint is now able to become more in this world. There are great evils to face, and greater hardships to endure. Now that your Bond is solidified in marriage and love, you are ready to face them.”

“What evils and hardships do you speak of?” Al’bah asked quietly.

“When the son of Adam, Cain, killed his brother, he did not wish to leave the lands of his birth. Thus he spoke,
every one that findeth me shall slay me.’” Purity shook his head. “Cain was afraid of my fallen brethren.”

Purity looked at Cain with a slightly amused expression. “How very peculiar that you are named after that one. However, there was something else, something more significant to the union of the sons of God and the daughters of man.”

“What do you mean?” Cain asked.

Purity sat upon the ground and motioned for Cain to do the same.

“Genesis chapter six, verses one through eight,” Purity said.

Cain flipped through and read. “Sons of God? Daughters of man?”

“The beginning of the Bond that you and your wife share. Many humans believe that this event caused the Lord to flood the Earth. Genesis chapter six, verses one through eight, condemns
thoughts. It does not condemn His Sons or His Son’s children, the Nephilim.”

Purity gestured to the Bible again. “Job, chapter two, verse one.”

Cain flipped through again and looked up. “The sons of God again.”

“You will notice that Satan came
the sons of God, rather than the other way around. Meaning to say that we were not
by Satan.” Purity stood up and sighed deeply. “Everything had a purpose, and the Nephilim were described as the heroes of old, men of great renown. Your history is filled with stories of heroes conquering monsters and great evils. Thus, the Nephilim are called once more to defend this world.”

Purity pointed to Al’bah. “Specifically, your child, Al’bah Lamentson.”


Epilogue; Charlie and Stella

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