Succubus Tear (Triune promise) (61 page)

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Authors: Andreas Wiesemann

BOOK: Succubus Tear (Triune promise)
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“Oh, yes.” He got the camera out of the closet, and took a picture. “Al’bah, are you okay?”

“I feel weak, but I am so happy. Cain I-” Al’bah’s words dissolved into soft sobbing. “Oh Cain,” she cried caressing the face of their newborn child.  “A child,
child! Oh Rinnah, my most precious joy! Never, never forget that you are loved. Never, never forget that I love you, that your father loves you.”

To you, dearest reader; thank you.

I do not know what message, or worth, or meaning you took from this story. But just knowing that this story will last longer than me is a humbling thought.

All I can do, is leave you now with my promise to work as hard as I can to get the sequel out as soon as I can.

With that, here is a teaser… the first few chapters of the next book; The Greatest of all Nephelim.


There is a good reason why I do not translate Al’bah’s speech.
Because, in my mind Al’bah, and those like her do not normally communicate in any form humanity can comprehend.

From the little that is ‘kinda-sorta’ translated I always (try to) make it clear that what is translated or perceived is far more complex than we could understand. People might balk at this, stating that I could make the language simple if I wanted to. Yes, well…an apple is simple enough to understand for the layman, but an apple as a
is far, far more.

If you got that, I need to go no further.

But if not, an

A plant, a fruit, juice, a part of a recipe, food, a representation of knowledge, representation of sin, life, death, a source of healing, protons-neutrons-electrons, energy, red, green, yellow, multi-colored, a source of poison, taste, sight, smell, sound, a seed, a tree, a weapon, delicious, disgusting, to die for, to choke on, sour, sweet, tart, mushy, crispy…etc, etc.


Our perception is limited, we perceive what we want and filter out the rest. Al’bah, and those like her (in my opinion) do not. They
language, we can only claim to understand only so much with the little life we have.

As far as Al’bah’s internal dialogue… she presented me with an apple tree.. all I could do was take a small bite from one of its many apples, and write what I could.


  1. Tsumetai resei heiwa shiso
    = Literally; Cold calm peace philosophy
  2. Tsukidasu yasashī
    Gentle push
  3. Baka-sha
    = Idiot
  4. Cain-sama! Abunai kotow a kega no uchi
    = To knowingly flirt with danger invites injury

Sama = A Japanese honorific that denotes high respect. (Charlie uses ‘sama’ with no sarcasm)

  1. Ne touchez pas que les ordures
    = Do not touch that trash
  2. Ah-hoyo Harper-san
    = Hello, Mister Harper
  3. Watashi wa daikirai chichi
    I hate you, father
  4. Daijyoubu
    = It’s okay
  5. Seiko
    = (essentially) fuck you
  6. Ryouyaku-wa kuchi-ni nigashi
    = The best medicine tastes bitter
  7. Yasuukeai-no hayawasure
    = A cheap promise is soon forgotten
  8. Watashi wa idaina kanashimi de tatakau
    = I fight with great sorrow
  9. Mu-Onna / Yuki-Onna

Mu-Onna = A type of supernatural creature; literally means “nothing woman.” She has the ability to merge with living children, and absorb memories, thoughts, and desires.

Yuki-Onna = A type of supernatural creature; literally means “snow girl.” Usually depicted as evil, leading travelers astray and freezing them to death. Yuki-Onna is almost always depicted as an extremely beautiful woman.

  1. Ani sayonara. Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu
    = Goodbye brother, I love you
  2. Saidai no ai wa, kazoku kara shira retu iru
    = The greatest love is known from family



The Greatest of all Nephelim


Chapter 1

Rinnah Lamentson

“I warned you; touch my daughter, and die.”

-Al’bah Lamentson


Charlie unfolded and read and re-read the letter that his best friend for over ten years had sent him.

Dear Charlie,

Forgive me; I haven’t been in contact for these long four years. It is amazing how quickly time passes. I’m not sure if you’ll get this, but I have confidence. Or as Al’bah tells me, faith.

Al’bah and I are married. Aint that something? I even accepted Christ as my savior. I know what you’re thinking ‘what happened to Cain, right?’

Well, just to prove that it’s me; I say “the river gave us both life.”

Anyway, Al’bah and I had a ki
d together. Her name is Rinnah; the name was all Al’bah’s idea, it means ‘joy’ in Hebrew.  Al’bah tells me that she ‘knows’ that Stella told you everything by now.

I am dying to know what you think of it all; Al’bah being a Succubus, and all that crap happening because of some pissed-off demon.

Well, for the moment Al’bah and I are safe, but we need your help; all three of us in fact.

Rinnah is going to undergo some sort of transformation. The problem is; she needs to be in a safe spot for some time. Al’bah asked if I could ask you. She trusts you and Stella, and in truth; I can’t imagine anyone else who would be more worthy.

I know what’re thinking, “how can we take care of a four year old?” well, Rinnah isnt exactly –four– years old.

I know it’s hard to believe, but Rinnah is self-sufficient as any teenager. We also will send her with a generous amount to help with rent, utilities, and (God knows you’ll need it for this) food.

If you do not want to, or can’t, I understand; there is still enough time, Al’bah tells me that this transformation can happen anytime between three months to a year.

May God bless you Charlie, my one and only true friend.

In Christ,

Cain Lamentson.

Charlie folded the letter and put it away again. He shuffled his feet nervously in the airport terminal and was about to reach for the letter again when his wife Stella slapped his hand. “Seriously Charlie, you probably memorized that letter by now. Relax, Rinnah’s plane landed only a few minutes ago. She’s probably getting her luggage.”

Charlie chuckled nervously and hugged Stella. “I know, it’s just so amazing. Al’bah is a Succubus, and all the news we
saw about them on the TV. Then, out of the blue Cain sends a letter asking for
to take care of his
”  He was grinning ear to ear. The very day he received the letter he and Stella both sent him a response to the return address that was somewhere in the southern part of Mexico. Soon after that, they received a postcard from Colombia just stating the flight itinerary for Rinnah, and their thanks.

Stella sighed
; rolling her blue eyes, and brushed her blond hair out of her face. “Sheesh. Charlie, you just don’t know how much work this is going to be. I think your ‘Asian’ enthusiasm is making you blind to-”

“Stella! Charlie!”
  A voice called out.

Charlie turned around and was pounced upon by some teenager.

“I can’t believe it is you! Father told me so much about you, and now here I am. Here you are! Happy!”

Charlie’s mouth dropped, the teenage girl that pounced on him was an -exact- replica of Al’bah
. Her hair was long, reaching down to her hips, glossy and jet, jet black. And yet, Rinnah’s hair was flat where her mothers’ had a slight curl. Her skin had the same color and tone as her mother’s; a rich caramel color that was tinged with pink here and there, accentuating her jawline and cheekbones. And yet, Rinnah’s eyes were a sparking emerald green that one could get lost in while Al’bah’s eyes were a violet-blue. She smiled and placed her hands on either side of Charlie’s face and kissed his forehead. “Happy!” She cheered again and jumped down and turned to Stella, her face was a strange mixture of outrage and shock.

“Um, wow
Rinnah, you look just like your mother.” Stella said, seeming to be over her shock.

“Beautiful Stella,” Rinnah said with a refined curtsey.
 “Thank you for your compliment. Mother has told me so many good things about you as well. I am thankful beyond words that you would allow me to stay with you and your husband.”

“Um, yes.
  Well you are more than welcome, Rinnah.” Stella said and extended her hand.

Rinnah took Stella’s hand with both of hers and reverently kissed it. “This day I say truly; I am in your debt. My Mother and Father send their greetings, wishes for happiness and good health, and express that they too, are in your debt.”

“Um” Stella said as she retracted her hand “Just where did you learn to speak like that?”

Rinnah beamed “The Angel Purity has been my mentor. He has revealed to me the virtues of humility, grace, and respect. And I have chosen to embrace such.”

“Oooookaaaay.” Charlie said with a little exasperation, still feeling Rinnah’s kiss as a pleasant burning sensation upon his forehead. “Let’s get you settled back at the apartment. It’s a short cab ride, but would you like some lunch first?”

Rinnah’s eyes opened wider (if that was possible) at the mention of lunch.

“I am so famished!” She said “Yes, please! And, thank you!”

They quickly made their way to the airport’s restaurant and sat down. “Ooh, that smells so good!” Rinnah said, wiping her mouth with a napkin. She looked up to Stella with large innocent eyes and sighed. “The flight over the ocean was so
beautiful Stella! I have never gone so long without enough to eat.”

“May I take your drink orders?” The teenage waiter said, barely looking over his notepad.

“I’ll take mint tea.” Stella murmured.

“Distilled water, and the richest milk you have please.” Rinnah said.

“Pardon me, what did you mean by the richest- Oh my.” The Waiter at last deigned to look over his note pad and his face showed complete captivation of Rinnah.

“Well, buttermilk, or ten percent milk, the thicker the milk the better.” Rinnah said, wiping her mouth again

“I will see what I can do.” The waiter said with a happy smile.

“Hey buddy.” Charlie muttered grabbing another napkin. “When you’re done drooling over my niece you can take my order eh?”

“Oh, yes. Of course! Forgive me.” The waiter beamed, still facing Rinnah, but at least sparing glances to Charlie.

“A double shot of Hennessey, with iced tea.”

The waiter turned towards Charlie, still smiling. “I’m sorry sir. But all alcoholic orders must be made at the bar.”

“Right, I think the ladies also know what they want to eat.”

“Of course!” The waiter said, all too eager to glance upon Rinnah again.

Stella clicked her tongue at the teenagers obvious love struck-ness. “Charlie, does he remind you of someone? You know, someone Asian?” She winked, and turned back to the waiter. “Grilled chicken salad, no dressing, vinegar on the side.”

“And for you young lady?” The waiter said with a large grin to Rinnah.

“Um, three servings of fish and chips, and the noodle soup.”

“Sure you can eat all that?” Charlie said with a raised eyebrow.

Rinnah nodded and wiped her mouth again. “Oh, I am so hungry. I can not stand it!” She breathed.

“And you sir?” The teen said, this time facing, and directly looking at him.

Charlie shrugged. “Not hungry, but thanks.” He nodded to Stella, “I’ll be back, I’m gonna get my drink.”

“Could you get a glass of white wine for me?”

Charlie chuckled, “Do I really have a choice blonde?” He kissed her sweetly as he got up and walked to the bar.

“Yes sir?” The bartender said as Charlie approached, and sat down.

“A double of Hennessey and a glass of white Zinfandel.”

The bartender nodded, “That is a beautiful young lady at your table. Family?”

Charlie nodded “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” He was just about to get his drinks and go back to the table when a bearded man approached him.

“Top of the morning to you.” He said sketching a tip of his hat and smiled brightly.

Charlie nodded, but didn’t say anything. There was something -off- about the man. He was dressed in attire that had Celtic adornment; a rough wool overcoat and matching slacks, a thick sweater, and matching scarf that were woven in a ‘Celtic’ weave. And yet, his speech had nothing of an Irish accent. His eyes were a startling blue that positively seemed to overflow and twinkle with harmless mischief.

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