Sugar Crash (18 page)

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Authors: Elena Aitken

BOOK: Sugar Crash
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In the days after the party, nearly one hundred people signed up for the run in support of Team Diabetes. A number that far exceeded anything Darci could have imagined. Cam set up his store as the race head quarters and put together training schedules for anyone who wanted them. The runners were spread out among the distances, some chose the 5 or 10km, with some of the more accomplished runners challenging themselves with the full marathon. Others decided to join Darci and Cam and run the half. There was a large group of students, including Taylor who opted to do the ten-kilometer distance and even the ladies walking club, all seniors, signed up to walk the five kilometer distance.

Many of those who came into Cam's store to hand in their registration shared a story about someone they knew with diabetes. Some wrote notes of support for Taylor. Some just offered a hug or a smile. Instead of hiding from the attention and support, as she would have done in the past, Darci embraced it and when Cam suggested that she organize some group training runs, she readily agreed.

Taylor had been adamant about participating, and since she'd inspired the whole idea, Darci couldn't see any reason why she shouldn't run too. Darci did encourage her to start with a shorter distance however, and Doctor Wilson agreed. While there was no reason that her diabetes, as long as it was properly managed, should hold her back from completing endurance events in the future, they decided together that ten kilometers was a significant enough goal for her first event. Taylor took her training very seriously, just as Darci knew she would, and with the doctor's help, along with a bit of input from Joelle, Taylor quickly learned how to adjust her insulin levels to compensate for the extra activity.

Even Barb decided to run with them. "I can't really sit back and let you guys have all the fun now, can I?" she said when she stopped by Darci's house to drop off her registration form. They sat together on the porch, enjoying the warm day. "But I'm not doing any of those crazy distances thank you very much. I'll stick with the five kilometer."

Darci laughed because Cam had told her all about how Barb had shied away from anything remotely athletic since they'd been kids. She took the form from her friend and surprising them both, pulled Barb in for a hug.

"Thank you," Darci said. Her words were muffled in the other woman's shoulder, but she knew Barb had heard her because she squeezed tighter before pulling away.

"You're thanking me for running?" she said with a laugh. "Because you haven't seen me run yet. So I really wouldn't-"

"No. That's not what I meant."

Barb looked at her with those eyes that were so much like her brother's. They sparkled with the kindness and good humor that Darci had grown to expect from both of them. "I know," Barb said, simply. "I know exactly what you meant. But you don't need to thank me. I for one, am really glad that I finally made you sit with us at that game."

Darci laughed. "I'm really glad we're friends," she said. "It's been a long time since I had a friend."

Barb waved her hand in front of her face. "Ah, don't get all sentimental on me. But you know what else it's been a long time since you had?"

Darci's face flushed and she looked at her feet. "I know we're friends and all-"

"Oh stop it." Barb blushed. "I meant it'd been a long time since you had a man in your life. And I happen to know one who's available."

Darci crossed her arms and smirked. "Oh, do you now?"

"I do. And it just so happens that he comes from a really great family."

The two women burst into laughter together and when Darci's giggles finally subsided, her gaze landed on the flower garden she'd recently weeded. A few perennials were starting to push through the earth. Now that it was cleaned up, Darci could finally see what was growing there. The plants hadn't given up. They were starting fresh, and in a few weeks, they'd be blooming. And after too many years, Darci would actually be able to see and enjoy them because finally, she was ready.


The weeks flew by as Darci balanced work, Taylor's games and her newly discovered role as team captain in a growing community group of runners. Together, Darci and Cam organized a few group training runs, and together they all got to know each other.

Darci still preferred to do most of her training at night after Taylor went to sleep, and true to his word, Cam helped her. Without having to ask, most nights he would show up on her runs and together, they would navigate the streets. Some nights they wouldn't talk at all. Other nights, they were both so chatty, they had to remind each other to watch their pace and get their distance in

On the nights that Cam didn't join her, she missed him. He was easy to talk to and made her feel at ease no matter what subject she brought up. Darci couldn't remember being so open with any man, not since Ryan.

Two nights before the big event, Darci was running on her own. For the first few kilometers she glanced around, looking, hoping, that Cam would join her. After awhile she got lost in the rhythm of her steps and forgot that he wasn't next to her. She took a familiar route, the one that would take her past the cemetery. The route she only took when Cam wasn't with her. She slowed as she approached the entrance, but unlike most nights, she didn't turn in. Instead, Darci continued along the street taking the long way around.

When she came around the corner, Cam stepped out of the shadows and she felt her face split into a smile at the sight of him. He'd been waiting for her. She ran towards him, slowing when she approached.

"Hey," Darci said. "Shouldn't you be running?"

"I was waiting for you."

"Here?" She came to a stop and gestured to the second entrance to the cemetery. The one she would of come out of, had she taken her usual route.

"I thought you might have needed a little time alone tonight," he said. "You have a big day coming up, and..."

He didn't finish his thought, and she didn't push it. Darci knew what he was going to say. He had thought that she'd want to be alone with Ryan. She'd never talked to Cam about it, but it didn't surprise her that he knew where she went when she ran alone.

"I do have a big day coming up." Darci reached out and put her hand on his arm. "But I missed you. I'm glad you're here."

He took her hand in his and squeezed. "I'm glad I'm here too."

Darci's heart fluttered at his words. She took a step, closing the gap between them and before she could over think it, she leaned forward and kissed him. HIs lips were soft, like she remembered. But this time, instead of hesitancy behind the kiss, they were both sure of each other. He pulled her closer with his other arm and held her tight while their mouths continued to explore.

It was Darci that finally broke away, although reluctantly. She smiled up at him and said, "Let's run."


Race day dawned bright and clear. Darci and Taylor drove into the city with Tim, Barb and Abby. Cam had borrowed a passenger van and offered to drive anyone who needed a ride. Along with everyone else from Bayfield, they formed a small convoy as they made their way down the highway.

Once they arrived at the race start, Darci was glad she'd set a meeting spot for everyone. There were people everywhere. Cam had warned her that it was a big event and there would be lots of runners, but she wasn't prepared for the general level of chaos surrounding her. After Tim parked the car, they started making their way through the grounds toward the tents set up at one end of a large field.

"Are you okay?" Barb asked her. Darci hadn't realized she'd stopped walking and was frozen to the spot. "It's a little overwhelming isn't it?"

Darci nodded.

"Hey," Barb said. "Look at me." Darci did as she was told. Her friend looked beautiful. Her red hair was pulled back and her smile lit up her face. "It seems a bit crazy right now," Barb said. "But just remember why we're here. You've done something amazing getting us all to run today. You should be very proud."

Darci let her words sink in. After a moment she smiled and nodded. "Is it genetic?" she asked with a laugh.


"The pep talks? You and Cam both. It's like a family specialty."

"Must be." Barb laughed and grabbed Darci's hand. "Now come on, let's go find the group."


By the time they navigated the crowd and found the meeting spot, most of the group was already assembled. It seemed like a logical choice to meet at the Team Diabetes tent and it was great to see the entire team decked out in matching bright yellow and orange starburst t-shirts. When Felicity had heard about what was happening and what Darci was organizing, she'd insisted on sponsoring the team as well, with matching orange hats that read 'Team Taylor'. Everyone looked like a team, and judging by the energy buzzing through the group, they felt like one too.

"Mom." Taylor appeared at Darci's side. "All these people are here because of you."

Darci looked at her daughter. She'd seemed to have blossomed into a young woman over the last few months. She'd be thirteen in a few weeks, but the grace and dignity she'd shown, far surpassed her age. "No," Darci said. "All these people are here for you, kiddo."

"I love you, Mom."

Tears came to her eyes, but Darci blinked them away. "I'm so proud of you, Tay. I want you to have fun today, okay? Run your best race and just remember to have fun."

Taylor smiled and drew away. "Don't worry about that, Mom. Besides, we look super cute." She spun around, her arms outstretched. "And as we know, it's all about how we look, right?"

Darci laughed. "Who taught you that?"

"I did." Cam came up beside her and wrapped his arm around Darci's waist.


"Hey, I have a lot of coaching tricks that you don't know about." They laughed and Taylor gave Cam a quick high five before giving Darci a hug.

"I have to go find my team," Taylor said. "Have a great run, Mom. I'll see you at the end. Oh, and good luck on your speech."

Before Darci had a chance to ask Taylor what she meant, she was gone. Instead, she turned to Cam. "What did she mean by speech?"

Cam looked away.

"Cam?" Darci reached for his shoulder. "What did Taylor mean by speech?"

He turned and his face held the whisper of a smile. "Well," he said, "it's no big deal, but..."

"But?" Darci turned and scanned the crowd that was gathering. There were more people then she thought there'd be.

Cam took her hand and led her to a table. "It's just that you did such a great job at the fundraiser. I mean, Darci, you got all those people to sign up and be here today. All for diabetes research."

She glanced back at the crowd and then focused her eyes on Cam.

"Most of those people would never have even thought about training for a run before," Cam continued. "You did this, Darci. You inspired all these people."

Darci shook her head. "Not me," she said.

Cam only smiled and gestured to the table. Darci swallowed hard but let him help her up.

From her vantage point she could see the full extent of the crowd gathering for the race. The group clustered around her table was small in comparison. Still, it was overwhelming.

Cam whistled to draw everyone's attention, and then, it was Darci's turn.

She cleared her throat and tugged at her shirt. Scanning the group, her eyes rested on Taylor. "Thank you all for coming," she started. "I understand what a huge commitment this was for everyone, and no matter what distance you're running today, you have all made a difference just by being here."

A yell of encouragement rang out from the back of the group. Darci smiled and looked to the voice. Susanna, her hair pulled back into a slick ponytail, her face just as made up as usual, stood in full running gear with her number proudly pinned to her shirt. She waved when Darci made eye contact.

"This has been a true journey for me," Darci continued. "Truthfully, when Taylor was first diagnosed I didn't know what to do. I was overwhelmed by everything that was happening to her, to us as a family. And I was scared, because I was alone."

Darci turned and tears came to her eyes when she saw Doctor Wilson and Joelle decked out in their Team Diabetes jerseys and the bright orange hats on their heads like everyone else. They hadn't told her they were signing up. A tear escaped and slid down her cheek, but she didn't wipe it away.

"I know now, that I'm not alone. None of us are if we open our eyes and our hearts. You all have taught me so much about community and the power of love." Darci sniffed. She found Barb and Tim standing with their arms around each other. "Together," Darci said, "we can accomplish great things. With all of you here, in support of Taylor, in support of diabetes research, we have already made a difference. Together, we have raised thousands of dollars that will help fund essential research. But more than that, we've raised awareness about an often misunderstood and forgotten disease. Be proud."

Darci stopped and looked over the group one more time. "Now the hard work is done. It's time to put all that training to use and have a little fun. It's time to run!"

The crowd burst out in cheers and applause. Through her tears, she made eye contact with Taylor who was crying too. She blew her mom a kiss that Darci caught and held to her heart, closing her eyes against the rush of emotion. When she opened them again, Taylor was gone, heading towards the start line. Darci turned and let Cam help her off the table.

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