Sugar Daddies (44 page)

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Authors: Jade West

BOOK: Sugar Daddies
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I turned to face him as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

“You have too many clothes on,” I said.

“Far too fucking many,” Rick agreed.

Rick took Carl’s jeans as I took Carl’s shirt, and we stripped him a heartbeat, casting his clothes back along the hall with ours. His cock stood proud, and I took hold of it along with Rick’s, worked the two of them in tandem with greedy hands.

I dropped to my knees, gave them both a lick, one after the other, feeling like some kind of porn star, opening wide for two big dicks. I just needed some pigtails and false lashes. I found myself grinning as I worked those dicks.

“Our little miss is getting demanding.” Rick took hold of my hair, guided my mouth to Carl’s dick. I sucked him in, and Rick was rough, pushing me onto Carl’s cock until I gagged and spluttered. “Take him,” he said. “Swallow him down. All the way.”

But there was no way. It hit the back of my throat and I retched a whole load of saliva down my tits. It made Carl groan, made his cock jerk. I wanted it more. Wanted to swallow it all the way down.

“Upstairs,” Carl growled. “Both of you. Before I shoot my fucking load down someone’s throat.”

He pulled me to my feet, sent me ahead, and I squealed as he slapped my ass hard as I went. He slapped Rick’s, too, chased us both up. And I was giggling by the time we reached the top, heady and horny and desperate for cock.

Carl turned on the water and we stepped under the torrent before it had even warmed up. I didn’t even care, just let out a squeak as cold water hit my skin and my nipples pulled to instant hardness. Too cold, and then too hot, but it didn’t matter. Rick’s mouth was open wide on mine, his hand straight down to thumb my clit, and Carl was behind, his hand reaching between my legs, his big fingers opening me up.

The water temperature evened out, and it was bliss, raining down on my skin as the guys brought me to climax between them. I wrapped my arms around their shoulders for leverage, working myself up and down on their fingers, and my clit tightened and pulsed, quickened and sent me over the edge. I tipped my head back and came for them, a wriggling mess of moaning breath and a host of expletives. My legs felt weak as I came down, but it didn’t matter, they had me.

Carl grabbed a tube of something from the toiletries rack, and I figured he was going to soap me, but he didn’t. “It’s lube,” he said as he squeezed some out into Rick’s hand. He did the same in his own, and I watched him work it all over his cock. He took me from Rick, guided my arms around his neck and lifted me by my waist. I knew what was coming. I gripped him with my legs
holding myself up as he positioned his cock against my pussy. I lowered myself slowly, taking him an inch at a time.

“Good girl,” he said, and his hands were under my ass, hitching me up and down. He filled me up, thumped deep, and I leveraged myself, gripping hold and working that gorgeous dick, wanting it deeper and rougher and harder.

I was getting used to this, used to two, used to taking it and wanting more more, always more.

I felt Rick at my back, his chest against my skin. I cried out as wet fingers pushed their way inside my asshole, working in sync with Carl’s thrusts. I groaned as he opened me wider, leaning back to rest my head on his shoulder. “More,” I said. “Fuck me.”

He pulled out his fingers and rubbed his cock between my ass cheeks, and I readied myself, took a deep breath.

I let out a groan as he pushed inside. It took a few slow thrusts, Carl slowing to a standstill to let Rick work his way in. I hitched down on Rick carefully, so carefully, gritting my teeth as I went, groaning as he pushed past the tightness. He pressed his lips to my ear.

“I’m in,” he said. “We’re both fucking in.”

“I know,” I hissed. “I can feel you. It’s deep. It aches. It really fucking aches.”

“Want to stop?” he asked, but I shook my head, consumed by the joy of having these guys as mine.

They were mine. They were really mine.

“Don’t stop,” I said. “I never want you to stop.”

Slowly we moved, slowly they fucked me, alternating strokes, one in one out, until I loosened, until I stretched enough to squirm, wanting more. They changed their timing, matching thrusts, grunting as one and fucking me deep, two big dicks inside me.

“Fuck,” Rick said. He kissed Carl’s mouth over my shoulder. “I can feel you,” he said. “Your cock feels so fucking good, Carl. So fucking good.”

I could feel them thrusting, could feel Rick’s piercings as he pressed tight against Carl’s cock.

“Harder,” I said. “Fuck me harder!”

They fucked me harder. They fucked me rough. Slamming into my holes as they grunted and jerked and worked me into a quivering mess.

Carl braced himself against the wall, and Rick slammed in, and it really hurt, but it was a perfect hurt. I could feel the pressure in my belly building, nerves tense and achy, the need for release backing up in me. It was coming.
was coming.

I let out quick moans, levered myself up and down, over and over until the guys started grunting, their balls slapping wetly together. And it was fucking heaven.

“Fuck,” Carl said. “You’re so fucking tight, Katie, perfectly fucking tight.”

“Gonna come,” Rick groaned. “Need to fucking come.”

“Do it,” I hissed. “I want to feel you.”

I was crying out as they came, lost to the pleasure as they jerked and grunted and dumped their loads inside me. I stilled, my arms around Carl’s shoulders, catching my breath as they caught theirs.

I let out a groan as Rick pulled out, and my ass felt empty and sore. He pulled my ass cheeks apart and self-consciousness ate me up.

“Fuck,” he said. “That’s fucking beautiful.” He pushed his fingers inside and they went in so easily.

I groaned again as Carl lifted me from his dick. He kissed my lips, then lowered me, and my legs felt weak and bandy as I took my own weight.

He reached another bottle from the rack, and he smiled.

“Body wash this time,” he said, and lathered me up.

It felt like bliss.

One hot shower, two hot guys. I soaped them, and they soaped me, and then they soaped each other for good measure. I giggled as they washed my hair, too many suds, far too close to my eyes, but it didn’t matter. None of it mattered.

Finally, they held me, and held each other, and I breathed in the comfort of the moment. Three bodies skin to skin, breath to breath.

I loved these guys.

I loved this place.

I was home.

I sipped my cocktail, peering out of our booth at the empty dancefloor.

“Dance?” Rick asked. “Just say the word and we’ll hit the floor.”

I shook my head. “Later.”

Carl pressed closer to my side. “Whenever you want. It’s your celebration.” He clinked my glass. “To Katie’s excellent success.”

“To Katie acing the fuck out of sales,” Rick added, and clinked my glass, too.

I smiled, happy, bopping my head to the beat of the music. They’d picked a good spot, close enough to boogie, far enough to talk. And I wanted to talk.

I guess it was the alcohol making me brave.

“How would it work?” I said. “The… the baby thing.”

The guys looked at each other for a long moment before Carl answered my question with another question.

“You really want to talk about this now?”

I nodded. “I just want to know. So I can think properly.”

He smiled. “Whatever works. No pressure, Katie. If this isn’t for you, it isn’t for you.”

But it was for me.
were for me.

I looked at the people in the club with us, the couples going about their business, having a good time. I looked at the group of women at the bar, laughing and joking, casting glances in our direction. And that’s when it hit me.

If I wasn’t the one for them, they’d need to find someone else. They’d need to find someone who could give them what they wanted. Give them a family.

I thought about it being one of those women, the women flashing glances our way, wondering which guy was mine and which was free game. I thought about another woman having Carl’s baby, Rick’s baby, bringing up a family with these two amazing men at their side.

And it made me feel sick as a fucking dog.

I didn’t want someone else to have their baby. I didn’t want someone else taking my place in their life.

I took another sip of cocktail.

Drunk. I was drunk.

“So,” I said. “Tell me. How would it work? You must have plans.”

Rick cleared his throat. “We, um… we’ve given it some thought.”

“A lot of thought,” Carl added. “We come together or not at all, that’s the rule.”

“I know,” I said. “I get it.”

“But you don’t,” Carl said. “We wouldn’t want to know, not for certain.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“Who the father was,” he continued. “The
father. We’d rather not know.”

Rick leaned over, took my hand. “We’ll love a baby the same either way, it doesn’t matter. Why complicate it by knowing?”

I looked from one to the other. “So, you just… share… and then don’t know whose baby it is?”

“Exactly,” Carl said. “That feels right to us.”

“And then we’d live together? Bring it up?”

We. I said we.

Rick nodded. “I only work part time, it makes life a bit easier.”

“And how would you explain it to the baby? Daddy one and Daddy two?” The thought made me laugh and it shouldn’t. “Sorry,” I said. “This is just surreal.”

“It’s alright,” Carl said. “And we don’t know yet. We don’t know what the baby would know us as.”

“Daddy Rick and Daddy Carl,” Rick said. “I like that.” He smirked at Carl across the table. “I really like
Daddy Carl
, it suits you.”

“You can stop that train of thought,” Carl said, but he was smiling.

“And what about school? What about general life?” I continued.

Carl shrugged. “There are plenty of poly relationships out there. We’ll be honest with people, honest with our child, make sure they know how much they’re loved. Believe me, Katie, it could be a lot worse.”

“I know it could be a lot worse, I’m just… won’t they have trouble? I mean kids can be so cruel…”

Rick cleared his throat again, and his eyes were serious. “Kids are cruel to anyone who’s different. I had my fair amount of crap growing up. I mean, I’m bi, always have been, and some kids didn’t like that. But you know what? It didn’t bother me, not really. I had a great family back at home, who taught me I was worth much more than some cheap bullying. I had confidence and self-esteem and I was happy in my own skin. Words bounced off me. I know they don’t bounce off everyone, and I know it might not be as easy for our kid as it was for me, but in general terms, we’ll do our best, we’ll love them hard, and I think we’ll be alright. That’s my gut instinct on it.”

“There are worse things,” Carl added. “Much worse things. We’ll love them, and we’ll make sure they’re confident enough to make their own path, whatever that may bring.”

I leaned back in my seat. “Them? How many children do you want?”

The guys looked at each other.

“Sorry?” Carl said.

“You said, we’ll love


“So, how many?” I repeated. “I mean, this isn’t going to stop at one, right? You’ll want more?”

Carl’s eyes widened. “We haven’t really thought that far. We daren’t even hope…” He sighed. “We thought about adoption. Should we be lucky enough to have one of our own, maybe we’d adopt as well. Plenty of kids need a home. Don’t I know it.”

“And biologically?” I prompted. “You’d be happy with just one? How many would you really want?”

Carl took my hand, and he looked at me, looked through me. “However many you’d be willing to give us, Katie. That’s the truth of it.”

I laughed, shook my head. “I can’t believe this is happening to me. I can’t believe I’m even talking about having kids. I never wanted kids.”

“No pressure,” Carl said. “Like we said, it’s your call.”

I held out my hands, struggled with drunken thoughts. “It’s like asking someone if they want ice cream when they watched their best friend drown in a vat of the stuff.”

Rick smiled. “Sorry, am I drunk? Does that even actually make sense?”

“It makes a little sense,” Carl said. “And you
drunk, Rick.”

“I mean my mum had it shit,” I said. “I watched her struggle, watched her suffer, listened to her cry at night. And that was my fault. Because she had me. And we had nobody else to turn to, nobody else to make it better.” I sighed. “My grandparents live way up north, and they weren’t that great to my mum, to be honest, I think they’d rather not have had her, either.” I finished my cocktail. “So, the bottom line is that I
kids fuck things up, like I fucked things up for my mum. Not intentionally, just because that’s what kids do, they take your whole life and make it about them, that’s what has to happen.”

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