Sugar Daddies (58 page)

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Authors: Jade West

BOOK: Sugar Daddies
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“Yes,” I said. “Quite rightly so.
I’m expecting birthday favours.” I grinned. “Butlers in the buff when we get home tonight, I expect to be hand fed chocolates and showered with rose petals.”

But fate it seemed had other plans.

I’d only managed a couple of steps across the school, three at most, when I felt the gush of fluid down my legs.

“Oh shit,” I said. “Oh God, oh my God.” I looked at Carl and Rick and they were looking at me, eyes wide. “It’s happening, it’s really happening.”

They smiled, they really smiled, and I did, too.

My heart pounded, and I couldn’t hold back the giggles, laughing to myself as Rick and Carl dithered with phones and car keys.

They cancelled lunch before I was in even back in the Range, changed our destination in the Sat Nav, like we needed it. Like we didn’t know exactly where we were headed. We’d driven it a hundred times, just to make sure, just to practice.

I put my hand on Carl’s wrist before he turned the key in the ignition, took one last breath before our final journey as a family of three.

“This is it,” I said. “This is really it, I hope you’re ready.”

“We’re ready,” Carl said. “We’ve been ready since the moment we met.”

“Are we ever fucking ready?” Rick added. “We couldn’t be more ready.”

And so was I, I was ready, too.

Ready to meet our little girl.







As always, there are so many people to thank for the contribution to this novel!

Johnny, my tireless editor, here’s to another completed novel! You’ve done me proud, taught me so much, and never fail to make me smile in the process. Thanks for all the sparrow farts and the eagle eyes. Couldn’t do this without you.

Letitia, thanks so much for the incredible cover and graphics. I think this one if my favourite of all. You amaze me, and I’m so grateful.

Tracy, my PA and sounding board. What can I say? Love your face, and I love it hard. I appreciate all your hard work so much.

Michelle and Lesley, it was a pleasure to see you both in Birmingham. You are incredible, thank you for all your support and help with the street team. I’m grateful for everything you do.

Leigh, for the formatting, thank you for making this look beautiful. I know I’m writing this before you’ve actually made it look beautiful, but I absolutely know you will. I’ve seen the magic you work, and I’ve also seen the dedication you put into the projects you’re involved with (Liverpool – thank you so much!) You’re awesome. Keep on doing that awesome shit.

Lisa, you’ve been an incredible sounding board and an incredible friend, as always. Thank you so much. Your beautiful family mean the world to me.

Clarissa, thank you for the chat. Your input and honesty were so valuable and appreciated. <3

My street team – ladies, thank you so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’m always honoured that you enjoy my work so much you take the time to promote it. Super-duper appreciation from me. <3

My Dirty Girls (and now boys, too!) – seriously, I love our group so much. It’s fun, it’s honest, it’s non-judgemental, supportive, and a million different flavours of awesome. Your feedback is invaluable and your support humbles me. I’m so proud of our little haven, I really am. Thank you all!

To my beta team, your guidance and enthusiasm on this novel were massively valued. Thank you!

Bloggers and reviewers – thank you so much for everything you do for me. You’ve made it possible for me to get word out about my novels, and I’ve been overwhelmed by the support I’ve received from this community from the very beginning. You tireless enthusiasm inspires me. Thank you!

I have so many friends to thank! So many! My author buddies Siobhan, James, Jo, Paula, Mia, Azalea, thank you! My friends who get to put up with my crap in person – Maria, Nicola, Kate, Boo, Dom, Kirsteen, Lauren and Andy (who does the hot businessman thing so inspiringly well )

Jon, thanks for the love and support. I don’t know how you put up with my shit. With the incessant book chatter, and the mood swings, and my insane waking hours, but I’m glad you do. Love you. <3

And of course, my wonderful family, Mum, Dad, Brad and Nan. There aren’t enough words to say how important you are. Love you all. x




Jade has increasingly little to say about herself as time goes on, other than the fact she is an author, but she’s plenty happy with this. Living in imaginary realities and having a legitimate excuse for it is really all she’s ever wanted.

Jade is as dirty as you’d expect from her novels, and talking smut makes her smile.

She lives in the Herefordshire countryside with a couple of hounds and a guy who’s able to cope with her inherent weirdness.

She has a red living room, decorated with far more zebra print than most people could bear, and fights a constant battle with her addiction to Coca-Cola.


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