Summer Loving (2 page)

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Authors: Cooper McKenzie

BOOK: Summer Loving
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Chapter 2



Cole looked over her head at Dawson and saw that his brother felt the same amazement at her accurate assessment of the situation. Dropping his gaze again to the woman snuggled between them, he swallowed hard. She didn’t look scared. She looked excited and turned on.

Then he grew distracted at how perfectly she fit in his arms and how good she smelled. He gritted his teeth and fought the urge to rip off all their clothes and claim her right here in the hall. He could tell from Dawson’s expression that he felt the same way, but she needed to know what she was getting into before they claimed and mated her as their own.

“How do you know about shape shifters?” Cole asked.

“I’ve traveled parts of the world even
National Geographic
hasn’t seen. A couple of years ago I was in Romania, and my guide took me to a village that had nothing but wolf shape shifters. I also saw gazelle and lion shape shifters in Africa. What animal do you shift into?”

Cole heard movement behind him and watched as his brother’s attention was diverted from the woman between them. “We need to move this conversation to somewhere more private.”

He tensed for the few seconds it took Summer to nod in agreement. “I just hope the room isn’t too far away.”

He smiled down at her. “The end of the hall,” he said, lifting a hand and pointing over her shoulder.

Summer nodded and moved sideways until they were forced to release her. “Let’s go,” she said, taking off down the hall without waiting for them.

Cole grabbed her suitcase and hurried after her, his brother at his side. For a little woman, their mate moved faster than any other woman he’d ever met. By the time they caught up with her she stood waiting just outside the door of their suite. She no longer looked exhausted as she had when they’d first met her at the airport. Now she looked awake, sexy, and excited by more than just the first kisses they’d just shared.

* * * *


If Summer had more energy, she would be bouncing with excitement. Shape shifters had always intrigued her, and though she had spent extra time at those villages of shape shifters, trying to help, she’d kept those meetings a secret, especially when she’d discovered the gazelle tribe and the lion herd existed less than two hours apart.

Cole unlocked the door and pushed it open then stepped back and waited for her to go first. The lights were already on, so she didn’t worry about finding an intruder. For a moment she hesitated, her mind clearing for long enough to wonder if her long ignored libido was getting her in trouble with these two men. Cole smiled at her, his expression sending quivers of need down her spine.

Stepping inside, she slipped off her clogs and sighed as her bare feet settled deep into the thick, soft carpeting. “So,” she started as she left her shoes by the door and walked away to check out the room.

Her mother used to say that she had been a cat in an earlier life, for whenever she was in a new place she had to find all the nooks and crannies before she could relax. What she found as she wandered impressed her. The brothers Sullivan had spared no expense in providing her a place to take a shower and sleep. Instead of a single room, she found herself in a two-bedroom suite.

The bedrooms opened into either side of the sitting room. She walked through one room and then the other, finding both contained king-sized beds with nightstands and dressers with a subdued elegance that didn’t impress her. All she saw was the bed. The bathrooms were identical as well and both more luxurious than anything she’d experienced in months. Returning to the sitting room, she looked at the two men who had closed the door, but seemed to be waiting for her decision.

Not exactly sure what they were waiting for, but knowing what she wanted, she set her feet and crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her more than generous tits higher and more prominent. “So, which room is yours?”

Together the twins each lifted one arm and pointed to the bedroom to her right. With a smile, she crossed the room and took her suitcase from Cole. Walking to the open doorway of their room, she put her suitcase on the dresser.

“You have about five minutes to fill me in before I go into the other bedroom and take a shower until I either use up all the hot water or melt into a puddle of wrinkled goo in the bottom of the tub.”

“How much do you need to know before your shower?” Dawson asked as he carried her briefcase to the desk by the window while Cole led her to one of the long couches.

“As much as you can tell me in the next four and a half minutes.”

Dawson joined them, sitting on the opposite side from his brother. He took her hand while Cole reached up and threaded his fingers through her hair. She visibly shivered when he brushed the backs of his fingers up and down her neck.

“Sullivans are Irish wolfhound shape shifters. Our ancestors immigrated to the United States and settled in a hidden valley in the Smoky Mountains well before the country declared its independence. We still live in that same valley more than 250 years later,” Cole started.

“For as long as family history has been recorded, our line only births male babies and always has two at a time,” Dawson continued. “When we find and claim our mate, Sullivan men share their mate.”

“Share their mate? I bet Spring flipped out at that,” Summer said with a grin. “Winter probably accepted immediately and is planning to write a book about it. But at the airport and again in the hallway with those men, you said I was your mate. Does that mean…?”

She looked from one to the other to see them both nodding. Their expressions were guarded and solemn, and she could feel the tension radiating from them.

“We thought it could be possible the moment we saw some of the pictures Spring had of you,” Dawson said. “I don’t know about Cole, but just looking at your picture turned me on so much I had to take a good long run to ease the need to find you and claim you.”

Summer turned to Cole in time to see him nodding. “It was the same for me. Spring probably thinks I don’t like her because I can't step into their house without standing in front of a picture of you and staring while getting hard. If I spent too much time there I’d have to excuse myself to go jack off with the memory of your picture in my head.” He leaned in to rub his cheek against hers.

Then Dawson did the same. “I can’t wait to get you naked and taste the sweet cream I can smell already pouring from your pussy,” he said softly.

“Mmmm.” Cole moved even closer and pushed her hair back. He licked around her ear from top to bottom, then took her earlobe between his lips and suckled. He placed her hand palm-down over the fly of his jeans. “I can’t wait to slide my cock through your cream and fuck you until we’re both too weak to do anything but sleep before starting all over again.”

Summer moaned as her body reacted to the mental images their words created. Without thinking of what she was doing, her other hand moved to Cole’s lap, finding an equally impressive erection in his pants. Her eyes closed as her arousal built.

“But I’ve never been able to satisfy one man. How am I supposed keep both of you happy?”

The men looked startled at her blunt admission.

“Why do you think you can’t please us?” Cole asked gently.

Summer blinked back sudden tears. “My last boyfriend told me that he was tired of fighting my need for control. I only come once, and then I’m done.”

When she tried to move her hand from his cock, Cole put his free hand over hers and held it against him. His other hand ran from her knees up to within an inch of her silk covered mound. When she lifted her hips from the couch, he chuckled. “I don’t think you’ll have that problem with us.”

When his fingers traced over the silk of her thong, she sighed. “How long?” She forced her mouth to form the words though she really wanted to just give in and let them do whatever they wanted to her.

“How long what?”

“How long are you going to want me? Is this a one-night thing? Or just until I go back to work?”

The brothers froze then pulled away until the only thing connecting them was her hand on their cloth-covered cocks. She forced herself to open her eyes and look from one to the other. Their almost angry expressions had her yanking her hands from their laps to fold them together in her own. “What?”

“If we mate you, claim you as ours, you will be the only woman for us. For the rest of our lives, it will be the three of us only. Will you be able to accept that? Or should we stop now?” Cole asked, his voice deep and growly.

Summer looked from one to the other. Dawson looked worried. Cole looked pissed. She wasn’t sure what she felt.

“I’m going to take my shower now,” she said as she stood and headed to the empty bedroom.

“Summer?” Dawson called as she reached the doorway.

Summer stopped but didn’t look back. She couldn’t. If she did, she knew she would run back and beg them to take her any way they wanted. “I need a few minutes to think. You’ve just dumped a hell of a lot of information on me, and I need to process it before I can make any kind of decision.”

With that she looked back and saw both men standing and staring at her with a hunger and sadness she needed to relieve. “Don’t worry, I’m not running away. I’m just taking a hot shower.”

“Think of this while you’re in there. Two men of your very own. To take care of you, protect you, and meet your every sexual need for the rest of your life,” Dawson said.

Summer’s eyes went wide as she added that thought to everything else she had to think about.

“Want me to wash your back?” Cole asked with a darkly sexy smile.

“And I could wash your front at the same time,” Dawson added, pulling his shirt from his jeans.

“I think I can manage this time alone. But I’m going to need real food when I’m done if you have any ideas of claiming me tonight,” she called as she turned and headed to the bathroom.

By the time she’d cleaned up and allowed the hot water to pummel her until her fingers were pruny, she had a couple more questions, though she had already made her decision. After drying off and using up the tiny bottles of lotion she found on the counter, she dried her hair before wrapping a luxurious bath towel around her body.

Carrying her clothes, she left the bathroom and went looking for the brothers. They were still in the sitting room. Cole was pacing, and Dawson stood at the window, staring out so hard it was as if he was trying to see past the horizon.

“What about my job?” she asked as she crossed the sitting room to the bedroom where her suitcase sat with her clean clothes in it.

“What about it?” one of the brothers asked. Without looking in his eyes, she couldn’t be sure, but thought it was Dawson.

“I travel the world ten months of the year. You live in Sanctuary. How would that work?” She dropped her towel and pulled on a red thong and matching silk bra.

It wasn’t until she heard a soft growl from behind her that she remembered she wasn’t alone.

“We’ll work it out, though you might want to think about quitting or changing to a more advisory position so you could stay close to home. Mated triads don’t do well being away from one another for very long.”

“Hmmm,” she murmured, turning to face them in only her underwear. She was self-conscious about her voluptuous curves until she found them staring at her body with what could only be described as sexual starvation.

“My boss has been trying to get me to take an office job for over a year, but I loved the travel and wasn’t sure I wanted to be stuck in an office in the city. I wonder if he’d let me telecommute from Sanctuary?”

“If he doesn’t, we could always go and explain it to him,” Cole said as he rubbed one hand down the front of his body to the front of his jeans where his cock pressed hard against the material.

“So, what now?”

Before anyone could move, a brisk knock sounded at the door in the sitting room.

“Now we eat dinner and get to know one another,” Dawson said.




Chapter 3



By the time Summer emerged from the bedroom after dressing in clean clothes, the twins were arranging food on the table near the windows. When she joined them, they looked at her, and she watched their anxious, aroused expressions shift into what appeared to be disappointment in her appearance.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, looking down at her clothes. She thought jeans and a T-shirt were appropriate for dinner in their room. She’d only brought one dress and planned to wear it at Spring’s wedding.

“You got dressed,” Cole groused as he pulled back a chair for her to sit in.

“Did you want me to eat dinner naked?”

“Would you?” Dawson asked with a leer.

“I will if you will,” she returned with a grin.

The sassy, snarky, daring side she normally kept hidden under a veneer of professionalism refused to be restrained any longer. When the men pulled off their shirts, she laughed.

“If we get naked now, a lot of food will go to waste,” she said logically, “and I really am hungry.”

Turning her attention to the table, she was shocked at the sheer amount and variety of food on the table. “Are we expecting company?” she asked as Dawson held the center of three chairs with a plate and silverware in front of it.

“No,” Cole said, taking the seat to her left while Dawson sat on her right. “We just weren’t sure what you might want to eat, so we ordered a little bit of everything.”

Summer looked over the choices, and her mouth began to water. “How did you know all my favorite foods?”

She didn’t wait but began to transfer several stuffed mushrooms and other finger foods to her plate. Dawson served her a grilled chicken breast while Cole cut a piece of steak and added it to her plate. Then they each served her some of the vegetables that were available.

“We weren’t absolutely certain, but from watching your sister and brother with their mates, we’ve learned that mates seem to all have similar likes and dislikes,” Dawson said as he filled his plate.

“Four pieces of chocolate cake?”

“Three to eat and the fourth to play with later,” Cole explained, his voice dropping into a range that sent her simmering arousal higher.

“Mmmm, men after my own heart,” Summer murmured before tucking into her dinner.

As they ate, she asked questions about their lives in Sanctuary. The men answered easily. She learned that they ran a small, old-time general store that supplied the mountain people with things they needed, as well as helped run the bed-and-breakfast in the summertime.

Once she’d cleaned her plate, Summer felt closer to these two men than she had anyone else in her life. She looked at the cake with longing, but her hungers for other things demanded satiation first.

Pushing away from the table, she stood and walked away from the table. Without a word, she stripped her shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor. After undoing her jeans, she shimmied out of them and left them on the floor as well. She felt both men watching her as she walked to the far end of the couch and sat down.

“Would you do something for me?”

She ran a finger from the base of her throat to the front clasp of her bra. She smiled with both men growled softly before pushing to their feet and approaching

“What?” Cole asked, showing he was the more cautious of the two.

Meanwhile, Dawson answered, “Anything.”

“Will you show me how you shift? I’d like to see you in your other form.”

When the brothers looked at each other for a long minute, she wondered if she’d pushed too hard. She was curious, and if destiny put the three of them together, she wanted to see all sides of these men before making such a life-changing decision.

“If you don’t want to, that’s okay,” she said a moment later.

The brothers looked at her and then each reached for the fastenings of their jeans. In seconds they stood before her naked.

“Oh my,” she breathed.

Like the rest of their bodies, the twins’ erections were long, thick and drool-worthy. The need between her legs turned into an ache until she was tempted to jump across the space between them and fuck the hell out of them both without any further foreplay.

As her muscles tightened in preparation, the air around the two men shimmered. A moment later two humongous dogs stood where the men had stood but a moment before. Their fur was the same dark brown their hair had been in their human form, and their eyes were the same bright blue and green as well.

“Wow,” she murmured as the dogs slowly approached. Holding out her hands she allowed the dogs to sniff and then lick them before she began to scratch behind their ears.

The dogs moved closer and she found herself surrounded by the warm, shaggy dogs. She petted the dogs for a few minutes, but their fur brushing against her skin just added to her hunger for them. The arousal that had been building in her since meeting these men soon reached a point that it would no longer be ignored. She pushed the dogs away far enough so she could step from between them.

“I’m going to bed now. You can join me, but I refuse to sleep with, or make love with four-legged critters so you’d better—” She squealed when a large, naked man swept her off her feet and into his arms. Looking up, she saw Dawson held her securely.

“Relax, baby, I won’t drop you,” he said as he carried her into the bedroom.

Once there, he did not put her down her while Cole stripped the covers off the bed. Instead, he rubbed his face against hers and took a deep breath which he released with a sigh. When he started kissing her cheek, she turned and met his lips.

He tasted of man, sex, and hunger, a combination that dragged Summer under his thrall. She didn’t fight when he released her legs and slid his hands down her back to cup the cheeks of her ass. Instead, she shifted her body then wrapped her arms and legs around him, clinging like a koala in a eucalyptus tree.

Tilting her head a little more to the right, she pressed her lips even harder against his, wanting, needing, demanding more. She slowly shimmied her shoulders back and forth, brushing her nipples against Dawson’s light dusting of chest hair.

When that didn’t drive him past the limits of his control, Summer canted her hips forward, hoping to brush her clit against the head of his cock.

But he held her too high against his body for that. Shifting her hips again, she succeeded in brushing just the peak of her aroused clit against his abdomen. That tiny contact caused them both to suck in a breath.

Dawson pulled his lips from hers and frowned at her. “Slow down, baby. Otherwise I’m going to claim you right here, right now, and to hell with the niceties.”

His wild, sex-starved, burning blue eyes contradicted his words.

She leaned in and licked her way from his chin to his upper lip, which she took between hers and sucked gently.

When he made a low growling sound, it reverberated through her nipples and raced through her body. Releasing his lip, she murmured, “To hell with niceties. Fuck. Me. Now.”

Instead, Dawson kissed her hard and quick before hot, muscular arms slid between their bellies and pulled her away out of his arms. “I don’t think she needs much more convincing,” he snarked as she whined with disappointment.

“Shhh, little one, it’s all right,” Cole murmured in the same deep, darkly sexy voice.

Summer whined again when he did not release her, instead continuing to hold her around the middle so she also could not touch herself. The whine turned to a needy moan when he rubbed his lips over the spot where shoulder and neck met.

“More,” she begged, her voice tight with need. Need, hunger, and arousal twisted together between her legs, demanding someone’s attention immediately.

She jumped when shoulders came up behind her thighs to hold her legs wide apart. She mewed when a hot, rough tongue brushed between her legs, starting at the entrance to her cunt and slowly brushing its way up between the lips protecting her sex.

She began to pant when hot breath crossed her clit before his tongue circled it. Everything in her grew tighter and tighter. She fought to maintain control. Her brain suddenly clicked on, reminding her that if she came now, there would be no sex. She’d never had more than one orgasm with a man, and she did not want it to be over before either man had a chance to fuck her.

“Let go, Summer,” the voice in her ear commanded. “Come, little one. Give Dawson your sweet cream.”

“No, I can’t,” she cried softly. “It’s too soon. I want you to fuck me first.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll fuck you, but first I want to see you come with Dawson’s head between your legs,” Cole assured her.

Because of the way they held her, she could not escape their hold. Dawson took her clit between his lips and sucked hard while he slid two fingers deep into her cunt. At the same time, Cole took her nipples between his fingers and rolled them gently. The added stimulation shoved her over the edge into her release. A truckload of orgasmic fireworks exploded in her, burning through any control she’d ever thought she possessed.

She screamed as she came, causing her to buck in her men’s arms. Dawson stayed with her, sucking and licking and easing her down from her peak. Her arousal did not retreat completely as it normally did. Instead, it ebbed only slightly but kept her hungry.

She made a small noise of protest when Dawson lowered her legs from his shoulders to the floor. She continued leaning heavily against Cole, not sure her legs would hold her weight.

“More.” She started at Dawson as Cole’s hands continued to play with her breasts. “Please, I need more.”

“Shhh, little one, there’s lots more to come,” Cole assured her as he kissed her shoulder.

Dawson stood up and then lifted her legs so she hung between the two men. Then they carried her to the side of the bed and swung her twice before dropping her on the bed. She giggled as she landed on the bed, bouncing once before Cole was next to her. A moment later, Dawson had rounded the bed and crawled to lay on her other side. They were laughing with her, obviously pleased with her response to their playfulness.

“I don’t understand,” she admitted as she rolled onto her side and ran a hand up and down Cole’s powerfully built body. “This has never happened to me before.”

“What’s that, little one?”

“I’ve never come more than once with a man and never like that. With you I came harder than I ever have in my life and still want more.”

“Because you are our mate.”

She leaned in and licked at Cole’s nipples before moving farther south. She traced her way with fingers, lips, and tongue down his body to his cock. She licked his slit, tasting the fluid there, and made an appreciative noise before taking the head of his cock into her mouth. She lapped at it with her tongue as her hands continued exploring his hips, pelvis, and thighs before pulling off again.

Dawson, brushing his hands up and down her back and reaching around to caress whatever he could reach, only added fuel to the fire that burned in her. She needed more, and she needed it right now.

“Fuck me now?” Her demand came out as a question as she leaned across Cole’s body to kiss him.

Without breaking the kiss, he rolled her so she was lying on her back. She spread her legs wide to give him plenty of room when he shifted his lower body over hers. When he finally lifted his head, he stared down at her with a hunger she’d never before seen on a man’s face.

“Are you absolutely sure, little one? Once we mate and claim you, that’s it. You are ours forever,” His words were so deep and growly she barely understood them, but she knew what he was asking.

“I’m sure. I want you two beside me forever. Yes, claim me. Make me yours.”

A heartbeat later she felt the large head of Cole’s cock press for entrance. They sighed together as the tip penetrated, and he slid in her full length on the first thrust.

“You feel so good,” Cole said as he held still with his cock fully imbedded in her.

Summer smiled up at him. “You do, too, but I need more. Move, damn it!” She tried to buck her hips to fuck him, but he kept his hips pressed against hers to keep her still.

“Hang on, little one. You’ve got me so wound up that if I move now, it will be over before it has a chance to begin.”

She turned her head to look at Dawson, who was curled up on the bed beside her. “Help me?”

He leaned in and kissed her, taking her mind off the cock that was not moving between her legs until Cole sucked a breath and said, “That’s so damn hot.”

Cole shifted his hips back then began to fuck her with a strong, steady rhythm. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and held on tight as the fire of her arousal built into a white-hot blaze.

The fire carried her higher and higher as she lifted into his thrusts until she was certain they’d burn the hotel down. When he licked at the spot where her neck and shoulder come together then bit her, she gasped. An instant later she cried out as the pain turned into an intense pleasure, and she came again.

Cole thrust three more times before shoving even deeper. She felt his cock jerk inside her as he lifted his head and roared his release. Then he licked at the spot where he’d bit her before murmuring, “Mine forever,” in her ear.

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