Summer Solace (11 page)

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

BOOK: Summer Solace
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Gabe smiled and shook her again. “Jo, wake up. It’s late and you are cold.” 

She mumbled again in protest. Gabe remembered she had never been much of a morning person. He shook her a bit harder. He raised his voice slightly, “Unless you want another spanking, I suggest you wake up, sleepy–head.” 

That did it. She opened her eyes and allowed him to help her sit up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. As she stretched, she seemed to realize she was stark naked.

“Oh!” she said, her eyes flying open. Gabe reached down and helped her to stand. As the night air wafted across her naked body, she shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. “It’s cold!” she said.

“I know. Come on.” Gabe grinned as he climbed down the boulder and helped her follow. When he reached the water, he slid in and bit his lip against the chill. Geez, it seemed so much colder now.

Joanna eyed the water and shivered. “Is it really cold?” she asked.

Gabe considered lying and watching her jump in. That would serve to bring her instantly awake. However, his conscience wouldn’t allow it even though it would be almost worth it just to see her reaction.

“Yeah, it’s pretty cold,” he admitted. “Come on, get on my shoulders. I’ll walk us across.” 

She flushed realizing she would be straddling him the same way as she had that afternoon except that now she was totally nude.

Gabe saw her flush and grinned. “Come on, Jo. I’m turning blue.”  

He turned away from her and she gingerly climbed onto his shoulders. She wrapped her hands around his head and felt him grip her legs. She shivered for a totally different reason. Gabe walked slowly back to the beach. He really did not want to dunk her in the water by accident. Joanna squealed when his foot slipped and she gripped him tightly.

“It’s okay, honey. Almost there,” he reassured her.

She held her breath until his foot touched the sand and he walked out of the water. He lifted his arms and bent forward, easily lifting her from his shoulders. Once safe on the ground, he turned her to face him. She felt her breasts press against his chest. Her nipples instantly pebbled and she moaned, as they were still tender from his play. Gabe bent and kissed her deeply.

She kissed him back but he could feel her shivering. He released her and soon they were both pulling on their clothing. Once dressed, he took her hand and they turned toward the path. It had gotten very dark, the moon no longer lighting the entire area.

“Man, I sure suck for an Eagle Scout,” Gabe said.

She looked at him with a question in her eyes. He pulled her to his side and hugged her. “I should always be prepared…no flashlight so that’s not good, and...” he paused and grinned down at her, “No condoms, so what sort of Eagle Scout am I?” 

She giggled. “You are my hero!” she declared and stepped in front of him. “Besides, Girl Scouts always can find their way home.” 

He moved to follow her lead yet again. He trusted her completely but reminded her to go slowly. She was about to argue that she knew what she was doing when he spoke softly.

“You found your way home to me, my love, and I don’t want you hurt now.” 

Her heart filled and she made her way slowly around the boulder and along the path. She would never ever again come to this place without remembering this night. It had been special to her before, but now it had taken on an entirely new meaning. It was no longer her cove alone. It was theirs.

They made it back to camp without incident. They continued along the path to the bathroom. By the time they made it back to the site, she was yawning. Gabe looked at his tent. It was a very tight fit for just one large ex–Seal. He knew she would gladly share the tent with him and not complain a bit. However, he also knew she had to wake up and get to work the next morning. He knew she would need a good night’s rest.

“What time do you go in tomorrow?” he asked.

Joanna thought for a moment and then answered, “Dan opens so I don’t have to be there until about ten. Why?” 

He took her hand and pulled her closer. “Joanna, it’s late and you are tired. It’s time to get you home.” 

She wanted to protest but realized she was exhausted. She hadn’t slept very well the night before after discovering him in her woods. The rafting trip had taken a great deal of physical strength as well as the sun leaching energy from her. The stress of not knowing what was happening in her world had also added to her exhaustion. She had also been very well spanked and then very well loved. She nodded.

“Yes, Sir. I am tired,” she admitted. “Will - will you stay with me?” 

Gabe wanted to do exactly that. He nodded and put her into the chair while he made sure the fire was totally out for the night. He double-checked both his and Amber’s tents, zipping every window closed before pulling the flaps together and closing the doors. He made sure the rain flaps were secure. He turned to tell Joanna he was ready when he smiled. She had curled up in the chair and was sound asleep. He grinned and set about waking her for the second time. If he hadn’t known her so well, he might have wondered if she found him boring. However, she was a very passionate woman who gave it her all when they made love and inevitably fell asleep quickly afterwards. He felt a sense of pride that he had loved her well enough that she had fallen asleep, not once but twice, and he would bet his life on the fact she would be asleep by the time he got the truck down the trail.

She was grumbling a bit by the time he loaded her into the truck. He was very glad he had insisted on picking her up. No way could she navigate home in the condition she was in. Gabe buckled her into the middle seat and climbed in. By the time he turned the key, she had her head on his shoulder, her legs bent and on the seat behind her. He was glad he wasn’t a gambling man. She was asleep before he even turned the truck around. He drove slowly down the mountain, watchful of any animal that might dart across the dark road. When he reached the store where her Jeep was parked, he realized he didn’t know where she lived.

“Honey? Jo, wake up,” he said softly as he rubbed his hand down her arm. Her complaint at his attempt to awaken her was louder this time. Gabe sighed as he tried yet again. “Joanna, I don’t know where you live.” 

She stirred and lifted her head and pointed down the road. Gabe broke one of his own rules and rolled his eyes. She was adorable but he was getting very tired himself. The entire campground was dark and quiet. No lights were on at any of the sites. The campers had shut down their fires and were sleeping happily in their snug tents. He was more than ready for bed.

“Joanna, pointing isn’t helping me. You’ve got to give me directions or else we won’t get to bed,” he said, stifling his own yawn. The mention of bed and the fact he had said ‘we’ roused her. She rubbed her eyes and sat up straighter.

“I’ll just take my Jeep. You can follow,” she suggested.

Gabe shook his head and answered, “No, you aren’t in any condition to drive. You can’t even keep your eyes open.” 

She shook her head hard as if shaking herself awake. “Gabe, I have to have my Jeep to drive in tomorrow. It’s not far and I’ll be fine. Just give me a minute.” 

He was unconvinced until she climbed out of the truck and did some stretches and then jogged in place. He grinned watching as she did some squats and then ran across the parking lot and back again. He leaned against the truck and simply enjoyed the show. After ten minutes of exercise, she jogged up to him and smiled.

“See, I’m awake.” 

He nodded and walked her to her Jeep. She dug the keys from her pocket and handed them to him. He smiled, glad she remembered he enjoyed opening doors for her. He soon had her in the Jeep.

“Drive slow, Jo. I’ll be right behind you,” he told her.

“Yes, Sir,” she said and then giggled as she gave him a salute. He bent and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

“Funny girl. I’m serious, be careful.” 

She nodded and he closed her door. She waited until he was in his truck and then pulled out of the lot. She lived about five miles down the road with only a few turns. She drove slowly and braked as a huge raccoon waddled across the road in front of her. She smiled at the masked creature remembering the one that had startled her earlier. She continued and made the last turn. It wasn’t much further before she pulled into her driveway. It was a perk of her position that she was allowed a small house within the Park.

She shut off her Jeep and waited until Gabe pulled in beside her. He climbed out of his vehicle and opened her door. As she took his hand and walked up the drive, he took in the house. It was a small but pretty log cabin with a wrap–around porch with two white rocking chairs off to one side and hummingbird feeders hanging from the eaves. He could hear the sound of water and realized the house must back up on the river. The porch was bordered by a tidy flowerbed and he could easily imagine Joanna sitting here in the mornings enjoying her first cup of coffee. He again felt the waste of the lost years.

“Gabe?  Are you okay?” she asked quietly. He turned to see that she had the key to the door in her hand, the porch light illuminating her. He smiled and approached her. She handed him the key and he slid it into the lock. He pushed the door open and then bent to give her a quick kiss.

“I am perfect, Joanna. For the first time in years, I am truly perfect,” Gabe answered, meaning every word. She smiled and held out her hand. He placed his in hers and allowed her to pull him inside. He closed the door behind him and made sure it was locked. Joanna smiled as she watched him. He was always strict about personal safety.

“Welcome to my home,” she said, suddenly a bit shy.

He wasn’t about to let her remove any part of herself from him. He pulled her to him and bent to kiss her. “Anywhere we are together will be our home, Jo. I will never allow you to disappear again. You will never let anyone convince you that I don’t want you. You will always come to me if you ever have any questions or concerns.”  His voice deepened and was husky as he spoke directly against her lips. “Jo, I promise I will never, ever let you go again.” 

She felt her insides flutter at his promise and her heart filled with love. “Yes, Sir,” she said quietly and simply laid her head on his chest.

Gabe held her and then chuckled. “Come on, let’s go to bed before you fall asleep standing up.” 

Joanna giggled and forced herself to push away from him. She led him to her bedroom and was soon in the bathroom brushing her teeth and undoing her braid. Gabe had stripped down to his briefs and turned on the shower. It would be a tight fit, but he knew she would sleep better if she showered first. He saw her lean against the sink and was soon helping her undress. He led her into the shower and put her under the water. She smiled, her body relaxing even further as the warm water cascaded over her head. Gabe removed his briefs and stepped in to join her. He poured some shampoo into his palm and then turned her around so that her back was to him. He washed her hair and massaged her scalp.

“That feels wonderful,” she said, almost purring under his attention.

Gabe grinned and instructed her to close her eyes and tilt her head back as he rinsed the lather from her hair. He went on to wash her entire body. Joanna felt pampered and treasured as he took care of her. He quickly washed himself and then helped her from the stall and wrapped her in a thick towel. He wrapped another towel around his waist and saw her pick up the brush and moved to take it from her. She looked up at him in surprise and then her eyes moved to the brush in his hand. It brought back another memory and Gabe grinned at the look on her face.

“Relax, sweetheart. You haven’t earned a spanking, and besides, this brush sucks as a proper implement for your bottom,” he said, tapping the back of the brush against his palm. “It’s plastic and likely to break before I was through roasting your rump.” 

He adored the flush that crawled up her entire body to color her neck and face. “However, it will do just fine for your hair.”  He picked up the hair dryer and guided her to stand with her back to him, her hips captured by his thighs as he sat on the edge of the tub. She moaned as he slowly but thoroughly dried and brushed her hair over and over until it lay like a curtain across her shoulders and down her back. He felt an intense feeling of peace flow over him as he quickly braided it into a thick plait that hung down her back. He was so grateful that she had allowed it to grow. He loved the feel of its silky strands running through his fingers. Once he was done, he grabbed an old t–shirt from her dresser and pulled it over her head.

She was asleep on her feet by the time he tucked her into bed. He set her alarm and then slipped into bed beside her. He turned on his side and simply looked at her. A faint beam of moonlight came through the slatted blinds at her window and fell across her form. His heart swelled and he found himself blinking back tears. God, he had been adrift for so long. It was a miracle that he had decided on this place for the last family reunion before his little sister went off to college. A miracle he thanked God for before finally pulling Joanna to him. He spooned into her, his chest against her back, his arm lying gently across her waist. He heard her sigh in contentment.

“I love you, Jo,” he whispered. He knew she was asleep but knew that somewhere deep inside, she heard his words.



Chapter 9


Joanna woke to the incessant buzzing of her alarm. She slowly turned over, her arm snaking out from under the sheet and her hand flapped until she connected and slapped down on the button. She seriously considered falling back into sleep but even as she did, the memories of the evening before flooded through her. She sat up and turned to look at the other side of the bed. She saw nothing but a pillow. Oh God, she had dreamed it. She had dreamed that Gabe had forced her hand. It had all been a dream to escape the sadness of her life. Tears welled in her eyes as she turned onto her side, her arms drawing the extra pillow towards her. She wrapped her arms around it even as she pressed her face into its softness. It had been such an incredible dream, so wonderfully fulfilling, so….

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