Surrender to Desire (3 page)

Read Surrender to Desire Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Evans Brothers

BOOK: Surrender to Desire
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I think I’ll do what Marissa suggested. Take a nice long
shower, and maybe turn in early.

She could begin her housekeeping duties in the morning,
starting with Blade’s coffee, eggs over easy, and Texas toast.


Chapter 3

Oh crap!
jumped out of bed the next morning, swearing when she realized she’d forgotten
to set the alarm. It was five till six. That meant she had five minutes to get
Blade’s breakfast ready. Voices drew her blurry gaze to the TV, which was still
on. She’d fallen asleep and slept the whole night through. She rushed to the
bathroom, splashed some cold water onto her face, and dashed from her room.

Her mind was racing as she quickly filled the coffee pot.
She found the Texas bread in the fridge and popped two pieces into the toaster
that was on the counter. The clock on the stove showed it was ten minutes after
six. Grateful Blade was running late himself that morning, she began to search
for a frying pan. Just as she found one in the bottom cupboard next to the
stove, footsteps behind her revealed Blade had entered the room.

“Good morning!” Callie was so nervous she didn’t give a
thought to the way Blade was looking at her, or the reason why.
“I’m so sorry I’m late the first day. I, ah,
forgot to set the alarm. I fell asleep watching TV and slept right through the
night. I never do that. I must have been really tired.” She knew she was
chattering a mile a minute but couldn’t seem to stop herself. She was nervous
and aware she hadn’t made a very good first impression her first day on the
job. “Coffee will be ready in a minute. Just let me get these eggs going.”

“Hold on!” he barked.

Callie stopped what she was doing and waited for him to continue.
He was dressed much like he was the day before, looking very masculine and
capable of anything. As the silence grew between them she began to calm down.
And that’s when she became aware of other things, like the smell of coffee
filling the kitchen, the sensual heat in Blade’s eyes as they lingered on her,
the tic in his square jaw.
Is he angry
with me?

She knew the nightshirt covered her decently, stopping at
mid-thigh. Marissa was a little smaller than her, so the material covering her
breasts was stretched and she’d been forced to leave some of the buttons
undone. Callie glanced down to make sure nothing was hanging out. It was worse
than she thought. She wanted to groan when she saw how much cleavage was
exposed, and that her hard, brown nipples looked like they were about to poke
right through the filmy shirt.

Her gaze returned to Blade’s in time to see he was staring
down at her breasts. She wanted the floor to open up and swallow her, praying
he didn’t think she’d dressed like this to come on to him. Surely he remembered
she didn’t have anything with her. When his gaze drifted lazily back up to her,
Callie offered him a shy smile.

“Marissa gave this to me.” A slight draft brushed over her
legs, and for the first time she noticed how short the shirt hung on her. She
reached down a little self-consciously to feel where the hem rested against her
upper thigh.

His left eyebrow raised a fraction, and he crossed his arms.
“I’m not complaining. You show up every morning dressed like this and you can
be as late as you want.”

Her lips parted in surprise.
That sounds like a compliment!
His comment made Callie flush with
heat, as her body responded. She knew when a man liked what he was looking at.
After eight years of so-so sex with a man who treated her like she owed him
something for even looking at her, she was starved for some honest male
reactions. It was nice seeing the desire in Blade’s eyes, turning them almost

Nervousness caused Callie to laugh. She wanted to look below
his belt to see if he was aroused, but was afraid she’d give her interest away.
Suddenly her thoughts filled with the hot dream she’d had during the night. She
might have slept the night through but her dreams were erotic in nature and
included Blade, and a ride on his horse that ended much differently than it had
the night before.

Thinking about that made it hard to keep eye contact with
Blade. His intense gaze looked like he could see right through her, and the
last thing she wanted was him guessing that she was attracted to him. “Are you
hungry?” Callie could have bitten off her tongue, aware he could take the
meaning of her innocent question another way.

The smile in his eyes contained a sensuous flame, and the
sexiest grin she’d ever seen spread slowly over Blade’s mouth. “Ravenous.”

Callie didn’t know what to do with that. Instincts warned
her he wasn’t talking about food. She began to feel self conscious about the
nightshirt she was wearing, it was much too intimate for an employee cooking
breakfast for her employer. She would have changed before coming out but after
waking late her concern had been in getting Blade’s breakfast started before he
showed up.

Now, thanks to the smoldering look in Blade’s eyes and the
movement she detected south of his belt, Callie was growing hotter by the
second. He hadn’t even touched her yet and her nipples were tingling with a
burning need. As her body hummed with desire she spun around. “Let me get your
coffee. Do you drink it black?” She opened the cupboard above the coffee maker.

“Cups are up here.”

Callie was caught off guard by the sudden closeness of his
voice. She hadn’t heard Blade move. All of a sudden he was behind her, opening
the cupboard next to the one she’d opened. They were close-too close. She could
feel the heat rolling off his body, enveloping her in a cocoon of pleasant
heat. The pleasing aftershave he used teased her senses. She tried to pretend
none of that was affecting her, but it would be a lie-everything about him
affected her. The tingling intensified, moving from her nipples to her clit.

Damn! She didn’t know how long she could ignore the urge to
let Blade know she wanted him. Not as a friend or employer, but as a lover. A
one-time mindless fuck to cure the itch between her legs. Callie never thought
she would miss sex, but she hadn’t counted on meeting someone like Blade
either. Her woman’s intuition told her that sex with him would be mind-blowing.

Barely breathing, she watched his hand remove a cup and set
it on the counter in front of her. Feeling her heart in her throat, she slowly
turned against him to face him. Their gazes met, his smoldering with a flame
that fueled Callie’s hunger. Then Blade surprised her by reaching forward and
tucking the hair near her face behind her ear. Callie’s thick, long hair fell
to her waist. Maybe it was a bit old fashioned but she’d always felt it was one
of her best assets.

“Pretty hair,” he finally said. His intense gaze slowly
moved over her face, as if searching for something. “For a beautiful lady.”

Something inside Callie opened up like a blossom beneath the warm sun.
When is the last time anyone has called me beautiful?
Her breath quickened when Blade leaned closer. Was he going to kiss her?
Her mouth parted with anticipation. If he didn’t kiss her she was sure as hell
going to kiss him. She tilted her face to meet him halfway.

The slightest hint of a smile covered his lips, reaching the
glimmer in his eyes. He knew! He knew what he was doing to her. Only Callie
didn’t care. The years of submitting to a man who thought foreplay was grabbing
her pussy had her wondering what sex would be like with someone else. Blade was
slowly seducing her with just the heated promise in his eyes, making her wet
between her legs and weak in the knees.

“I’ve been thinking of these lips all night.” He ran his
finger over her bottom lip in a gentle caress.

His admission caught Callie off guard. She felt his other
hand burrow beneath the hair at the nape of her neck. Slowly his fingers curled
until he had a handful of hair. She whimpered as he slowly lowered his face.

“And what they’d taste like early in the morning, against

Using her hair to his advantage he pulled Callie up toward
him until their faces were mere inches apart. Her hands flattened against his
chest for support. Their breaths mingled into one and then Blade was taking
hers away, along with her willpower, in a kiss that sent spirals of ecstasy
through her veins.

Callie moaned with a growing hunger, accepting his sensual
attack on her lips. His firm mouth moved persuasively over hers, but tenderly,
as though savoring their first kiss, before tracing the part in her lips that
would gain him access to the inside of her mouth. When their tongues meshed his
groan vibrated throughout the kitchen, and then he was crushing her against his
hard body.

He seemed to lose control. Callie sensed what she was
experiencing was the real man beneath Blade’s quiet exterior. She had the
feeling he was more of a take action kind of man, and that was all right with
her, because right now his action was causing an inferno inside of her. A
kaleidoscope of primal emotions that threatened to consume her was exploding
throughout her entire body. She’d never been so overwhelmed with desire.

She became aware of everything about him all at once. His
hand was rough in her hair, as if he thought she would try to escape. His mouth
and tongue was devouring hers, leaving no corner or secret unexplored. A
muscular arm slide around Callie’s waist, and his hand began fondling her ass
while forcing her pussy against his throbbing cock. She met every caress with a
counter attack of her own, letting Blade see that she wanted him just as much.

Callie’s hands moved over his body, frustrated that his
clothes were in the way, until finally she pulled his shirt free of his jeans
so she could explore underneath. His groan told her he liked it when her hands
were against his bare skin, her palms moving over his tight abs and up to his
chest. She pinched his nipple, receiving a sweet reward when Blade’s hand
released her hair and moved to caress her breast.

A moan of pleasure escaped Callie, and she found herself
pushed up against the refrigerator. The coolness of the stainless steel against
her backside prevented her from boiling over. Blade tore his mouth from hers
and easily split the fragile shirt open down the front, and then from Callie’s
body. She let out a small sound, surprised at his state of arousal. Not once in
their relationship had Donald wanted her so badly that he tore her clothes off.
She found the action exciting, and erotic.

He kissed his way down to her nipples, where he rolled them
with his tongue.
Oh God! I’ve never felt
anything as good as this!
Callie hoped he’d never stop. She arched her
back, offering Blade her swelling flesh, silently encouraging him to do
whatever he wanted to her. It didn’t seem to matter that they were in the
kitchen. She prayed that the kitchen door leading to outside was locked.

Callie took hold of Blade’s shirt and pulled it open,
hearing several buttons hit the floor. She then put her open mouth on him,
moving over his heated flesh until she latched on to a taut nipple. All the
while her hands discovered how hard and sculptured his torso was.

“Sweet Jesus!”

His body shuddered violently and Callie smiled around the
nipple she was biting. Blade’s hips jerked as if out of control, pushing his
hard-on against her throbbing pussy. She almost swooned when the thick seam on
his jeans brushed against her pulsing clit. Now it was her turn to shiver
violently. She didn’t realize she was so close to climaxing.

“Blade…” Her voice was throaty with emotion, and a little

Did he even hear her? The kitchen was so filled with their
heavy breathing and moans of pleasure that it was hard to tell. Callie felt
desperation course through her body. She couldn’t help it. The rare times she’d
climaxed had been in the dark with her own fingers, and recalling the wild
movements of her body and her uncontrolled moans, she wasn’t sure she wanted
Blade to witness her lack of control.

If he detected the unease in her tone he ignored it. Before
Callie could say anything else she was being kissed again. She eagerly opened
her mouth to his tongue. At the same time Blade slipped a finger deep inside
her. She bucked her hips into the pleasant, unexpected feeling, sighing beneath
his masterful mouth. He moved in and out slowly, spending extra time stimulating
her clit. Every time his finger brushed over the swollen, sensitive nub, Callie
trembled uncontrollably.

Instinctively, her body arched toward him, and her hips
began moving of their own accord, as she strained closer to orgasm. When
Blade’s finger picked up speed, so did she. Her sighs escalated and his mouth
left hers to kiss and lick a taut nipple just as she exploded in sheer bliss.
There was nothing for Callie to do but let go and ride out the pleasurable
storm racing through her body, and she cried out, convulsing against him.

Panting uncontrollably, she clutched Blade’s shirt in order
to keep from crumbling to the floor. She was astonished at the sense of
fulfillment she felt. Her own driving need shocked Callie the most. She
supposed it was due to a long history of blasé sex. Now she knew what she’d
been missing.

A last shiver reminded Callie where she was and what she’d
just let happen. “Damn,” she said against his chest.

Blade slipped his finger from her pussy. “Now we’re even.”
There was a smile in his husky tone.

What does he mean by
With a frown she pushed herself back far enough to meet his slightly
amused eyes. There was no denying the flame of arousal in those dark orbs. Yet
he didn’t seem in any hurry to do anything about it.

“I don’t understand.” Something clicked in her mind, but
before she was able to say anything Blade spoke up.

“You’re sweet ass riding up and down my cock yesterday made
me come. I’ve never done anything like that in all my thirty-nine years.”

Callie tried to swallow. “Come?”

His laughter was a full hearted sound that filled the
kitchen. “Hell, no. I’ve done that plenty of times.”

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