Surviving Him (17 page)

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Authors: Dawn Keane

BOOK: Surviving Him
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“Let me know when you get there, I’m coming over.”

“Ok, will do, babe. Can you call my mum, and tell her everything’s ok?”

“Sure. I will see you soon.”

I can’t face talking to anyone else, not even my mum. I just want to curl up into a tiny ball and sleep for a week. I end the call. I see Logan’s eyes on me in the rear view mirror, watching me. My stunning hero.

Lee’s skyline stops in front of some huge black gates. It was still dark. We make our way through the gates and up a massive drive. It’s lit up everywhere. I look around the grand old grounds wondering where in the fuck we are. It looks just like one of those magnificent old English houses, a mansion.

“Wow, whoever lives here must be minted,” I tell the back of Logan’s head.

“Looks that way, baby. It’s some size.”

Logan follows Lee around the grounds and comes to a stop in front of the enormous mansion.

“This surely can’t be where Lee lives. It must have been turned into flats or something.”

We exit the BMW, and I notice the security cameras at every corner of the building. We follow Lee to the impressive front doors. I mean really, who needs a huge house like this?

Kayleigh and Amy are quiet, but taking in their surroundings, up until we get to the entrance.

“Wow, Mum. This house is awesome.”

Amy nods in agreement with her big sister and states, “It’s like a fairy princess castle.”

Her eyes are wide, staring at the huge castle-like house in front of her.

“It sure is that, it’s beautiful,” I say while I stare up at the building.

At the front of the house, there is an old statue type archway reaching up the front of the building surrounding the doors. The house must stretch out for miles over the grounds. It has great floor to ceiling windows, too many of them. It must have belonged to some king or queen way back when. Lee opens the front doors and we all follow him into the imposing lobby; the floor is what can only be described as a kind of marble. I would not like to clean this every day. I look up and see two sets of stairs curling round and meeting each other at the top landing, grey carpet and a black banister with a stunning design; flowers and leaves curling around one another all the way up.

Huge paintings hang on the walls, and exquisite, bright chandeliers dangle from the ceiling.

“Wow, this is stunning, Lee. Do you live here?”

I’m completely gobsmacked; it is just so beautiful, and I’ve only seen the lobby.

“Yeah, me and my sister.”

“Katerina lives with you? Seriously, is she here? I haven’t seen her in years.”

Both of them live here. I’m so surprised.

Katerina is Lee’s little sister. Waff, we all called her when she was a little girl; she couldn’t say her name properly so she said Waff, and it kind of stuck with her.

“You must all be starving. Do you want something to eat and drink?”

I can’t think about food, I am too wound up about what has just happened.

“I could kill for a glass a wine, if you have any. My life is officially shit,” I mutter, staring down at my boots.

Lee smiles and waves us all to follow him into the kitchen. It’s absolutely massive. My eyes pop out of their sockets at the size of this room; it’s unbelievably stunning.

“I think I can manage that.”

Logan puts his arm around my shoulders and leads me to the table that sits in the middle of the room.

“I’ve got all sorts; Jack, vodka, wine—”

“Vodka and diet coke please, Lee.” I stop him halfway through his sentence when I hear the word vodka. Maybe I should have waited to see if he said any other options, but I really need something to calm down my trembling nerves.

“Sure thing, sweet. Coming right up. Logan, you need anything, mate? Drink, doobie?”

Logan is watching me, scanning my face trying to read my mood.

“Vodka and coke, mate, cheers.”

His hand moves to my eye, where he presses something against it. I flinch and hiss at him; it stings like a bitch.

“Need to get this cleaned, Dana.”

He kisses my lips, and I instantly feel safer, so I let him carry on with what he is doing.

Lee shouts across to Kayleigh and Amy, “Ladies, what would you like? Come over here and have a look, I got all sorts.”

The girls run up and decide they want ice-cream and Sprite.

The kitchen door swings open and in walks Waff, looking absolutely amazing. She was just a kid when I saw her last, but now she is a gorgeous looking young woman. She stops dead at the door, drops her bag on the floor, and runs towards me with a huge I know your look face on her.

“And where have you been?”

She throws her arms around me, screeching my name, bouncing up and down.

“Hey, how are you? You look amazing,” I tell her.

“I’m really good. Where have you been?”

She looks into my eyes. My own lock onto hers; big and dark brown in colour. I struggle to speak. Suddenly, her eyes change, from smiling and warm to completely concerned, when it dawns on her I am hurt, and in their house late at night.

“Lee?” She turns to her brother. “What’s going on, and who have you got with you?”

She spun toward Logan, Kayleigh and Amy. I introduce everyone and apologise for crashing in on their home at this time of night. Lee takes her arm and guides her to the kitchen counter He updates her with the details of my shit life, while pouring us another vodka. I had thrown back the first one whilst listening to Lee tell his sister about the shit I had got myself into. I

It sounds awful coming from someone else. All the time he speaks, Logan keeps his arm around my hip, his fingers curled into my side. I look to Kayleigh and Amy, and they are so tired.

Waff notices my look of concern.

“I’ll go make up your rooms. You two want to come with me, and I can show you some more of the house if you like?”

Waving to the girls to go with her, they jump up and down in excitement. They can’t wait to see more of the beautiful princess castle-like house.

“I should have some stuff for you to wear to bed. Lee, you got something for Logan?”

“I’ll sort him out, sis.”

Kayleigh and Amy smile their biggest smiles.

“Your house is awesome Auntie Waff,” Amy shouts at her. They both follow Auntie Waff out of the kitchen.

Lee looks to the wall next to him above the kitchen counter. He has six individual screens, all with various images of the different sides of the house outside.

“We’ve got company.” Lee says.

I run over and look to one of the screens; Katy, Mandy, Rose, and Vicky are standing outside

“It’s my girls,” I say with a huge smile on my face.

“I’ll get the door,” offers Lee, as he turns and walks out of the kitchen to let the girls in.. ‘When he comes back I hear the girls talking about the splendour that is his magnificent home.'

“Wow,” Katy.

“Awesome,” Vicky.

“Fucking hell,” Mandy.

“You have got to be shitting me,” Rose.

I rush towards them, and we share a group hug, with several arms wrapping around my neck, I struggle to breathe.

“Hey, you’re going to strangle me.”

With that all the girls jump back, saying sorry. I throw my head back in laughter, and all the girls giggle with me. “Hey, this is Logan and Lee. The girls are upstairs with Katerina, Lee’s sister. We call her Waff..”

Rose, Mandy, Katy, and Vicky all step forward, introducing themselves to Logan and Lee.

Rose whispers,. “Seriously hot,” as Katy gives me a Wow. Oh my god. Look. Mandy is a shade redder and Vicky is just about melting on the spot.

“You got some more glasses, Lee? I need a drink,” Katy asks, her cheeks blushing a light tint of pink.

“Sure. Follow me, babe.”

Katy turns to look at me, and mouths, “Oh my fucking god.”

I try hard not to giggle, and fail miserably. I burst out laughing. Logan grabs me around the middle and surrounds me in his huge arms.

“Oh, Logan, I’ve so missed this.”

His heat hits my back, and warms me up inside and out, melting my whole body. If he didn’t have a firm grip of me, I’d be a melting mess on the kitchen floor. He pulls back my hair and trails kisses along my neck, sending that amazing sensation straight between my legs.

Rose, Vicky and Mandy shout, “Get us one will you?”

Rose takes a seat at the huge table with us.

“Get a room, you two. I’ve got some serious nerves to calm down. I’ve even been chewing on my acrylic nails for the last few hours. I never, ever chew on my nails.”

Rose has gorgeous black and red nails. I love them. I love everything about her, but at the moment she looks tired, but so relieved.

Katy returns with a few glasses for everyone, and pours their tipple. Everyone immediately chills out as the alcohol warms their veins. I start telling them all about
what happened
with Ian from start to finish, every single awful detail. Their eyes never leave me.

“Fucking hell.”

Rose takes my hand in hers, and her eyes are wide, searching mine.

“Get this girl another drink. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

I squeeze her hand back in reassurance

“I’m good, babe, thanks to Logan and Lee. I don’t know where we would be now if it hadn’t have been for them getting to us when they did. Ian is crazy. I think he’s completely lost his mind.”

Rose lifts her glass to the room and makes a toast. “Here’s to Logan and Lee. Thank fucking God you got to them in time.”

I raise my glass to Rose and the rest of the room. I shout cheers and knock back my drink. Everyone follows and raises their own glasses in unison. It is getting even later, and Rose, Katy, Mandy and Vicky leave to go back to the refuge. Waff shows us to our room after we say goodnight to Lee. The bedroom is really big, with a four-poster bed that dominates the space.

“Oh my god, this is gorgeous,” I announce as I walk around taking it all in. There’s white French looking furniture, and the carpet is the lightest shade of blue, so soft you could spend a night sleeping on it. A flat screen TV sits on the wall. The curtains also have a hint of blue; everywhere is white and blue. My description probably doesn’t justify it, but I hope you get the picture.

“I will leave you to it. I’ve put out some clean nightwear for you on the chair. There’s also new toothbrushes and toiletries in the bathroom. I hope you have everything you need.”

With that she left, closing the door behind her.

I take the nighty to the en-suite bathroom, wash my face, clean my teeth and brush my hair. I am shattered. I need to sleep. I look around the bathroom; it’s just as stunning as the other rooms I’ve seen, and it’s huge. The bath sits in front of the shower unit; I could sleep in that bath. The wall where the basin stands is mirrored, reflecting the light around the room. You could use it as a bedroom, so I picture how many beds I could fit in here while I walk back into the bedroom. I sit down on the huge four-poster bed and look to the ceiling.

“What a bloody day.”

Logan appears and settles down beside me. He puts his huge, powerful arm around me, tucking me into his side, and whispers into my hair, “It sure as shit has been one of those fucked up days. Everything’s all good now though. You and the girls are safe. I want you to come back to Scotland with me, baby. I need to know that you’re going to stay safe.”

I gaze up into his burning eyes. His voice makes that husky sound that I love so much.

“I can’t go back there, you will be in danger too. I can’t keep running from him every time he catches up with me, but thank you so much for what you did I—”

He cuts me off, “You can’t stay here! What’s going to happen next time he finds you? What if no one can get to you in time? It’s not fucking happening, Dana!”

I don’t know how to form the words to respond. I can’t answer him, so I don’t. I look into his warm gaze, and I kiss his soft lips. He continues to protest, “I want you by my side, you and the girls. I want us to be that family, happy and safe. I love you. I will always love you.”

I melt into him, and we share a tender, loving kiss. He curls my hair around his hand. I feel every touch of his lips deep in my core, and between my legs. I moan as his tongue duels with mine. He pushed me down into the bed, and falls on top of me. My hands are above my head, his hands holding on to them while he devours my mouth. His lips and tongue move slowly down to my neck in soft and gentle kisses, it feels so good. I’m so turned on with desire, I forget about the conversation we were having. He whips my top over my head within seconds, and trails his mouth over my nipple and breast. He cups the other in his hand, massaging it.

“Oh my fucking god.”

His tongue circles over my nipple.

“I’ve missed you, baby. Stop trying to push me away from you all the time.”

I look up to the ceiling, wishing God would give me the strength to say no to him, and to tell him I can’t be with him, really be with him. I take his beautiful face in my hands, and I find some strength to push hard on his chest. I sit up.

“I’m so sorry, it just has to be this way. Ian’s not going to stop. He is very determined. He’s even worse now he knows about you. I don’t know how to stop him.”

He covers my hands with his and holds them there. He looks me right in the eyes.

“If I see him again, I will make damn sure he’s out of your life for fucking good. He won’t be coming back to bother you ever again. You shouldn’t have to live your life in fear of that fucker all the time. It’s your life, yours and the girls. I want to be part of that life and I’m damned if I’m going to let this guy fucking stop me, Dana.”

I lean into his warm, hard chest, running my fingers over his six-pack. His hands begin to move over my body. His lips hover over my ear where he whispers, “I will do anything for you and my girls. He’s not going to get in my way anymore. Do you hear what I am saying, baby?”

I murmur into his chest, “I hear you, Logan, but it’s not that easy.”

I look into his stunning sea blue, warm eyes.

“One day this will all be over.”

He kisses me while doing a nipple roll between his fingers, and pushes me back to the bed and leans over me.

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