Surviving the Fall: How England Died (42 page)

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Authors: Stephen Cross

Tags: #Zombie Apocalypse

BOOK: Surviving the Fall: How England Died
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Chapter 11


There as no indication of the time it took to reach the top. Minutes, hours, Grace had no idea. Her mind was blank, like the snow that used to buzz on old TV sets when the aerial was broke.

The brightness of topside caught her by surprise.

The shaft ended suddenly and the elevator was bathed in an unnatural white light, blinding her for a second.

She blinked several times and rubbed her eyes. A mumble of conversation and the clank of footsteps on the metal floor shook her from her revere.

Harry’s voice. “Come on Grace, let’s go.”

Taylor walked past her and she watched him as he walked ahead.

The topside receiving room was a large hall bathed in bright white light from powerful fluorescents. In the middle of the room was a line of desks with metal detectors and X-ray machines, like an airport. Grace was used to seeing the security checks manned by blanked face soldiers.

Today, they were all empty.

The group fell mute, as if scared to break the watchful and deadly silence of the receiving room. Only the distant buzz of the lights broke the absolute emptiness.

Taylor walked ahead of the group, the other men in suits following him. His footsteps clicked and echoed like a metronome.

Grace walked after him, her eyes fixed on the back of his head.

“Grace,” said Harry, following her. “Hey, Grace.”

She continued walking. She didn’t look at the other survivors, confused and exhausted, nor at the huge hall and its gleaming white. Her gaze was fixed on Taylor.

Harry pulled her arm. She spun round, the anger inside her wanted her arm to swing, but she stopped it, just in time.

Harry looked shocked. Had he sensed the aborted swing, or was it a look in her eyes? If her eyes looked like her mind felt, then Harry must think she was crazy. She breathed slowly and tried to fix herself in the present.

Harry guided her behind one of the security gates, behind a large metal detector.

“Are you ok?” he said, his voice low, his eyes darting up and down to see where Taylor and the others were.

She nodded. Then she shook her head. “I don’t know.”

The sounds of screams echoed in her mind. The sound of people scrambling for freedom, for life. And then the sight of them being thrown to the bottom of a lift shaft.

So she could live.

“We should let them walk on,” said Harry. “I don’t want to be part of anything that happens with those guys from now.”

Anger dulled the pain, stopped the voices in her head. Her thoughts suddenly became clear. She shook her head at Harry.

“We need that usb stick.”

“No,” said Harry. “He has a gun. He’s insane.”

“Yes, he is,” said Grace. She walked away, dodging Harry’s attempt to hold her back.

Ahead, the other survivors from the lift followed Taylor blindly. They looked like they were drunk, dazed. They exited the receiving room.

Grace knew where they were going, she had taken this journey countless times. After the receiving room was a corridor that led into a series of offices. Fake offices staffed with fake office workers. Then followed an exit into a MOD owned industrial estate. No-one knew it was owned by the MOD, to any visitors it looked genuine, but every company on the estate was a MOD front.

Then would then come the car park. And beyond, the normal, non-MOD world.

Except none of it was normal any more.

Grace followed Taylor closely. She heard Harry behind her, his voice whispering for her to stop.

But she didn’t stop, she couldn’t. If she stopped the horror in her mind would start again.

Taylor and the band of numb survivors left the building, entered the car park.

When thinking about the events that occurred in the next minute, Grace was hard pressed to remember the full series of events. She had only several intense frames in her mind.

The normal sky. She had been surprised at that. It was blue, a lovely blue.

The stone in her hand. The large grey stone she had picked up from the garden separating the building and the car park.

Running, breathing deeply.

Shouts around her. Pushing away a hand.

Taylor turning to face her, to look at her. For the first time, his calm exterior shattered. True fear in his eyes.

The feeling of the rock hitting Taylor’s face would haunt her more than the sight of the people dying in the elevator. The second she felt his skull crack, she knew she had made a mistake, a dreadful and terrible mistake. The rock hitting his head jarred through her arm, right to her spine, to her soul. But she couldn’t stop. The only thing that could make it better was to do it again.

She followed him to the ground and reigned blow after blow upon Taylor’s face. The sight of his imploded face, white and fragmented skull mixed with bright red blood and purple flesh would stay in her dreams for years.

But she still couldn’t stop.

Harry saved her. He pulled her off and wrapped his arms around her again, holding her tight.

“Sorry,” she whimpered, staring at the dead body on the ground.

She looked around her. The people, the other survivors, stared at her in horror, their faces twisted in fear and disgust. They backed away.

“He would have killed you too!” said Grace, her voice breaking into hysteria. “If you had been standing closer to the door, he would have killed you too…” She tailed off. Her legs felt weak. Her knees buckled, and she feel to the floor.

The cold tarmac offered no comfort. She curled up next to Taylor’s dead body. His pooling blood wet her cheeks. She tried to cry, but she was empty. Her mouth opened and closed in gaping gasps, like a suffocating fish.

There was the sound of scuffling.

Some shots.

Everything went black.

Chapter 12


Like a dream the earth rumbled below her. It moaned and lurched, buckling under some unseen force. Like mountains falling.

Was it an earthquake?

She was too empty to care. She lay in her darkness and wished for the ground to swallow her up. It was the only way to clear her mind of the images of death that replayed over and over and over.

She slept.


Eventually Grace opened her eyes. She was in darkness.

There was a few seconds of ignorance, and then the reality of the past day hit her like a train. Her breath left her, and she leaned to the side and threw up.

Hands held her shoulders and a voice said, “Easy, it’s ok.”

It was Harry.

She wiped the vomit from her mouth. Harry gently moved her away from the sick. There was plenty of space for the two of them - they were in one of the large fake offices. Harry helped her up and walked her to a nearby desk. He sat her down against it. Moonlight floated in through a skylight. The empty office, quiet and calm, was almost beautiful.

She looked at him for a moment. He was a handsome man. The Professor had been right. Just an hour or two before Taylor had blown his head off.

“Why are you still here?” she said.

Harry shrugged. “Where else would I be?”

“Anywhere but here. Don’t you have a home to go to?”

“I don’t know. I don’t really want to know. Not yet. Besides, you needed my help.”

“Didn’t you see what I did?”

“Yes, I did.”

“So, why are you still here?” There was an angry edge to her voice, but she couldn’t help it.  There was so much anger in her, it had to seep out somehow, or it would eat her up.

“He deserved it,” said Harry. “I don’t think you did anything wrong.”

“I killed a man. In cold blood.”

Harry let out a small laugh. “Taylor shooting the Professor in the head, that was cold blood. Pushing all those people out of the lift… he deserved it.”

“But he also saved the lives of everyone who made it.”


She closed her eyes again, but the image of Taylor’s face, imploded like a burst football, blood and skull mixed together in a red soup, flashed in her mind.

Her eyes shot open.

Harry had a bruise on his cheek. It looked like his lip had been bleeding.

“What happened?” she said.

“When you,” he paused, “took care of Taylor, a few of his cronies went for you. I pushed them off and managed to grab the gun from Taylor’s jacket. I took a few hits. But I managed to let off a few warning shots. They scattered.”

“Now you’re alone with me. You could be with them.”

Harry ignored her and rummaged in his pocket. He pulled out a small item.

“The usb stick…” she said.

“I think we’ll be struggling to find a computer to use it on. The power is gone.”

The power was gone… The Facility was gone.

“What happened, did the bomb go off? I can remember… something…”

“Yes, about thirty minutes after we reached the surface. You were passed out, I couldn’t wake you. I dragged you into the office here, I wanted to make sure we were hidden from Taylor’s lot in case they came back.” He rubbed his forehead with his hand. His face looked pained. He looked older than he did yesterday. “No other elevators made it up. We were the only ones to get out.”

So many dead, thought Grace. Was this just the beginning?

She rested her head back against the desk and let out a sigh. Her body shook involuntarily. Harry sat beside her and she moved her head onto his shoulder.

“What do we do now?” she said. She didn’t want to make any decisions. The last decision she made had killed a man.

“I don’t know. We will have to leave here, and see what’s outside. Is there anywhere you want to go? Anyone you want to see?”

Her mum. What had happened to her mum?

“We need to go to Bristol.”

The Facility was half way between London and Bristol.

“Should we be heading to the cities? Is it safe?”

Grace turned to Harry. She had tears in her eyes. “It doesn’t matter. We have to find my mum. I promised her I would call her, but I didn’t.”

“Ok, Grace. We’ll go to Bristol. We’ll leave tomorrow.”

She turned her body so she was facing Harry, and she eased herself onto his lap. She wrapped her arms around his waist. If she buried herself in his warmth, in the life of another human, one who hadn’t done the things she had did, she could almost feel the good energy. She could borrow it, and find enough peace to close her eyes and sleep.

Her body vibrated softly with sobs, and Harry stroked her hair until she drifted from the waking world.

In her dreams, she reached her home, and Taylor was in her kitchen, leaning over a corpse. He lifted up his mouth, it dripped with blood and entrails. The corpse sat up, its neck hollow, the spine visible. It was her mother.

Grace leaped up.

It was still the middle of the night.

Harry was sleeping.

Tomorrow, she would have to enter the world again, and see what was left. Of both the world, and of her.

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