Susana and the Scot (19 page)

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Authors: Sabrina York

BOOK: Susana and the Scot
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It didn't matter.

In fact, it pleased him that she wanted, needed something more from him than just kisses. It pleased him that he could offer her more of himself.

As the mutton and beef courses were served, followed by a syllabub, he and Hamish outlined their plan. With each idea, Susana nodded. With each suggestion, Keir's frown darkened, but the man said nothing.

When he and Hamish finished sharing the last of it, Susana blew out a breath. She exchanged a look with her father. “It appears we have much work to do,” she said.

“Aye.” Magnus nodded. “First thing tomorrow we should all meet again and finalize our plans.” He nodded at Andrew. “Your men are ready?”

He grinned. “Aye. Even more so if they get a good night's sleep.” He couldn't resist a glance in Susana's direction. He wasn't sure if her flush stemmed from chagrin that she'd been trenchant in her resolve to keep his men from sleep, or if it was a shy confirmation that she intended to keep him from it tonight. In a secluded bower somewhere …

He hoped for the latter.

“Excellent,” Magnus huffed. “But first…” He gestured to Saundra, the plump baker, who entered with a platter of cakes. “Dessert.”

“Ah…” Hamish murmured, his expression far too sultry for the dinner table. “Dessert.”

Isobel slurped her lips. “Yum.”

Saundra rounded the table, having the good sense to begin with Hamish, or possibly Isobel. As she leaned between them, displaying her bosom to his friend, Susana's foot nudged him once more.

He smiled and nudged back, then snaked his toe up the back of her thigh. Even as he realized her leg was at the wrong angle, he also realized it was far too muscled.

His attention whipped to Magnus to find the man gaping at him. His eyes narrowed—swung from Andrew to Susana and back again—and then he jerked his leg away.

A red tide crept up Andrew's neck as he realized he'd been playing footsie with his host.

Magnus grumbled something beneath his breath about needing more whisky, and he turned away, but not before Andrew saw his pointed glance at Susana. In response she plastered an innocent mien on her face and folded her fingers on the table.

When Saundra offered her a cake, she demurred. Gazing at him through veiled lashes, Susana murmured, “I think I'll have dessert later … in my room.”

Hopefully no one but Andrew caught her meaning.

Hopefully no one noticed his flush.

Hopefully no one realized his cock was hard and straining in his breeks.

At the dinner table, of all places.

*   *   *

Anticipation sizzled through Susana as the meal ended and they all stood. She tried very hard not to glance at Andrew, not to stare, but damn, he was alluring, with that seductive look in his eye.

She knew—
—they would be together tonight, and the thought made her knees weak.

It was frustrating that first she had to oversee the move of his men from the kennels into the east wing of the castle. Who knew how long that would take? She prickled with impatience.

It was also frustrating that Keir caught her arm as she headed off to attend to this duty.

“A word, my lady?” His tone was low, as though he didn't want anyone to hear.

“Aye?” She tried not to snap, but exasperation railed her. She knew he wasn't pleased with the recent developments. He probably resented having outsiders come in and critique his work—and find it wanting. He'd certainly bristled with every suggestion the men had made.

Granted, she had urged Keir to flout their mission, to delay and interfere wherever he could—and she felt the sting of remorse for that. It had been childish at best and foolish at worst. The gaps in their defenses Andrew and Hamish had outlined had horrified her.

He nodded toward the study. “In private?”

Susana sighed and glanced back at Andrew. He was chatting with Isobel and Papa. She sighed. “All right.”

He led her into the study and when the door closed, he spun on her. “My lady, we canna allow them to take over the defenses.”


“We doona know these men.
doona know these men. You canna trust them.”

Her brow rumpled. “Dunnet sent them.”

Keir leaned closer and whispered, “I've heard rumors.”

“Such as?”

His eyes narrowed. “Such as Dunnet is in league with Stafford. That he married Hannah with the sole purpose of gaining her lands … and then turning them over to the marquess.”

Something cold clutched at her chest. The thought—that Hannah had married a man, was bound to a man, who would use her so, betray her heart—was sickening. But upon consideration, such a plot hardly made sense. “Whyever would he do that?”

“There are rumors that Stafford is soon to be named the Duke of Sutherland.”

Bile rose. “And?”

“We all know the Duke of Caithness is weak. An absentee laird at best.” Aye. Their overlord had never even set foot in the Highlands, as far as Susana could tell. “Dunnet is working to undermine his hold on the county.”

“How can a baron undermine the power of a duke?”

“Inciting treason. A group of barons are working together to rally the parishes against the duke.”

Her stomach tightened. If Dunnet did such a thing, he could be hanged. And then where would Hannah be? “How on earth would that benefit him?”

“If he can succeed, if the barons of Caithness rise up against the duke, the Prince Regent will have to take note.”

Susana shook her head. At what cost to Hannah's husband? To Hannah herself?

“Do you no' see? Dunnet hopes to discredit the duke. If Caithness is removed or replaced, Stafford is the obvious choice. There are already rumors that the prince is inclined to hand all the lands in the county over to him.”

Susana shook her head. It all seemed so Machiavellian.

Keir sighed. “Dunnet is in league with him. With Stafford. The man who burned out our crofts and has tried on numerous occasions to claim your land. He couldn't claim Reay through Hannah … and now that she's married to Dunnet, the only way Stafford can gain the lands he so desires is by working with Dunnet.” His gaze intensified. “I warn you, my lady. Watch Andrew Lochlannach. Watch him like a hawk. I'm convinced he's working for our enemy. He and Dunnet are determined to bring us down.”

Susana swallowed heavily. This was, indeed, an appalling prospect.

And also odd.

Though Keir was adamant and spoke with conviction, the facts didn't add up.

Something beyond her innate sense that Andrew, while cocky and arrogant and handsome beyond what was good for him, was not an evil man. Or manipulative. Or sly.

She hadn't gotten that sense from him, or Hamish, in any interaction they'd had—even when she'd been convinced Andrew had come to her from the very bowels of hell itself.

Keir, on the other hand, had good reason to lie to her. Good reason to foment her fear. Especially if he was worried he might lose his position as the captain of the guard. Indeed, his focus on her face was far too intent.

She forced a smile, though it wobbled. “I will think about this, Keir.”

“Do.” His response was nearly a snarl, so ferocious, it startled her. “And my lady?”


“Keep away from Andrew Lochlannach.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I've seen the way he looks at you.”

So had she. She rather liked it.

“The man has designs on you.”


“He cannot be trusted.”


“I know I've never said anything, but…”

Oh, dear. He stepped close, far too close. His gaze locked on her mouth.

She placed a hand on his chest, to halt his advance. It did not. He pressed her against the door, pinioning her there with his muscled body. “Keir?”

“I've always wanted you, Susana,” he murmured, just before his lips covered hers.

It was a harsh, desperate kiss and there was little passion in it, which was fine. She hardly wanted passion from Keir. It complicated her life immeasurably. Her captain of the guard was jealous of her and resentful of Andrew and willing to spin a web of lies and fears to maintain his control of her.

She liked this man, and respected him. She didn't want to reject him outright, but she couldn't tolerate this kind of liberty.

“Now, Keir,” she said, pushing him away. He allowed this, but begrudged every step. Forcing a lighthearted smile, she said, “You know how I deal with suitors.” It was a blatant reminder that she had a tendency to shoot them in the arse.

He studied her for a moment. His eyes narrowed, as though he was searching for something—her conviction, perhaps—and then he nodded.

“Aye, my lady.” He tugged down his jerkin and affected a bow. “I'm sorry, my lady. But … I just couldn't let it go unsaid. I have…” His throat worked. “Loved you for a long time.”

Susana blinked. Well, this was a surprise. He'd been protective and attentive, but never loverly in the slightest. She didn't know what to say. She had no interest in him. No interest whatsoever, especially since the advent of a tall, muscled man with white-blond hair and the devil's dimples. “I so appreciate that, Keir. I do. And I appreciate your service. Your willingness to share the information you hear with me.”

“You will be wary of him?”


“Lochlannach. Mark my words, he means trouble for us all. We must watch his every move with a vigilant eye.”

“Of course I shall be vigilant,” she said, and then she turned and left the room, left Keir standing there with a brooding frown on his face.

Oh, she would watch Andrew's every move with a very vigilant eye.

Starting tonight.



Why Andrew felt like a criminal as he slunk through the drafty castle halls, he didn't know. Probably because he was slinking. Probably because he had mischief on his mind. Probably because he really didn't want to be caught before he reached his destination. Whatever the reason, Andrew's heart thudded with exhilaration and anticipation and perhaps a touch of trepidation as he neared Susana's chambers and tapped on her door.

She could very well kick him out.

Hell, she could very well toss him in the dungeon—this was Susana—but he didn't think she would. She had, after all, whispered directions to her rooms as the dinner party had broken up.

She didn't greet him as he'd expected, imagined—with a scalding kiss. As he entered her room, she crossed her arms. “Did you get settled in your new accommodations?”

“Aye.” He stepped toward her; she retreated. His unease rose.

“Are they satisfactory?”

“Aye.” He advanced on her again. Again, she retreated. Concern rippled through him. He didn't like the way she eyed him. So he stopped in the middle of the room. Though he wanted nothing more than to leap on her and kiss her … and more, he restrained himself. Something was bothering her, and he intended to soothe her mind before he began his seduction.

“Where did you go after dinner?”

“Keir wanted to talk to me.”

“I can imagine he did.”

“He doesna like relinquishing control.”

He quirked a brow. “Sound like anyone you know?”

She smiled, though it was clear she hadn't intended to, as she nibbled it away. She turned to the window and threaded her fingers together. He studied her reflection. Concern riffled her brow. Obviously there was more to it than Keir's obstinacy.

“What else did he say?”

She blew out a breath and spun to face him. “He did share some concerning thoughts.” Her lashes flickered. “May I ask you a question?”

He spread his hands. “Anything.”

“Your brother…”

Andrew blinked. Why would she want to talk about Alexander?

“Is he … a loyal man?”

“Aye.” The most loyal man Andrew knew.

“Would he ever … consider … treason?”

“Treason?” Andrew's pulse lurched. “Is that what Keir said?” He would pound him to a bloody pulp for maligning his family name.

“Would he?”

“Nae. Never.” He could no longer stay still. He stalked across the room and folded her into his arms. “What did Keir imply?”

“That Alexander was plotting against the Duke of Caithness.”

Andrew blew out a breath on a laugh. “Oh. That.”

Her head jerked up. She gaped at him. He couldn't help kissing her brow. It was wonderful having her in his arms again.

“He is resisting an order Caithness gave him.”

She backed away, her eyes wide and filled with suspicion.

Andrew sighed. “It was the order to clear the land, Susana. Caithness ordered Alexander to clear Dunnet and he refused.” Of course he refused. It was a heinous order, exiling the crofters to import sheep.

Susana's nose wrinkled. “Those Clearances are a nuisance.”

“Aye. That's how Alexander feels about it. And, aye, he's willing to defy even the Duke of Caithness on this point.”

“And Keir's supposition that your brother is in league with Stafford?”

Andrew gaped at her. Then he barked a laugh. Keir must truly be desperate to create such a fiction. “Stafford? The man who wanted Hannah to wed his son?”

Susana tapped her lip. “Aye. It didn't make any sense to me, either. But it did make me worry for Hannah.”

“Hannah is fine.” He stepped toward her again, and this time she nestled into his arms. Where she belonged.

“Are she and Dunnet happy together?”

“I believe they are.” He tucked his chin and gazed down at her. “They seem to be quite besotted with each other.”

“Do they?” Did she sound cynical, or hopeful? “I do worry about her.”

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