Susana and the Scot (40 page)

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Authors: Sabrina York

BOOK: Susana and the Scot
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“Ah. I see. Does he visit you often?”

Lachlan snorted a laugh, but it was really not one. “Too often.”

Lana tipped her head to the side. “You … doona enjoy his visits?”

“I do not. They are … terrifying.”

Why this puzzled her was a mystery. Ghosts

“Can you describe the visit?”

Something in her tone caught his attention. He sat beside her on the wall, listening to the waves crash below. It took a while for him to collect his thoughts. “He is always dour. Pained. There is wailing and—”


“Yes. But it is the chains that are the most perturbing.”

Lana blinked. “Chains?”

“Yes. He's draped in them. Bound by them. It is his eternal torment. Because of the curse.”

“How odd. None of the ghosts I know wear chains.”

“They are probably not cursed.”

“Probably not.” Her lips quirked as she murmured, “As there are no such things as curses.”

His heart lurched. Would that that were true. He studied her face. Beautiful as it was, that hint of amusement pricked at him. “Do you find this funny?”

“Nae. Not a bit of it.” She patted his hand. Her heat lingered. “'Tis just … odd.”

“What is odd?” Was he really asking? This whole conversation was odd.

“Odd that your ghost wears chains. Chains are verra … of this earth after all.”

“He's being punished. They are probably metaphorical.”

“Most likely.”

As they turned back to the vista before them, Lachlan reflected that this was, indeed, a surreal conversation to be having. But then, with someone like Lana, it made sense.

“Your mother doesna wear chains.”

His belly roiled at the thought. “I am … gratified to hear it.”

“She seems quite at peace.”

“Good to know.”

“Except that she worries about you.”

“Will you tell her I'm fine?”

“I canna.”

He gaped at her.

She lifted a shoulder. “I willna lie to her. Besides, she knows you're no' a happy man.”

A happy man? Was there such a thing?

“I am a cursed man.”


“I am.” He didn't know why he smiled. His lips just wanted to move that way.

What was it about this woman, this sprite, that made the shadows waft away? Made all his dark ruminations evaporate like mists in the sunlight? Made him
after the horrific encounter he'd just had?

Ah, but it didn't seem so horrific. Not now. Not with
by his side.

Lana shot him a glance that warmed his heart. “She thought you looked verra fine tonight at dinner.”

“Ah. The kilt.”

“Aye.” Her lashes fluttered. “I thought you looked verra fine as well.”

Now that stirred something in him. Something illicit and naughty. “Did you?”


“Was I manly?” He was teasing, perhaps, but when she flicked a glance at him, with that expression—one of hunger and admiration and … heat—all his playfulness withered, scorched by the blazing flare of his lust.

There was something about the cloak of night, the refreshing scent of the sea, the fragrance of her perfume, the way her hair riffled in the breeze. Or maybe it was his churning need to wipe the memory of his father's visit from his mind, or the suddenly clawing desire to be a man he could never be … but Lachlan had to kiss her. Everything in him ached for it.

And so he did.

Though it was foolish and injudicious and wildly inappropriate of him, he did.

He leaned closer, slowly so as not to startle her, threaded his fingers in the silk of her hair, cupped her nape, and set his lips on hers.

It was sublime. She was warm and willing. Her mouth was mobile beneath his as she explored him as gently as he explored her.

Excitement welled, desire roared.

She made a sound, a murmur, a moan, and it incited him to further madness. He deepened the kiss, pulled her closer, eased his tongue into the cavern of her mouth. A shudder racked him as she pressed closer. Her breasts, tender and soft, pressed into his chest. His mind spun. His body shook. Need possessed him.



Sabrina York
is the
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling author of more than twenty hot, humorous written works. Her stories range from sweet and sexy to scorching romance. Visit her webpage at
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Hannah and the Highlander



and her bestselling novels

“You can't go wrong with a
Sabrina York
story. You'll want to take the hero home with you and keep him forever. And the sex? More than you ever dreamed. Get this book today.”

—Desiree Holt

FIVE HEARTS! “I had hot flashes throughout the whole book! I would recommend this to everyone who loves a steamy romance with a little humor thrown in … it was a great book that I will read again and again!”

—Romance Studio

RECOMMENDED READ: “I loved this story! This is one author I'll be sure to seek out in the future for further reading pleasure.”

Fallen Angel Reviews

“The sex scenes were absolutely awesome and had that edge of danger that makes the heart race.”

—Night Owl Reviews

“Scorching hot.”

You Gotta Read Reviews

“Steamy and erotic.”

Sizzling Hot Books

“Very enjoyable, fast, sexy read.”


“I loved this story, thought it was seductive and wanted to read more about this alluring couple, even after the book was finished. Wonderful read, couldn't put it down.”

—Sensual Reads

“Serious SIZZLE … I LOVED it! It hit just about every romantic chord in my body.”

—Insightful Minds Reviews


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Title Page

Copyright Notice



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Lana and the Laird

About the Author

Also by Sabrina York

Praise for Sabrina York



This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2016 by Sabrina York.

Excerpt from
Lana and the Laird
copyright © 2016 by Sabrina York.

All rights reserved.

For information address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

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eISBN: 9781466878556

St. Martin's Paperbacks edition / January 2016

St. Martin's Paperbacks are published by St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

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