Suspicions (8 page)

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Authors: Sasha Campbell

BOOK: Suspicions
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His eyes blazed in my direction. “Oh, yes, it is. You forget I work with these kids every day and all they care about is sex. I had at least three students this year that were pregnant. They have no idea how to take care of themselves, let alone another child.”
“Which is why they need their parent's help.” I carried Sierra over and laid her on a receiving blanket at the center of my bed. She was such a good baby. “I'd rather help my son and his baby's mama while they get their education; otherwise, they will end up struggling the rest of their lives. This way they'll at least have something to offer their child.”
Sighing, Grant turned in my direction. The evil look in his eyes said he was dangerously close to losing it. “Listen . . . let's first find out if the baby belongs to Scott before we plan the rest of our lives.”
I tried to remain calm because I didn't want any problems. “Fine, I'll call Tina, but let me tell you one thing . . . this baby is going to stay with us until we figure out what's going on.”
My comment was met by a slam of the bathroom door.
“Yo, dawg, check out the ass on that female over near the door.”
We all swung around on our seat to see what had Cecil's attention. I'll admit, the dark haired chick had an ass like Kim Kardashian.
Dirk shook his head. “Yo, she got a helluva badonkadonk.”
“Hell yeah, and she's waiting for a brotha like me to ride it.”
I watched Cecil make of a fool of himself as he imitated riding on the saddle of a horse. He bucked and sneered and I chuckled along with the fellas. Cecil was a fool, to say the least.
Tonight was boy's night out and we were hanging at Emperor's, a new spot on the west side. The club was so packed a brotha was lucky to have even found an available table left in the corner. But that's because we got here early.
“Dayumn, it's some fine hos up in here!”
I frowned. I hated when Dirk referred to all females as hos. I'll admit that there are a few I might have called the same thing, but there were several women I had mad respect for. I stood by and watched them two fools clown for the next hour. Dirk was one of those light-skinned, pretty muthafuckas who think every woman wants him. He's been married less than a year and already regrets giving up his player's card. Cecil is short and stocky, and actually acted like he had sense when he wasn't hanging with Dirk.
A pretty sistah sashayed her hips over near our table and struck a pose, sticking her big DDs out for the world to see. She had on a red cat suit that was hugging every curve. In fact, it was so tight you could see the dimples in her booty. “Which one of y'all wanna buy me a drink?”
Dirk gave her the once-over and smirked. “Drink? I was about to ask you the same thing.”
She turned up her nose. “Be for real. I haven't bought a drink all night.”
“Then you need to go back to where you came from because nothing over here is free unless you planning to give up some ass.” Dirk had Cecil laughing and the two were like the peanut gallery. My boys can be so ignorant at times.
“I'll buy you a drink. What you want?” I reached inside my pocket for a twenty.
“I'm glad someone knows how to treat a lady.”
Dirk called after her. “I do, too, if there was a lady around.”
That chick got ready to tear him a new asshole when I placed a hand to the small of her back and signaled for her to follow me. I had planned on ordering a round of beers for the table before she had arrived, but now that I was buying her a drink, them fools could buy their own beer.
“Thanks,” she replied over the beat of the music.
I nodded. “No problem.”
She leaned her voluptuous hip against the bar and looked at me in a way I was used to getting from women. “You new around here?” she asked.
“You could say that.” We ordered and shot the shit while we waited for the bartender to return with our drinks. I saw the appreciative gleam in her eyes. Don't get me wrong; Brandy was cute. She had a pretty smile, but it only took me five minutes to decide she was a little too ghetto for my taste. Not that I was looking for anything. Nevertheless, I loved making love to a woman just like the next man. Brandy had potential, but she didn't seem like the type to take no for an answer. With Tameka still clinging to my pants leg, there was no way I was traveling down that road again.
Brandy was talking about going back to school to get her GED when I spotted Tiffany stepping into the club with that fine-ass, Hispanic-looking friend of hers—Candace. They were both wearing slamming dresses, but Candace stood in a class of her own. The gold dress hugged her hips and plunged low in the front. I loved a woman with a small waist, big breasts, and a round ass, and Candace definitely fit the bill. Her hair was short and cute with gold highlights that showcased her golden brown skin. Ever since she rolled up in the salon earlier this week, I'd been thinking about her. With those succulent hips of hers, I couldn't help but wonder if she was good in bed. Hey, that's what men do. Even now I thought about wrapping her legs around my waist and sliding deep inside her. Damn! Just thinking about it made my dick hard, and that was the last thing I needed right now.
She moved across the room with this smile that seemed to light up the entire club. Bet you every brotha in the club turned his head when they stepped inside. I wasn't having it. If Candace was going to get cozy on the dance floor with anyone, it was going to be me. I didn't even say good-bye to Brandy. I just walked off and caught the two lovely ladies as they were heading my way.
“Whassup, Tiffany?” I said, although my eyes were on Candace.
She stopped, struck a pose, and grinned. “Hey, Chauncey. You remember my girl, Candy?”
“Yes, I do.” Damn! Up close and personal, she was prettier than I remembered. Just like a lollipop, she looked good enough to suck. “How are you?”
Candace glanced around the room and looked unimpressed as she spoke. “Fine. Tiffany, it's too packed in here. Let's go somewhere else 'cause I'm not going to be standing all night.”
This was my chance. “Hey, me and my boys, we got plenty of room at our table. Y'all are more than welcome to join us.”
Candace frowned at my suggestion, but thank goodness Tiffany was all over it. “That's whassup! Show us to your table.”
I signaled for them to follow me over to where Dirk and Cecil were sitting and laughing like a bunch of hyenas. As soon as they saw me coming back with two beautiful women, their mouths dropped. “Yo, this here is Tiffany and Candace.”
Everyone exchanged hellos. Candace was moving to the chair beside Cecil. There was no way in hell I was having that. I jumped in and offered mine. “Here, sit here so your back isn't to the dance floor.” Cecil didn't look at all pleased. In fact, by the expression on his face, I could tell he thought I was hating. Nah. I was just protecting what was going to be mine. I was preparing to take the seat beside her when I felt a tap at the shoulder. I swung around. Damn! I had forgotten about Brandy.
“Boo-boo, you forgot your beer,” she purred.
“Uh . . . thanks.”
I took the bottle and turned my back to her. You would have thought she would have gotten the hint and left, seeing that there were two females sitting at the table who weren't there before. But, no, instead she continued to stand there beside me like I was about to finish where we left off. The fact that I left both her and the drink behind should have been enough of a hint.
I took my seat beside Candace and Brandy sat in the only other chair, which happened to be beside me. I frowned at her presumptuous behavior. She just didn't get it. Damn. It was my fault for offering to buy her a drink. And my boys, especially Cecil, weren't even trying to bail me out. Instead, they left me hanging.
Dirk leaned across the table and zeroed in on Tiffany. “What your man doing letting you out on a Saturday night?”
“He don't own me. I'm a grown woman.”
“Yes, you are,” he replied as he looked down at her breasts.
I was laughing under my breath because I give Tiffany three more minutes before she cusses him out and I was going to enjoy the show. The waitress came by and I ordered drinks for the ladies and don't you know Brandy had the nerve to order another? Cecil and Dirk, too. I was feeling too good to complain and reached into my wallet and pulled out enough to cover a round for everyone. Thank goodness tips at the salon had been good this week.
For the next hour we all sat there drinking. I watched Candace as she laughed and talked with everyone at the table. The chick got sexier by the minute. When the music slowed down, I saw it as my opportunity to finally get some time alone with Candace. “Come. Dance with me.”
She looked from me to Brandy all cockeyed like she was my girl or something. I guess she must have noticed Brandy reaching under the table trying to cop a feel. First thing I planned to do when I got her alone was straighten that shit out.
“Candy, go on,” Tiffany encouraged. “You know that's your song.”
She gave Tiffany an I'm-gonna-get-you-later look.
“Chauncey, I'll dance with you,” Brandy replied, then had the nerve to rise from her chair and grab my arm.
I glared in her direction. “I'm talking to this sexy lady here.”
She had the nerve to have attitude and was seconds away from saying something before Cecil cut her off. “Come on, little mama. Let's dance.” He didn't even give her a chance to say no before he grabbed Brandy's arm and dragged her out onto the floor.
I returned my attention to Candace. “You don't wanna miss your song, do you?” I gave her my irresistible grin, then stood up and pulled out her chair. For a moment I thought Candace was going to say no before she got up and followed me out to the dance floor. I didn't waste any time wrapping my arms around her and pulling her sexy ass close.
Candace pushed against my chest trying to keep a little distance. “I don't have time for your chick to be tripping with me.”
I pulled back so she could see me as I spoke. “That's not my girl. Just someone who asked me to buy her a drink.”
“Yeah, whatever,” she mumbled.
“Do you really think I would disrespect my woman like that?” I didn't wait for her to answer. “My mother raised me that if I can't be anything, the least I can be is respectful.” I was through pleading my case. I held her close again as we swayed to Robin Thicke's new baby-making music. Candace rested her head on my chest and she felt good in my arms. I don't know what type of perfume she was wearing, but it was definitely meant for her. I glanced over at Brandy and Cecil, liplocking and feeling each other up. That chick was no longer my problem. The way they were dancing, I was certain the second the club closed the two of them were heading to the nearest motel.
“You're a pretty good dancer.”
“Hey, got to be if I want an excuse to hold a sexy female in my arms,” I added with a grin that I hoped she found irresistible.
Candace pulled back and raised an eyebrow. “Obviously you have an answer for everything.”
“Nah, I just know what I want and am willing to do whatever it takes to get it.”
I could tell she was trying to keep a straight face. “I guess I need to add cocky to that list as well.”
“I'd rather call myself confident.” I chuckled and decided to leave well enough alone for now. I didn't want to lay it on too thick before I had a chance to get to know her. We danced one more song; then I took her hand and led her back to our seats.
The rest of the night I caught her looking at me when she didn't think I noticed. She was feeling a brotha. That much was a given, even if she was trying to play hard. But I liked that in a woman; nothing turned me off more than a female who threw herself at me. I like a challenge, and Candace came across as a strong possibility. In fact, I was feeling her so much, when she got up to leave, I couldn't come up with an excuse to keep the evening from ending.
“Night, Chauncey,” she said, never breaking her sexy stroll toward the door. Her sultry purr vibrated through me. Cecil and Brandy had plans. Dirk was saying something about stopping through at some new strip club, but I wasn't listening. If he wanted to spend the night fantasizing about some hands-off pussy, then that's on him. I had my sights on getting the real thing. I pushed through the crowd and hurried out the door. It took me a second before I spotted Candace and Tiffany, heading to the parking lot across the street.
“Yo, Candace, hold up!”
She glanced over her shoulder, gave me a smile, but didn't stop. I caught up with her just as she reached Tiffany's car.
“Chauncey, what you want?” Tiffany was trying her best not to grin. She knew I was feeling her girl.
“I wanna holla at Candy for a second.” I moved in front of Candace and smiled. I was sure I was showing all my teeth.
Tiffany stuck her finger in her mouth and pretended to gag. “Y'all gonna have to talk over there in front of
car. I got something my man's waiting on.”
“I know it ain't no coochie, 'cause everybody knows yo ass ain't fucking!” Candace called over her shoulder.
Tiffany stuck up her middle finger and laughed. “Good night and don't do anything I wouldn't do!”
“Damn, a girl's gotta have some fun!”
The way they joked with one another, I knew they had to be close. Any other chick would have been ready to throw down in the middle of the street.
Candace signaled for me to follow her over to a cute white Pontiac GT. She hit the button on her alarm before she turned around and leaned against the car, poking her big breasts out. Even with a bra on, I could tell her nipples were hard and erect. I didn't waste any time. “I had a good time with you tonight.”
She gave me a look that said she wasn't all that impressed. “You rushed out here to tell me that?”

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