Swan Song (Book Three of the Icarus Trilogy) (36 page)

BOOK: Swan Song (Book Three of the Icarus Trilogy)
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But some would understand.  Their sacrifices would not be in vain.  Their struggles would not be forgotten.  The men and women of this resistance will have made their mark, so long as they never gave up; so long as they never stopped fighting and never stopped trying.  Eric realized that he had very little life left to him, but he understood what Goldstein had said.  He would live in a world where there were no apologies.

“TODAY WE ARE VICTORIOUS!  TODAY THE EFI WILL BE DESTROYED AND OUR WAY OF LIFE WILL BE SAVED!” the speaker said in his manipulative manner, which broke Eric out of his thoughts.  The celebrity looked around for the speaker but could not see the man.  He sounded familiar, but Eric realized it didn’t much matter.  It was just another celebrity that was speaking these words.  He remembered when he used to be just another one of those replaceable people.

There was a commotion by the stage and Eric watched as they put together the rigging for the gallows.  Eric watched in horror as they set up the scaffolding and then tied the rope to the structure, lowering the noose to shoulder-height.  Eric was suddenly boiling with anger at the indecency of the act. 

“Today we are going to kill a Mr. Thomas Xavier, but you all know him as Atlas.  This is the man that led the Riots of St. Louis!  This is the man who constantly undermined our way of life!  This is the man who started the uprising of slave soldiers from
War World
and led to the Fall of Eris!  This is the man who has plunged our great city into chaos for these last long months!  And today, we shall see justice for all of our lost loved ones and our way of life!” the speaker shouted, but Eric only watched from his position as two men from the EOSF picked up the teacher and led him to the noose.  Atlas looked over his shoulder at Eric and gave his sad smile, which caused the Eric to gape in wonder.

The two men brought Thomas to the gallows and made him stand by the rope.  Atlas looked over the thing and sighed, determined not to pay attention to the speaker and his fear-mongering.  This was all generic anti-terrorism speech, anyway.  The only thing left to Thomas was dignity, and he would not go from this world whimpering in terror.  Thomas Xavier merely stood there as the man to his right lifted the thick noose over his head and tightened the knot around his neck.  Then a hush fell over the crowd as they saw the head of the Trade Union walking up the steps in pure confidence.  They watched as Jasper Montgomery stood by the executioner who would release the trap door beneath Thomas Xavier.

“And here today, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the CEO of War World Entertainment!  This is the man who has looked out for you for his entire life.  There are too many public works to name, too many charitable donations given.  This is the man that Atlas and his terrorist friends have been trying to destroy!  This philanthropist and leader of men!  It is only right that Jasper Montgomery looks over while we end this bloody resistance and remove this criminal from the world.  It is only right that Mr. Montgomery presides over this act of Justice!”

Thomas looked over the crowds that gathered and gave one of his sad smiles for the last time.  It had finally happened; they had finally caught him. 
About time
, Atlas thought, ready to depart from this world.  He had been fighting for too long; a willing martyr for too long.  He had a feeling that it was always meant to happen like this, though.  Some public display; some feeding frenzy for the self-righteous.  There were men and women among this crowd who would never understand, but that was perfectly fine.  Those that mattered would take his sacrifice to heart. 

Thomas didn’t even bother to look at the homicidal tyrant; he didn’t want to give Montgomery the satisfaction.  Instead, he sighed once more and looked to his left at Eric Jones.  He was still on his knees and looked at the coming execution in terror.  Tom’s heart broke at that; Eric was going to suffer because of this.  Atlas tried to console the man with that last eye contact; he wanted to let Eric know that he didn’t mind dying this way.

The ground fell out from under him and Thomas felt gravity pulling him downward.  He flinched and closed his eyes as he fell, not completely prepared for what might happen in that terrible moment.  As he fell, Thomas tried to remember his old students and how they used to smile.

Then his neck broke and Thomas Xavier’s corpse swayed in the wind.

Eric Jones’ face contorted into misery as so many from the crowds cheered.  The celebrity noiselessly sobbed as this hero’s body was desecrated and ridiculed in front of him.  His composure seemed lost to him for a moment, but after the sacrifice fully sank in Eric realized that he needed to recover.  He couldn’t do what he needed to do if he couldn’t speak.

The revolutionary sniffed back the tears and looked at Jasper Montgomery.  The old tyrant was the picture of grim determination, but Eric could see from the man’s grey eyes that he enjoyed every second of this.  He enjoyed putting on this show and killing this innocent man who had done nothing but try to help his fellow man.

“WHEN ATLAS FALLS,” Jasper said into his microphone by his lapel, “THE EFI FALLS WITH HIM!” he shouted, bringing a roar from the crowd.  Eric Jones wanted to rip the old man apart, he felt an endless rage boiling to the surface, but he knew that being angry was going to do nothing.  When the two EOSF officers walked up and picked him up from the ground, Eric Jones did not resist.  When they released his wrists from the plastic ties Eric did not strike at the officers.  He did not even look at the corpse of his friend and mentor as it turned on the rope.

They had come to him before this public show and tried to turn Eric.  At first the celebrity was adamant in his refusal, still furious about what they had done to Goldstein.  But as the conversation went on Eric had looked at Atlas, who had given him a sly smile.  Eric understood and after back-pedaling a bit, seeming the coward, he had agreed to this public display.  Eric was meant to recant his devotion to the EFI now that Atlas was dead.  His surrender would be the end of the Earth Freedom Initiative and it would be sent to every broadcast station, just like the last episode of
War World

It would be a fitting end to the story.

Eric heard the footsteps of the man with the microphone and wondered what the speaker would look like; he wondered what celebrity they had purchased to make these grand statements.

“This is Eric Jones.  He was there to announce the slave uprising on Eris.  He was part of the problem, but I believe that he was misled.  I believe that he was manipulated into it, and from what I’ve heard today, it seems that I was right.  I was there when it happened, ladies and gentlemen.  I have known Eric far too long to think that he was a bad person.  And today, today we get to hear his side of the story,” the speaker said as he walked over to Eric Jones.  The revolutionary kept up his plastic expression and held his emotions in check just as he had every day on
War World
, but his composure almost broke when he heard the words and realized who was holding the microphone.

Eric Jones looked to his side and saw Franklyn Stone.  He almost laughed at the situation, but realized that it was meant to be.  Franklyn had been one of the most intelligent people on the show, but he had given up his identity to become a racial stereotype.  Eric had never expected to see the black man again, but he had to smile at this twist in fate.  As Franklyn walked up to Eric Jones, the revolutionary had to smile. 

“Franklyn,” Eric said as he started to play the crowd with a plastic smile, “is it alright if I have just one moment to speak with you?” he asked before looking to his right.  Franklyn was taken aback by the question, but quickly brought the microphone back to his mouth.

“Oh, Eric,” he stalled before realizing what he could say, “whatever you have to say to me you can say to these good people,” Franklyn said with a vain smile.  Eric grinned at that, but he pulled closer to the man’s ear, away from the microphone, whispering so that it wouldn’t pick up the noise.

“I’m sure, Frank.  But this is just for you,” he said before leaning in a bit closer, his lips almost touching the black man’s ear.  He remembered what Douglas had shouted on that last broadcast, and although he had no idea what significance it held, Eric knew that this was just the right thing to say.  “Here’s your second chance.”

Franklyn pulled back from Eric Jones and looked at him in horror.  Eric kept the plastic smile on his face, but he had absolutely no idea what was running through his former co-worker’s mind.  On the other hand, when Franklyn warily stepped back into range and brought the microphone between them, Eric knew that it had worked.

“Go ahead, Eric.  Let’s make it worth it,” Franklyn said, dropping the false voice and using his usual tenor.  Eric smiled and wished that he could thank Douglas for the help.  Eric reached out and grabbed at the microphone, which Franklyn gave up willingly.  There was a bit of motion from the officers nearby, as this was not in keeping with the plan, but they made no move for the revolutionary.  In their confusion, they just thought it was part of the act.

“I joined the Earth Freedom Initiative when it was still all about Eris.  After I had found out about my brother, Phillip Sanderson, men from the EFI approached me and recruited me into their revolution.  They convinced me of the wrongdoing of the Trade Union and the Commission and War World Entertainment.  I was to be the voice that started the movement,” Eric said as he started to pace at the front of the stage.  He could see a thousand disapproving faces, but he didn’t care.  He didn’t have to.

“I was held in a rehabilitation center for two months after that broadcast on
War World
,” Eric said as he stopped pacing and looked out over the crowd.  He didn’t pay attention to the people booing or the men and women crying for blood.  This was his moment to shine.  “Then men from the EFI came and rescued me, taking me into the resistance movement.  These so-called terrorists....” Eric said, ignoring the commotion that was happening behind him.  He was certain that a few of the officers were starting to catch on that this wasn’t part of the act.  “....recruited me into their resistance and I was tricked further into their games.  I followed Atlas here,” Eric said before motioning to the corpse still swinging on the end of the rope, “and was manipulated into terrible acts.  For this I am sorry,” Eric said, playing the fool and waiting for the crowd to react.

“Or so they want me to say.  In order for me to save my own life, to be the coward they think I am, they want me to recant my allegiance and demonize my friends!” Eric shouted, turning on the deal that had been offered.  He had seconds and there was a definite end to his life, but that was fine; there would not be any need for apologies.

“Cut him off!” Jasper shouted to his right.  Eric wanted to smile, but instead he looked out over the crowd and saw the anger and confusion.  He wondered what he was going to be able to say, how he was going to be able to sway this crowd, but his gaze fell on that young girl in the crowd.

She was smiling at him and it gave him all the strength in the world.

“We have come too far, my friends!  Don’t give into the fear, into the manipulation!  Jasper Montgomery and his Trade Union do not look out for you, they look out for themselves!  This monster to my side just killed a man WHO HAS NEVER FIRED A WEAPON IN HIS LIFE!  Thomas Xavier was a PACIFIST!  They did not raid any facility; they did not find him making bombs or planning to kill your families.  Jasper Montgomery tricked the EFI into a cease-fire and then betrayed us!  THIS IS NOT THE KIND OF MAN YOU WANT TO LEAD YOU!  THIS IS NOT THE KIND OF MAN WHO SHOULD HAVE CONTROL!” Eric shouted as he pointed to his side.  He wondered why he had not been killed yet and looked around the stage.  Although Jasper was fuming and yelling at the officers, none of them seemed to be moving.  Eric Jones looked at the men and realized what was happening.  This was not just surprise; this was not just inaction.

These men were listening to every word he was saying.

With that burst in confidence, Eric Jones knew he could continue.  He did not shout, he merely looked over the crowd and held the microphone to speak to the masses.

“That man swinging on that rope, the former leader of the resistance, was a man I would have followed into Hell.  He wanted peace at all costs; he wanted every soul to have the freedom to live their lives; the freedom to choose their happiness.  He gave himself to this movement, to this
at peace.”

“Give me that fucking gun!” Eric heard to his right, but he ignored the coming threat.

“Do you know why he was so calm as Jasper killed him?  He told me that he had become used to this; that he had convinced himself that he was going to die so many times now.  To live through any action in his position was considered a bonus.  Thomas Xavier was the kind of man who would die a thousand times over
for your freedom
.  I can only hope to follow his example,” Eric Jones said as the tears started to run down his cheeks.  He looked out to the crowd and didn’t see hatred or anger.  He saw that they were listening.  They were actually listening to him.

“That’s what the Earth Freedom Initiative is about.  That’s what Ryan Jenkins will give you after we’re gone.  All we ever wanted was to give you freedom and the chance at happiness.  I hope that.... that after they’ve killed me, I hope that you understand.  That’s all I c-” he stated emotionally, but he never got to finish.  Jasper Montgomery had grabbed the sidearm from one of the EOSF officers who refused to listen to him and brought the weapon up to Eric Jones’ head.  The head of the Trade Union pulled the trigger and ended Eric’s life in front of a crowd of thousands, in front of a television audience of billions.

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