Sweet Alien (3 page)

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Authors: Sue Mercury

BOOK: Sweet Alien
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“I will be fine.” In truth though, he worried The Madness might claim him before they reached Reestria. Even then, he’d have to select a mate quickly. He’d never force a female to mate with him. He supposed his best shot was to pick a servant girl from the emperor’s palace. But oh how he wished he could have Angie. “What will you do when you return to Earth? Do you live with your family? Your parents?”

A shadow darkened her features. “No, I don’t live with my parents or anyone else. I live alone.”

“Who keeps you safe then?” Heated waves swept through him, part rage that none of her family members saw to her safety, and the other part a fierce need to be the male charged with her protection. Her mate.

“I keep myself safe.”

“Your country has a high crime rate. I don’t like the thought of you living by yourself, Angie. The Human-Reestrian settlements will be safe. It would be my honor to arrange for you to live in one of them, even help you find a job there. What is your profession?”

“My current job is as a receptionist. I don’t really have any formal training in anything, but I’m a fast learner. I was only a freshman in college when I married Greg, and then we had to move because of his job and I never went back to school.”

“I’m sure we could find something for you there. The first completed settlement will be in Oregon. Our builders are working fast and it should be ready for inhabitants in three Earth months.”

She appeared hopeful, though still a little taken aback, perhaps reluctant to accept his help. This little human was proud, but he hoped she would take his offer.

“Wow, I don’t know what to say. Um, will humans who don’t live in the settlement be able to get inside?”

“Are you worried about your ex-husband?” Had the unworthy man been harassing her? He raged inside at the thought.

“Since you can practically read my mind, I might as well tell you the truth. Yes. I am worried about my ex-husband. He keeps bothering me, and I keep having to move to escape him. I have a restraining order against him, but he doesn’t abide by it. I wouldn’t ask for a hand out. I’m a hard worker.” She paused, her gaze flicking to Earth. “Will there be unmated Reestrian males in the settlement?”

“The only unmated Reestrian males in the settlement will be the offspring of the Human-Reestrian couples, but they will not be mature and ready to mate for twenty-five years or so. Upon that time they will, however, be forbidden to mate with a human woman against her will. Many of them will probably return to Reestria to complete the final growth cycles they can only experience on their species home planet though, so there won’t be many Reestrians mating in the settlements. Not unless we can figure out what it is about Reestria that makes our males grow so healthy and large and replicate it on Earth.” Joseph squeezed her shoulder and then put some distance between them, fearing he would succumb to the temptation to carry her off to his quarters. “Consider it done then, sweet Angie. I will arrange everything. Please eat now. I will be right outside your door if you need anything.”

Joseph heard her utter a protest about not having made up her mind yet, but he turned and kept walking without once glancing over his shoulder. He breathed deeply after he reached the corridor and the door shut behind him. He hoped the technicians completed the repairs soon. His blood felt like it was aflame, and he wiped the sweat from his brow.

Normally the large Reestrian spaceships contained a crew of both males and females, but the
was a traditionally male crew reserved for diplomatic missions, and therefore looking for a mate amongst the crewmembers wasn’t an option. He cursed tradition and leaned against the wall when his vision blurred.

You wouldn’t claim a female crewmember anyway
, his conscience whispered.
It’s Angie you long to mate with and none other.

He ached to rush back into Angie’s quarters and encircle her in his arms. He yearned to whisper words of comfort into her ear, and he burned with the need to possess her body and soul.

Geeia, his first mate, had been selected by his parents. He hadn’t felt any particular attraction to her in his youth, but when his mating urge came upon him he sought her out and bonded with her. Their bond ran as deep as any Reestrian mating bond, and he still missed her. She had been a kind and loving mate, and though the loss of her still pained him, he had apparently healed enough to experience the mating urge for a second time in his life.

The mating urge striking him now was both a curse and a blessing. A curse because the female he wanted certainly didn’t want him, or any other male. A blessing because if they reached Reestria soon, he would be able to form a deep bond with a female. Perhaps he would finally have children and the large family he’d always dreamed about.

The ship suddenly lurched. An alarm blared. Red lights filled the hallway.

Red lights meant only one thing.

They were under attack.

Chapter Three


Angie finished the tray of assorted fruit, cheeses, and veggies that Prince Joseph had ordered her, and then she stared at the door hoping he would return. She missed him. She actually missed him.

She smiled and touched her face, reveling in the memory of how tenderly he’d brushed his thumbs over her cheeks. Before he’d visited her quarters she couldn’t stop thinking about Greg and how terrified she was of the Reestrians on the
, but now she couldn’t stop thinking about a certain Reestrian himself. Prince Joseph.

She recalled Kira speaking highly of him, saying he was Alex’s oldest brother and that he’d helped them after their arrival on Reestria, but she hadn’t known about his mate dying until now.

His offer to move her to the safety of the first Human-Reestrian settlement on Earth was sweet. She had tried to protest and claim she hadn’t decided whether to accept his offer yet, but he’d left her quarters before she could finish her sentence. Leaving Florida for the safety of the settlement in Oregon where Greg couldn’t reach her sounded too good to be true. Why hadn’t she accepted Prince Joseph’s offer immediately?

She’d seen news stories about the upcoming settlements where Reestrians bonded with humans could legally raise families on Earth. Several Human-Reestrian pairs lived on Reestria now, but those who wished to remain on Earth had to live in the settlements, at least for now. Not all humans were happy about aliens living on Earth, many calling them demons or claiming they would destroy the planet one day.

From what Angie could tell, the Reestrians weren’t so bad. They were just big and scary looking. Prince Joseph was well over seven feet tall, and she’d heard whisperings of some of the more primitive Reestrian clans having males over eight feet tall. Of course she’d read that in a tabloid and hadn’t yet asked Kira if it was true.

Kira seemed happy with Price Alex. Angie had been able to speak with her friend often, sometimes daily. Of course Kira had known Alex her whole life, having grown up believing he was her stepbrother, while Angie couldn’t imagine mating with a Reestrian she’d just met. Like Prince Joseph.

Except that was a lie. More than once since she’d met him, she’d tried undressing him with her mind. She suspected her imagination hadn’t done him justice though, and beneath his perfectly tailored royal uniform was the body of an exquisitely sculpted warrior. She pictured him running across a muddy field without his shirt, carrying a sword and a shield as he raced toward his enemy. Then, after slaying every last one of his foes, he would come home to her and sweep her up in his arms and make tender love to her in front of a crackling fire.

She rushed to the table and gulped down the glass of water still on the tray. Dear Lord, what had gotten into her? What had happened to her plans to avoid all men, including Reestrian males?

But there was something sweet about Prince Joseph. Something that urged her to trust him. His gaze held a sadness she understood, even though she’d never lost a loving mate, or spouse, to death. She treasured the few times he’d smiled at her, and she longed to see his face light up again. His desire to protect her, even from himself and his mating urge, touched her and made her respect him deeply. He’d spoken about honor and seemed outraged that some human men hurt their women.

The stars sparkled beyond Earth in the vastness of space as she gazed out the window. The moon rested to the right, looking just as brilliant amidst the stars. She prayed for an answer. Should she move to Oregon? Or find her own way after returning to Florida?

You should stay on Reestria. With Prince Joseph.

The little voice in the back of her mind whispered this, and when she tried to ignore it the voice only became louder and clearer.
Stay with Prince Joseph. You can trust him. He’s nothing like Greg. He’ll never hurt you. You like him. You’re attracted to him. You’ll become bonded into the deepest love imaginable if you allow him to mate with you.

Another spaceship appeared in her view, and she took several steps back. The lights of the craft blinked green and red, and she didn’t think it looked anything like the Reestrian ships she’d seen. A blast of white lit up the side of the ship. The
rocked with an earsplitting shudder and she stumbled away from the window.

Oh God. They were being attacked!

The ship lurched again and she fell to her knees. She hissed in pain and crawled toward the bed, hoping to hold onto the railing.


She looked up as Prince Joseph raced into her quarters, his expression one of stark concern. Before she could ask what was happening, he picked her up as if she weighed nothing and carried her into the corridor. Crewmembers rushed by, and the ship bounced several more times. Red lights blinked on and off, and the constant sound of a blaring alarm pained her ears.

“Who is attacking us?” she shouted over all the noise.

“The Ettalians, a new race we’ve only recently made contact with. Your planet doesn’t even know about them yet.”

“Are they going to kill us?” Here Angie had been worried about something going wrong during the space folding process, when apparently she should’ve been worrying herself over a new, violent race of aliens.

“No. I am taking you to my quarters where you will be safe. My rooms make up a large escape pod that will break free from the
if it’s destroyed.”

Angie buried her face into the safety of Prince Joseph’s chest and closed her eyes. The flashing red lights made her nauseous, and somehow the prince stayed on his feet each time another missile struck the ship.

“Don’t worry, sweet Angie.” He spoke directly into her ear. “Captain Reffa is the most distinguished captain in our entire fleet. If anyone can defeat the Ettalians, it’s him.”

The shouts of the Reestrian crewmembers and the blaring alarm finally ceased, and she peeked out from Prince Joseph’s embrace to take in her new surroundings. His quarters were lavish, decorated in deep blues and purples. He carried her past a separate room, where she glimpsed a massive bed. Once they reached what resembled a living room, he placed her down on a comfortable couch and immediately started checking her over.

“Are you hurt, sweet Angie?”

“I’m fine.” She met his gaze and gave him a shy smile.

“Do not be afraid. I will protect you.” He knelt in front of her and placed his arms on either side of her. His face was level with hers, and even though she detected the Ettalian ship in her periphery vision in the window behind him, she couldn’t tear her eyes from his.

“Will they attack Earth next?” She thought about her friends and coworkers in Florida and prayed they didn’t have to endure an attack by the Ettalians, a race humans apparently knew nothing about. Based on the missiles that kept striking the
, they were pretty advanced too.

“My people will do everything in our power to prevent another alien race from attacking Earth.”

She released a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding and reached out to touch his chest, compelled to be nearer to him. She mourned the closeness of being held in his arms, so secure and warm.

His eyes darkened to the blackest she’d seen them yet. He tried to pull away from her, but she grasped his wrists and yanked him toward her, until their lips nearly touched. Tremors shook the ship and a loud creaking noise sounded in the corridor. Was the ship breaking apart? Were they really safe in his quarters? She didn’t know. But if she was about to die, she wanted to spend her last few seconds feeling alive.

She had to kiss Prince Joseph.


* ~ * ~ *


He should lock her in his bedroom until the battle ended. He shouldn’t allow her to touch him, and he certainly shouldn’t allow her to lean forward and press her lips against his. The moment their mouths pressed together, he became lost in the stars. Cupping her face, he slipped his tongue in to glide across hers, and he growled softly as he tasted her sweetness.

, he thought.
You’re mine now, sweet Angie.

Mine mine mine.

His cock hardened and throbbed, and she slipped forward into his lap, straddling him and allowing her center to grind over his rigid length. She ran her hands up and down his back underneath his uniform jacket, and after she playfully bit his lower lip she drew his shirt free from his pants, moving the fabric up to place her palms on his bare skin.

“Angie,” he said, breaking away. “You are playing with fire, little human.”

“I trust you. Now kiss me again.” She looked at him imploringly and tipped her face up to receive his kiss.

But he picked her up and returned her to the couch, then stalked to the window in time to observe the heavily damaged Ettalian ship zipping away past Earth and the moon. “The battle is over, Angie. You can go back to your own quarters.”

She released a sharp breath. “Wow. Okay, I’ll do that. See you later.”

“I’ll escort you there.”

“Don’t bother. I’ll find my way.”

Ignoring her protests, he trailed her out into the corridor, wanting to make sure she knew her way back and that she didn’t come across any damaged areas of the ship. It appeared the
had fared well though, and as he directed her down the narrow corridor the captain announced only minimal damages had been incurred, however due to the energy spent fighting the Ettalians, the problem with the propulsion system couldn’t be fixed for at least another Earth day.

“What was that?” Angie asked after they reached her quarters. “Was that the captain speaking?”

“Perhaps if you’d gotten the language chip you were offered you would’ve understood the captain’s announcement.”

“I just asked a question. You don’t have to be an ass about it.” She stormed into her quarters and the door closed behind her.

He stood in the corridor feeling broken. And also like an ass, which he supposed was a fitting human insult. It was best that he push her away though. The more time he spent in her presence, the more quickly the full force of his mating urge would strike him. With the repairs delayed a day or more, he had to make a plan. Earth held several unmated female Reestrians, most of them in Oregon. He could return to the planet below to seek out his mate, then return to Reestria with his bonded female.

When his fever became dangerously high he would have no other choice. As a prince from the Galattak Clan, he would be a sought after mate amongst the Reestrians currently on Earth. In the Galattak Clan where almost everyone had royal blood he was one prince amongst many, but outside of Galattak he would definitely be sought after. If he walked through the under construction Oregon settlement in his princely attire with his eyes black while sweating profusely, a female was likely to approach him first and offer herself.

He would still help Angie though. He would ensure she reached his family’s home and the blasted human wedding, and he would arrange for her to work and live in Oregon. It was the least he could do after she incited his mating urge. While he ached for her and each moment he spent away from her felt like a stab through his heart, his life would soon be far from lonely thanks to her.

The house he’d recently had constructed near the Simfosa Lake wouldn’t be so empty anymore. In a couple of years, he imagined he would have several children running around and getting into mischief. His mate, whoever she might be, would share in his happiness as they raised a family of little princes and princesses together.

If only he could claim Angie. He wanted to track this Greg she’d spoken of down and make the miscreant pay.

The doctor came unannounced shortly after he took up his post outside Angie’s quarters, and the elderly man confirmed what Joseph already knew: the full force of his mating urge was imminent. But rather than insist Joseph beam down to Earth in search of a Reestrian female, the doctor offered him an experimental drug that would supposedly postpone his mating urge, perhaps long enough to reach Reestria.

He accepted the drug and immediately felt his temperature cooling. It was best this way. Despite her abusive past, Angie had a strength inside her that revealed itself in her brave green gaze, but he didn’t want to risk testing that strength and hurting her. If he was human, he could be patient and woo her until she was ready to fully trust a man again before he claimed her as his mate. But he wasn’t human, and even with the experimental drug he didn’t have more than a few days.

At least being a Reestrian helped him go without sleep for two days, because that’s how long it took to complete the repairs and return to Reestria. Joseph remained on his feet in front of Angie’s quarters almost the entire time, only leaving once to shower and don a fresh uniform, but before he left he changed the security codes to her door so no one could enter without his knowing. He also made sure to have meals delivered to her regularly, asking a young Reestrian boy who’d come along with his father to enter her quarters with the meals so she wouldn’t be afraid.

The Ettalians didn’t appear again, and the Reestrians planned to scan Earth and all surrounding planets for signs of the troublesome aliens, lest they decide to return for another fight. No one knew why they’d attacked, and all efforts to contact their government went unanswered.

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