Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2) (2 page)

Read Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2) Online

Authors: K.C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2)
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“Your menu,” I announce, slapping it against his chest with as much force as I can without losing my tray of drinks.

He flashes me those dimples of his that girls swoon over. “Why thanks, Peaches.”

“No problem,
sugar plum
,” I toss back, making him and everyone else at the table chuckle.

We’ll see how funny he thinks it is a minute from now.

I keep him in sight as I deliver the rest of the drinks. When I place the last one in front of Cam I see him grab the beer and tilt the bottle to his lips.

Within seconds what fills his mouth spews right back out. “What the fuck?” he sputters, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

“Is there a problem with your beer, Jase?” I ask, nothing but sweet innocence coating my tone.

His furious eyes snap to mine. “What the hell did you put in here?”

“Just the Tabasco you ordered. That was you, wasn’t it?” I ask, tapping my bottom lip. “Or maybe it was someone else…”

Laughter erupts around the table; Cam’s being the loudest of all. “This is the best fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”

Jake gives me a nod of approval while Austin reaches over the table, giving me his fist. “There’s that Evans’s spirit.”

Feeling proud of myself, I tap knuckles with him. Jase, however, looks less than amused. He looks downright pissed.

With more courage than I feel, I saunter over to him, placing my hands on either side of his chair. Leaning in close, I try to ignore the way his alluring masculine scent invades my senses. “I tell you what, Crawford. If your mouth is a little hot why don’t you head up to the bar and
yourself some water.”

Something dark flashes in his eyes before his gaze drops to my mouth. A gasp parts my lips when he hooks a hand behind my neck and pulls me in closer. So close that I can feel his warm breath whisper across my lips.

“You just waged a war, little girl. I hope you’re prepared.”

Swallowing past my dry throat, I try to calm my wild heartbeat, refusing to let him rattle me. “No, Jase, I just ended it.” I give his freshly shaven jaw a gentle slap. “Now, let me go get you another beer…minus the hot sauce.”

I grace him with the same wink he gave me earlier then move out from under his hand and walk away. My steps are slow and faked with confidence as I make my way back over to the bar. The air that’s been trapped inside of my lungs finally releases once I reach the counter.

“Jesus murphy. What the hell was that?” Zoey asks, fanning herself. “I thought you were going to slip him the tongue.”

“So did I,” I admit on a heavy breath.

Seconds pass before we burst into a fit of laughter.

“God, Zoey.” My hand moves to the back of my neck where I still burn from his touch. I swear the guy is some sort of magician to have that kind of effect on women.

“I told you he was hot.”

“Yeah, he’s hot. And arrogant and infuriating and—”

She raises her hand with a chuckle. “I get the point.”

Shaking my head, I try to erase the last five minutes from my mind…and body. “Get me another bottle of Bud, please. I’ll pay for it before I leave tonight.”

She quirks a brow at me but does as I ask, popping the cap.

“Thanks.” Swiping the bottle, I start back to their table. My steps falter when I see a few girls have joined them, one being Stephanie Taylor. The town bicycle and Jase’s ex. She sidles up next to him, wrapping her arms around one of his biceps. He doesn’t reciprocate but he doesn’t push her away either.

A sick feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. A feeling that should have no bearing on me whatsoever because Jase is no one to me. I can’t stand him.

So why the hell do I care?

Because I don’t like Stephanie. It’s her fault Sawyer and Jase hate each other. She made Sawyer think she and Jase had broken up when he slept with her. However, I must admit that Sawyer was stupid to mess with her in the first place. Everyone knows that girl is nothing but trouble.

Arriving at their table, I avoid eye contact and place the new beer down in front of Jase before picking up the old one. My plan is to keep moving—until the bitch speaks.

“When did you start working here?” she asks in a patronizing tone. “I thought you are a babysitter.”

I’m a preschool teacher and she knows it, but I don’t bother correcting her. Instead, I turn back around and ignore the way she clings to Jase. “My friend needs extra help tonight to make sure whores like you aren’t spreading their diseases.”

Muffled chuckles sound around the table.

Her eyes narrow in hatred. “Go back to the playground you’re always at and leave places like this for real women.”

“I’d pick those children over the likes of you any day. Their IQ is much higher and so is their class.” I start away, refusing to waste any more time on her, but what she says next has me freezing in place.

“How’s your family, Samantha? Oh wait, that’s right, they all left because they couldn’t stand you.”

I fight like hell against the pain that infiltrates my chest. She’s wrong. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Logically, I know this, but it doesn’t stop it from hurting. She knew exactly where to hit.

“Shut the fuck up, Stephanie.”

Surprisingly, the harsh words come from Jase. A few of the other guys start in on her too, but I don’t stick around to hear it. I continue on, not wanting her to see how much her words hurt.

For the next hour, I avoid their table like the plague and hand it off to Tara. I can’t trust myself to be near that bitch. I’m not usually a violent person but for her I’d make an exception.

Spotting a few empty tables in the back that need clearing, I grab the bottle of cleaner and my dishtowel then head that way. As I’m wiping one down I sense eyes burning into my back. Looking over my shoulder, I find Jase watching me. There’s something in his gaze as he stares at me, something I’ve never seen from him before. I can’t pinpoint what it is but it’s captivating, like an invisible magnet pulling me in. I’m so caught up in it that I don’t realize I’m not alone until it’s too late.

“Hello, Samantha.”

Every muscle in my body stiffens; dread twisting my stomach at the regal voice. Straightening, I turn to find Grant. The last person on earth I want to see. I’d even take bicycle bitch over him.

He takes me in from head to toe, his nose wrinkling in distaste. Not surprising. My long, wavy hair, jean skirt, and black tank top would never be up to his standards. Good thing I don’t give a shit about his standards anymore.

Of course, he is in immaculate condition. He’s dressed in his usual business attire with not one strand of his light brown hair out of place.

Obviously, another
late night
at the office.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I take a step back from him, feeling my back meet the wall, and quickly realize I’m cornered. Definitely not something I want when dealing with him.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, skipping over any pleasantries.

“I came to see you. I had no choice since you’ve been refusing my calls.” His voice is calm but there’s no denying the anger in his crystal blue eyes. An anger that used to scare the hell out of me and still does, if I’m being honest, but I’d never let him know it.

I will never give him that power over me again.

“We have nothing more to say to each other.”

“Yes, we do. Now this needs to stop, Samantha. You’re acting like a foolish adolescent.”

My teeth grind at the way he uses my full name, scolding me like a child.

“It’s time to get over your tantrum and—”

“This is not a tantrum,” I snap. “We’re over, Grant.”

“The hell we are!” Fear grips my chest as he steps closer to me, his eyes flashing in fury.

Stay calm, Sam. He won’t touch you. Not here.

Not ever again.

“Everything all right?”

My head snaps to the side, unexpected relief swamping me at the sight of Jase.

“Fine,” Grant answers before I can, his tone icy. “We’re having a conversation, if you don’t mind.”

“Actually, we’re done.” I seize the opportunity to slide out from the corner I’m in and move closer to Jase. “Grant was just leaving.”

At the feel of his furious gaze on me, my eyes drop to the floor, silence hanging heavily in the air.

“Very well,” Grant says, sounding a lot calmer than I know he is. “We’ll talk about this another time, Samantha.”

I shake my head but it’s pointless since he’s already turned his back and walked away. A shaky breath escapes me, my hand resting on my queasy stomach.

I should have known he would show up sooner or later.

I clue in to the person standing next to me, feeling his eyes boring holes into the side of my head.

“You want to tell me what that was all about?”

“It’s nothing,” I mumble, my throat burning with humiliation that it had to be him who showed up at the right time.

“Really? That’s why you’re shaking right now?”

I look down at my trembling hands, angry with myself for letting Grant rattle me so much. Gripping the washcloth tighter, I move to walk past him, but he doesn’t let me.

His fingers wrap around my arm in a gentle grip. “Sam…”

“Just let it go, Jase.” Pulling my arm free, I walk away and head into the back for some privacy. It takes me a few minutes before I’m able to find my composure again. When I return to finish my shift, I try not to think about Grant, but it proves impossible. So many emotions storming inside of me, especially regret.

Once the place dies down, Zoey offers for me to go home. I take it because I’m not being much use right now anyway. My head is not in it anymore and I think she senses that. It’s obvious she never saw Grant come in; otherwise, she would’ve had a field day with his ass.

After giving her a hug, I grab my jacket and purse then pay for Jase’s beer that I sabotaged. Before leaving, I glance over at their table one last time but don’t see him there. My first thought is he left with Stephanie, but I spot her by the far corner near the bathroom. I give the rest of the guys a wave good-bye then head out into the dark night.

As I round the corner of the building where my car is parked, I come to a hard stop when I see Grant standing there, waiting for me.



s soon as I walk out of the bathroom, I’m met by Stephanie. “There you are. I was wondering where you went,” she purrs in what she deems a sultry voice but it only makes my teeth grind.

The bitch has been annoying the fuck out of me all night.

“What do you want?” I ask, my tone bored as I look above her head, seeking out the one girl who has invaded my every thought tonight.

Her hand moves to my chest as she presses her fake tits against my arm. “Come home with me.”

I finally meet her gaze. “Been there, done that. Remember, Steph?”

She gives me a seductive smile. “I’ve never forgotten. We could have that again if you give us half a chance.”

I don’t think so. Not now, not ever.

“I’ll pass… Just like the last fifty times.”

Ignoring her scoff, I continue on and go search for the other girl who drives me crazy but in a completely different way. I look for wavy blonde hair and long toned legs that are meant to be wrapped around a man’s waist. Not mine of course. No fucking way. No matter how much my dick wants her and her peach scent.

It will never happen.

Unable to find her anywhere, I head up to the bar where Zoey is. “Hey, where’s Sam?”

She quirks a brow at me. “Why do you want to know?”

“Because I need to talk to her.”

She eyes me for a solid minute, clearly not trusting my intention.

Can’t say I blame her.

“I told her to go home,” she finally answers. “She seemed off. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you, Jase?”

Yeah, I know something but it’s not what she’s thinking.

Instead of telling her that, I offer my thanks then move for the door, unable to shake this feeling in my gut. Sparkling green eyes flash in my head, eyes that were wide with terror not even an hour ago. I don’t care how much she played that shit off. I know what I saw. She was fucking terrified of whoever that douche bag in the expensive suit was.

Stepping out into the warm night air, I scan the parking lot, hoping to catch her.

“Get in the car, now!”

“No. I told you we’re through, Grant. Now, leave me alone.”

Recognizing her shaky voice, I dart left, my strides quick but not fast enough. The moment I turn the corner, I hear the smack. It echoes through the air as her face snaps to the side, her hand resting against her delicate cheek.

What the fuck?

I’m stunned for only a second. Rage pumps ruthlessly through my veins, putting me in motion. My feet pound the cement, matching the furious rhythm of my heartbeat. Charging past Sam, I take him to the ground. My fists are hard and fast as I deliver blow after blow to his face, feeling the tiny bones shatter.

“How do you like it, asshole?” I grind out, relentless with every hit.

“Jase, stop!” Sam’s voice is distant, echoing in my ears along with the rage that has consumed me. “Please. You’re going to kill him!”

Her cry of fear finally penetrates the angry haze that surrounds me. Stopping my blows, I fist his dress shirt and yank his mangled face up to mine, my chest heaving with fury. “If you ever come near her again, I’ll fucking kill you.”

One eye glares up at me, the other one already swollen shut, but it gives me no satisfaction. He deserves so much more.

“This isn’t your business,” he spits out, blood sputtering from his mouth in the process.

“I’ve made it my business. Don’t fuck with her again or next time I won’t let you walk away.”

Releasing his shirt, I allow Sam to pull me back. After he struggles to his feet, his attention strays to Sam. I step in front of her, blocking his view. “Get the fuck out of here before I change my mind and finish you now.”

He straightens his suit as if this gives him a measure of dignity before climbing into his Lexus and driving off.

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