Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2) (5 page)

Read Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2) Online

Authors: K.C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2)
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“Coffee would be great, thanks.”

As he pours me a cup, Jake introduces me to Declan and Rubin, the other two guys in the room.

“They’re rookies, not as cool as us…yet,” Cam teases, knocking Declan’s hat off his head before getting shoved back in return.

“Well, rookies or not, it’s nice to meet you both,” I say with a smile while accepting the steaming cup from Austin.

“You, too,” Declan greets back with a nod. “Sorry we missed you and your class the other day. We heard it was eventful, especially after you left.”

His smirk has my mug pausing halfway to my lips. “Why? What happened after I left?”

“Oh nothing,” Cam says, his tone amused. “Just that Crawford wanted to kick my ass for flirting with you.”

Shock pulses through me, swearing I misheard him. “What? Why on earth would he do that?”

He shrugs. “You tell me. He’s been acting different since that night at Overtime. He disappeared around the same time as you without so much of a word to anyone. When he found out you were coming in for a field trip he switched his shift with Declan. Then later got all growly with me for flirting with you.”

Why would Jase care? He hates me.

We love to hate each other, Sam.

The memory of him crowding me against the wall with his strong body suddenly invades me. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. My body still burns from it.

All the guys stare at me, waiting for an explanation, but I find myself speechless. I don’t know what to say or think.

“Be careful, Sam,” Austin warns, genuine concern thick in his tone. “If your brother hears something is happening with you and Crawford, he will bring down the goddamn world in his wrath.”

“Nothing is going on between Jase and me,” I tell them.

By the smirk Cam flashes me, it’s clear he thinks I’m full of it.

“Good,” Jake says. “If I were you, I’d keep it that way. I like Crawford, he’s a good friend and so is your brother, but those two have a lot of bad blood between them and always will.”

“Thanks to Stephanie,” I grumble.

“Nah. That was just the final straw. Those two have never gotten along, even before her. But that bitch definitely didn’t help things.”

“Who knows,” Cam cuts back in. “Maybe Sam will be the one to end this rivalry between them once and for all.”

Yeah, right

They don’t know the real reason why Jase disappeared that night. It’s not even close to what they are thinking. Instead of telling them that, I steer the conversation in another direction. “So, are you guys ready for the big fundraiser this Saturday night?” I ask, mentioning the auction they agreed to do for Zoey.

They all groan, sounding less than enthused by it.

“I still can’t believe I let her talk me into that shit,” Jake grumbles.

“We’re going to suck it up,” Austin says, his voice stern. “It’s for a good cause and we owe Zoey after all the shit she’s done for the hockey team when we come in.”

It’s for a very good cause. The Children’s Miracle Center. A place that Zoey holds close to her heart because of her little sister, Chrissy, who has cerebral palsy.

“Well, I know Zoey really appreciates it, and I have no doubt you guys will raise a lot of money with your handsome faces,” I add, hoping to stroke their ego and ease the blow.

“Are you going to be there with all of your hot friends to bid on us?” Cam asks, waggling his eyebrows.

“I’ll be there. I’m actually helping Zoey set up tomorrow night.”

“Us, too. Austin graciously volunteered us without asking, but I don’t mind. Zoey’s hot and offered to throw in free beer, so it’s a win-win.”

I bite back a smile when Austin shoots him a pointed look. Before anyone can say more, an alarm pierces through the air, scaring the heck out of me. Everyone’s chairs fly out from under them as they jump to their feet and disappear out of the room with lightning speed.

“See ya later, Sam. Thanks for the cookies,” Cam yells from down the hall.

I stick my head out and yell back after them. “Be careful!”

It isn’t long before I hear the low rumble of fire trucks leaving, their horns and sirens blaring. Staring around the now empty kitchen, I clean up all the coffee mugs and wipe things down before making my own exit.

I’m searching in my purse for my keys as I step out into the warm afternoon sun and crash right into a brick wall. A startled gasp escapes me as I push against that said wall, noticing how slick and sweaty it feels.

“Shit!” Strong arms come around me before I careen over, then suddenly I’m staring up into those mesmerizing brown eyes I haven’t been able to stop thinking about.

“Hi,” I whisper like an idiot, the simple greeting sounding breathless even to my own ears. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.”

“It’s fine.” He makes no effort to release me. Instead he keeps me close and stares down at me, his gaze focusing on my mouth.

Unintentionally, my tongue darts out to wet my lips as I become rather parched. A noise erupts from him, one I feel vibrate from deep within his chest. His very bare chest that is burning me from the inside out at the moment.

Oh god, why isn’t he wearing a shirt? And why does it feel so good to be against his hot skin? Every part of my body tingles with life, especially the one between my legs.

He takes a step back, pulling me from my trance. My small reprieve is short lived when I get a full look at him. Sweat dampens his bronzed skin, reflecting the afternoon sun. Wearing Nike running shoes and loose black gym shorts, it’s clear he’s out for a run. The shorts hang perfectly on his trim waist, showcasing his impressive V and six-pack.

Wait, no…make that an eight-pack.

Sweet lord.

It should be illegal for him to not wear a shirt outside. With all his bronzed skin and lean muscles on display he’s bound to cause an accident.

He stares back at me with a smug grin, amused by my obvious gawking. Heat invades my body again but for a whole other reason.

Shit, not cool. Get a hold of yourself, Sam.

“No one is here. They just got a call,” I tell him lamely, breaking the awkward silence.

“I know. I passed them on my way over. What I want to know is what you are doing here, Sam?” By his tone, I can’t tell if he’s irritated or if he’s really just curious.

“My kids and I baked cookies and made a card for you guys to say thank you for having us the other day.” When he remains silent, my eyes narrow in annoyance.
“You’re welcome.”

My sarcasm earns me a smirk that used to make me want to punch him in the face but now makes my heart skip a beat.

Shaking my head, I move on. “Listen, I’m glad I ran into you…no pun intended,” I add, thinking how literal that statement is. “I wanted to tell you I contacted your friend at the department.”

“You did?” It’s clear he didn’t expect me to, and I don’t blame him.

“Yeah, and you were right. He’s really great. Actually, I um…” I trail off, my eyes dropping to the ground as I begin to feel nervous for some reason. Probably because shame still burns inside of me, hating he knows just how volatile things were with Grant and me.

He slips a finger under my chin and tilts my face back up to his. “You what?”

“I didn’t press charges against Grant, but I reported what he did to me and put a restraining order on him,” I whisper.

He holds my gaze, something shifting in his eyes, something that looks like pride. “Are you glad you did it?”

I nod. “I am. The only reason I didn’t do it sooner is because the last time I did the officer turned out to be friends with him and…it didn’t end well for me.”

His jaw hardens, fury raging in his dark eyes.

I quickly tread on, not wanting to dwell on Grant anymore. It’s humiliating, and a time I want to forget. “Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for not only giving me your friend’s number but for stepping in that night to help me.”

He shrugs as if it’s no big deal. “I did what anyone else would have done.”

“No. Not anyone.” I think about how many people in my life turned a blind eye to what was happening, like Grant’s friends and colleagues. None as noble as the man standing in front of me. “People like Jake, Cam, and Austin, they would have,” I tell him. “My brother, too.”

He tenses at the mention of Sawyer.

“As much as you will hate to hear this, Crawford. I’ve come to learn that you and my brother might have more in common than your big egos.”

Rather than elaborating further on that, I sidestep him and leave, not wanting to hear whatever nasty thing will leave his mouth. I love my brother too much to listen to it and well…I’m starting not to hate Jase Crawford all that much either.



he wasn’t supposed to be here but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering she and Zoey are good friends. She strolled in here tonight, looking like a walking wet dream in her sensible soft blue and white polka dot sundress with her peach fucking scent and peach colored lips, tempting me with things I can’t have. Things I shouldn’t want.

Who the hell dresses like that to decorate anyway?

Classy women like Samantha Evans, that’s who. Trying not to think about her the past few days has proved impossible. Usually I can go months without running into her but now it’s like every time I turn around or close my damn eyes, she’s right there.

Her gaze had locked with mine before anyone else’s and she even gave me a friendly greeting that I barely acknowledged because I’m an asshole. By the way her eyes dimmed it’s clear the snub not only caught her off guard but also hurt her.

It made me feel like shit but I shoved aside my guilt, knowing it’s what’s best for the both of us. We don’t like each other that’s the way it’s always been, it’s what I’m familiar with. I don’t know what to do with all of these other feelings she drags out of me. I’m especially confused by the need to fuck her like I hate her but then wrap her in my arms and never let anyone hurt her.

I’ve always been attracted to her, any red-blooded male would be but I’m attracted to a lot of chicks. I’ll admit none of them look quite like her, but so what? I can have anyone I want, so why the hell does she mess with my head so bad? If I’m being honest, she always has. There’s always been something about her that’s drawn me in. I swear it’s that damn peach scent of hers. It’s fucking addicting.

I shake my head, wanting to punch myself for my crazy ass thoughts. I need to get laid, that’s my problem. It’s been too long. Longer than usual for me. I need to fuck her out of my head.

Her laughter draws my attention over to the stage where she stands on a stepstool, hanging decorations. Cam’s next to her, shaking the stool, being there to catch her when she falls.


“I tell you what, little Evans. You bid on me and I’ll take you on a kickass date,” he tells her.

I swear I’ve never been so close to knocking out one of my best friends. By the smirk he tosses over at me, it’s clear his intention is to piss me off.

Jake grunts. “Yeah, right. After Evans flies all the way down here to kick your ass.”

“I’m not worried, I can take him. Besides, he’s due back for a visit anyway.”

Sam giggles, shaking her head.

“At least tell me you’ll save me if I get a crazy clinger on my hands.”

She nods. “I will, but I’m sure you’ll be just fine. Girls will be tripping over themselves for you guys.”

“I am pretty irresistible.”

Another giggle escapes her, the soft melody filling the air and doing shit to my chest that I don’t want to feel. As if sensing the weight of my stare, her eyes find mine.

Looking away, I drop down and move back under the table I’m fixing. My wrench is clutched tightly in my fist as I consider beating the shit out of Cam with it. A few minutes later, as I’m tightening the bolts harder than necessary, a pair of long smooth legs come into view next to me along with the aroma of peaches.

“I’m supposed to ask you for a flat head,” she says blandly.

Of course Cam sent her over here.

Reaching into the toolbox next to me, I grab the screwdriver and hand it to her without making eye contact.

She takes it from me but makes no move to leave, her sexy legs remaining in my view. “So, we’re back to this, Jase?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“No? It seems to me like you have a problem that I’m here tonight.”

“Doesn’t bother me either way.” We both know I’m a lying bastard. I do care, way too much. That’s the problem.

A frustrated sound leaves her. “You know what? Fine. You want to play this game, then we’ll play.”

If she only knew how badly I wanted to play with her. The things I would do to that sweet body of hers…

My thoughts trail off when she storms away. I get back to work, hurrying my task so I can get the fuck out of here. As the night wears on, my patience becomes nonexistent. Sam’s giggling is constant, Cam doing everything in his power to cause it.

Once I finish setting up the extra tables, I forgo asking Zoey what else she needs and decide now is a good time to leave. If I don’t, I’m bound to get into a fight. I toss the tools into the metal box harder than necessary, the loud clanging noise bringing everyone’s attention to me.

“I’m out,” I announce, but only look at Zoey. “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

After she gives me a nod and her thanks, I head for the door.

“Wait, you’re leaving, man?” Cam calls out. “Aren’t you going to stay and have a beer?”

Turning back, I find Sam standing right next to him. “Nah, I’ve had about all I can take for tonight.”

Ignoring the angry flash of pain in her eyes, I continue on, swinging the door open with enough force to almost rip it off its hinges. The late night air does nothing to calm the inferno raging inside of me. Just as I turn the corner to where I’m parked, I hear the sound of fast clicking heels.

“Jase, wait!” Sam catches up to me at my truck. It’s only when I feel her slender fingers grip my arm that I turn back to her. “What the hell is your problem?” she asks, her eyes flashing fire. It matches the one I have roaring in my veins.

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