Sweet Madness: A Veiled Seduction Novel

BOOK: Sweet Madness: A Veiled Seduction Novel
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Sweet Deception

“Snow’s intriguing, brilliant heroine . . . [is] up against a man who is more than he seems. Snow adds the spice of seduction to the thrill of the chase, leaving readers anticipating the surprising climax.”

RT Book Reviews

“One of the things that I love about Heather Snow is her ability to write beautiful, intelligent heroines that are an absolute delight to read. . . . I just can’t get enough of her writing.”

—Night Owl Reviews (5 stars)

“An intriguing mystery, a heartwarming romance, a touch of humor and a hero and heroine who are meant to be together all wrapped up in a fast-paced, well-written story make
Sweet Deception
a book you won’t want to miss.”

—The Romance Dish

“Heather Snow did not disappoint. . . . Her position on my ‘new favorite authors’ list is secure. . . . sizzling chemistry and sensual romance . . . beautifully evocative and smooth writing.”

—Book Lovers Inc.

“This book has so many pluses . . . murder, mystery, intrigue, and romance. . . . Heather Snow has yet another winner with
Sweet Deception

—Book Obsessed Chicks (5 stars)

“Heather Snow is a genius with plot, characters, and intricate information. Readers must embrace the magic that is the romance of her words and appreciate the brilliance of her ability to write a mystery no one can figure out.”

—The Reading Reviewer

“What was I waiting for and why didn’t anyone tell me how great Heather Snow was? . . . This is just the type of historical I like to read.”

—Under the Covers

“Derick and Emma were completely enthralling. . . . If you haven’t yet picked up the Veiled Seduction series, please go out and pick it up.”

—That’s What I’m Talking About

“An unpredictable, unabashedly intelligent historical romance that, for me, surpassed
Sweet Enemy
. Loved it!”

—Manic Readers

Sweet Enemy

“Historical intrigue and heart-pounding passion make
Sweet Enemy
a great read. Romance fans will love it.”

New York Times
bestselling author Julie Garwood

“Heather Snow combines sizzling tension, witty dialogue, and achingly raw emotions for a passionate love story you’ll remember long after the last page.”

USA Today
bestselling author Kathryn Smith

“Newcomer Snow makes a mark on the genre. . . . The plot, with its tinge of mystery, matchmaking, and a bit of mayhem, will warm readers’ hearts.”

Romantic Times

“Unlike so many other Regencies, almost everything from the setting to the characters to the suspense comes with a twist and never feels clichéd . . . a wonderfully emotional and intellectually satisfying read.”

—All About Romance

“A solid plot, well-developed characters, and deftly written setting . . . an excellent first novel. Readers will be delighted to add Ms. Snow to their list of must-read authors.”


Sweet Enemy
combines romance, history, and intrigue into one excellent read. Readers won’t be able to put it down. A fast-paced plot and captivating characters make [this] a must read for all historical romance fans.”

—Romance Reviews Today

“Liliana was a wonderful heroine and was so vastly different than the other historic heroines that I have read before. . . . This was a fantastic book and I still can’t stop thinking about it. . . . Heather Snow is definitely an author to watch.”

—Night Owl Reviews

Sweet Enemy
has it all—inventive plot, two wonderful characters, and a suspense thread that serves a real purpose and is integral to the story. Combined with solid writing and a romance that soars, this is one of the best books of the year so far.”

—The Romance Reader

“Amusing, delightful, and charming. . . . The characters are well developed and the writing is highly engaging. I was vested in the characters and their goals from the start.”

—Manic Readers

“A breath of fresh air with its clever and distinctive heroine.”

—Fallen Angel Reviews

“Sure to gain Ms. Snow many, many fans.”

—Romance Junkies

“An entertaining historical starring a wonderful independent female amateur sleuth and the target of her suspicions.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

“Heather Snow has done a phenomenal job of writing characters a reader can connect with.
Sweet Enemy
is a must read for any historical romance fan!”

—Fresh Fiction


The Veiled Seduction Novels

Sweet Enemy

Sweet Deception



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First published by Signet Eclipse, an imprint of New American Library,

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First Printing, April 2013

Copyright ©Heather Snow, 2013

Excerpt from
Sweet Enemy
copyright © Heather Snow, 2012

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ISBN 978-1-101-61460-0


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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This book is dedicated to My Boys and My Girls. . . .

To Jason and our
sons: I couldn’t have done any of this without your unflagging support and sacrifice. Thank you for encouraging me to chase my dreams. I love each of you so very, very much.

To Karen, Keri, and Leigh, my fearless critique partners and, more important, my dearest friends: Thank you for pushing me to believe in myself and helping me to tell the story that needed to be told. You know I couldn’t have done it without you. Now the world (or at least the part of it that reads my books!) knows it, too.


Writing is certainly not a solitary journey, and I had some wonderful people along with me during the creation of this book:

Special thanks to Christie Novak and Tatiana Henley, who were subjected to the roughest draft I’ve ever written, but who loved it anyway and helped me to see that there was a good book in there!

Thanks to the ladies of #gasleak12: Erin Knightley, Erica O’Rourke, Eliza Evans, and Hanna Martine, for your amazing, super story mojo (and for having the good sense to leave that condo before we blew up!).

Thanks to my parents, Tom and Sarah Fry, for all that you do.

Thanks to Gabrielle Wingert, for helping keep my little darlings entertained while I was writing.

Thanks to Georgina Green and Carolyn Deane Reece, who gave me not only encouragement along the way, but also the occasional (and completely loving) kick in the pants when I needed it.

Thank you to my editor, Danielle Perez, who once again showed amazing faith in me—a sentiment that is priceless.

And finally, thank you to all of the readers who reached out to tell me how much they were anticipating Penelope and Gabriel’s story—it is with you in mind that I write each and every word.

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