Read Sweet Temptation Online

Authors: Angel Steel

Sweet Temptation (35 page)

BOOK: Sweet Temptation
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“I want to taste you, baby.” Moving down her stomach, he panted. “I love your pussy.” Nate released her wrists and moved between her thighs, running his tongue through her slit. He gathered her juices, licking, sucking and probing with his tongue. He filled her with his fingers and she writhed beneath him. “Don’t move.” Nodding, she watched him head towards his bag he left there, the one she was going to return to him. He smiled as he picked it up and withdrew a bottle of lubrication. Her breathing got heavier. She had a feeling about what was coming, and she clenched her ass in anticipation and excitement.


“Roll over,” he asked her. Turning over slowly, she felt him climb back onto the bed. “Up on all fours, baby,” he groaned. She lifted to her knees and curled her fingers into her sheet as he moved behind her. His hand stroked her ass cheek, “You have the sexiest ass in the world.” She whimpered as he kissed the top of her ass, moving his fingers between her thighs. He eased inside of her through the juices that ran from her body. When he touched her forbidden entrance, she lost her breath. He caressed her, preparing her for what was to come. Lying beneath her, he licked the drenched folds of her pussy as his fingers parted her rear, stretching it, sending a blazing heat through her body.


Skylar was lost in the hunger. Pleasure swelled through her as he licked and sucked at her clit, and then pushed his tongue inside her. She felt the muscles of her pussy gripping his tongue. Nate’s finger worked inside her ass, lubricating her thoroughly. She never imagined she could enjoy something like this. She clawed at the sheets when he moved from between her spread out thighs, sweat dripping from her body. He moved on top of her. “I love fucking your sweet pussy, but this is going to feel even better.”


The gentle strokes of his finger inside her ass eased the muscles there and the lust burning in her pussy had relaxed her. Tension whipped through her body, but the tiny opening flared over the heavy crown of his cock and he gently started to push in. Pleasure-pain tore through her as he eased back and forth. He worked his thick length inside her, and wrapped an arm around her hips as his fingers moved over her clit. As he stroked her softly, she cried out and pushed back against him. “There, baby. Nice and slow.” She screamed as the head of his cock passed the tight ring of muscle inside her rear. The flash of pleasure bordering on pain nearly had her coming. She felt his cock slide in all the way until he was filling her completely. Nate rested his head against Skylar’s, fighting to breathe. He couldn’t move yet; if he did he would lose it.


He closed his eyes and felt her muscles grip around him. He moved, and heard her cry out at the pleasure. Lowering his head, he kissed her shoulder and her neck. “Mine,” he growled. “All mine,” his voice broke. He moved slowly inside of her at first. Leaning back, he spread her cheeks apart to watch as he took her, sinking inside her pink flesh.


“More,” Skylar begged. She was screaming out for him, and it tore at his control. Nate rubbed around the swollen bud of her clit. Sweat dripped from his face as his hips pumped, stroking his cock deep and hard as she pressed back against him, crying out to him for more. “Nate. More please.”


“Skylar,” he groaned as he pounded into her harder, his balls slapping against her wet pussy as the need to come whipped through him. Skylar exploded first, tightening like never before, cries falling from her lips as her head flew back in ecstasy. He plunged deeper, shoving two fingers inside her pussy, and set her off again as he felt his cock explode. His come filled her, spurting inside of her as he cried out her name. His head fell back on his shoulders and, panting heavily, he fell to the bed, pulling Skylar with him. He left his soul deep inside of her.


Skylar rolled over and rested her hand over his heart. “Please, don’t you ever treat me like that again, Nate,” she whispered to him.


Lifting her chin up, he looked deep into her eyes, “Baby, I am so sorry for what I did; it will never happen again. This week without seeing you or touching you has nearly killed me. You’re everything to me, baby. I don’t want anyone but you. Seeing you tonight with someone else unravelled me. I don’t ever want that to happen again, baby. You’re all mine.” He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.


Skylar tucked her head against his chest and felt tears fill her eyes. She wanted to tell him, but the words just didn’t want to come out. “What’s wrong, baby?” Nate frowned down at her.


Looking up at him she said, “Nothing is wrong at all, Nate.”
I love you.
She wanted to answer, but couldn’t. He tightened his arm around her as she cuddled closer in to him.


“Let’s go to sleep, baby. You took all the energy out of me.” She slapped him on the chest. Laughing, he lifted her hand and placed a kiss on her palm. She finally had Nate all to herself.









































Skylar opened her eyes to an expansive bare chest. Her head was propped just above Nate’s pecs, his arm was wrapped around her holding her close, and his hand was cupping her bare ass. At some point during the night, Nate kicked the sheet off and all six feet four inches of him was naked. Not to mention the ten inches or so of his erect cock standing at attention. She smiled.


Skylar swallowed back the desire building between her thighs. She remembered how he tasted the last time and it made her lick her lips in anticipation. Curling her fingers into a fist, she moved down his body and his hand tightened on her ass. She froze.


Seconds later his hand slipped off, and he shifted to his side. His abs were rock hard. His other hand reached up and scratched his chest. She paused until he settled again. Moving further down, his cock jerked and she smiled. Skylar leaned over slowly and wet her lips. A tiny drop of pre-come seeped from the slit. She licked it off slowly with her tongue.


Nate hissed above her as his cock jerked in anticipation, but he still didn’t wake.
He must be having one hell of a dream
, she thought. “Mmm,” he moaned. Smiling to herself, she took the head into her mouth, and sucked.


“Shit, baby,” Nate shot up, eyes wide and his chest heaving. Skylar followed his cock as he moved, not letting go. Skylar took more of him in, and sucked harder. He collapsed back against the bed, fisting the sheet beside his body, while Skylar bobbed her head up and down. “More,” he gasped. His hips began lifting as she moved down. She could feel his thighs tense beneath her breasts and his heels dig into the mattress. She sucked harder, ready to taste all of him.


Nate reached beneath her arms and dragged her off his cock and up his body, “Enough, baby. As much as I love your mouth on my cock, I want to be buried in your pussy, sweetheart,” his voice raspy. He flipped her over and positioned himself between her spread thighs. Skylar widened further for him. With a finger, he prodded her slit to find that she was wet and ready for him. She moaned and tilted her head back as he circled her clit with his thumb drawing more of her juices out and zeroing in on the bundle of nerves guaranteed to make her go off like a rocket.


“Don’t stop, Nate,” she panted.


He kissed her forehead. “Never, baby.” She was writhing beneath him. “You’re mine.” He pushed into her in one quick thrust. She arched her back, her breasts brushed against his chest while she yelled his name. He pulled out and pushed back in catching a rhythm that had them both sweating in no time. Skylar clawed at his back and hooked her legs around his waist. His balls tightened as he pushed into her harder. Skylar screamed as her orgasm washed over her. Nate slammed home one more time and tensed as he exploded. Her pussy clenched around him, milking him. Her thighs squeezed his hips until they could hold on no longer. When their breathing was back to normal, he pulled out of her and she hissed at the empty feeling. Nate rolled to his side and propped himself up.


“Morning, beautiful,” Nate smiled at her.


Turning towards him, Skylar wrapped her arm over his chest. “Morning,” she whispered.


Nate lifted her chin up and looked at her. “Did I hurt you last night?”


She shook her head. “No, I enjoyed every bit, Nate.” Her smiled widened.


Nate leaned down, and kissed her forehead. “So did I.” Nate smiled against her head, and wrapped both arms around her. “So what are you doing today?”


“Since Christmas is around the corner, I’m going shopping. I haven’t gotten anyone anything yet,” Skylar answered. She sat up and stretched, aware that the sheet dropped from her body, exposing a nipple very close to his mouth. Nate groaned at the site of her and couldn’t help himself. He wrapped his lips around her nipple, loving the sound of her sucking in a breath through clenched teeth. “Nate, I need to get up.”


“I’ll show you what’s up.” Nate reached for her hand and placed it over his cock again. Skylar wrapped her hand around it and stroked him. Releasing her nipple he told her, “Okay, get up before I change my mind.” Skylar stood from the bed, and leaned over to grab her robe. “Baby,” Nate groaned.
Jesus, she going to kill me at this rate


Skylar stood up slowly and smiled. “Sorry, but I need my robe.” She pulled it on, leaving it open at the front.


“Sure you do,” he groaned.


“I’ll be out soon.” Laughing, she walked to the bathroom, leaving the door open. She removed her robe and hopped in the shower.


* * *


Nate lay down on his back and threw his arm over his eyes, blowing out a breath. Jesus Christ, he was as hard as stone; he wanted her again, but didn’t want to push it. He had gone a whole week without being inside of her, and that nearly killed him. He listened as Skylar was in the shower humming to herself. He could picture the water splashing over her body and groaned at the image.
Goddamn it. How was he going to take things slow hearing that from the bathroom?
Sliding to her side of the bed, he wrapped the sheet around himself and leaned his face into his hands. Moments later he felt her hand stroke his arm.


“What’s wrong, Nate?” she whispered.


He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it softly. “Nothing, baby.” Nate pulled her onto his lap.


“Are you sure?” she frowned.




“Okay, if you say so. Do you want to come shopping with me?”


Nate dropped back onto the bed, groaning, “Baby, the last time I went shopping with a female we were out all day and it was boring.”


“Did you go with Chantal?” she laughed.


“No, it wasn’t with her.”


Skylar straddled his hips and leaned forward, “If you come with me, I’ll make it worth your while.” She pulled the towel free and moved her hands down her body slowly.




Skylar moved her hand in between them stroking his cock through the sheet. “You’ll have to come and find out.” She jumped off of him and walked over to her closet.


“It better be worth it,” he growled. Nate stood and pulled on his jeans, zipping over his erection carefully and buttoned up. He watched as Skylar pulled on a thong and bent over to look for something
. Goddamn it
, he thought, rearranging himself again. Finally standing, she pulled on a skirt and reached for a bra, as she turned around to face him.


“What?” she asked.


“If you keeping doing what you’re doing, we won’t be leaving this house, baby,” he groaned.


She smiled. “Fine, I’ll go get ready in the bathroom, happy?”


BOOK: Sweet Temptation
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