Read Sweet Temptation Online

Authors: Angel Steel

Sweet Temptation (7 page)

BOOK: Sweet Temptation
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Chantal opened the bag and pulled out the black dress. Holding it up, she said, “This is perfect for tonight – not too classy; just right for going to the movies.” She handed the dress to Skylar while she went over to the dresser and grabbed the sexy black thong that she knew Skylar bought the other day when they went shopping. She went back into the closet to pull out some black knee-high boots. Setting everything on the bed, Chantal said, “Perfect, we have your outfit picked out. Now just need to do your hair and make-up. I would suggest wearing your hair up with a couple of strands hanging down, add just a hint of make-up, and then you will be all set.”


Looking kind of shocked by what her friend picked out, Skylar asked in a confused tone, “What about a bra?”


Laughing, Chantal took the dress and said, “You can’t wear one with the way the back is on this dress, girl. It will ruin the look of how the dress is supposed to be.”


Skylar had a feeling she would say that, and agreed. When the outfit, hair and make-up were decided, Chantal told her friend she had to leave but she would come back later on after the so-called ‘date’ and see how everything went. When they had decided on her hair and makeup, Chantal left, telling her that she would come back later after the so-called “date” and see how it went.


After her friend left, she headed for the bathroom to start getting ready. She looked over again at what her friend had picked out, and wondered if she should just wear what she normally does, jeans and a t-shirt.
I mean, we are just going to the movies after all, why get all dressed up
? Shaking off the thought about the outfit, she proceeded to put on her thong and dress. She went back into the bathroom to work on her hair and make-up. When all was done, she looked at herself in the mirror, and thought to herself, “Gosh, I really look good.” The dress hugged her curves in the right spots. Overall she was happy with what Chantal picked out for her, but was never going to admit that to Chantal; she would want to pick out all of her outfits going forward. Smiling, she headed back to her room to put on the knee-high boots. Once they were on, she looked at the clock on her nightstand- it read 6:45p.m.. She signed.
Well, here goes nothing
, she thought. And with that, she got up and walked to the living room to wait for Nate.


* * *


Nate parked his pickup truck out front of Skylar’s place, walking to her front door. He took a breath and knocked on her door.


“It’s open,” she called out.


He opened the door and stepped inside, looking around to see where she was.


“I’ll be out in a second, Nate.”


“No hurry.”


Nate went into the lounge and sat on the couch. He could hear her on the phone, but couldn’t actually hear what she was saying. Skylar walked in a couple of minutes later. He looked up when he heard her enter the room and lost all thought at the sight of her.


Skylar had on a black dress that came to mid-thigh and hugged her curves in all the right places, showing an ample amount of cleavage. She had on knee-high black boots and her hair was made up with little strands hanging out. She was absolutely gorgeous. He slowly stood up and looked her up and down with a smile. “You’re absolutely gorgeous, Skylar.”


She blushed with a smile. “You’re not too bad yourself, Nate.” He was wearing light denim jeans that hugged his masculine legs, and a black button-up shirt and boots. She was salivating at the sight of him. Not letting her mind get too carried away, she said, “Do you want something to drink before we go?”


Looking at his watch, he said, “There are several good movies starting at 7:30 p.m. I was thinking we could go there straight away and then go to Joey’s after for a drink, but only if you want to do that.”


“That’s fine. My bag is near the door if you want to go now.”


“Sure, let’s go.” He walked over to the door and opened it for her to walk out.


Skylar grabbed her bag, passed Nate, and waited on the veranda, watching him as he closed her door behind him. When he stood beside her she started walking down the stairs towards his truck. He followed behind her, and noticed that the dress didn’t have a back on it; all it had were straps criss-crossing from her shoulders down to her lower back. The only material there was covering her ass and the back of her thighs.


His eyes were glued to her and he noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra. How was he going to concentrate on the movie when she sat beside him in that dress, not wearing a bra? Watching her hips sway from side to side, he groaned softly to himself. He hoped to God she was wearing panties, because if she wasn’t they wouldn’t be going to the cinema right now. Maybe he would have to find out some way without coming across too strong. Nate opened the door for her to jump in and walked around to the driver’s side slow enough to control his breathing. He started the truck and headed straight to the cinema.


* * *


Skylar watched him as he walked to his side; he was so muscular and completely all male. The way those jeans hugged his legs and his shirt pulled tight against all that muscle, even his ass was perfection.


I’ve really got to stop this


Skylar knew she would never get a guy like that. Smiling as he jumped in, he started the truck and they were on their way. It only took ten minutes to get to the cinema. Skylar wanted to say something, but just couldn’t think of what to say. Although, he didn’t say anything to her either.


She kept glancing over at him, and noticed his knuckles were white on the steering wheel and he had a frown on his face. Skylar looked down his body and started staring when she noticed that Nate was hard. She couldn’t look away. Skylar could just make out the outline due to just the right amount of light that was coming into the truck.


He was rock hard against his jeans and there was no way you could miss that. Nate chose that moment to look over at her. She blushed and looked away, feeling embarrassed that she was caught staring at his lap. Her imagination started to run away with her again, thinking of all the things she could do to him in this moment. God, she wanted to taste him. She was so wet; she squirmed in her seat and pressed her legs together, but it didn’t help, the lace thong was rubbing against her enlarged clit. She wanted to moan at the feeling, but Nate would think there was something wrong with her.
Maybe I should just sleep with him and get it out of my system
, she thought.
But would he go for it
? Skylar thought she’d try something in the cinema. She smiled to herself.



All he wanted was to reach over and run his hand from her knee to her thigh and find out if she had any panties on. Nate gripped the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles were white. He couldn’t think of anything with her sitting there like that and his cock was so hard it was on the verge of exploding right there. Almost at the cinema, he glanced at her again and noticed that she was staring at his hard-on. She blushed and turned away, but that just made him harder. He pressed his foot down a little more on the gas; if they didn’t get there soon he’d end up pulling over and taking her in his truck. He didn’t want that, he wanted her in his bed with room to move.


Several minutes later he pulled up in the car park and got out. Walking around the back so he could readjust his cock without her watching, he opened the door for her and they both walked in. Nate stayed close to Skylar. He felt protective of her and wasn’t letting her out of his sight.


They strolled up to the ticket master and read what was showing tonight.


“Is there anything up there that you want to watch?” he asked.


“There are several I haven’t seen.” She looked up at him.


“We’ll pick one together then.”


They decided on
Fast 5
, grabbed their tickets and moved over to the concession stand to grab food and drinks. Making their way into the right cinema, they took seats at the back left near the wall, out of view from anyone that walked in. Nate sat closest to the wall and Skylar beside him. She was nervous, her heart was pounding a hundred miles an hour and she couldn’t think of actually watching the movie.


Skylar wanted to taste him, badly. Smiling, she started to plan what she wanted to do to him. Once the previews started, she got as comfortable as she could. Grabbing her popcorn, she lifted her leg and placed it over the other, knowing her action would lift her dress further up her thigh. Breathing slowly she tried really hard to concentrate on the movie rather than what she was going to do.


Skylar felt Nate’s eyes on her legs when she crossed them and the heat from his gaze burned straight through her; she could feel her own juices soaking her thong. Breathing in, she took a quick glance over at him and saw he had his hands in his lap hiding his erection.


About twenty minutes into the movie she leaned back and laid her head on the chair, causing her dress to rise up further. Skylar placed her hand on top of her thigh and started to stroke it very slowly. Nate was watching her every move. She didn’t want to look over at him. When the movie got to a really good bit she started to make her move. She slowly leaned closer to him. Curling up on her side, she leaned her head against his shoulder and placed her hand on his thigh. She smiled and hoped he went for it.


* * *


Nate watched as she crossed her leg over the other beside him, seeing her dress rise and stop at the top of her thighs. He swallowed; he wasn’t going to be able to watch the movie, and wished she would just sit still. He couldn’t help but look at her. Placing his hands over his obvious erection, he had to get his mind off of her legs and taking her right then and there in the cinema. Nate thought about what he had to do tomorrow for work.


Let’s see, I have to work on four cars; two have to be done by that afternoon…


She didn’t move after that, so he tried really hard to concentrate on the movie. After a while she moved, curling up in her chair and resting her head on his shoulder, placing her hand on his thigh. He groaned, wanting that hand up a little higher. Nate was breathing harder, there was no chance of actually paying attention to the movie now as she started rubbing his leg slowly.


Her hand moved higher and the movement was moving the jeans over his cock. He closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling. He didn’t know how long he kept his eyes closed, when he felt her hand move over his erection. He opened his eyes and stared at her, she was still watching the movie, rubbing slowly over his cock. She was gripping it through his jeans and started moving her hand up and down. Groaning, he closed his eyes again. He couldn’t believe what was happening, but he wasn’t going to say anything if it meant she would stop.


Leaning back, he slid down a little in his chair. Skylar undid his pants and slid her hand in. She grabbed his cock in her hand and started stroking, sliding down to the base and back up, gripping harder. He moaned at the feeling of her silky hand wrapped around him. She moved her hand back up and spread the pre-come drops that leaked out of the slit, rubbing it over the head as lubrication. Skylar gripped his cock and moved up and down faster, twisting her wrist. She wanted to moan out loud at the sight of him.


He started to move his hips with her movement. Looking over at him, smiling, she leaned back to enjoy what she was doing. Skylar released his cock from his jeans, seeing how thick and large he was. She licked her lips, got off her chair and moved to kneel in between his legs. Leaning over, she ran her tongue from the base of his cock to the tip, swirling her tongue around the head.
God, she was wet.
She could feel her juices running down her thighs, and his taste was heaven. His masculine scent was driving her crazy. Skylar looked up at him; his eyes were a darker green than usual. She smiled and leaned over very slowly about to take his cock in her mouth.


“Skylar, what are you doing?” he groaned, moving one of his hands to her hair and twisting the strands around his fingers.


“Just relax and enjoy, Nate. Let me do this,” she said.


Nate removed his hand from her hair and gripped the arm rest on each side.


              His eyes rolled back into his head when she wrapped her mouth over the head of his cock. Fuck, it felt good. Her mouth was perfect in every way. Using the saliva in her mouth, she sucked him in bit by bit, rubbing her tongue on the underline, driving him insane. Her other hand was massaging his balls; he knew he wouldn’t last long by how they were tightening in her hand. Twisting her mouth and using her hand on his cock, she leaned over more and took all of him in, so he could feel the back of her throat. Every time she swallowed, it gripped the head of his cock. She released her hand from his balls, causing him to open his eyes and see what she was doing. He watched her move her hand slowly over her breast, pinching her nipple. She moaned and he felt it straight down to his balls; he couldn’t take it, he wanted to pick her up, turn her around so she was facing the screen and slide her wet pussy down on his cock.

BOOK: Sweet Temptation
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