Swimming Lessons (3 page)

Read Swimming Lessons Online

Authors: Athena Chills

Tags: #girl, #life, #sex, #college, #swimming, #ocean, #guard, #lessons, #boy, #lesson, #pool, #drowning, #dip, #floating, #swimmer, #tide, #tan, #drown, #skinny, #lifeguard, #dipping, #float

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Jean, not as steady as she would have liked,
raised one arm out of the water and stroked Sam's face and dripping
wet hair. He was almost laying on top of her, and it was all she
could do to keep his weight from pushing her down. Still, she
couldn't take her eyes off Sam. His wet skin glistened in the
reflected summer light as water droplets rolled down his chest and

She reached up, put her hand on the back of
Sam's head, and pulled him back down for another prolonged kiss.
Sam kissed her on the lips as he had before, and kissed her on the
chin, and started to go for the beasts again, but stopped when he
felt Jean's hand between his legs.


"That is
!" She felt his
erection under the waves. The water didn't seem to have any kind of
dampening effect on his swollen cock. Her hand shifted, and in a
flash it was inside his swimsuit, cupping his balls and rubbing his


Sam shuddered. "That feels awesome, but
let's hold off until we're done with the actual lesson. I want to
enjoy you like that, but we are here for an important reason; let's
get business out of the way first." Sam started to stand up,
wondering exactly why he hadn’t taken full advantage of the
situation, and hoping he didn’t come to regret taking care of
business first.


They both stood up and walked slowly out a
little farther until they were in waist-deep water. The waves were
only a little higher here, but Sam noticed how cautiously Jean took
every step.


Sam thought they were far
enough out for now. "See how deep the water is? You can easily
touch bottom and stand up here. The bottom is pretty flat, so you
aren't going to step into any holes or anything." Jean's face
relaxed; that had been bothering her as she walked. Sam continued,
"Let's work on your floating."


He put his hand on her
ass, and another on her back. "Now lay back. I'll hold you up. It
takes a little trust, but I won't drop you, I promise."


She put her hand on Sam’s
shoulder to steady herself but then slowly laid back. When Sam
lifted her off her feet, she got a panicked look in her eyes for
half a second, but got herself under control quickly. She went limp
and let Sam do what he wanted with her. He laid her back in the
water horizontally. He was holding her up; from above the water,
she appeared to be laying on the surface.


He explained, “Now, go rigid, push your arms
and legs straight out and keep them stiff and straight. Good!" Now
I'm going to lower you a bit. As you float, I might lower my arms
enough that you can't feel them anymore. I'm still right there
beneath you though."


And they worked on this for a few minutes.
It didn't take long until Sam was standing there with his arms to
his sides, and Jean was floating there on her back in the waves,
bobbing up and down. She had a big smile on her face, pleased at
her progress. Eventually, she bent at the waist and got herself
able to stand up. Sam was thankful the waves were so slight


"Think that's enough for today?” Sam didn’t
want to rush her.


"No, I want more! Floating is fun, but
there's more to it than that."


"We could work on dog
paddling. That's as close to real swimming as I think we can do


"Yes, let's do that then.”
She sounded almost enthusiastic. Sam couldn’t tell if she really
wanted to swim more or if this was just an excuse to be with him.
He didn’t really care which it was, since both worked out well for


"OK. We'll take it step-by-step, but here's
what you're going to learn." He took a couple of steps into deeper
water and leaned forward in the water. Jean watched Sam as he
dog-paddled around a bit. Finally, he stood back up. "Dog paddling
is easy to learn. It's not the most efficient way of swimming, but
it's quick and good enough if you're only interested in


He had her float on her
back again, but this time he put his arm under her and rolled her
over onto her belly. He had one arm under her chest, while the
other supported her hips. Her neck was bent way back, as she
struggled to keep her head out of the water. Her arms were already
naturally paddling at the water as she struggled to keep her head
up. "See? You're almost doing on your own already!” Sam tried hard
not to think about where his hands were positioned.


He explained how Jean
should move her arms and legs, and then when she got the movements
correct with him holding her there, he lowered her slowly into the
water. At first she had difficulty getting her head up enough to
breathe, but she quickly got a rhythm down that allowed her to move
in a straight line. She still had a little problem when the waves
broke when she was trying to breathe, but she learned to time her
breaths so that wouldn't be an issue. Sam smiled; she was either a
fast learner, or he was a great teacher.


Finally, she stood up
right in front of Sam. She stretched her arms back behind her back,
thrusting her dripping breasts out directly at Sam.


Sam raised his arms and
wrapped them around Jean, pulling her in tight and close. They
kissed, slowly and without hesitation. Sam rubbed his hands down
the bare skin of Jean's back and arms, while she had her palms
against his chest, feeling the muscles and definition


"Come with me," Sam took
Jean by the hand and led her into deeper water. Now it was almost
up to their shoulders. This new depth made Jean a little
uncomfortable, but with her newly learned skills, she was able to
control the fear. Rather than another lesson, Sam had something
else in mind.


He put both hands under the water and Jean
quickly figured out that he was removing his bathing suit. She
smiled and reached behind her, untying hers from the back and
peeling it off. They were both standing there before each other,
naked. They were far enough from shore and deep enough in the water
that anyone walking the beach couldn't see a thing. Neither of them
could really see anything either, but the knowledge that they were
nude excited both of them.


Sam handed his suit to Jean and dove under
the water. He was under a long time, but eventually surfaced again
carrying a large rock in one hand. He took their swimsuits and dove
under again. When he came up, his hands were empty. "I weighted our
suits down under the rock, so they don't wash away or get lost. Now
we can be totally hands-free."


"I know what to do with my hands," Jean
explained. She approached him, and put both hands on his chest
again, but this time, slowly worked them down lower and lower until
they touched his rock-solid dick. It wasn't exceptionally long, but
it was solid and hard, and she liked the feel of it in her hands.
She used one arm to pull him in closer, and the other hand to
position his dick inside her.


Sam put his hands on her
hips and pulled her in tighter. Then he released her, and then
pulled again. They were just standing there fucking in the waves.
Jean put her head on his shoulder, lips touching the salty wetness
that was breaking over his shoulders and neck. The waves still
hadn't picked up any, but the further out they got, the higher the
waves were. Jean didn’t seem to notice the waves or the water now,
as she was busy paying attention to Sam.


He thrusted, and she
bucked. Not a word was spoken. Several times, Sam's penis bumped
against Jean's clitoris. With the waves beating on them it was more
a matter of luck than skill, but it was building up within her. She
fought to extend their lovemaking time, but it was getting too
intense. She was close to an orgasm, but they’d only been at it a
minute or two. She thought it was the excitement of being in the


Sam was having a great time, but he clearly
wasn't ready yet. Jean shrieked all of a sudden, threw her head
backwards and let it all out. She clenched her legs together,
holding on to Sam's dick for dear life. She bucked a few more
times, and then the ecstasy started to fade. She relaxed and
slumped in Sam's arms.


Sam, on the other hand,
wasn't done. "Float on your back the way I showed you," he said. It
wasn't a request. She did as he ordered. She straightened and
stiffened her arms and legs and the laid back in the water. Sam
grabbed Jean's ankles and pulled her back into slightly shallower
water. When he was done pulling her, she was floating at just about
his waist height.


He pulled her legs to get
her into alignment with him, and then put both hands on her hips
and pulled her in. He penetrated her while she lay back and he
stood there, essentially entering from below. He started pumping
his hips back and forth, thrusting and gyrating his own body, while
using his hands to push and pull on Jean's hips.


With all the motion, it was all Jean could
do to keep her face out of the water. She wasn't especially nervous
about it, but Sam looked a little preoccupied right now. He had his
eyes closed and his head tilted back, looking straight up. If she
were drowning right now, he'd never notice.


As the waves broke over her breasts, water
would occasionally splash into her nose and mouth. Usually she
could catch it in her mouth and spit it out, but she was also
swallowing more than she really thought was good for her. Still,
she kept her arms outstretched and legs straight as he had taught
her. Her long brown hair floated in the water behind her like a


He slid his hands over her thighs and waist.
He was careful not to push her down, but he didn't help her any
either. She was trying to stay still, but her arms were
instinctively flailing beneath her. Her struggles turned him on
even more, and her gyrations only increased the pleasure she was
giving him. His dick slid in and out, the only lubricant being the
natural salty ocean water.


The roughness of her pussy
was rubbing hard against his cock. He rubbed the ring of his
circumcision scar around and around her vagina. Occasionally he
would brush her clitoris again, which caused her to stiffen up and
moan, but for the most part, this time was his turn.


It had taken longer than
he expected, but at last he could feel the excitement building down
below. His already-stiff penis started to pulse with building
excitement. He clenched his butt-cheeks to hold in the orgasm. It
kept building. He kept pumping in and out of Jean, and it kept
building. He couldn't hold it anymore, so he released it. He
spurted great globs of stringy cum into the water, which floated
there between them.


Sam gasped as he realized
that he was climaxing a second time, almost immediately after the
first one. He pumped Jean a few more times, and sure enough, he had
a second orgasm right there. It was every bit as strong as the
first one. This time, he was spent. He released Jean and fell back
into the water, totally relaxed and limp.


Jean, noticing she was finally free, stood
up on her own and coughed twice. She hadn't inhaled as much
seawater as she'd thought, but it still tasted awful. She looked
around and Sam was gone. Where had he gone so quickly? She looked
all around, but he was gone. It dawned on her that he must have
slipped under water somehow. Was he drowning right now? She put her
arms out and started splashing at the water.


Sam rose up slowly out of
the water. Gallons of dripping, running water droplets ran down his
hair, off his chin, and over his muscular torso. He just silently
rose there before her, like some kind of Greek god. Jean rushed
forward and put her arms around Sam once again, holding him


He looked her in the eye and asked, "Enough
for today? Ready to go back in?"


She didn't really want the day to end, but
the sun was starting to go down; they'd been out here a few hours
at least. Yes, it was time. "OK, Let's go back in. You think you
can find our suits?"


Sam twisted up his nose. "Maybe." He didn't
sound so confident. They backed up to a place where the depth and
distance from shore felt about right, but he dove a dozen times,
and always came back up empty-handed. "I guess that rock wasn't the
best idea I've ever had," he joked.


Jean looked to the West. "They sun is going
down. It'll be dark in a few minutes. I left my street clothes in
your shack. If we can get back there, I can put those on to get


"I drove here in my
swimsuit," said Sam. "It's the only uniform I need out here." He
considered for a moment. "I might be able to make it to my car
naked, and might even be able to get away with driving home that
way, but there's no way I'm going to be able to get into my
apartment stark naked.
got to notice."


They began walking toward
shore, every step exposing more of their bodies to the cooling
night air. Jean only had to make it to the watchtower, but Sam knew
that he was pretty well screwed. He could picture himself tiptoeing
through the apartment door and taking an elevator


Finally, Jean suggested a solution. ”I can
drive you to your place. Would I be able to run inside and grab
some clothes for you?"


"I guess." It would still be a matter of
riding home naked, but as long as she didn't get pulled over by a
cop, that would probably be OK. "At least I'll have something to
play with on the drive home."

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