Switched: Brides of the Kindred 17 (13 page)

Read Switched: Brides of the Kindred 17 Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #scifi, #alien, #scifi erotica, #scifi romance, #scifi erotic romance, #evangeline anderson, #fated mate, #kindred, #brides of the kindred

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Just the memory made
her shudder with disgust and wonder how she’d put up with her ex
for so long. But then Kerov spoke again.

have always wondered what it would be like to be face to face with
a female you truly cared for, looking into her eyes as you thrust
deeply into her pussy.”
He sounded almost wistful and suddenly Frankie saw an
image in her mind.

It was Kerov and he
had a female with him—under him actually—but it wasn’t Xirnah. In
fact, Frankie couldn’t see who it was—her face was concealed in
shadows. Kerov was kissing her tenderly, passionately, as he cupped
her cheek in his big palm. The girl kissed him back eagerly—as
hungry for him as he was for her. As Frankie watched, Kerov gently
but firmly brought the girl’s hands above her head, pinning them in
place with one hand so that she was completely helpless under him.
With the other, he guided himself into her, sliding his shaft
slowly into her pussy.

The girl gave a soft
cry and spread her thighs wider, clearly trying to be open enough
to receive him. In the fantasy—for that was what it must be,
Frankie realized—Kerov paused for a moment.

All right?” he rumbled softly in that deep voice of

The girl nodded.
“Yes,” she whispered. “More…please…”

I’ll give you more,
he murmured and then he began to thrust. But not wildly or out
of control, the way Carlos had done. The big Kindred thrust with a
slow, deliberate rhythm that made the girl under him moan and buck
up to meet him, trying to get his big cock deeper into her willing

And the entire time,
Kerov was looking into her eyes, never breaking contact. He was
murmuring to her too—something too soft for Frankie to hear. But
whatever it was, it drove the girl under him wild. She moaned
softly and thrashed beneath his big body, giving herself
completely, eagerly, wanting him as badly as he wanted her…

Madre de Dios,”
Frankie breathed. The hot scene she was watching had the shaft
between her thighs hard and aching—throbbing for release with an
urgency she’d never felt before.

seemed to realize she was sharing his fantasy and he cut it off
didn’t mean for you to see that.”

didn’t mind,” Frankie assured him. “It was, um, kind of hot,

It’s just something I think about sometimes,”
he confessed.
“Being with a female who
wants to be with me. Who desires me as I desire her.”

And who isn’t colder than ice on the inside,” Frankie put

That too,”
Kerov agreed and sighed.
“But it is only a fantasy—a deviant fantasy that I
should not have shared.”

It’s not deviant where I come from,” Frankie assured him.
“And it didn’t bother me—really.”

Well, except for the
shaft between her legs which now refused to go down. She shifted
uncomfortably onto her side in the hard mattress, willing the
throbbing hardness to deflate. Damn, how did guys sleep with these
things between their legs?

Are you all right?”
Kerov asked.

Fine,” Frankie assured him quickly. But when she rolled to
her back, the long, hard shaft pressed against the furry green
coverlet, causing a considerable tent. Even worse, Frankie could
feel something wet at the sensitive tip of it. Damn, was it leaking
precum? Had Kerov’s fantasy really turned her on that

She reached down to
find out and bit back a moan at the pleasure of her own touch. Sure
enough, it was leaking all right. And throbbing and hard and ready
to come.

Kerov’s deep voice sounded uncertain.

Uh, sorry!” Frankie jerked her hand away quickly. She was
just a guest in this body, she reminded herself. Kerov had asked
her to touch his shaft earlier in order to do what had to be done
with Xirnah. But she was pretty sure that invitation to touch
didn’t extend to her exploring his cock under the covers when she
was supposed to be trying to get to sleep.

You can touch it…if you want to,”
he murmured, surprising her.

What?” Frankie wasn’t sure she’d heard him right. “You,
me to do that? To touch

Only if you want to.”
He made an embarrassed sound like clearing his
“It, uh,
helps me go to sleep sometimes. That’s all.”

All right.” Frankie knew she probably shouldn’t do it but his
cock was throbbing so insistently she didn’t see how she could ever
make it go down otherwise. Tentatively, she reached beneath the
furry green cover and grasped the long, hard, hot shaft in one

tingling pleasure rose once again at her own touch and Frankie had
to bite back a moan as she explored the thick appendage.
he was so
so long and hard and hot in her hand. It was a
strange sensation—touching a man’s body and being able to feel the
pleasure her hand gave him—but it felt good all the same.

That’s right,”
she heard Kerov growl softly.
“Touch it…stroke it.

Okay…” Frankie found that she was breathing harder. She threw
back the cover to give herself more room to work and grasped his
shaft more fully. Boldly, she cupped the sensitive sack beneath,
tickling his balls and making both of them groan before caressing
back up to the broad head, now slippery with precum.

heard Kerov groan in her head.
“I love the way you touch me, Frankie. Feels

It feels…feels pretty amazing to me too,” she admitted
breathlessly, stroking up and down the thick shaft more rapidly.
The sensations were different from the ones she experienced in her
own body when she touched herself. They were more urgent somehow
and she felt the almost undeniable urge to thrust.

Make a fist around my shaft and thrust into it,”
Kerov told her, clearly
sensing her need.
“Pump your hips.”

Frankie did as he
demanded without hesitation. Somehow feeling the pleasure of his
big body as her own seemed to double and then triple the
sensations. Having Kerov mentally connected to her seem to heighten
every touch, every word and action. It was sexual experience unlike
any she’d ever had and Frankie loved it.


Yes!” she gasped and pumped harder, thrusting as she stroked
his throbbing cock with a rough caress.

In the dark with his
deep voice in her ear and the pleasure rolling through her she
didn’t think about how strange the situation was. She couldn’t
spare a thought for anything but how deep the pleasure was and how
it built and built as the delicious friction of the thick shaft
pumping up into her grip went on and on…

Kerov urged hoarsely.
“Do it faster. Let the pleasure build until you

don’t think that’s going to take very long,” Frankie panted. “In
fact I think I’m going to…to…”

finished for her.
“Come, Frankie…come hard for me,

Ahh!” She didn’t know if it was his deep voice in her ear or
the pleasure of her grip on his shaft but suddenly she felt a
tightness in his balls and then his thick cock was shooting,
pulsing hot spurts onto his flat belly as the sensation crested and

heard Kerov groan.
“Gods, yes!”

The pleasure seemed
to go on and on, intensified by the strange connection she had with
the big Kindred. Then, slowly, it ebbed.

Mmmm…” Frankie stretched as a sudden intense lethargy
overwhelmed her. “That was…amazing,” she whispered to

The most intense orgasm I’ve ever had,”
he agreed.
“I wonder if it’s because of the

Whatever the reason it was…” Frankie yawned. “It was
wonderful.” She felt the flat, corded abdomen which was now sticky
with drying cum. “Oh, I know I need to clean up but I’m suddenly

It’s all right,”
Kerov told her.
“Just go to sleep. I’ll handle it in the morning.”

guess if this works I’ll never see you again.” Frankie felt
suddenly sad at the thought. “I mean, we don’t really know each
other but somehow we
you somehow.”

It’s because of the Switch, I think. Old stories say that it’s
the strongest connection possible between a male and female. I just
wish…I wish I could have met you in real life.”
Kerov sounded wistful

wish so too,” Frankie whispered. Sleep was creeping up on her and
she yawned again. “I hope…hope I didn’t screw up your life too

I’ll manage,”
Kerov murmured.

But before she could
hear what else he said, Frankie drifted off to sleep.

* *
* * *

She opened her eyes
only once in the middle of the night and saw the familiar gleam of
the round single moon shining through her bedroom window.

it’s over,
It was
all only a dream. Just a really bizarre dream.
Part of her couldn’t help wishing it
was real somehow, that there really was a man named Kerov in a
distant galaxy that she had met and somehow merged with. But she
knew it couldn’t be true.

With a sigh, she
rolled over and went back to sleep.


Chapter Six


Kerov knew something
was wrong the moment he opened his eyes.

His first clue was
the light coming in through the window—it was golden. The sun his
planet orbited was a red giant, which gave the light a reddish hue.
But the sunbeams pouring through the window were warm and
yellow—not right at all.

Come to think of it,
the window itself was wrong too. Kerov’s bedroom window was little
more than a slit. This one was wide and covered in lacy white

Fabric? Since when
have I ever had fabric over my window? What is the point of such a

He lifted his head
for a better look and a mass of wavy black hair fell around his
shoulders. Startled, he jerked his head to one side and groaned as
the sudden movement sent a bolt of pain through his neck. What in
the Seven Hells was going on?

He lifted a hand to
massage his neck but found himself staring at it instead. In the
early morning light, the hand in front of his face wasn’t what he
expected to see. Instead of the big, broad palm and long fingers
with short, neat nails, he saw a petite, shapely hand less than
half the size of his own. It had incredibly soft skin and slender
fingers tipped with almond shaped nails painted petal pink.

Kerov stared blankly at the hand for a moment and then looked
at the rest of the room. It was clearly a sleeping chamber but it
sleeping chamber, that
was for certain. The coverlet on the sleeping platform was a warm
rose-gold and there was a fuzzy pelt of some kind on the floor
beside it that matched.

What in the Seven Hells?
he thought, looking at it blankly. What kind of
animal could such a strange pelt have come from? And why skin it
and leave the skin on the floor by the sleeping

Kerov sat up and put
his feet—which were petite with pink toenails—down on the soft pelt
and stood shakily. He still felt fuzzy from sleep—he’d had a very
strange dream he couldn’t quite remember. Come to think of it,
maybe he was still dreaming. That would certainly explain the
strange light and surroundings and the way his body didn’t look
like his own.

There was a door
cracked open across from the sleeping platform. Kerov walked rather
unsteadily over to it and grabbed the handle. He yanked it open and
had to bite back a surprised yelp at the sight that met his

A petite female with
light brown skin a few shades darker than his own and big, almond
shaped brown eyes was staring at him from the small, dark room.
Framing her face was a wild mass of wavy black hair. She had a
shapely little nose, a determined looking chin, and full, luscious

Hello?” Kerov said but his voice came out sounding all
wrong—it was high and feminine—not the bass rumble he was used to
hearing when he spoke. Instinctively, he put a hand to his mouth
and the girl did the same, her petite hand with its pink nails
coming up to cover those luscious lips.

Who are you?” he said, pushing the door open wider to admit
more light into the small, dark space. Again his voice sounded
strange and the girl’s lips moved when he spoke. As daylight
flooded the dark room he could see her more clearly.

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