Switched: Brides of the Kindred 17 (12 page)

Read Switched: Brides of the Kindred 17 Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #scifi, #alien, #scifi erotica, #scifi romance, #scifi erotic romance, #evangeline anderson, #fated mate, #kindred, #brides of the kindred

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I am warm enough as it
is. And as for modesty, I live alone. Therefore I usually just
sleep in the nude.”

Oh. Uh…okay.” She sounded
uncomfortable. “That’s okay I guess.”

If it’s ‘okay’ as you put
it, then why aren’t you undressing us for bed?”
Kerov asked.

I just…I guess I didn’t
know how you’d feel about it. Being naked in front of me, I mean.”
She nodded at the closet door which had a full length 3-D viewer
built into it, thanks to the taste of his domicile’s previous
owner. Kerov wouldn’t have installed such a thing himself—he had
never felt the need to preen in front of a viewer. As long as his
appearance was neat and clean it was enough for him. But clearly
Frankie thought it might be a problem.

seen myself naked
he pointed out dryly.
“And you’ve already seen my shaft—seen it and
handled it too. What difference does it make if you see the rest of
me without clothing?”

Okay—well, I guess if you
put it that way…” Shrugging, Frankie began to undress.

Chapter Five


Frankie tried to conceal
her embarrassment as she went about undressing his big, male body.
It wasn’t that she was a prude or anything—she’d just never seen
any guy naked in person but Carlos. And that was only
they were

Still, Kerov seemed to
think it was no big deal for her to undress his body and he was
already seen and handled his equipment. But that had been in
the heat of the moment—he and Xirnah both had been expecting her to
perform and Frankie had gotten caught up in the anxiety of the
whole crazy scene.

Now, with things quiet in his small, austere
apartment, the situation seemed much more…intimate somehow. Frankie
realized this was the closest she’d been to a man since she and
Carlos had gone their separate ways. Lacy was always teasing her
and telling her she needed to go out and get laid but Frankie just
couldn’t shake her proper Catholic upbringing that easily. Which
was probably the main reason she hadn’t done much dating after her

She had a sudden thought which probably
should have occurred to her earlier—was trying to have intercourse
with Xirnah a venial sin or a mortal sin? Technically she hadn’t
been in her own body while she was committing the sin so maybe it
didn’t count either way…

Frankie tried to push the thought out of her
head but it wouldn’t quite go. She was a lapsed Catholic but that
didn’t mean she was completely unrepentant. At some point she meant
to go back to confession and get right with God. Only how would she
confess what she had just done—or almost done—with Xirnah?

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. Once I
inhabited the body of an alien male and attempted to have
intercourse with his bitchy alien girlfriend only I couldn’t keep
it up because her coochie was so cold inside it made his dick

Riiiight. Father Munoz would really think
she was crazy if she started spewing all that. He’d be more likely
to call the local mental hospital than assign her a penance.

What’s taking so long?
Why have you stopped undressing?”

Kerov’s deep mental voice yanked her out of
her uneasy thoughts and Frankie realized she was standing there in
front of the 3-D mirror thing with only his shirt off. For the
first time, she got a look at the Kindred’s broad chest and sucked
in a breath.

He was huge everywhere—not just between his
legs. The broad, muscular planes of his chest were covered in
smooth tan skin a shade lighter than her own and Frankie estimated
that his shoulders would be exactly twice as wide as hers if they
were standing side by side.

He would also be at least a head and a half
taller than her—if not more. It was difficult to say with no frame
of reference but she estimated the big Kindred was at least 6’7 or
6’8 if not taller.

His chest was smooth although there was a
thin trail of curly brown hair leading from his belly button down
his abdomen which rippled with muscle. When she finally shucked off
the size fourteen leather boots and the tight black trousers, she
could see that his thighs and calves were well muscled too. Clearly
he didn’t skip leg day at whatever his version of the gym was.

Madre de Dios,”
Frankie murmured, unable to help admiring the
sight in the mirror. Kerov was cut in every way—there wasn’t a
spare ounce of flesh on his huge, muscular frame anywhere. Add that
to his dark blond hair and those piercing, pale gray eyes and he
looked like something out of a female fantasy. In fact, seeing him
naked inspired a few fantasies of her own. She could just imagine
being enfolded in those strong, muscular arms, being held close so
she could feel the heat of his big body…

Then, to her horror, the thick shaft between
his legs began to stir.

What are you
Kerov sounded genuinely
“Whatever it is, I can feel your
arousal. My shaft just twitched.”

I’m, uh, not thinking
anything,” Frankie lied hastily. “It just moved on its own—honest!”
Quickly she jumped into bed, sliding under the thin blanket which
seemed to be made out of some kind of velvety green fur.
“Lights off!” she said loudly and the room was plunged into sudden
darkness. Then she just lay there, praying that sleep would come

Well that was
Kerov murmured in her
“Did it bother you that much to see
my shaft harden? You didn’t appear to be upset about it earlier
when Xirnah was here.”

That was different,”
Frankie protested in a low voice. “We were in the heat of the
moment and you were telling me that I
to service her or else. This was
just…you and me. It was weird. Embarrassing.”

Not half as embarrassing
as going soft before I could finish the job with my assigned
he remarked.

That wasn’t your fault,
it was mine because her coochie felt like the inside of a walk-in
freezer,” Frankie reminded him. To her relief, the shaft between
her legs went down at the memory of the alien woman’s chilly

I still take
Kerov said grimly.
“It was my equipment that refused to

Well how could it when
you were trying to do it in such an impersonal way?” Frankie asked
know, even with Xirnah being cold inside, she might have warmed
up—at least metaphorically—if you’d had a little foreplay first
instead of just sitting on those damn pointy chairs of

What’s foreplay?”
Kerov asked, sounding confused.

Seriously? You sound like my ex.”

From what you have told me
previously of this ex of yours, I do not think that
is a compliment.”
Kerov sounded miffed.

Frankie realized he
was being for real—he honestly didn’t know what she meant.

Sorry—I didn’t mean to compare you to Carlos. Foreplay is what
you do
get each other ready. It’s the same kind of thing we were watching
on your TV or viewscreen or whatever it is out there. You know—with
the man kissing and, uh, going down on the woman?”

So…you come from a place where such things are actually
He sounded surprised…and
just for pornographic reasons but in real life with a

Well…sure.” Frankie remembered Xirnah saying that the scene
they were watching was deviant and not allowed but she hadn’t quite
registered the other woman’s words at the time. “Is it really
against the law here?” she asked in a low voice.

Kerov made a mental
sound like clearing his throat.

Any kind of physical contact of a sexual nature other than
intercourse itself is strictly forbidden. Xirnah was right—such
vids are only made for the benefit of deviants who cannot get
aroused by normal pornography.”

Normal as in the Kiss of the Spider Woman stuff we were
watching before she changed the channel? Or the singing rainbow
teddy bear with the lasso penis?” Frankie demanded.

That piece wasn’t meant to be pornography,”
he said stiffly.
“It was art.”

Okay, well then I guess I just don’t get your art…or your
porn.” Frankie shrugged. “I mean, we have some weird stuff back on
Earth—some of it pretty deviant, too. But the majority of the
people there are probably into more mainstream porn—like the man
and the woman kissing each other. At least, most of the
I know are.”

And…it is not forbidden?”
He sounded doubtful.

Not a bit,” Frankie assured him. “We
it. Well—some people do, anyway,” she added,
remembering Carlos. He’d refused to go down on her, considering it
unmanly in some way, although he certainly expected
to show
plenty of oral attention. Yet another reason she’d
boarded the train for divorce-ville.

So you would actually allow a male to part your thighs
and…taste you there? To taste your pussy?”

Frankie shifted
uncomfortably. Talking like this with Kerov was intensely intimate,
especially since she could feel the sexual curiosity radiating from
him through the strange link they somehow shared. Between her legs,
she could feel his thick shaft stirring again.

would,” she admitted, finding it hard to lie to him. “I mean, if I
could find a guy who, you know,
to. My ex refused to go to P-town, as my friend Lacy calls it.
He thought it was emasculating.”

Emasculating? It seems to me it would be the exact
could be more masculine than spreading your female’s thighs and
giving her pleasure with your tongue until she moaned and called
out your name? Until she gripped your hair and bucked her hips up
to meet your mouth as you licked and sucked her sweet

you put it
Frankie shifted, feeling the stirring become a stronger sensation.
Damn—was the way he was talking actually turning her on? It seemed
so. “You really
this, aren’t you?” she asked him. “I mean, you really want to, uh,
go down.”

No—that would make me a deviant,”
Kerov said quickly.
“At least by the standards of my own
people. I was only saying that, well…”
He gave a mental cough.
“I cannot understand how any male
could live in a place where such things were permitted and not at
least want to…to
That’s all.”

Believe me, there were a whole lot of things Carlos didn’t
want to try,” Frankie said dryly. “My ex was a strictly missionary
kind of guy if you get what I mean.”

No, I don’t.”
Kerov sounded confused.
“Who was he a missionary to? Religion is also frowned
on here—is it allowed where you’re from?”

In my country, yes. But when I say missionary, I’m talking
about the missionary position,” Frankie explained.

I’m afraid I still don’t understand.”

You know—with the man on top? The woman on the bottom and
they’re facing each other?”

You are allowed to copulate in such a position?”
Again he sounded


It is considered far too intimate and is

Intimate, huh? That’s not the way I saw it,” she remarked.
“Although I suppose it could be with the right person.” Carlos had
definitely not been that person—at least not for her.

Missionary position
with her ex had been miserable for several reasons. For one thing,
Carlos sweated heavily and it dripped on her when he really got
going. Even worse, he insisted on talking dirty during sex. Only
his version of dirty talk consisted of him boasting what a great
lover he was while he plowed into her. Or tried to, anyway—his
stubby penis had never made much of an impression on Frankie, even
on their wedding night when she was actually a virgin.

Come on baby, you know you love it!” he’d snarl, his red,
sweaty face screwed into a grimace of effort. “Tell me how much you
want this huge cock—tell me you want it!” And then Frankie would be
forced to say that she wanted it when what she
wanted was for him to get off her and stop
blowing his garlic and onion breath in her face while he panted and
dripped sweat all over her.

Luckily, Carlos never lasted long. He got so excited he would
hump faster and faster, like a dog in heat, until he finally shot
his load and collapsed on top of Frankie with a gurgling groan of
satisfaction. Satisfaction that Frankie did
share—she had never come once from their
lovemaking—if it could be called that. Any pleasure she had in the
encounter had to be due to self-stimulation and she had to be quick
about it because Carlos was always impatient to screw.

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