Tablet of Destinies (45 page)

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Authors: Traci Harding

BOOK: Tablet of Destinies
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She looked around for Maelgwn and found him sitting on a grassy embankment overlooking the ocean and beach. He stood as he noted her approach and the sad look of question on his face made her want to cry. Her urge to hug him was so great that Tory broke into
a run to fulfil her need. ‘I'm so sorry.' She burst into tears once absorbed in the comfort of his familiar embrace.

‘No, I do believe the first apology is owed by me.' He kissed his wife's forehead several times, thankful for the privilege. ‘I should have trusted in your instinct, instead of leaving you to cope alone.'

‘You had other concerns to chase.'

‘And now you have a growing concern.' Maelgwn looked down to her belly that showed nothing of the child it concealed.

‘You make a very charming and alluring pirate.' Tory couldn't apologise for the affair. It had meant too much to her. ‘I always did love that aspect of you … and now I know where it came from.' She forced a smile and swallowed back her tears.

Maelgwn could feel her hurting for the pirate and quickly cut to a topic that was sure to make her forget her worries. ‘And what's this I perceive about you kissing Noah?' he smiled.

‘I never kissed Noah.' Tory was quick to defend herself, but backed up to think about it.

‘Just testing,' Maelgwn admitted, and Tory was tempted to hit him but kissed him instead.

‘I missed you.' Maelgwn was teary-eyed. He had feared for her safety and for their marriage for too long. ‘I believe I can cope with anything but being parted from you again.'

‘If we truly create our own reality, we really ought to be able to get it together on that one.' Tory wiped the tears from his face, as Maelgwn cracked a smile.

‘So, we are in agreement then?' Maelgwn returned the favour, brushing the tears from his wife's cheeks.

‘I'm not going anywhere,' Tory assured him, and then realised she was fibbing. ‘Except …' She feared more discord, and her good mood departed. Maelgwn was shaking his head. ‘I have to tell Hawk about this,' she insisted, gently. ‘You don't know what it would mean to him to know he is a father.'

‘Of course I know what it would mean to him, he's me!' Maelgwn reassured her that he held no malice for the pirate. ‘What I am saying is that you should confirm our suspicions first,' Maelgwn decreed sensibly.

‘We both know the truth of it, Maelgwn. Why else would I have been taken on my little joyride away from reality?'

‘This is true,' he conceded. ‘But humour me on this one.'

Tory rolled her eyes, not at all thrilled by the notion of giving birth to a child with two extra appendages. ‘Looks like I'm off to see Cadfan

Maelgwn was considering an alternative to his wife giving birth, however. Zabeel had not developed in his mother's belly, nor in his adopted mother's. Maelgwn suspected that there was no surrogate mother, and that Inanna had used some other means to incubate the growing embryo.

‘There's no need for you to come with me.' Tory surprised Maelgwn with her comment. ‘Go to Tarazean, speak with Inanna and Zabeel. I'll be fine. Truly,' she urged, and was happy when the worry lifted from her husband's face.

‘I'd better touch base with Brian first.' Maelgwn intended to follow her advice. ‘But I'll be back beside you before nightfall,' he vowed with a kiss, and dissolved into the breeze that danced around Tory's face.


When Maelgwn arrived at Brian's side, he found the Governor and Governess alone in their private office. Brian was distressed, and Candace was on the verge of tears.

‘Thank God, a valid third opinion.' Brian looked to Maelgwn for aid.

Brian had viewed the orb that Noah had given him, which had exposed Maelgwn's sexual association with a Delphinus woman, who had conceived the first Chosen One of her breed. But the Dragon's act in this instance had been inspired by love — the scenario unfolding between Brian and Samara-Leon was a very different affair.

Maelgwn realised he'd stepped straight into the middle of a family feud, and was relieved to bring a little hope to their dilemma with a possible solution. ‘If Tyrus-Leon's only objection is to us playing God inside his wife's body, then I believe I may have an answer to all our woes.'

‘Do you really think Inanna has the technology to get around the problem?' Candace picked up on Maelgwn's ideas telepathically.

‘Logic gives me just cause to think she does.' Maelgwn looked from the relieved wife to her husband. ‘You might want to accompany me to Tarazean before returning to settle things on Nugia.'

‘Absolutely.' Brian breathed a sigh of relief, and grabbed up his jacket. As he kissed Candace farewell, Maelgwn snatched the opportunity to make himself absent.

‘I'll be back by dinner time to celebrate the new family member,' Brian assured in his cocky, although endearing manner.

‘We'll be waiting,' Candace smiled, knowing her husband had no desire to have an extramarital affair.

Brian winked, grateful for her unquestioning faith as he vanished after Maelgwn.


Zabeel bid farewell to his living companions of many years, yet it was an altogether younger man who shook the pirates' hands in parting.

Inanna's antidote had activated the immortal gene passed on to Zabeel via his father and, having freely chosen to experience mortal death, he'd become the first Chosen One of the Delphinus branch of humanity. His youthful face was pale as snow, but not blue as was usual for his race. His hair was dark and straight like his father's; his eyes were icy blue as his mother's had been. The Delphinus' build nearly rivalled the Dragon's warrior form and would probably equal it given a few weeks to build up his youthful body.

Inanna had truthfully recounted Zabeel's missing past to him and as he said goodbye to Hawk, he knew he was addressing the Falcon incarnation of the father he'd never met — a fact that warmed his heart. Even though the Dragon had been unable to aid Zabeel's life to date, a reincarnation of him had still managed to save his
missing son's life and kept him alive and well all these years. ‘Thanks for everything, Captain. I'm sorry there wasn't a happier circumstance awaiting you here on Tarazean … but your true Swan has got to be out there somewhere, I feel sure of it,' he added in a lower tone.

‘Then I'd best start looking.' Hawk forced himself to be in good spirits whilst in company. ‘Good luck to you, Seagull.'

As Hawk slapped his shoulder, Zabeel noted that the captain wore the NERGUZ module that had been used to restrain Tory Alexander during her time on the Bil-me. He suspected that Hawk was not wearing the device for sentimental reasons, but to prevent the Goddess from locating him again. Their brief affair had hurt the captain deeply, Zabeel feared.

‘We'll sure miss your cookin',' commented Chook, with a friendly chug to the ex-cook's shoulder.

‘Yeah, but we won't miss being given piss to drink.' Crow made Zabeel laugh with the comment, as Crow waved and made for the Bil-me. Crow was eager to put some distance between himself and the Nefilim, who he couldn't bring himself to trust again.

‘See you, big guy.' Raven moved in to shake Zabeel's hand. ‘It's very comforting to know I have a friend amongst the Gods.'

‘An enduring friend at that,' Zabeel assured, as his crewmates departed to their craft, waving back at him as they went. ‘I'll sure miss you guys,' he sighed under his breath.

Now that he'd recovered his past, Zabeel's future seemed uncertain. Umpteen years in a kitchen hadn't
really prepared him for the life of a leader, and although Inanna had told him of his origins he didn't actually remember any of his life before his service on the Bil-me.

‘Alone again,' he mumbled, as the Bil-me propulsion system fired up and the craft departed for deep space. As his stepmother had lied to him since birth and his father was a stranger, there seemed to be no one in his life to whom he felt close.

‘I understand I am not a complete stranger, Zabeel.'

It was a man's voice that addressed him. Zabeel spun around to find the Goddess Inanna with two Chosen males, whose eyes and being glowed with enlightenment. One of the men looked remarkably like Hawk. ‘Dragon?' Zabeel ventured a guess, although his voice nearly escaped him.

Hawk's Homo sapiens lookalike nodded as he stepped forward from his company.

I'll give you a guided tour of my lab, Governor,
Inanna turned to the other gentleman to suggest.

Brian knew an exit was in order, but was a little daunted about accompanying the Goddess to a laboratory.

Fear not, Lahmu. I am sympathetic to Nova's cause and yours. I am a changed being.
She cast an affectionate gaze in the Dragon's direction.

‘You are Lahmu?' Zabeel gasped, as he observed the stranger more closely, for that name had been embedded in his brain.

‘That's Uncle Lahmu to you,' Brian joked in a disgruntled fashion. He was still uncomfortable with his lot and he would remain so until he got this seeding business resolved.

Follow me, oh mighty Lahmu … if you dare.
Inanna faded from view, as did her chuckle.

Brian looked to Maelgwn bemused.

‘Fear not.' It was Noah who spoke. The Sage and his wife startled Brian as they manifested close by him. ‘Rebecca needs to have a close look at Inanna's facilities,' he explained. ‘So we shall escort you.'

‘Good call.' Brian was happy.

‘You might want to give Maelgwn back the chronicle I gave you,' Noah prompted the Governor, who pulled the orb containing the episode out of his jacket pocket. ‘Could come in handy,' added Noah, giving Maelgwn a smile of reassurance.

Now was not the time to discuss all that he wished to with Noah, so Maelgwn bit his lip and smiled in return. As Brian handed over the Orb, it occurred to Maelgwn that perhaps he and Noah were not the only ones who had remembered back to the beginning. ‘You have remembered a thing or two about your life in Edin, Nin?' Maelgwn assumed this was the reason for Rebecca's interest in the Goddess' facilities.

thought Zabeel. He remembered nothing of his past and yet the name of this place rang a bell.

Rebecca looked at Maelgwn, the smile on her face conveying the extent of her recall. ‘I assisted Ninharsag with the genetic manipulation of nearly every branch of humanity. I think I can manage to navigate this little storm.'

‘We'll speak with you presently.' Noah nodded to Maelgwn as he departed into thin air, along with Rebecca and Brian.

‘By the Gods.' Zabeel was flabbergasted. ‘I had no idea that the Chosen were all so advanced.'

‘Practice makes perfect, Zabeel,' Maelgwn commented with a smile, although his Delphinus son appeared uncertain about mastering his new psychic skills. ‘You have many kindred to assist with your getting of knowledge.'

‘Kindred?' The half-caste Delphinus was quietly excited by the prospect.

‘Yes, indeed,' Maelgwn confirmed. ‘You have two sisters, two brothers and another sibling on the way. You have uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, cousins and a mother who —'

‘My mother is dead,' Zabeel interjected, wondering if Inanna had been lying to him again.

‘Your mother's soul-mind lives on in my wife, Tory Alexander.'

… of course,' uttered Zabeel, before breaking into a huge smile. ‘But she remembers no —'

‘Everything,' Maelgwn cut in. ‘Her memory of the past has been fully restored, and I'll warrant that if you wish it, she shall be able to return your memory to you also.'

Zabeel shrugged, not too keen on the idea. ‘It was all just a lie, anyway.'

‘But Inanna taught you skills that will come in handy in the future,' Maelgwn said, without pushing the point.

‘She taught me to hate you.' Zabeel resisted any sentiment. ‘I have no desire to take what could well be a giant step backwards.'

‘The truth does wonders, my good fellow,' Maelgwn
assured him. ‘I cannot believe that the first fifty years of your life were entirely without purpose, but they will be if you choose to deny their existence.'

This was a fair point, Zabeel considered, giving a slight nod to concede he'd give the notion further thought. ‘So what am I to do now, Dragon? Where am I supposed to go?'

‘You've not been conscripted into the army, Zabeel,' Maelgwn announced jovially, to allay his son's fear. ‘You are free to go and do as you wish. It is my wish, however, to take you home to your family on Kila, where you will always have full citizenship.'

‘A citizen. Me?' The ex-pirate had to laugh, although he was overjoyed by the prospect. He'd never truly belonged anywhere and as he differed in appearance from any human living at this time, he doubted if he could ever fit anywhere.

‘Although you are the only hybrid of your race at this time, you will not be alone in your uniqueness forever.' Maelgwn addressed Zabeel's unspoken worry. ‘I feel sure that my associates shall be able to alleviate all your concerns before too long. Here,' Maelgwn held out the orb that Brian had returned to him, ‘a present.'

Zabeel recognised the tool as a thought-recorder, and wary of the subject matter contained therein, Zabeel hesitated to accept the gift.

‘It's my memory of meeting your mother … and losing her.' Maelgwn waved his offering at Zabeel, urging him to take it.

‘Really?' Zabeel was overcome by sentiment as he took possession. ‘Then I thank you, Dragon.' He looked
the orb over, having never used one before. ‘How does it work?'

‘If you wish to accompany me back to Kila, you'll have to save the chronicle for later.' Maelgwn placed a hand on Zabeel's shoulder, noting that his Delphinus son was the first of his children to equal him in height. ‘There are many urgent matters that demand my immediate attention, so I really need to get on the move.'

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