Tackled by the King: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (50 page)

BOOK: Tackled by the King: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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About twenty minutes later, we were pulling up outside an apartment building that looked like it had once been a grand place but had fallen a little bit to its ruin over the years. There was a doorman though, so I figured it wasn’t a complete shithole. I told Barry to wait here while I got out of the car and strode towards the building. The doorman looked up from the newspaper he was reading and said, “Yes, sir? How can I help you?” I asked for Rachel Benson, and he said, “Wait right here, sir, I’ll call her,” he picked up the intercom beside him and I saw him press the number 12B. I waited in the lobby for about five minutes until I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned and found myself facing Rachel and I was awestruck. She wore a short white dress with a silk scarf around her neck, and her hair was pulled off her face and twisted to one side of her neck. She smiled nervously and extended her hand to me, but instead of shaking it, I bent and kissed it, “You look beautiful,” I said and she smiled as she thanked me. I offered her my arm and she took it hesitantly as I led her out towards my car. Barry started to step out to hold the door open for her, but I gestured to him that I got it. I helped her get in and rushed over to get in from the other side. She smiled again and asked where we were going, I didn’t hear her at first because I was too busy staring at her, but she repeated herself and I said, “We’re going to The Plaza Hotel.”

I could see her eyes widen as she swallowed nervously. I didn’t want her to think that we were just going to check in, and to put her at ease, I said, “I’ve asked them to open their restaurant to us, and since it isn’t set to open to everyone else till lunch, we shouldn’t be disturbed there.” She nodded, visibly relaxing, and I said, “So, Rachel Benson- tell me your story.” She blushed and said, “Um, what do you want to know?” I knew she was uncomfortable with the attention, but I enjoyed watching her squirm, and I said, “Tell me what you think I should know.” She fixed me with a curious gaze and then looked away again as she said, “Well, um, you know what I do- I’m a wedding planner. I’ve always loved weddings, and I realized I was good at event management in college, so that’s what I do.” I looked at her hungrily and said, “Tell me more.” She squirmed again and said, “Why don’t you tell me something about yourself?” I looked at her without saying anything and she sighed and said, “Okay, well, I studied Communication at college, and I did a minor in Psychology, but I just never wanted to pursue that- why are you looking me like that?” I was surprised at her sudden outburst but I just smirked and said, “Like what?” She wrung her hands nervously and said, “Like that- like you’re a wolf and I’m a lamb or something.” I smirked again and said softly, “Aren’t you, though?”

She looked away, turning bright red and I laughed softly. We pulled up outside the hotel, but neither of us moved- Rachel stared at her hands and I stared at her. I reached over to caress her face and she flinched- I stopped right there and asked, “Are you afraid of me, Rachel?” She shook her head quickly and then said, “No- but you make me- you make me nervous.” I found her irresistibly endearing and I smiled as I said, “You have no reason to be. Come, let’s have breakfast.” Barry hurried round the car to open my door and then opened Rachel’s. I took her hand and helped her out of the car and then led her inside, where the concierge nodded at me in greeting and then motioned for me to follow him. I held out my arm and Rachel took it as we walked towards the restaurant. We were the only ones there, as I had planned and Rachel looked around, a curious expression of half-admiration and half-nervousness graced her face, and she said, “Why did you clear out the place for us?” I smiled at her said, “I wanted you all to myself,” she blushed immediately, and I liked that. My new favorite thing to do was making Rachel Benson blush. She never disappointed and her cheeks always flushed pink instantly. The waiter approached us and read out the specials to us- Rachel ordered pancakes and I asked for a mushroom omelet. The waiter hurried away with our order and Rachel looked like she was on the verge of saying something.

Chapter Twelve: Rachel

I couldn’t hold it in any longer and I burst out, “But why?” He raised his eyebrow at me and I said, “Why did you have to go to all this trouble? I mean, why shell out hundreds of dollars to buy out the restaurant for the morning, when we could have gone to any other place in the city that is open for breakfast?” He looked straight at me with a curious expression on his face and my voice faltered, “N-not that I don’t appreciate the gesture- I just don’t understand it.” He clenched his jaw, and for a second I thought he was furious, but when he spoke, his voice had a thoughtful matter-of-fact tone as he said, “I don’t know- I guess money’s just never been a problem for me, and if there’s a way to get exactly what I want, I’m going to go after it- that’s just who I am.” It was my turn to raise my eyebrows. I didn’t think he was capable of such thoughtful self-reflection, and I smiled at him, relaxing a little. He reached over and held my hand, and I felt a little rush of excitement travel down my spine the moment his skin touched mine. He said, “Rachel, I-” the waiter arrived just then, and he let go of my hand and moved away to make room for the waiter to set the plates down. I nearly quivered with excitement at the thought of what he would say- I what? What was he about to say? I was literally on the edge of my seat, but Lucas simply thanked the waiter and then picked up his fork to start eating. I drummed my fingers on the table, waiting for him to continue, but he finished chewing his bite and started on another.

“You what?” I burst out, and he looked up sharply. He chewed thoughtfully and then said, “You have this wonderful way of bursting out and saying things- it’s interesting.” I felt my cheeks redden but I said, “yeah, well- suspense doesn’t suit me. What were you going to say?” He shrugged his shoulders and said, “Can’t remember.” He said in a tone that made it clear he was toying with me, and I clenched my jaw petulantly. “Think about it,” I replied in a voice that meant to let him know I was determined, and he said, “You haven’t touched your pancakes- they’re getting cold.” I sighed- I just couldn’t seem to win with this guy. He was so calm and collected, even his anger was controlled, and I was exploding all over the place. I wished I wasn’t so transparent. He took another bite and then said, “The food is delicious, and you’re truly doing a disservice to the chef.” I shook my head, and unable to control myself I smiled wryly- he was a bastard but he was charismatic as fuck. I took a bite and he was right- the food was absolutely delightful. I moaned a little bit as I chewed and he looked up suddenly, a strange smile playing at the corners of his mouth. I ignored it and continued eating- after a few forkfuls, I realized that he had stopped eating and was simply sitting back in his chair and watching me. I raised a hand to my mouth and he said, “Don’t do that- you have the most beautiful lips.” I stopped chewing and swallowed hard, “Um- thank you,” I managed to say hesitantly.

I put down my knife and fork and said, “I think I’m done.” He leaned forward and said, “Are you sure?” I nodded and he leaned even closer, raised his hand, and then in a slow motion, he wiped some maple syrup off the edge of my mouth. I quivered under his touch and he sat back, slowly licking the syrup off his finger. “Mm,” he said softly, and I looked away, unable to meet his steady gaze. “Rachel, would you like to see my room?” I hesitated for a second, debating it out in my mind. Did I want to go up to his room? Yes- most definitely. But I also had this vague idea that I shouldn’t do it. But the former part of my mind seemed to win and I found myself nodding as I said, “Yes- I would like that very much.” He smiled a wide smile, and it fully hit me just how beautiful his face really was. He nodded at the waiter who came forth with the check. Lucas whispered something in his ear and he nodded enthusiastically. Lucas stood up and said, “Let me lead the way.” I stood up, feeling dizzy at just the thought of what would happen next. I walked behind him as we walked out of the restaurant and towards the elevators, holding my breath as though Lucas was a dog who could smell my fear. “Rachel,” he said softly, and I turned to face him, finding his face inches away from mine. I could see his lips moving but I couldn’t focus on the words- all I could think of was the taste of his lips last night, and the electricity that had flowed through me the minute I had touched them.

The elevator door dinged open and we stepped in with an elderly woman and a teenage boy. I kept shooting Lucas furtive glances, and once or twice, he caught me looking. I looked away quickly, trying to hide my embarrassment. That was the thing; if he caught me looking, I’d get embarrassed and look away, but if I caught him looking, it was a different matter entirely. He would hold my gaze and keep on staring hungrily, and then I would be the one to look away again. For some reason, I couldn’t keep eye contact with him, and I just kept blushing. We reached the eighteenth floor, and I followed Lucas down a richly decorated hallway and we stopped outside the last door on the right. With mounting anticipation, I watched as Lucas slid in his key card and pushed the door open. We had no sooner stepped inside and closed the door that Lucas pushed me against the polished wooden surface and whispered, “Do you want me to kiss you?” I craned my neck so he could reach my lips but he said, “Say it,” I nodded and he said, “Say you want me.” I moaned, “I want you- I want you- I want you.” His eyes glinted and in a swift motion, he pulled off my scarf and threw it across the room, and then he licked down the length of my neck. I started to unbutton his shirt, but he held my hands and pushed them up over my head, pinning me like that. I opened my mouth to protest but he started to kiss me fiercely and I felt his tongue push into my mouth and I greeted it with mine.

He let go of my hands and slid his down my back where he found my zipper and undid it, sliding my dress off my shoulders and off my waist until it slid off completely and fell to the floor. He stood back and gazed at me in my bra and panties, his eyes traveling down my body and back up. When he pressed himself against me again, I felt something hard push up between my legs as his hands held my waist and moved upwards until he was cupping my breasts in his large hands. I felt goose bumps rise on every inch of skin he touched and his hands traveled to my back again, this time sliding down to my ass as he caressed it. He slid them back up and slowly, he unclasped my bra and pulled the straps off my shoulders so it too slid off me and onto the floor. He stepped back again and looked at my large breasts as they lay exposed to his gaze and my nipples hardened as his eyes traveled hungrily over them. He leaned close and whispered, “Are you wet?” I nodded, holding my breath, and he said, as he rolled his thumbs over my nipples and I bit my lip, “I want you to check.” I looked him straight in the eye as I slowly reached into my panties and ran my finger between my wet labia, gathering the sticky liquid on my fingertip and pulling it back out to show him. He took the finger in his mouth and sucked on it, licking his lips when he was done.

He now reached into my panties and rubbed my clit- I gasped- and then he too slid his finger between the lips and gathered some more of the wetness on his finger tip. He then pushed the finger into my mouth and said, “Suck.” I did as he said and tasted myself, after which he pulled his finger out of my mouth and pushed his tongue in again. While he kissed me, his hands went down my ass again and in a sudden swift motion, he picked me up, my breasts were now mere centimeters away from his face, and he carried me over to the bed. He sat on the edge and he set me down right in front of him. “Take off your panties,” he said in a clear, demanding voice. I tucked my thumbs into the waistband and slid them down my thighs and legs until they fell in a heap at my feet and I kicked them away. I now stood completely naked in front of a fully-clothed Lucas. He held me by the waist and pulled me towards him so that I was straddling him, and then he ran his tongue across my breasts. I threw back my head and moaned loudly as he took my nipples between his lips and pulled on them. “My god, you’re so beautiful,” he gasped between kissing and licking every inch of skin he could reach, and I moved on top of him, feeling his hard-on through the fabric of his pants against my bare skin.

Chapter Thirteen: Lucas

I unbuttoned my shirt and Rachel yanked it off my shoulders as I ran my tongue down her stomach and towards her wet labia. Suddenly her phone began to ring, and Rachel jumped- her breasts bouncing in my face. “Answer it,” I said softly, and she stopped moaning and looked at me sharply, “What?” I smirked as I pinched her nipple between my fingers and repeated myself, “Answer it.” She reached out and picked up her phone from the edge of the bed where she had carelessly tossed it while undressing. “Hell- Hello?” She gasped as she suddenly felt my tongue rolling across her clitoris, as I slid my arms around her thighs to keep her in place, and lapped between her lips. With her free hand, she held onto my hair and said, “Summer- how are you?” I could hear the upward inflection in her voice and could tell she was panicking, and it amused me. “Yes, the planning is going very well- I’m-” she gasped again as I slid a finger inside, and continued, “I’m in a meeting with the client’s family right now, actually, so I’ll talk to you later.” Without waiting for Summer’s response, she hung up and threw the phone across the bed again, holding my hair with both her hands now as she threw back her head and sighed with pleasure. “I wish you’d stayed on the phone a little longer,” I said, looking up at her from between her legs. I had the most fantastic view of her breasts from down here, “I do love making you squirm.”

She bit her lip and held onto my shoulders as a shiver rolled down her spine. I picked her up and turned around, throwing her on the bed. I stood between her open legs now, and I looked down at her, completely naked before me, waiting for me. She was stunning- everything about her, from her large full breasts to her narrow waist and rounded hips; the way she bit her lip or threw her head back, and the way she was looking at me right then with her head expectantly tilted to one side. I unbuckled my belt and slipped out of my pants, greeted by the massive erection she had given me. She sat up and slowly pulled down my boxers- once they were off, she looked up at me with her big green eyes and held it with both her hands, moving closer and closer to it until, still meeting my gaze, she gently kissed the tip. I could feel my blood rushing as she kissed it again, and again, and again, covering its entire length with soft kisses, and then, slowly licking it. It was my turn to inhale sharply as her warm mouth closed over my hard dick and she started to take the whole thing in, sliding it in and out, slowly at first, but soon gathering speed. I looked at her- at her mouth closed over me, at her breasts bobbing up and down with the rest of her body, at her hair swinging forward and gently touching my skin. I closed my eyes; I must be in heaven.

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