Tackled by the King: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (51 page)

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She let go suddenly and my eyes flew open to see her smiling up at me. She lay back down on the bed and spread her legs open, reaching down to gently rub her own clit. I cocked my head to one side and smiled back, but instead of reaching for her, I walked towards the dresser and pulled out a condom. I was on my way back to her when I spotted her clothes on the floor, and I bent to pick up the silk scarf she had tossed aside. I felt the fabric against my skin and smiled to myself- this would be fun. I walked over to her and said, “Raise your arms.” She blinked at me, and when she saw the scarf in my hands, her eyes widened and she sat up quickly. “Lucas- I-” I lowered my hands and said, “We don’t have to if you don’t want to,” but she blinked again and raised her arms. “Are you sure?” I asked, and she nodded, raising her arms higher above her head. I caught both her wrists and deftly tied them with the scarf, and then tied the loose ends of the scarf to the headboard. Rachel couldn’t move much now, and I rolled the condom on and held her ankles, pulling them further apart. She arched her back and thrust her pelvis towards me, as though asking me to hurry up- I liked watching her. “Do you want it?” I asked, and she nodded quickly. “Tell me you want it.” She moaned, “I want it.” I smirked and said, “What? What do you want, Rachel?” She stretched out her neck and said loudly, “I want you to fuck me.”

And I did. I pushed into her and her legs wrapped themselves tightly around me as with each thrust I moved in and out. She nearly screamed in ecstasy and her body writhed under mine as she pulled on the scarf and opened her legs even wider to allow me to enter her further. She directed me, and I followed. When she said harder, I pushed harder; and when she asked me to slow down, I did just that, and soon, we were locked into a rhythm as we moved with each other, until I could feel a pressure building up and her body tensed too. She began to arch her back and moan, and in a shuddering gasp, she said, “I’m- I’m-” I kissed her mouth before she could finish that sentence, and we came together while I kissed her. I collapsed on her, my head resting on her chest while she breathed heavily for a few minutes before I realized that her wrists were still tied. I undid them and she rubbed them together before she lay back down in utter exhaustion. I looked at the time- 11:15 a.m. I looked at Rachel splayed out magnificently across my hotel room bed and I said, “Would you like to accompany me to a second breakfast?” She smiled and stretched out her arms as she said, “No, thank you.” I sat up and picked up the receiver on the hotel phone as I said, “Room service, then?” But she shook her head and said, “Actually, Mr. Garrett, I believe this concludes our meeting for now.”

Struck dumb, I replaced the receiver and watched as in a feline motion, she got up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom. Her body was an amazing thing- the way she moved drove me crazy, and I just watched, stunned, as she made her way to the bathroom and back. She bent to pick her clothes and underwear off the floor and I appreciatively gazed at her perfect ass. She seemed to know I was watching as she slowly dressed herself and then walked over to the bed where the silk scarf now lay. She bent close to me and kissed me long and hard, draping the scarf around my neck as she whispered, “You can keep that.” She then turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. I scratched my head and then shook it- what a woman. I got up and walked over to the minibar, where I found a small bottle of Jack Daniel’s and I downed it in a few big gulps. It has been a while since I drank a good bottle of whiskey- mostly I just had champagne these days, and I’d forgotten what a good neat drink tasted like. I looked at another bottle that was in there, and I thought, what the hell, why not? And slowly, I downed that too. I was in my home city, I was on a break from work, I was free of Monique, I was away from my family, and I just had sex with the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen. Why not treat myself to some good strong alcohol?

Chapter Fourteen: Rachel

I felt positively giddy as I walked out of Lucas’s hotel room, and as soon as I was in the elevator, I rested against the polished metal wall and let out a deep sigh. I hadn’t had sex in months, and I hadn’t had sex like that in my entire life. Lucas Garrett was out of this world with the way he touched me, and used his hands and tongue to make me feel like every single nerve ending in my body was on fire. I was still reeling from that orgasm he had given me, and I knew that if I had stayed, we would have done it again- and again- and again. But I couldn’t let him know how much of a hold he had over me, so I got out as fast as I could. I touched my neck and suddenly remembered that I had draped my scarf around his neck instead, and I felt a little thrill run down my body as I thought of how sexual I must have seemed. Praying that he hadn’t seen through my fake confidence, I hurried out of the elevator and hailed a cab. The hotel valet hurried over to me and said over the deafening roar of noon traffic, “Miss Benson?” I nodded and he shouted over the noise, “Mr. Garrett has arranged for his car to take you wherever you like. The driver is waiting over there.” He pointed to where a black limo was parked, and I realized it was the same one that had brought me here. The driver was standing next to the limo with his cap in his hands and he smiled at me as I hesitantly walked towards him after thanking the valet.

“Miss Benson,” he nodded at me and I smiled and nodded back. He held the door open and I got in nervously as he hurried over to the driver’s seat and got in. “Where to?” He said to me in the rearview mirror and I realized that I had no idea where I wanted to go. There was no way I could concentrate on work right now, nor did I want to be home, so I told him Sarah’s address and we drove off towards Brooklyn. On the way over, I rested my elbows on my thighs and held my head in my hands, closing my eyes as I thought back to the way Lucas had held me, touched me, kissed me. I sighed deeply and the chauffeur looked at me in the rearview mirror and asked, “Are you well, Miss?” I sat up and said, “I don’t know, actually- what’s your name? You aren’t the same man he was traveling with earlier.” I remembered the driver who had splashed me the first time I’d seen Lucas on the street on my way to Garrett Industries. He smiled at me and said, “Barry. I know you’re Miss Rachel, because Mr. Lucas told me,” I smiled at Barry and said, “I don’t know what it is about Mr. Lucas, but he makes me feel very strange.” Barry didn’t say anything and I went on, “I mean, I know he’s handsome and smart and successful- and rich. Oh God, he’s so rich, Barry and it makes me feel so strange.” Barry looked at me but still didn’t say anything and I said, “I don’t want people to think that’s why I like him- they’re bound to think that of course, considering he’s a billionaire. God knows I thought it about Sophia-” I clapped a hand over my mouth, knowing I had said too much but Barry chortled and said, “My lips are sealed, Miss.”

I lowered my hand and grinned sheepishly, and then Barry said, “Do you like him, Miss Rachel?” I gulped, debating on whether or not I should even be having this conversation with Lucas’s driver, but I nodded and said, “I do- very much.” Barry made eye contact with me in the mirror and then said, “Then that’s what matters. Pardon my French, Miss, but fuck what other people have to say about it.” I grinned at Barry, and he grinned back. We were outside my sister’s building now, and Barry said, “Remember your feelings for him, Miss Rachel, and bear in mind that nothing else matters. Don’t let insignificant things cloud your judgment.” I laughed softly and said “You’re far too wise, Barry. Thank you!” He helped me out of the car and with the last wave at him over my shoulder, I ran up the stairs to my sister’s apartment, taking it on two steps at a time. “Sarah!” I called out as I banged on the door and she opened after a minute and hugged me. “Rach- what’s up?” She stood back to let me in and I entered the little apartment, feeling so much better after talking to Barry and now after seeing my sister. “I missed you,” I said to Sarah as I plopped down on her living room sofa, and she laughed and said, “You saw me like yesterday.” I shrugged as I picked up a magazine she had left around and leafed through it absently, “I know, but I like seeing you,” she laughed again and sat down across from me on the floor, looking at me.

Under her knowing gaze, I turned bright red and she said, “I knew it! Spill.” I tossed the magazine aside indignantly and said, “What? Can’t I just be here because I love my little sister?” She leaned forward and said, “It was that guy wasn’t it? From the bar yesterday?” I wrinkled my nose, smiling slightly and she threw a cushion at me, “Tell me everything!” I caught the cushion and hid my face behind it as I said, “Oh God, Sarah, where do I even start?” She dragged herself closer and she was sitting inches away from me as I said, “Okay so, it turns out, guy from the bar is Lucas Garrett, son of Simon Garrett.” Sarah frowned and said, “That’s the guy whose wedding you’re organizing?” I nodded and said, “So, Simon invited me to a dinner party last night, and I went-” Sarah interrupted me again and said, “What did you wear?” I looked at her, all wide-eyed and alert, and laughed, as I said, “A green silk jumpsuit, it was very pretty-” she interrupted again and said, “Do you have pictures?” I picked up my phone and pulled up a picture I had taken just before leaving my house to send to Alison, and showed it to Sarah. She raised her eyebrows and said, “Whoa, Rach. No wonder he fucked you, who wouldn’t fuck you in that?” I was mortified, “Sarah!” I said, turning red again, and she laughed, waving her hand to tell me to continue with the story. I cleared my throat before I went on.

“Okay, so I see him at the dinner party, and that’s when I realize that he’s Simon’s son. He takes me aside and starts flirting, so obviously, I flirt back- I mean, have you seen him?” Sarah nodded and I went on, “Well, so then asked if I wanted a tour of the house- you should have seen it, Sarah- it was enormous. So I said yes-” Sarah gasped and I continued, “and then we walked around for a bit and he held my hand, and then- well, then he asked if I wanted to see his bedroom.” Sarah was positively salivating as she said, “Did you say yes?” I frowned and said, “No, of course not- should I have?” Sarah shrugged and said, “If you wanted to then you should have said yes, if you didn’t want to you should have said no- it’s as simple as that.” I mulled that over in my head and said, “But I did want to- and I said no anyway.” Sarah didn’t say anything and waited for me to go on and so I did. “Well, after that I went to the bathroom and he followed me and then we- I don’t know we just started making out, it was hot and heavy and I think we could have gone further but we were interrupted by a knock on the door.” Sarah exhaled and said, “Are you kidding me?” I shrugged and said, “But wait, there’s more.” I then proceeded to tell her about the phone call and the breakfast date. I told her everything and then stopped at the part where I went up to his hotel room, blushing furiously.

“Oh my God, Rachel- did you do it or not?” I threw the cushion at her and she laughed as she dodged it- “Come on, the suspense is killing me.” I nodded and she shrieked in delight, and lowered her voice to ask, “Well, how was it?” I smiled widely and said, “Amazing- I can’t even begin to tell you- and I won’t because you’re my baby sister. But oh God, Sarah, I didn’t even know I could feel all the things that I felt today.” Sarah laughed again and said, “Wait, are you coming straight from there?” I nodded and she scrunched up her face as she said, “Ew, Rachel, at least, shower.” I opened my mouth indignantly and she laughed again, “Relax, I’m kidding. I’m sure you’re not bringing anything that my friends haven’t’ brought in here multiple times. Patrick and Chloe did it right it where you’re sitting just last week.” I looked down at the couch in disgust but Sarah just laughed again and asked me if I wanted some coffee.

While she rattled about in the kitchen, I thought about Lucas again, and I realized that I hadn’t had sex in over six months. The last guy I had seen was Will, and I had met him through one of Sarah’s friends. Will and I hadn’t had much in common, but I remembered how he would just hang out with me at my apartment and often at Sarah’s when her friends were over, and we would all just sit together and play drunk scrabble. Will wasn’t at all what I wanted in a man, but at least I could be entirely honest about who I was with him. He wasn’t a billionaire with a giant sprawling mansion and I didn’t have to hide my living conditions from him. I still had to live with Alison, whom I’d met in college and we had bought our first apartment together. I knew that she made so much money now that she could have her own place anywhere in New York- a fancy Manhattan penthouse perhaps- but she still stayed in that crummy little apartment with me out of friendship and loyalty. We never spoke about it, but I knew it was true. Sometimes, I accidentally opened mail meant for Alison, and I would see the amounts on the checks she received. I sighed; I was a poor girl living in a shitty little place with my college roommate, who was far more successful and beautiful than I was. What could I possibly have to offer to Lucas, the man who had everything? Sarah returned with the coffee and I tried to get back into a better mood so she wouldn’t suspect what I was thinking.

Chapter Fifteen: Lucas

With just two days left to the wedding, I was running around doing all sorts of ridiculous errands, but it meant that I would see Rachel in two days, and that made it worth it. We had hooked up one more time after the breakfast date, and we’d decided to keep it casual since I’d be going back to Paris soon, but I still got excited every time I had to see her or talk to her. But right then, I was stuck doing some work for Sophia- she had called me, and I knew that if I denied her request to help out, I’d have to sit through an hour-long lecture with my father and I would do anything to avoid that. I arrived at the house half an hour after Sophia had called me and I walked in, calling out her name. There was no response, and I sat down in the living room, pulling out my phone to call her. I had just started to dial her number when she came rushing down the stairs. I stood up to greet her, and she hurriedly bumped her cheek against mine as she said, “I’m running late for the cake-tasting. I need you to take Paige to her dress fitting, would you do that for me, please? She’s never been around New York on her own, and my bakery is in Queen’s. Please please, say you’ll do it.” She was holding my arm tightly, and I nodded quickly so that she would let go, and she did, throwing her hands up and saying, “Thank you. She’ll be down soon. You’re a lifesaver, Lucas.” She rushed out of the apartment, leaving only a faint trace of perfume behind her.

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