Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4) (27 page)

BOOK: Take Me: The Complete Series (Power Play #1-4)
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I wipe quickly at my eyes before looking back up at him.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be like this. I’ve just never really thought about you being with someone before me.”

“Hannah, there’s nothing I can do about the girls in my past…”

“I’m not asking you to. I just never thought I’d have to meet a girl you were in love with.”

“I’m so sorry, Hannah. This won’t be a regular thing.”

“No, no, it’s fine.” I wipe at my eyes again and take a deep breath to compose myself. “I trust you. It’s not a big deal, just something I didn’t expect.”

He gives me a warm smile.

“You make it very easy for me to keep falling for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Most girls would have been knackered with me. I would have caught a proper tongue lashing at the very least…”

“Well, I’d like to think that I’m not like most girls…”

He shakes his head.

“You’re not like any other girl I’ve ever met.”

I give him a sideways smile.

“Don’t think I won’t give you a proper tongue lashing if I think you deserve one.”

I nudge him in the ribs, playfully. The smile on his face turns wolfish.

“I’m sure it will be the worse tongue lashing of my life. Your tongue is very good at everything it does…”

I bite my lip as heat involuntarily rushes through me.

“You think so, huh?”

“The best. World fucking class.”

“Well, if you’re good, maybe I’ll show you a little more of what this tongue is capable of doing…”

His face opens in surprised indignation.

“Are you suggesting that I’m ever

I give a little shrug of my shoulder.

“No complaints here… yet.”

?” he exclaims.

Isaac shifts toward me, planting a deep kiss on my lips. Thought and everything along with it melts away as his tongue glides along the edge of my lips, teasing me the way only he knows how. Slowly he begins kissing his way down my neck, and then even further, still. His tongue glides along my soft skin, tracing its way down past my collarbone, and then further down to my breasts. My nipples are already erect for him when he begins taking turns sucking on each of them.

I let out a soft moan of pleasure.

“Ready to go again, already?” I ask. We’ve been going at it ever since we left the parking garage.

“I can’t have you start complaining about me not being good enough,” he grins up at me. “Gotta keep you satisfied.”

With that, he slides even lower on the bed. His lips slip down my stomach. My legs spread wide for him as he continues his way down. When he reaches his destination I’m filled with ecstasy.

What did I ever do to deserve a guy who treats me like this?

Chapter 8

We need to talk.

I stare at my phone after sending the text message, wondering how long it’s going to take Declan to respond—if he ever will. To my surprise, it doesn’t take that long.

Set up a meeting for Tuesday

I stare my phone in disgust. A meeting? Really?

This can’t wait. We need to talk NOW.

You’re emotional. Take the weekend, we’ll discuss on Tuesday.

I can’t believe him. After being so warm and open with me the last few weeks—hell, the last few years—he’s acting like a completely different person. Was he always this much of an asshole and I was just too blind to see it?

Either we meet somewhere, or I’m coming to your place. Your choice.

His response takes a little while longer than before.

Central Park. 1 hour.

I put my phone away, disgusted by the very thought of having to see him. But it’s unavoidable. I need to find out what’s going on. I need to see if there’s any way that I can talk Declan out of selling BMG. Surely after all of these years there has to be some sort of way that I can convince him not to sell?

After the cab ride down to the park, I don’t have to wait too long before a limo pulls up to the curb and Declan climbs out of it. He’s wearing a white polo shirt, tucked into expensive khakis. His brown, Italian loafers probably cost more than my entire outfit. That smug smile of his twists his face as he walks up to me.

“Let’s make this quick, I have somewhere to be.”

I roll my eyes.

“Off to ruin someone else’s life?”

His smile doesn’t waiver for even a second. Does he even realize what he’s doing to me? What he’s doing to everything that I’ve ever wanted?

“Did you invite me here just so you could insult me? Frankly, I have more important things to be doing.”

My jaw drops open.

“What happened to you? When did you become such an asshole?”

“It’s just business, Hannah. Nothing more, and nothing less.”

“Nothing more? How can you say that? If it were
just business
, why weren’t you honest with me? Why wasn’t I told what was going on? And why did you go behind my back to meet with the one person I hate the most in this world?”

He gets an annoyed, yet somehow amused look on his face.

“You’re being childish. And that’s exactly why I didn’t tell you about it—because you’re not ready to handle the adult decisions that come along with running a multi-million dollar business.”

“How dare you? Daddy started this business, running it has been what I’ve been preparing for my whole life!”

“Look at you, Hannah. Getting all upset because I had to speak with another of the business owners about the company? As soon as I saw how you acted with Mr. Drake, how unprofessional you were, I knew I couldn’t trust you to make the right decisions. You’re still a kid in an adult world, and I’ve got to do what’s best for the shareholders of the company… Yourself included.”

“How can you expect me to make the right call when you don’t even give me a chance? How am I supposed to lead if you’re too controlling to let go? I don’t think this has anything to do with me not being ready. It has everything to do with the fact that you can’t handle not getting what you want…”

“You see, that’s where you’re wrong. I always get what I want.”

My eyebrows rise and I give him a look.

“Not everything…”

His eyes narrow as he studies me, curiously.

“Is there something you think that I


He gives me a flat look for another few beats before he chuckles softly.

“Now I’ve really heard it all. Do you think I’ve been pining away for you or something? Do you think this is all happening because I’m harboring some unrequited feelings for the little girl that got away?”

“You tell me…”

The amused look on his face hardens as his cheeks turn a soft shade of red. His blue eyes look furious.

impetuous. I’m not sure what I ever saw in you. You’re too much like your father—unable to see the big picture.”

Anger flares up from deep inside of me at the mention of my father.

“Don’t you dare talk about him,” I say, my voice hard and threatening. “After everything he did for you, after the way he took you under his wing, showed you the ropes, and then gave you control of the company that he’d built on his back... He treated you like a son, and
is how you repay him…”

“Treated me like a son?” Declan’s voice rises. “The old man did nothing but hold me down. He wouldn’t listen to a thing I said. All he did was tell me how I was wrong, and how I wasn’t living up to my potential.” A smug little sneer stretches his lips. “And as soon as I had control of BMG, what did I do? I made it more successful than ever. I made it bigger and stronger than he ever could have done in his lifetime or any other lifetime after that. As far as I’m concerned, BMG is more mine than it ever was his.”

My mouth drops open again. My eyes are stinging from the tears starting to form in them. Tears of outrage and anger, more than anything else. Does he really believe what he’s telling me? Does he really think that much of himself?

“I can’t believe I ever thought of you as a big brother,” I say. “I can’t believe I ever told people how wonderful you were after Daddy passed away. Now I see you for who you really are. You’ve done everything out of spite. I never knew someone could be so selfish as you.”

“What do you care about any of this?” Declan raises a finger, jabbing it towards me. “Your daddy left you more than enough money, didn’t he? You’re a spoiled little girl who doesn’t even realize that she’s lived her whole life with everything handed to her on a silver platter. Why don’t you go run off with your boyfriend and leave the real decisions to the adults?”

A tiny smile creeps across my face.

“See? I was right… This is all because you can’t get what you want. You can’t stand the fact that things haven’t gone your way, so you’re acting out.”

Declan’s face is on fire. He takes another step closer, but I hold myself even more upright, refusing to let him intimidate me. He’d be smart to remember what happened the last time he tried to strong-arm me.

“You think you’re so cute, don’t you? You think that just because your father almost made something of himself that it entitles you to the same? What do you know about making it on your own? You’ll always be leashed to someone or something, never having to depend on yourself.”

I glare up at him.

“You’re not going to get away with this. I’ll find some way to stop this sale from happening.”

The heated look in his face recedes as a pleased smile appears. Then he actually lets out a little chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” I ask, confused by the sudden shift in his mood.

“I’ve been talking with the buyers all morning. It seems we’ve agreed that expediting the deal is in both of our best interests. They’ll be in the office on Monday to finalize everything… Not that you have any say in the matter in the first place, but the sale is as good as done. By this time on Monday afternoon we’ll all be a lot richer, and we won’t have to worry about this pesky little company, anymore.”

My stomach lurches when I realize what he’s saying. I steady myself, suddenly feeling very nauseous and dizzy. It takes a few seconds for the world to come back into focus, and the only thing I can see is that arrogant smile on Declan’s disgusting face.

“You know, Isaac was right about you,” I say. “You really are a… how did he put it? A
puff wanker?
You’re vile.”

If Declan had looked pissed off before, now he’s absolutely fuming. His entire face reddens as his eyes flash, angrily.

“I don’t see how you can see anything in him when he’s one of the reasons all of this is happening.”

I shake my head.

“I’m not going to play into your games, anymore. I’ve spoken to him, already, and he said he has nothing to do with it. And I trust him… more than I’ll ever trust you, again.”

Declan sneers at me.

“Of course you trust him. You’re the trusting type, just like your father. Your problem is that you can’t see the big picture. You think that everything is so simple. I wish I could be there when you figure it all out…”

“You’re disgusting, Declan. I wish Daddy had never brought you into my life.”

“I’m probably one of the best things that’s ever happened to your life. You’d be nowhere if I hadn’t been there for you. But I guess none of that matters. You still turned out just like your old man—dead weight.” He doesn’t give me a chance to respond before he juts his arm out and checks the time on his watch. “And with that, I have to be off. I’ve wasted enough of my precious time on you.”

He gives me one more look before he spins around on one foot and begins stalking back towards the limo, still parked at the curb. My eyes flare wen he turns his back on me. I don’t want to let him have the last word, but I don’t have anything else to say to him.

I never want to say anything to him again. I never want to see Declan Cross, again.

Chapter 9

“I want to fuck you everyday!”

Isaac thrusts himself even deeper inside of me. His immense cock fills me as I brace myself against the back of the couch. I let out a tiny moan of pleasure as I try to hold myself in place, leaning my weight back into his bucking hips. I can feel another orgasm building inside of me as his husky voice groans in pleasure.

It’s only been a few hours since I saw Declan. I want nothing more than to block out the memory of that meeting. I want nothing more than to block out the thought of everything that is going on. Isaac helps me do that. When I’m around him it’s easier to center myself. It’s easier to forget about all of the bad things going on in my life, and focus on what is good…


“Harder,” I moan at him.

His hands grip me even tighter around my tiny waist as he pulls me harder and harder onto him. Each thrust he gives me goes deeper and deeper. That little seed of my next orgasm begins expanding inside of me. I arch my back even further, sticking my ass higher in the air to make sure that he’s hitting just the right spot.

“Oh, yes, just like that.”

“Dammit, Hannah.”

I’m about to explode. I can feel myself on the brink of something massive, and I can feel Isaac’s cock pulsing inside of me as he pumps me even harder and harder. I can feel the trembles running from the tip of his cock all the way back to his legs. I know his orgasm isn’t far away.

“Keep it up, baby.”

“I can’t hold it anymore, Hannah.”

His voice is strained. He’s on the verge of erupting inside of me. And I’m about to have an explosion of my own.

“Give it to me baby, don’t hold back.”

He slams me one more time, pressing himself into me as far as he can possibly go. My fingers dig into the soft fabric of the back of the couch. The muscles in my legs tighten, trying to hold myself in position as his throbbing cock pulses in the depths of my center.

“Gahhh,” he groans, loudly.

I lean all of my weight into him, wanting him to fill me even more, wanting everything he has to give me. And that’s all it takes… for both of us.

The orgasm is even bigger than the first one he gave me when I’d arrived at his hotel room. It expands through my body, shaking me down to the tips of my fingers and toes. At the same time, Isaac’s steamy cum fills me from within. It’s everything I can do to keep my legs locked straight as he presses his weight into me, supporting the both of us.

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