Read Take Six Girls: The Lives of the Mitford Sisters Online
Authors: Laura Thompson
Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Historical
and the Diehards 85–6
and Esmond Romilly 148, 158, 199–201
and Jessica Mitford 2, 7, 8, 87, 177–81, 262–3, 277, 318–21
and Jews 147
and the Spanish Civil War 183
Cooper, Duff 269, 293
Cooper, Lady Diana 18, 34, 56, 125, 134, 293
Costello, Elvis 139
Crux Easton 274–5, 280, 283
Cunard, Emerald 117, 125
Curzon, Lady Cynthia
Mosley, Cynthia (Cimmie)
Czechoslovakia 194
Diana, Princess of Wales 345–6
Dicks, Laura
Blor, Nanny (Laura Dicks)
Diehards movement 85–7
Don’t Tell Alfred
(Nancy Mitford) 74, 100–1, 196, 206, 318, 329, 333
Downton Abbey
syndrome 20
Dudley Ward, Penelope 70
Eden, Anthony 187
Edward VII, King 31, 34, 38
‘The English Aristocracy’ (Nancy Mitford) 10, 21–2, 29, 34, 84, 323–4
Fabian Society 140
Fascism 5, 6–7
and Tom Mitford 72, 190
see also
British Union (of Fascists, BU/BUF)
First World War 44–6
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 73, 100
Foot, Michael 327
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Free French Officers’ Club 253–4
Freeman, Thomas (ancestor) 30
Friese-Green, Molly 267, 268–9, 271
Galbraith, J.K. 261
Gardner, Evelyn (Waugh) 97, 109
General Strike (1926) 118, 131–2
George V, King 130
and Bertie Mitford (grandfather) 32–3, 44
and David (Lord Redesdale) 67–8
and Diana 33, 147–8
visits to 160–2, 245
First World War 44–5
Jews and anti-Semitism 161
and Tom Mitford 159–60
and Unity 33
see also
Anglo-German fellowship; Hitler, Adolf
Gibson, Milner 36
Gillies, Jean 229, 230
Glyn, Elinor 130
Goebbels, Joseph 8, 172, 176
governesses 56–7, 122
Graham, Katherine 255
Graham, Sheilah 73
Green, Henry 111
Guinness, Bryan 149, 198, 228–9
and Biddesden 124, 125, 126
Desires and Discoveries
divorce from Diana 143–4, 150
marriage to Diana 93–4, 102, 111–13
breakdown of 119–21, 128, 135–8, 139
Singing out of Tune
Guinness, Desmond (Diana’s son) 113, 120, 126, 228–9, 273
Guinness, Jonathan (Diana’s son) 112, 118, 119–20, 228–9, 241
Guinness, Lady Evelyn 93, 94
Guinness, Walter
Moyne, Lord (Walter Guinness)
Ham Spray 126–7
Hammersley, Violet 9, 18, 203, 245, 246, 251, 253, 292
Hanfstaengl, Putzi 157, 160, 161, 167
Harrod, Billa 270
Hartington, Lord (Billy) 278–9
Harvey, Sir Oliver 318
Hastings, Warren 95
Helleu, Paul César 89–91, 94, 98, 142
Henderson, Sir Nevile 170
Henie, Sonja 72
Hesketh, Roger Fleedwood 101
High Wycombe, Old Mill Cottage 43, 81, 176, 212
Highland Fling
(Nancy Mitford) 36, 75, 81, 101, 103, 105–6, 108, 125
Himmler, Heinrich 166, 168, 170, 235, 283
Hitler, Adolf 2, 32, 50
5, 192–3
and Bertie Mitford 32
and the British aristocracy 6, 169, 191
and Diana Mitford 11, 167, 176, 205, 232, 233–4, 235, 236
Mein Kampf
and Mosley 171, 173, 205, 226, 227
Night of the Long Knives 166
and Pamela Mitford 9, 48
sexuality 156
and Stalin 179
and Sydney (Lady Redesdale) 14, 65, 175, 191, 192, 193, 217
and Unity 8, 45, 99, 160–2, 164–71, 174–5, 186, 192, 193–5, 220
Unity’s attempted suicide 204–6, 210
Hoare, Sir Samuel 72, 173
Hons and Rebels
(Jessica Mitford) 12, 17, 50, 51–2, 56–7, 108, 199, 307, 308, 330–1
and Esmond Romilly 184, 185–6
and Sydney (mother) 52, 61
Unity in 127, 155
Howard, Brian 92, 108, 109, 111
Hozier, Blanche 35, 47, 63
Hussey, Miss (governess) 56, 122, 123
Inch Kenneth (Redesdale home) 203–4
David at 218
death of Unity at 309–13
and Jessica 284–5, 328, 332
Unity and Sydney at 225–6, 271–2, 282
Jackson, Derek 156, 197, 337
divorce 314
marriage to Pamela Mitford 156–7
and the Mosleys’ release 272, 274
and Nancy’s betrayal 245, 246
in the RAF 242, 257
James, Clive 139, 147, 161
Jebb, Gladwyn 244–5
Jews and anti-Semitism 92
and the BUF 146–7, 163
and Diana 235
in Germany 161, 171
Nancy and Jewish refugees 246
and Tom Mitford 159
and Unity 155
John, Augustus 117–18
Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw-Haw’) 166, 223
Kee, Janette 314
Kennedy, John F. 26, 196, 345
Kennedy, Kathleen ‘Kick’ 278, 344–5
Kray, Ronald 88
Labour government (1945) 15
Labour Party
and Mosley 131–3
Ladies of Alderley
(Nancy Mitford) 34, 203
magazine 36, 37, 43, 45, 103
Lamb, Henry 125, 135, 142
Lancaster, Nancy 344
Lancaster, Osbert 117, 118, 270, 271
Laroche, Baroness 164
Lawrence, T. E. 72
Lees-Milne, James 39, 41, 52, 66–8, 76, 104, 111, 117, 268
and Diana 67–8, 76, 89, 90, 129
and Mosley 134
and Nancy 280
and Tom Mitford 68, 89, 159–60, 280
and Unity 269, 270–1
Lenya, Lotte 111
Lindemann, Frederick 82
Lloyd George, David 119, 140
houses 37–8, 42–3, 44
Rotherhithe 2, 198–201
Londonderry, Lady 96–7, 170, 191
Londonderry, Lord 6, 85, 97, 171, 191, 222
Losch, Tilly 70
Love in a Cold Climate
(Nancy Mitford) 2, 16–17, 47, 51, 85, 149, 300, 304, 313
Cedric Hampton character 110
and society debuts 95–6, 97
and Tom Mitford 72
Lubbock, Adelaide 149, 150, 251
MacDonald, Ramsay 6, 86, 97, 119, 131, 133–4
McGee, Willie 319, 320, 321
Macmillan, Harold 345, 346
Macmillan, Lady Dorothy 88
(Bertram Mitford) 31
Messel, Oliver 108, 109
Metcalf, Alexandra ‘Baba’ 130, 144, 145, 160, 166, 228
Mitford, Bertram (grandfather) 30–4, 35, 36, 40, 44
death 46
London house 37–8
Mitford, Bertram (uncle) 51–2, 337
Mitford, Clement (uncle) 29, 39–40
death 44, 45, 46
Mitford, Clementine (cousin) 7, 45, 164, 168, 192
Mitford, David, Lord Redesdale (father) 29, 30, 31, 73–87
and Asthall 54–5, 75, 78
at Inch Kenneth 282
in Canada (prospecting for gold) 44
character 40, 51, 75–7
as characters in Nancy’s novels 13–14, 30, 40, 70, 73–4, 75–6, 84–5, 90, 106, 189–90, 218, 219, 296
daughters’ relations with 41–2, 74–5, 76–7
death 324–5, 327–9
and Deborah 265
and Diana 94, 283, 284
and the First World War 45–6
and Inch Kenneth 203–4, 215, 218
and James Lees-Milne 67–8, 76, 89, 90, 111
and Jessica 7, 41–2, 76, 325
elopement 184–5, 188, 189–90
marriage to Sydney 39–47
and money 77–8, 81–4
and Nancy 106–7, 111
and politics 84–7
pro-German 170–1
speech on Hitler in the House of Lords 6, 193–4
and Swinbrook House 78–80, 175–6
and Unity 123, 212, 213–14, 216–19
death of 311–12, 312–13
Mitford, Deborah 43–4, 264–7, 278–9, 343–6
appearance 180, 196
character 180, 196, 346
and Chatsworth House 2, 26, 314–16, 343–6
childhood 39, 52–3
children 266, 279
and David (father) 74, 75
death 2, 346
and Diana 94, 232
in Holloway prison 238, 239, 240
Hons and Rebels
and Inch Kenneth 204
and Jessica 4, 7–8, 50, 158, 180, 265, 321
elopement 185
marriage to Andrew Cavendish 196–8, 221, 265
miscarriages 24
and the Mitford phenomenon 2–3, 18, 20–1, 23–4, 26
and Nancy 295, 303
and Pamela 49, 336, 337
politics 6, 21, 85, 86, 87, 157, 178
pregnancies 264, 266, 302
and publicity 10
and skating 72–3
society debut 5, 195–6
and Swinbrook House 14, 78–9, 79–80, 176
and Sydney (mother) 64, 65
and Unity 122, 202, 221, 240, 271
Wait for Me!
(autobiography) 21
war work 264
Mitford, Diana 2, 88–94, 228–44, 338–41
abortion 145
appearance 82, 98, 129
and Batsford House 48
biography (
A Life of Contrasts
) 240, 338
car crash 228
character 11, 91–2, 102, 112, 119–21, 140–2, 171–3, 230–3, 249–50
childhood 54, 55
and Churchill 275–6
and David (father) 41, 74
death 340–1
and Deborah 197, 232
Desert Island Discs
10, 11, 26, 339
and the Eatonry 136, 142
and Esmond Romilly 182
and Germany 33, 147–8
grave 13
and Hitler 11, 167, 171–3, 176, 205, 232, 233–4, 235, 236
on the Holocaust 339–40
Hons and Rebels
in Holloway prison 17, 23, 237–44, 268
interrogation 233–7
and Nancy’s betrayal 244–50
release under house arrest 10, 248–9, 272–6
and James Lees-Milne 68, 89
and Jessica 62, 94, 155, 161, 186, 244–5, 249, 254–5, 259, 277–8, 305–6, 335, 342
Love in a Cold Climate
and Lytton Strachey 125–7
marriage to Bryan Guinness 93–4, 102, 111–13
breakdown of 119–21, 128, 135–8
divorce 143–4, 150
and the Mitford phenomenon 3, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26
and Mosley 9, 11, 127, 135–42, 294, 305
Astor dance (1928) 88, 93
death of 338
first meeting 127, 128–9, 135
leave Britain 316–18
love for 9, 11, 135–42, 231–2, 243–4, 274
postwar years 297–300
wartime detention of 227, 242–4
wedding in Germany 176–7
and Nancy 11–12, 15, 25, 62, 98, 103, 137, 151–2, 242, 299, 300–8, 317–18, 338
betrayal and detention of Diana 244–50
and Pamela 337
in Paris 89–91
politics 7, 8, 9, 11, 87, 118–19, 133–4, 146–9, 231–3
and Sydney (mother) 64–5, 91, 138
and Tom (brother) 4, 71
death of 283, 284
and Unity 4–5, 154, 164–5, 168–9, 220, 271, 272
attempted suicide of 206
death of 310–12
visit to Germany 160–2
views on democracy 235–6
Mitford family history 29–39
Mitford Girls’ Guide to Life