Taken by You (16 page)

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Authors: Carlie Sexton

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

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“Are there more groceries in the car?” Roger asked.

“Yes, I got everything on the list for Thanksgiving, so there are many more bags.”

“I’ll go down and get them.”

“Great. I’ll put these away.”

Roger left the apartment to go downstairs and Paulina busied herself in the kitchen. She took in some deep breaths in an attempt to calm her rapid heart rate. How did he seem so normal? She never had any indication that he
was capable of murder. She would do her best to stay out of his way until she could sneak out with Jacob. She had some money in the bank and could stay at a motel until she could get a flight back to Germany for herself and her son. She didn’t want to jeopardize Darcy’s safety by staying with her.

Roger returned with the bags, placed them on the table, and went back out for the rest. Jacob joined him to help. Paulina opened a recipe book and began organizing her timeline for making all
of the fixings for their holiday meal. She had made it clear to Roger that she didn’t want Rose to come but maybe she had been too hasty. If he asked again, she would relent to make him happy. Having other people around meant she and Jacob would be safer, didn’t it?

Chapter 18

It was Thanksgiving and Kate knew this was going to be the biggest day of Charlie’s life. She was so excited for her best friend. She called Mitch to give him support and ask if there was anything that she could do to help him
make this day even more special. He said that he had it all under control. He was planning on serving her the ring for dessert at her parents’ home. He would present her with a plate that had a covering over it. When she lifted the cover, she would find the ring inside its box and he would drop to one knee and propose. He had been preparing what he would say for the last week. Since Charlie was so close to her family, he knew that she would want to share their special moment with them.

That sounds amazing! I’m so thrilled for you both,” Kate responded. “I can’t wait for Charlie to tell me all about it later. You are going to sweep her off her feet.”

“That’s the general idea. She means the world to me and I can’t wait to marry her,” Mitch said
, great anticipation evident in his voice. “Listen, I better go. I have a lot to do before the big event.”

“Okay, talk to you later.


Kate pressed the end button on her phone. She was grinning from ear to ear a
s she thought about Charlie and Mitch’s engagement. She needed some good news after what she had endured during the past few weeks.

Neil strolled into the living room. “Good morning
, baby. You look mighty fetching this morning with that big smile on your face,” he said, bending down to kiss her.

“I just got off the phone with Mitch. He’s going to propose to Charlie today. I’m so excited for th
em,” she said, beaming with happiness. “They are a great couple.”

“They sure are.
What’s his plan?” he asked, making his way toward the coffee maker.

“He’s going to
propose at her parents’ house, by putting her ring on her dessert plate with a cover over it, so that when she removes the lid, she’ll see the ring box… Isn’t that sweet?” she asked, her big brown eyes still dancing.

“Yeah, I guess so,” he said
, returning with his coffee.

“What do you mean
you guess so? I think it’s romantic.”

Neil nodded. “Of course it’s romantic.”

“Charlie will be thrilled that he is asking her to marry him. She won’t care how he does it,” she responded.

“You’re right. She will be,” he said
, bending down to kiss her.

“When are we leaving for your parents’

In about two hours,” Neil responded.

“Don’t forget that we are picking up Natalie on the way.
I’ll text her the time that we will pick her up.”

“I h
aven’t forgotten. And Mac will be there. He has spent most of his holidays with my family. Who knows, maybe he and Natalie will hit it off and we’ll have a love connection. I think that he could really like her.”

What’s not to like? She’s kind, beautiful, and generous. The list goes on. You didn’t tell him that we were fixing him up with Natalie, did you?”

“No, I realize that situations like this take finesse. We will introduce them and let nature take
its course,” he said.

“I’m not sure that Natalie is in a
good place to meet anyone, so let’s not mention it to her either. It might make her feel uncomfortable. She’s so broken-hearted over her sister.”

“Like I said, we can just see what happens. It would be great
, however, to have our friends become a couple,” he said, returning from the kitchen. He sat on the sofa next to Kate, sipping his coffee.

Kate sigh

erything okay?” Neil asked, moving her hair away from her eyes.

“I’ve just been thinking about my mom this morning. I haven’t talked to her since
we got back from my father’s funeral. This is the first holiday I will spend without seeing her. My brother is going to his roommate’s parents’ home for Thanksgiving. My mom will be alone unless she made other plans. I just wish that things were different,” she said, laying her head back on the sofa.

“I know you do. There’s nothing saying that you can’t call her if you want.”

“You’re right, but I honestly don’t know what to say. My trust in her has been damaged, and it’s difficult to be real with someone that you don’t trust. It seems like we always have this big pink elephant in the room and she won’t talk about it. I think I just need some distance from her right now, but perhaps by Christmas…” she didn’t finish her thought. She took another sip of her coffee. Neither of them spoke for a few minutes; they were immersed in their own thoughts.

She finally looked over at Neil and realized that he was somewhat distracted himself. He w
as gazing off into the distance. “What’s going on with you, baby? You seem kind of far away,” she noted, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.

“I’m just thinking about you meeting my family later today. I really hope that you like them.”

“I’m sure that I will love them. I hope that they like me.”

“Trust me. They’re going to love you as much as I do. I guarantee it.”

“Well, I didn’t exactly win over David’s mom, so I’m nervous to meet yours.”

Neil brought her hand to his lips and kissed it like he always did. “You have nothing to worry about. My mom is thrilled that I am bringing you to dinner. She can’t wait to meet you. She knows how special you are to me.”

Kate kissed Neil on his lips. “I think we should start a Thanksgiving tradition,” she said looking up at him through her lashes.

“Oh, and what would that be, my beauty?” he asked, grinning in expectation.

“I think it would be better if I showed you my idea rather than telling you.”

“Showing always works for me
. I think talking is overrated,” he said, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her up to their bedroom.


An hour later, Kate was staring at the clothes in her closet and trying to decide what to wear. She wanted to look just right when she met Neil’s parents. Making a good impression was very important to her. She pulled out her chocolate suede skirt and the golden sweater that she normally wore with it. Then she put it away. This wasn’t right.

“Neil, how dressed up do I need to be to meet your parents?” she asked
, hoping for some direction.

“Baby, whatever you we
ar will be great,” he said, emerging from the bathroom in black slacks and a hunter green button-down shirt that hugged his muscular physique. He wasn’t dressed up, but he wasn’t exactly in jeans either.

It helps to see what you’re wearing. Something in between casual and dressed up. I’m feeling indecisive today. Would you help me choose something?”

“Of course.”

He thumbed through her clothes until he found the “just right” dress. “Here, this one is sexy on you,” he said.

handed her the black wraparound dress that showed off all of her curves. It had a beautiful silver fastener at the waist. “Are you sure this is the one? It has a way of showing off the girls.”

“Yeah, I know.
That’s one of the many reasons I like it.”

“Will your mom be okay with this?”

“My mom is a beautiful woman who keeps herself in really good shape. She doesn’t have a problem with showing what you’ve got, trust me.”

“Okay, but if it doesn’t go well, you’re going to be in
big trouble.”

“I like your kind of trouble
, baby,” he said pulling her hips to his. “Plus, you wearing this dress gives me something to look forward to later.”

glanced at him with a questioning look.

“I’ll get to unwrap you,” he said with a salacious smile.

Kate smiled. “There’s nothing I’d like more,” she said, thinking about the first time she saw him and wanted to gift wrap herself around his muscular body.


Kate texted Natalie that they were on their way to pick her up and that she was wearing a dress. That would give her enough time to change clothes if she wanted to.

Natalie was waiting outside
her condo when they pulled up. She really was a beautiful woman. She had long blonde hair and big blue eyes. She had such delicate features. When she smiled, she put everyone at ease. There was a glow that emanated from her that seemed warm and inviting.

Neil pulled the car
up next to where Natalie was standing on the sidewalk. Kate had already lowered the window. “You look beautiful, Natalie,” she said as her friend moved toward the car.

“Thanks. I got your text and changed clothes. Thanks for the heads
-up about wearing a dress. I’ve had this one for a while, but it is one of my favorites,” Natalie said, buckling up in the back seat.

“That blue is gorgeous on you. It brings o
ut your eyes,” Kate said, turning in her seat to smile at Natalie. “How are you holding up?”

“Well, I’ve been better. But I’m doing okay considering the circumstances. It was great stay
ing with Charlie and Mitch for a few days, but I’m glad to be back home in my own bed.”

Kate nodded. “I talked to Mitch earlier today. He sounded very excited about proposing.
Did he have a chance to show you the ring while you were staying with them?”

Yes, it’s absolutely gorgeous. He is going to blow Charlie away today,” Natalie said, a slight smile on her face. “Do you think she has any idea?”

I don’t think so. I think that she is going to be surprised. I can’t wait to hear all about it,” Kate said with a gleam in her eyes.

, too. Charlie deserves to be happy.”

, she does and I know that you will be happy again one day, too,” Kate said as she reached back and took Natalie’s hand.

Natalie’s eyes filled with tears. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She breathed in deeply and then spoke. “Jessica was all that I had left since momma and daddy are gone. I don’t know what I am going to do without her.”

“You’re a survivor, Natalie. You will make it through this and Charlie and I will be here to help you every step of the way. We’ll do anything for you.”

“I’m here for you too
, Natalie,” Neil said, making eye contact with her in the rearview mirror. “I’m really glad that you can join us for Thanksgiving.”

“Thank you
. Me, too.”

pulled the car up to a circular driveway. Kate had to consciously close her mouth. Neil’s parents had an estate overlooking the Pacific Ocean. She knew Neil’s family had money, but she had no idea how much. Italian cypress trees lined the walkway leading to the stunning double doors with wrought iron scrolled between the glass. It was breathtaking. Neil opened the door to a foyer that seemed larger than her mom’s condo. A beautiful circular mahogany table with an autumn floral arrangement adorned the center of the space. On one side was a grand staircase with a wrought iron railing that matched the door. On the other side was the entrance to the great room. Neil showed Kate and Natalie the way. The décor had an old world flavor with modern comforts. A grand piano was nestled in the corner. Neil took Kate’s hand as he called out to his family. “Where is everyone?”

“We’re in the kitchen,” his sister yelled back. “Come on in and help with the preparations.”

“Neil, is this the home that you grew up in?” Natalie asked, peering around, taking in its splendor.

“Yeah, a little over the top, isn’t it?” he replied.

Natalie nodded slightly, but didn’t say anything.

They continued through the dining room
and saw a table dressed for the Thanksgiving feast. Kate couldn’t help but notice the fine china and sparkling crystal glasses. They walked through the swinging door and were warmly greeted by Neil’s family and his best friend Mac.

Neil’s mother came tow
ard them first. He was right; his mother was a beautiful woman. She could have given Raquel Welch a run for her money with her dark hair, big brown eyes and curvaceous figure. She hugged her son and then hugged Kate. “Kate, I’m Sophia. It is so wonderful to meet you,” she said, smiling warmly.

“Thank you.
I’m so glad to meet you as well. You have a beautiful home.”

Thank you. And who is this lovely young lady?” Sophia asked, gazing at Natalie.

“This is
Natalie, my dear friend,” Kate replied.

“Welcome Natalie,” she said
, hugging her as well. “We’re thrilled that you could join us today.”

Neil’s father was hugging him while Kate was
greeting Sophia. Then, he turned to Kate and hugged her. “Kate, I’ve spotted you at the office, but haven’t had a chance to officially meet you,” he said.

He patted Neil on the shoulder and said, “My son’s a lucky fellow to have found you.”

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