Taken in Hand (7 page)

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Authors: Barbara Westbrook

BOOK: Taken in Hand
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Chad blew out a long, frustrated breath. Even knowing

damn good and well he shouldn’t argue with Adam, words

spilled out of his mouth. “I only said—”

Adam cut him off, his lips white with anger. “I heard

what you said, damn it. As a matter of fact, just go away.”

Chad’s head jerked up to look at him. “Huh?”

“Go away. I’m not pleased with you right now. Go

mingle or observe or whatever and come back when you

think you can behave yourself.”

Hot anger and embarrassment flooded him, and Chad

rose to his feet awkwardly, stiff from being on his knees for

so long.
Come back when he could behave himself? Damn

. He glanced around at the faces of the others at the

table. The subs all looked a little horrified, but the Doms, or

whatever they were, seemed amused. Fuck them and fuck


“Okay, I will,” he said and marched off across the

room, turning his back on all of them. Once he’d gotten a few

steps from the table, he realized he didn’t have a clue as to

what to do with himself. Well, first things first, he needed to

find a bathroom. He located one down a dim hallway and

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went inside to use a stall. Just whipping it out at the urinal

in a club like this made him uncomfortable. Maybe

afterward, he’d go get himself a drink and sit at the bar for a

while and just observe. Observe what, he wasn’t too sure,

but he’d be damned if he’d go back over to Adam’s table.

He’d just
him, like he was badly behaved child.

Arrogant asshole.

He came out of the stall and washed his hands. Two

men stood at the urinals, both giving him a good look over

with interest. They were older than Chad, both maybe in

their forties, and looked a little like biker dudes, with their

leather and tatts. One of them nudged the other when Chad

came out of the stall, and the smile he gave Chad was

friendly, if a little predatory.

“Hey there, sweet thing, all alone?”

“Um, yeah, I guess I am.” Some part of Chad’s brain,

the logical, reasoning, cop instinct part, told him to get away

from these guys. They were bad news, and he did not want

to start up something and draw attention to himself. The

other part of his brain, the hurt, pissed off part, wanted to

hit something. If these two wanted to start something, he’d

be ready.

“Really?” He tilted his head. “Would you like to play

some? We could show you a good time.”

“No, I’m just here to watch tonight.”

The biggest one finished and came over to stand beside

him. “Watching can be fun, but a boy like you looks like he

has a lot to learn, and we’d be glad to teach you.”

“That’s right,” said the other one. “We have a room in

back. Come with us and we’ll take good care of you.”

“I don’t think so,” Chad said, shrugging off the hand

on his arm. “Leave me the fuck alone.” He glared at both of

them and stepped quickly away, back out into the hallway.

One of the men from Adam’s table headed into the bathroom

just then and slipped past him, shooting him a look of

amusement, and once again, the underlying anger Chad felt

all the time anymore bubbled to the surface, looking for a

way out.

A voice spoke up behind him. The two guys from the

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bathroom had followed him out. “Are you sure you won’t

change your mind? I think you need a little loosening up,

sweetheart. I can do that for you.”

Chad turned and swung out blindly. His fist was

caught in an iron grip and twisted around behind his back.

Before he could move away, the other hand was wrestled

back to join it, and cold metal snapped around his wrists.

He’d been cuffed and expertly, too. When he opened his

mouth to yell, one man forced a rubber ball into his mouth

while the other held him. Attached straps were wrapped

around the back of his head before he could even try to spit

it out and jerked tight to hold the ball in his mouth. Chad’s

teeth sank down into the rubber, and he almost gagged.

They took him by his arms and pulled him down to one of

the doors leading off the hall. Chad wasn’t very big, but he

was pretty strong. Those two were something else. It was

impossible to stop them or protect himself with his hands

secured behind his back. Even his shouts came out as

garbled nonsense. They dragged him inside the room and

over to a bed in the middle of the floor. Pushing him to a

seated position on the bed, they shoved him back down

when he tried to get up. Chad had a very bad feeling this was

not going to end well—at all.

* * * *

Adam jiggled his knee nervously and wondered where

the hell Chad had gotten to. He’d been frustrated and

angry—and he had to admit, disappointed. Needing to show

his displeasure to his friends avidly watching their exchange,

he’d sent Chad away, but he was uneasy. Chad could get

himself into a lot of trouble very easily in this place. The

young detective had no idea what he was dealing with. Adam

thought he could keep an eye on him and make sure he

didn’t get himself into any trouble, but he’d lost sight of him

and was worried.

His intention had been to teach him to stay quiet when

they were at the club with a kind of time out. Instead the

little fool had been angry and taken off for the bathrooms

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where Adam couldn’t watch out for him.

The club was unusually busy for that hour on a

Friday, and it seemed like many people had decided to start

their evening early. In addition, some of the hard core Doms

were in attendance, and it wouldn’t do for Chad to fall in

range of their radar, especially un-collared and alone. They

wouldn’t be able to resist his sweet little straight boy looks,

and he could get himself in way too deep with the wrong

guys. Cole, one of his friends at the table, noticed his

uneasiness and told him quietly he’d check on him when he

left to go to the bathroom.

Almost five more minutes passed, and Adam was

about to look for Chad himself when his friend reappeared

and came straight over to Adam to whisper in his ear. “Better

go check on your boy, Adam. He was standing in the hallway

when I went in, but when I came back out I saw him being

hustled down the hall to a room by O’Brien and Parker.”

“Shit.” Adam threw his napkin down on the table and

got up quickly, turning to his friend. “Which room?”

“Last one on the hall by the bathrooms. Need me to get

one of the dungeon masters?”

“No, I’ll handle it.”

He said the last words over his shoulder as he was on

the move, afraid of what might be happening in that room

already. O’Brien and Parker were regular players at the club.

Parker was a tough, sadistic Dom, and O’Brien was a switch,

his sometime partner. They were known for picking up new

boys in the club and also for their harsh treatment of the

subs they played with. Of course, the subs had their safe

words, and the scenes he’d witnessed had never gotten out

of hand, but who knew what might go on behind the closed

doors of a private room.

If he were to salvage this thing and not blow Chad’s

cover, he needed to see if he could extricate Chad by himself

and not involve club management. Word got around quickly

in this place, and if Chad flashed a badge or said the wrong

thing, the whole plan was over before it even got started.

Moving down the corridor, he paused outside the last

door and listened through the wood panels. No screaming,

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which was a good sign. He rapped sharply on the door and

not waiting for an answer, stepped inside.

Chad was stripped naked and lying flat on his

stomach on the bed. He wasn’t moving. Both Doms stood

over him and looked up at Adam in surprise as he came in

the door. One of them held a whip, and a flogger was laid out

on the bed, ready to be used next.

“What the fuck, Morrison?” O’Brien snarled at him.

“Get your own boy.”

Adam nodded toward the bed. “That
my boy, and I

didn’t give you permission to play with him.”

The bigger of the two men, Parker, turned toward

Adam aggressively. “He’s not collared. He said he was alone,

and he came willingly. He never said he belonged to you.”

“Regardless of that fact, he does. You know the rules of

the club, Parker. You too, O’Brien, and he doesn’t look too

willing to me.” He nodded toward Chad, who had begun to

move his hips a little, thrusting into the bed, humping it. His

hands were bound behind his back and straps, no doubt

holding a gag in place, were buckled behind his head. He

looked vulnerable and alone, and Adam’s heart almost

stopped in his chest. He had to get him out of here in one

piece, no matter what it took.

Adam’s gaze fell on an empty glass siting on the table

by the bed. “Fuck, did you drug him, asshole? Why is he

humping the bed like that?”

“We gave him a little drink just to loosen him up. If he

took drugs before he got in here, I have no way of knowing.

Maybe someone slipped him a roofy.”

Chad moaned, thrusting at a frantic pace and rubbing

his groin on the mattress.

“Yeah or maybe you gave him one. Damn it, Parker,

what did you give him?”

“Nothing much. Just something mild to loosen him up,

like I said. He was too uptight. He was waiting for us in the

hallway. I thought he just liked to fight, and this would calm

him down so he didn’t hurt himself.”

“Calm him, my ass.” Adam gave Parker a dirty look

and crossed over to Chad, sitting beside him. He took off the

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gag first. Chad coughed and turned his head slowly to look

at him. His eyes were red and his pupils were blown. He

swallowed hard a few times and finally managed to speak.

“Adam, h-help me.”

Adam’s chest tightened. He rubbed Chad’s back and

spoke soothingly to him. “I’m here, baby boy. Just calm


“What-what’s happening to me? God, I feel so…” He

humped again with loud groan.

Adam turned back to the two men. He wanted to

smash their faces but forced himself to be calm. If he was to

get them both out of this in one piece, without alerting

anyone to what was happening, he had to play his cards

right. “The boy belongs to me. I might let you watch, but

that’s it. Nobody touches him but me.”

O’Brien grabbed his crotch through a slit in his leather

gear and stroked himself. “Watching sounds good to me.”

Parker nodded, and the two of them stationed

themselves at the foot of the bed. Adam had to think fast to

come up with something to show his domination over Chad,

but not harm him, physically or mentally. Despite his

teasing, he had intended to respect Chad’s boundaries and

not do anything to him that would compromise him in any

way. They had to put on a show to get out of here peacefully,

and Adam had to figure out what to do to mitigate the

damage to Chad as much as possible. He turned back to the

two men. “Uncuff him.”

Parker stepped over and produced a key, taking off

heavy, leather cuffs quickly. Adam rolled the boy over on his

back and knelt on the bed beside him, bending down low

and speaking in his ear. To the men standing close by, it

might have sounded like endearments.

“Chad, can you focus on me?” Chad raised his eyes to

gaze blearily at him. “Do you trust me?”

He nodded slowly, grabbing at himself and groaning.

“Pay attention,” Adam said. “You have to do whatever I tell

you to, okay? Don’t question, don’t complain, just do it.”

Another nod and Adam sat up on his knees next to

him. “Make yourself come for us, baby. Show us what you

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Chad’s eyebrows rose, but his hand floundered to find

and close around his dick. Uncoordinated because of the

drugs, he had trouble accomplishing it. Adam helped him by

taking Chad’s hand and wrapping his fingers around his

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