Tales From Mysteria Falls (7 page)

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Authors: Jennifer St. Giles

Tags: #phantom, #jennifer st. giles, #wizard of oz, #Paranormal, #vampire, #Romance, #erotic

BOOK: Tales From Mysteria Falls
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This is for tonight. Let’s plan on starting at 9:00 pm. Thank you for humoring an old man and his dreams. JD will go with you to sign the opera house papers late this afternoon.

Fondly yours, Lord Daniels

For a brief instant, Krisana had the urge to run, to go back to her life and pretend.
But pretend what? That I’d
never come here?  That last night never happened?

“No.”  Her lone voice rang in the empty room. No matter what, JD had made last night more than she imagined possible and she wouldn’t regret it. She’d embrace his toast from last night. To her, and to him, and to interesting possibilities.

She’d just settled down to read Anya’s diaries when a soft knock at the door revealed Martha with two women pushing carts in tow. They were from Resurrection Spa. Upon seeing Krisana, one of the women oddly exclaimed, “We can make the dead glow. She is already beautiful. By the time we finish, she will be like an angel.”  The diaries would have to wait for another day.  For the next few hours, Kris was massaged, mudded, steamed, and buffed until she did literally glow. The women even managed to lure her into a restful hour’s sleep. With treatments like that before a performance, a woman would be invincible on the stage.

There’d been a light tray of cheese and fruit fixed, but Krisana couldn’t eat. The closer the time came for the performance, the more JD was on her mind. Why had he been absent the entire day?

When Martha told her he was waiting in a limousine downstairs, Krisana practically panicked. Her mouth dried, her palms dampened, her blood rushed, and her heart raced.  For a moment, she thought she’d faint.

Martha reached out and caught her arm. “Are you all right?  You should have eaten something.”

Krisana sucked in air. “I’m fine. I’m always nervous before a performance.”  She put on coat.

Martha smiled. “Well, you look stunning in that dress. I see he gave you his cross.”

 Krisana blushed. “Yes.”

“That means you’re more special than you can ever know.”

Krisana grasped the cross. “Where did he get it?”

“You’ll have to ask him that.”  Martha shook her head and muttered something about foolish love as she led the way downstairs. Krisana followed, her insides fluttering with a host of wild butterflies.

ameson sat in the
back of the limo, emotion and nerves strangling the life out of him. It was done. At dawn he had faced the Paratribunal and had gone through the excruciatingly painful ceremony that stripped away his immortality—the price he paid to have Anya’s spirit reborn.

He was now mortal, and every cell in his body ached as if he’d been tortured on a medieval rack. He’d only regained consciousness an hour ago. Thank God he’d had everything prepared for Krisana in advance, for her performance, for her birthday, for Valentine’s Day. For his last performance as Lord Daniels. He hadn’t realized just how much his plan to ease her into the truth about their past and make her fall in love with him anew would twist him apart inside. He was beginning to wonder what chance their love would have now if deception was at the root. But what was done was done.

The only loose end he’d yet to tie was the shadow that had frightened Krisana at the opera house. When it came to Krisana’s safety, he wouldn’t make the mistake he’d made with Anya.  The slightest blip on the radar would be investigated until he had an answer for it.

Sensing her presence, he looked up and she appeared at the top of the stairs. Groaning, he exited the limo and went to meet her, carrying her Birthday-Valentine present.

She gasped and stopped a moment when she saw him and he grinned. He preferred jeans and leather but the expression on her face was worth the discomfort of the formal tux. He held out his hand and she descended to him.

“You’re breathtaking,” he told her, kissing her fingers and then her lips. “Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine’s Day.”  He breathed in her breath and her scent, drawing strength from her presence. She could turn any hell into heaven. A mortal finite life with her was worth an eternity of eternities without her. He handed her the special bouquet he’d made.

“How did you know?”

“An old man told me.”

She laughed. “I will have to thank him too, but you first.”  She tiptoed up and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing herself against him.

Pain bit at him and he groaned. His body was so sore it throbbed as if being poked with sharp needles everywhere. But he needed her too much stop. He pulled her tighter and deepened the kiss, drinking her and the pleasure she brought into his soul. He longed to tell her how much he loved her, but then had to remind himself that Krisana wasn’t Anya. Krisana had Anya’s spirit, but they were different people. He had to get to know the new woman she’d become and love her for who she was now.

Still, her touch helped ease his hurt, even if it was just in his mind. He ended the kiss. “We need to hurry. We’ve a lot to do before going to the opera house.”

“What about your uncle?”

“He’ll meet us at the opera house for the performance. We’re to see Phineas shortly for you to sign the papers.”  Leading her to the limo, he helped her inside and joined her.

The driver headed for town. She settled back into the seat and brought the bouquet of golden-hearted red roses to her nose. “These are exquisite, I’ve never seen roses this color before.”

“They’re special, like you.”

“What’s this?” she cried. “Setting the bouquet in her lap, she loosed the jewelry case he’d nestled in the middle of the flowers.”

“Well, Valentine-Birthdays call for a present, don’t you think?”

“The cross is worth a hundred birthdays. You shouldn’t have done anything else.”

“I had to. You’ll see. This is something special for you from me. Besides, the cross is ages old and not new.”

“There’s nothing wrong with things ages old.”  She laughed and opened the box. Her laughter turned to a gasp. Her hands shook. “
Endless Possibilities
,” she whispered.

“Yes,” he said. Taking the engraved bracelet from the box, he clasped the gold around her wrist before kissing her palm. “I’m looking forward to what they might be.”

“You leave me speechless,” she said softly. She looked at the bracelet then met his gaze.

He laughed. “Then you know how I feel. You leave me speechless and breathless.”  Leaning down, he meant to give her a light kiss, but her response set fire to his barely restrained want.

When the limousine came to a stop, Jameson snapped his head up in surprise. They’d traveled all the way into the town and were now at Phineas Cruz’s law office. He shook his head, more than shocked at his lack of awareness. Now that he was mortal, he needed to be more diligent. “We’re here,” he said, easing her back from his lap. He tugged his tux back into place and helped her smooth her disheveled appearance. There wasn’t much he could do about her kiss-swollen mouth and flushed cheeks.

Phineas would be sure to note them, too. The vampire had better mind his own business and not blow Jameson’s cover as JD.

“Ready to officially own half an opera house?” he asked as the climbed the steps.

“Ready to be my partner?” she replied.

“Oh yeah,” he said.

“Good. I’m glad you’re with me. This guy’s a little strange.”

Jameson stopped and grabbed her arm, turning her his way. “What do you mean?”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “Nothing really. It’s more of a
I got. Like he was, I don’t know, a smug cat playing with a dangling mouse.”

Jameson supposed that humans would feel that way in the vampire’s presence.

The office door opened, and Phineas stood on the threshold. “There you are,” he said. “I’ve all the papers ready.”  The vampire focused his gaze on Krisana then flashed a knowing look Jameson’s way. “It would seem congratulations are in order.”

Krisana frowned. “Congratulations?”

“Yes, on your new partnership. You both look very happy about it.”  The vampire alluded to the opera house, but Jameson knew Phineas referred to sex. Jameson glared at him, promising consequences if the vampire didn’t shut up.

Maybe Jameson might agree a little with Harry about some expansion for the city. Mysteria Falls needed more than one lawyer. Jameson caught Krisana’s hand and escorted her inside. “We’re anxious to get this show on the road. Hope you don’t mind hurrying.”

“Not at all. I’ve a Valentine’s date myself.”  Phineas led them to a conference room and the papers were soon signed.

Jameson breathed a tiny sigh of relief. Now that Krisana was legally his partner, she’d have to at least look at him again at some future point even if she couldn’t accept or forgive him for what he’d done. Tonight, after her performance, he would tell her the truth.

As they left Phineas’s office, the vampire called out. “Life is short, so have fun.”

Not an unusual parting, unless you’re a centuries-old vampire speaking to a phantom the same age. Did Phineas somehow find out that he was now mortal?
  Jameson thought. He wouldn’t put it past the vampire to have a spy within the Paratribunal. He was just surprised that the vampire would chance getting caught and punished with no real cause for subterfuge.

Jameson pushed the question to the back of his mind and turned his focus on Krisana. He wasn’t sure how she’d react to his next surprise. They left the law office for the opera house, and his stomach wrenched with knots. It was time.

Chapter Seven

risana felt JD’s
growing tension. It began on the steps outside of Phineas Cruz’s law offices and now that they were on their way to the opera house, it was worse. Though it had started when she’d commented on Phineas Cruz, she didn’t think that was the reason. Phineas had been less of a cat this time and more of an odd bird.

The weather had turned suddenly wild, as well. Dark clouds hovered and the wind whipped like a chained demon. She wondered if JD was regretting the papers they’d just signed. She’d been so wrapped up in her own situation that she hadn’t given thought to his. Anya’s ghost aside, for JD it must not be easy to have his uncle give away half of a valuable property to a relative stranger.

“You’re upset,” she said, sliding her hand over his fisted one. “Is it the opera house?  Now that the shares are mine, I can give them to you. You’ve put so much work into it; you really should own it all.

He was startled, as if she’d smacked him. He grasped her hand. “Lord, no. Whatever gave you that idea?  Having you with me is a relief. I can maintain the place, take care of business aspects, but artistically I’m clueless.”

“You want me to take care of putting the place on the map, so to speak. Make it the Metropolitan Opera House of Virginia, where people from all over come to hear the best classical music has to offer. I can make that happen. I’ve met great artists from all over the world. My only concern would be getting a large enough audience. How many people does the opera house seat?”

JD’s jaw dropped. “I really hadn’t thought about it thoroughly. I guess in the back of my mind, I’d envisioned putting on a few events for the town. It seats three hundred.”

She laughed. “If I remember the sign right, that’s almost the entire population of the town.”

“Well, yes.”  He exhaled. “Don’t worry about it. We can work out all the details. I know the old man wanted music to fill the place for Anya’s sake. But you must make the opera house a place of your dreams if it fits into them, not hers.”

She smiled. “How can a place of such beauty and acoustical perfection not fit into my dreams?  If you’re not worried about the partnership, then what?”

He sighed and gazed out at the storm. “I’m anxious about tonight. That it will all be enough. That I will be enough.”

“Nerves before a performance?”  She leaned over and pressed her head into the crook of his neck as she hugged him. “That’s normal. But don’t worry. You’ll be fine.”

He didn’t say anything, but his mouth sought hers in a kiss that was more desperate and more needy than any before. Krisana kissed him back and felt tears sting her eyes. She hadn’t realized how vulnerable this powerful man was. She wanted to comfort him, but wasn’t sure how.

By the time they reached the drive to the opera house, lightning was slicing open the night sky, letting bellows of thunder escape. The rural peacefulness of the area suddenly teemed with a dark menace. Krisana’s spine tingled, either from the storm or from how magnificent and palatial the opera house was upon the hill overlooking the town. All lit up on the outside and on the inside, it glowed like an angelic beacon.

Another limo was out front and the driver pulled directly behind it, close to the marble stairs. He opened the door. JD helped her out and they climbed the stairs together. At the top, he stopped to face her. Time seemed to stand still, though the wind continued to twist and turn about them. He didn’t say anything, but his blue gaze was intensely serious as if marking a monumental moment. He brought her hands to his lips, placing a kiss upon her
Endless Possibilities
bracelet. “Later tonight, we need to talk about us and this amazing thing between us. I hope you feel it as I do.”

She smiled. “I do.”

“There is so much I want to say to you. To know about you, but it will have to wait until later. It’s time for my fingers to play the music that lets your voice soar.”  He led her inside.

She followed, feeling as if she were stepping though time into a magical world from another time. “Lord Daniels is already here?”

“That’s his limo out front.”

“Then I should go speak to him first. I know how much this means to him.”

“Yes. He’s waited for years for you to do this. But do you think it would be better to speak to him after?  I know he knows you’re not Anya, but I also know he’s sitting in that theater right now, remembering her and his loss. I’d give him the gift of hearing her opera first.”

“You may be right.”

“Let me know if you change your mind. He should be seated already. There’s a handicap section with special earphones to help those who have hearing impairments.”  JD escorted her backstage. “Give me a few minutes to get ready. I’ll open the curtains from the orchestra pit. When I start the prelude, you come out.”

She sucked in a deep breath. “Okay. I would feel better if we’d practiced this together at least once.”

He bent down and brushed her lips. “You’re beautiful. It will be perfect.”  He left her and a flurry of butterflies invaded her insides. Her palms went damp and her mouth dry. She found a small table with bottled water on ice and drank a little.

The curtains opened and the deeply rich notes of the pipe organ playing the haunting prelude of
Come Back to
filled the auditorium. She made her way to the stage. Seeing the opera house in the day in no way compared to its magnificent beauty at night. Burgundy velvet, dark wood, gleaming brass, and glowing stained glass all culminated in a perfect setting for the massive chandelier of crystal and silver. JD sat at the pipe organ, playing with his whole heart.

She looked into the theater and found Lord Daniels in the center about halfway back. She waved to him and the spotlights turned on, blinding her view of the seats.

JD built to the opening crescendo and Krisana began to sing, her heart and spirit soaring with the music. Upon the heels of her first song, JD’s rich voice filled the auditorium, expertly singing the lover’s part. Her breath caught and her heart raced.

The more he sang, the more the world around her spun in a crazy vortex. Images from her dreams whirled with new visions of a past. She matched her voice to his. The music and the passion melded them together, like lovers meant to be. Raw passion, deep emotion, and jagged pain tore into the recesses of her mind and spirit.

Suddenly, she knew. She’d sung this before. She’d sung it many times as she wrote opera and had practiced it with…JD. Memories flooded her.

The terror of the war. The unbelievable horror of the concentration camp. The death of all those she loved. The soldier who saved her. Jameson—James—who was an immortal being living among mortal men. Memories of them coming to the magical place of Mysteria Falls to build a life together away from the tragedy of her loss in Europe.

Her song died on her lips and she cried out. “James!  I remember!” she cried, rushing to the edge of the stage to look down at him. She knew without even asking that JD and Lord Jameson Daniels were the same. She knew that if she’d marched up to that wheelchair there’d be a mannequin behind a misting oxygen mask.

Jameson stopped playing and stood to face her. His expression was agonized, his hands were shaking, and tears streamed down his shadowed cheeks. “If you remember, then how can you forgive me?  You begged me not to go to the Phantom’s Council that night, and I did anyway. What and who I was, was more important than you.”

At that moment she remembered the fire and screamed in terror. Jameson recoiled as if she struck him a mortal blow. She reached her arms out to him. “No,” she cried. “You don’t understand. It wasn’t you!  It was him!  Cruz the vampire. He came here that night after you left!  He…he…
oh, God
.”  She fell to her knees as the memories of that horrible night crashed down upon her.

“What are you saying?” Jameson yelled. “Kris?”  He leapt up the stage stairs and ran to her crumbled form. Falling to his knees before her, he pulled her into his arms. “Kris, please,

“He…he…came upon me while I was in the bath and attacked me. I fought him. He was crazed. He said you killed the love of his life and he’d make you pay forever. He tried to rape me, but I fought him and told him I’d burn in hell before I’d ever let him have me. That’s when he started the fires with his gaze, surrounding me with flames and watched as I burned.”  She shuddered in Jameson’s arms, still feeling the agony of that death.

ameson wrapped his
arms tighter around Krisana as fury erupted inside him. He didn’t know what in the hell this was about, but Cruz was going to burn for an eternity in the Chasm of Torture, just as soon as Jameson could bring the depraved bastard to justice. He focused on Krisana before he went mad. “Dear God. I’ll never forgive myself for leaving you—”

She raised her mouth to his, silencing his agony with a kiss.

He met her kiss with his whole heart, his whole being, and his whole soul. And only when she’d met her heart, being, and soul to his did the kiss end.

“How?” she whispered. “How did you arrange for me to be born again?”

“You weren’t born again. Anya’s spirit was born within you. As for how you have Anya’s memories, all I can think is that her ghost has brought them to you from the spirit world.”

Krisana gasped and her heart wrenched as her mind raced. “The only way for my spirit to be reborn was if…”  She forced him to meet her gaze again, and she saw the truth in his eyes along with his burning love for her. He’d given up everything for her. “That’s what you did, isn’t it?  That’s how you brought me back. You gave up your immortality. You gave up being a phantom for me?”  Tears burned her eyes. “James,” she whispered. “Oh, James,” she brought her mouth to his reverently. The depth of his love awed her, wrung her inside out.

Jameson brushed the tears from her cheeks. “Dear Krisana,” he said, shaking his head. “How can you be crying for me?  Don’t you know that being with you is worth any price?  I love you.”

She drew in a shuddering breath, realizing for the first time to the very depth of her soul how much he really did love her. “I love you, too.”

“Bravo!” Cruz’s chillingly familiar voice sneered from the rafters, and a giant man-bat swooped down to the stage, power oozing from his blackened flesh. He landed about ten feet away, towering over them as he flapped his leathery wings and twitched the razor-like claws.

She shuddered, remembering what Cruz had done to her before. Jameson shoved her behind him as he faced Cruz. “You’re going to suffer in ways worse than you can imagine.”

Cruz threw his head back and laughed. “I don’t think so. If I’m not mistaken I just heard you’re mortal now?  And you gave it all up for her?  You’re a fool and now you’re both going to die. We didn’t meet by accident during the war O Mighty Lord Daniels. The Paratribunal’s errand boy. I hunted you down and waited for you to find the love of your life. You arrested my wife, the Countess of Bathory, and took her to the council. They stripped away her immortality. I came back from the Outer Realms to find she’d grown old and ugly. She died at my feet.”

“You’re the Count of Bathory?  Your wife tortured and murdered hundreds of children.”

“You phantoms and your self-righteous judgments. She drank young blood. Vampires drink blood. It’s how we survive. What is your excuse?  How much blood is on your hands?  You don’t even need it to live, but I bet hundreds have died in your drive for justice. Paranormals are the superior race and the death of humans is unavoidable. Humans kill life that is inferior to theirs, even annihilating their own kind whose race or religion is perceived as being the lesser.”

“You’re sick if you can justify any depravity from the evil doings of others. You will burn in the Chasm of Torture if it is the last thing I do.” Jameson’s body shook from his fury.

Cold fear wrapped around Krisana’s spine, and she pressed herself to Jameson’s back, looking up as she prayed to God for help.

The chandelier glittered overhead…hundreds of silver stakes… silver burned vampires.

Backing away from James, Krisana edged her way to the end of the stage, hoping Jameson would realize she had a plan.

“Kris, don’t worry. Stay with me,” Jameson said, not looking her way. “Count Bathory is forgetting one thing, being mortal doesn’t mean being stupid.”

Krisana had already slid off the edge of the stage and didn’t turn back. She went directly to the hydraulic panel that controlled the chandelier, wishing she’d paid more attention to mechanical stuff in school. She opened the panel and stared at the controls. She had a clear vision of the stage on a monitor in the orchestra pit. Cruz—Count whatever—appeared even larger, making her stomach churn. Her button choices were, up, down, off, and on. She needed a deadly drop.

“Looks as if you’ve been abandoned,” Cruz snarled. “I will give her your regards before I personally see that she joins you in death.”  Baring his fangs, he flew at Jameson.

She panicked, then remembered what was unusual about her cross and jerked the blade free of its sheath. Hitting the down button on the hydraulics, she sliced into the cable. Thick pink fluid spurted, as if she’d cut an artery.

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