Talk to Me (8 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Carr

BOOK: Talk to Me
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through her head.

Dammit, dammit, dammit! I saw him leave nearly a half hour ago. It's almost midnight—I thought I was alone. What is he doing here? Oh

God. Is he going to fire me? Report me to HR? What the hell happens when you're caught masturbating on the job?

She couldn't believe she'd been so stupid. Her career at WREK was going to be over before it real y started. The thought of having to slink back

to Buffalo with her tail between her legs because she'd done something so idiotic made her nauseated.


She jumped.
Get hold of yourself
. “Yes?” Her voice came out as little more than a squeak.

He spoke in measured tones as if he were speaking to a spooked child. “I came back for my wal et and noticed the light on. I could hear the

promo playing, and I thought maybe you'd had to fix it. I was checking to make sure everything was al right.” He paused, and Jamie closed her

eyes, mortified. She knew what was coming next. “What I'm wondering, though... Sweetheart, what the hel were you doin'?” He stepped closer,

pul ing her hair back on one side to reveal her face, which she turned away.

Jamie knew she was blushing bright red—she was horrified. After the show had ended, she knew she should've gone home to take care of her

itch, but listening to him talk for hours had made her so horny, she had to hear his voice again. It was as necessary as breathing to her—she
it. She needed to melt, to feel his voice winding its way into the very core of her. She'd walked herself straight into the production room,

helpless to fight against the seductive pul of his words.

She'd played the promo, listening to Drew's coarse pitch and growing more excited by the minute. It was late at night, she was alone; what harm

could come of relieving her consuming ache for him? This harm—the nightmare scenario unfolding at this very moment.
What the hell can I tell

him? I can't lie about this. He knows exactly what I was doing.

“Jamie?” he repeated. He leaned in closer. “Tel me what you were doing.” His voice, barely above a whisper, floated over her, wrapping her in

its warmth, and she shuddered.

She hid her face in her hands, smel ing her own arousal, and she thought she heard Drew growl behind her. There was no way to explain this

away, and he wasn't stupid.
. “Are you going to go to management with this?”

Drew took hold of her shoulders and pul ed her closer to him until their bodies met, her back to his chest. She could feel his erection pushing

insistently against her ass.
Good Lord, he's got a hard-on. A very impressive hard-on
. As she continued to stand there, silent, shaking, she noted

the differences between their bodies; the hardness of his body behind hers.
I had no idea a man could feel this solid—all bulging muscles and

long limbs.

“I'm not planning on tel ing management about it. But in exchange for that, I want to know why you were masturbating in the production studio,

and why you were playing the promo while you were doing it.”

She shuddered again at the potent combination of his voice and his big, warm body, which seemed to be pushing her closer and closer to the

wal with every breath.

She was trapped—surrounded by him; his weight, his smel , his words.

Drew was incredulous. As soon as he'd walked in here, he'd seen her head thrown back in ecstasy as her hand moved inside her jeans. He'd

nearly come just from that sight and was stil seeing spots—he would bet there wasn't a drop of blood that hadn't rushed to his dick. He was taking

a huge risk here, but he had to know if she was just letting off steam or if his wildest dreams had come true, and she was as hot for him as he was

for her.

He'd pushed her almost to the wal , his body crowding hers of its own volition. Her curves felt so right nestled into him, and she smel ed so good

—that unique scent he'd come to associate with her, mixed with her unmistakable arousal. Prying her hands from her face, Drew pul ed them

behind her back, between his increasingly rousing body and hers. She whimpered softly as her hands made contact with his thighs, and he nearly

lost it.

“Sweetheart, a beautiful woman like you should never have to masturbate.” Drew cleared his throat and went for it. “I have to know—why was my

promo playing? Do I turn you on? Is it my voice—does it make you wet?” He knew he sounded like an arrogant asshole, but it wouldn't be the first

time he'd heard that his voice had made a woman's panties dampen.

Why he was so desperate to know what she was al about baffled him. It wasn't like he had to work to get a woman into his bed. Maybe Jamie

was more of a chal enge. Al he knew was if he didn't get inside her soon, he was going to embarrass himself.

When she remained silent, he took both of her hands in one of his and turned her head with the other so he could see her face. Her pale cheeks

were aflame—she was obviously embarrassed, but the time for being gentle with her had passed. If he didn't find out what was going on in that

pretty little head of hers soon, he couldn't be responsible for his actions. “Answer me, dammit!”

Jamie gasped, her eyes stil closed, despite his outburst. Her pouty bottom lip was so close to his thumb, he couldn't help but dip his thumb

briefly into her mouth, groaning when her tongue ran over it. Her eyes final y creaked open, but she stil wouldn't look directly at him. Her reactions to

his touch and the guilty look on her face gave him the answer he wanted, but he needed to hear her say it. He wasn't into coercion. Jamie had to

admit she wanted him, or this wasn't going anywhere, even if his cock strangled him.

“I was trying to cover up any noise I made, that's al ,” she final y said, lifting her chin stubbornly.

“Bul shit.”

Her ass brushed against him. The movement caused his cock to stir, and her hands brushing over his groin in her hurry only made his erection

worse. He needed release soon, or he was gonna lose it. Without thinking, he reacted, grabbing her hand and pressing it against his hard shaft.

She moaned, and he leaned in, biting her ear and then immediately laving the spot with his tongue. “You like my voice. I believe we've established

that, no matter what you say. What about my body—do you like that? You certainly seem to, from what I'm seeing right now.” Grabbing her hips, he

rubbed himself against her, and she arched her back in response.

“Yes, I like your voice. It turns me on,” she acknowledged. Turning away from him again, she continued. “I can't hide what I was doing. You're not

stupid—I doubted you'd buy a line anyway.”

“Then why did you try to feed me one? Let's cut through al the other bul shit right now. Do you want me? ‘Cause I sure as hel want you—I have

since I saw you shimmy underneath that desk on day one. I would've given my right arm to be that desk, to have you underneath me instead.”

Jamie's hand ran over the length of his cock with a featherlight caress, and he did lose it. With a guttural growl from deep in his chest, Drew

pushed her flat against the wal , hoping to hel he wasn't hurting her but knowing his control was badly frayed. His erection made itself at home

between the rounded globes of her ass. He reached around with a shaking hand and pul ed at her jeans, which were stil only half-buttoned. “Take

these off and show me more of those sexy legs,” he ordered her, his voice low and throaty with arousal. “If you wanna get off from my voice, I'l be

damned if I'm not here to enjoy it.”

With his help, she shimmied out of her jeans. The movement made his dick throb. He was burning from the inside out with need for her. Her

panties came down with her jeans, and Drew groaned when he caught another whiff of her distinctive musk. She was wet and hot for him, and if he

didn't get inside her soon, he was gonna come in his pants—something he hadn't done in about twenty years. This woman was driving him right to

the edge.

She started to turn around, but he pressed into her. “Stay where you are. I kinda like this position. And put your shoes back on. Those are fuck-

me heels if I ever saw them, and since you're about to get fucked, it's only appropriate you wear them, don't you think?”

His hands roved freely over her back before he pushed them between her and the wal to palm her breasts, kneading them gently and then more

roughly. He pinched her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, and her sharp intake of air reassured him he was doing right by her. His hands

left her breasts, grasped the hem of her shirt, and pul ed it over her head. Her bra quickly joined the rest of her clothes. She was naked, while he

was stil ful y dressed. For some reason, that turned him on. He didn't stop to consider why.

She obediently continued to face the wal , making the sexiest little mewling sounds with every touch of his hands or mouth. “Stick that ass out

and spread your legs.” She did as instructed, and he could see her pussy glistening with her juices. She was already wet for him. He wanted to

taste her in the worst way, but knew he couldn't take the time to stop and do it now. Soon, though, he promised himself.

A hot, wet, and wil ing woman pretty much topped his list of wants, especial y since she seemed agreeable to letting him take the lead and even

get a little rough. He'd never hurt a woman, and he wasn't one of those guys who hung around sex clubs in leather pants, but he couldn't deny it

made his cock hard when a woman was obedient and open to exploration.

He ran his hand up her leg and past her inner thighs until he reached her core. Sliding his fingers through her slit, he closed his eyes in pleasure.

Yes, hot and wet indeed. A simple, light touch of his thumb to her clit elicited a fierce groan from Jamie, and he smiled. “Look how wet you are. Is

that for me? Does hearing my voice make you wet? Does it make you want to touch yourself? Does it make you want to touch me?” He inserted

one finger into her pussy, then pul ed back and inserted another. “Soaking wet...”

Jamie trembled, her pussy clenching around Drew's fingers. How had this happened so fast? Was this even a good idea? Any doubts deserted

her when his thumb circled her clit again. She'd known she was a goner as soon as she'd heard that thread of steel in his voice as he commanded

she take off her jeans.

She'd always had a thing for dominant men, and he was without question the most masculine, alpha-male type she'd ever met. The way she felt

right now, she could easily see letting him do just about anything he wanted. Her sexual hunger for him was overpowering every bit of sense.

Suddenly he moved his hand away. “No, don't stop. Please,” she pleaded with him. She knew she sounded positively wanton, but she couldn't

seem to muster up the energy to care. The way he touched her ruled out al reason and brought her down to her most elemental—a woman who

craved the touch of a man.

He chuckled, but his laughter sounded strained. She took comfort in the fact she wasn't the only one on the ragged edge of control.

“Oh, I'm not stopping, sweetheart. Not until we finish this. But I need to be inside you. Now. I'l make you come over and over, I promise you that,

but my cock is about to burst because I want to fuck you so badly.”

Jamie bit her lip. “Do you, um... Do you have a condom?”

“Taking care of it right now,” he answered.

She heard the package tear open, and before she knew it, his cock was poised at the entrance to her pussy. He leaned in close again, nipping

briefly at her sensitive earlobe.

“I need you so much, it's gonna take
my self-control just to keep from pounding your tight little pussy right through the wal . But despite my

nickname, I would never hurt you, so we'l take this nice and slow. Wel , as nice and slow as I can manage.”

“I don't want slow; I want hard and fast. Pound me. I want it. I want everything. Fuck me, Drew, please!”
Holy shit—who am I
? She never imagined in a mil ion years she'd be saying those words to a guy she'd met just last week, but she wanted this—she wanted him. She pushed back

against him and heard him hiss as her pussy made contact with the head of his cock.

He leaned into her again, his mouth skimming along the sensitive curve of her neck. “What a little vixen you are.”

Licking al the way from her jaw to her ear, he kept talking, seducing her with his voice. It cascaded over her, teasing her with its promise.

“We have plenty of time. There's no one here. I felt how tight your pussy was around my fingers, and I just wanna make sure we both have a good


His soft words calmed her, and she nodded her assent. As she bent at the waist to take him more easily, she felt the blunt head pushing into her

sex. Her wal s clenched around him, and he moaned.

“See what I mean?” Drew asked her. “Your sweet little pussy is as tight as a virgin's. You're not a virgin, though, are you, honey?”

He teased her, pushing a little farther into her with each word. His words, his dirty, sexy words, were doing her in. She knew it; she accepted it.

“No,” she answered, breathless, as he continued his excruciatingly slow invasion of her. Suddenly he pul ed back out and then thrust al the way

in. She was racked with sensation. He kneed her legs farther apart and pul ed back again, then grabbed her hips with his large, rough hands and

slammed back in. She splayed her hands out on the wal so she could push back against his thrusts. The resulting pressure was a heady rush of


As he fisted his hand in her hair to draw her head back, she sneaked a peek at him.
Is this really happening? Am I really having sex with the

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