Talk to Me (12 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Carr

BOOK: Talk to Me
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He gently removed his cock, which made a popping noise when it left her mouth. He pul ed her up so that her back was to the wal . On legs that

were none too steady, he kissed her, tasting his fluids mixing with hers from earlier. He pressed her closer to the wal , trapping her between it and

his body. He wanted to meld with her if he could.

Drew touched his forehead to hers. “Holy shit. You can do that whenever you want to, honey. That was... I don't even know how to describe it.

Wow. There aren't words.”

Jamie giggled, and he smiled down at her. “Are you laughing at me?” He repeated her question from earlier, trying to inject a hint of malice in

his tone, but his shit-eating grin belied his true feelings. Jamie shook her head and tried to push him away, but he refused to budge. “Uh-uh. Not

until you say you're sorry.”

“Sorry?” Jamie retorted. “For what?”

“For laughing at me. That wasn't very nice,” he scolded her. She'd made it clear through her responses to him and her body language that she

liked a man who took control. It came natural y to him to dominate, and that was exactly what he planned to continue to do. Every time he commanded her to do something, her pussy got wetter. That was another nice change—these days, so many women liked to be on top, to set the

pace. Jamie gave him complete control, and he loved every minute she surrendered to him.

“Or what?” she answered.

“Or what what?” he replied, pul ing his head back into the present.

“I apologize, or what?” Jamie raised one perfectly arched brow at him.

“Or you don't get dessert.”

“What's for dessert? I want to know before I decide if it's worth apologizing for whatever imagined slight I've given you.”

Reaching between them, he pushed his stil -hard cock into the juncture of her legs. “This.”

“Oh!” She smiled and lowered her lashes. Drew wasn't buying it. “Wel , I guess I should say I'm sorry then, huh?”

“I'd recommend it,” he told her, nipping at the curve of her neck where it met her shoulder.

“Funny thing is,” Jamie told him as she gave him a push, which surprised him so much, it sent him careening to the opposite side of the shower.

“I have a hard time believing you won't give me that, apology or not.” She started to saunter out of the shower, but Drew was quicker. He grabbed

her and sat down, pul ing her over his knees and giving her several hard spanks while she writhed and struggled beneath his hand.

If her legs were made for wrapping around me, her ass was definitely made for me to enjoy other pleasures, he mused as he spanked her

several more times and then final y let her go, pleased that her ass had turned such a becoming shade of pink so quickly.

After a quick bite to eat, he'd see just how adventurous she real y was.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Ten

Jamie watched as Drew quickly toweled off and threw on a T-shirt and boxers. He glanced up.

“You hungry?”

“Starving,” Jamie admitted, realizing for the first time that she hadn't eaten in hours.

“I don't have a whole lot of food here, but there's a kil er Chinese takeout place that's open late. Is that okay?”

“I'd eat just about anything right now.”

“I'l keep that in mind for later,” Drew retorted, smirking. “I have a menu in the kitchen.”

Jamie pul ed her blouse over her head and looked down. The top reached her upper thighs but didn't leave much to the imagination. She

stepped into her panties and then padded out of the bathroom.

He handed her the menu, and she noted several things with stars next to them and even some comments. She looked up at him, surprised. “You

make notes on your take-out menus?”

Drew smiled and actual y looked embarrassed. “I order from a lot of different places. It's easier to look at the notes than it is to try to remember

what's good at each place.”

“How industrious of you.”

“Enough with the teasing. I'm hungry, woman.”

“Fine, fine,” she replied, looking over the menu. “I assume the ones with four stars are your favorites?”

“Wow, you're quick. No wonder I hired you.”

“You didn't hire me, the station did,” she reminded him.

He shrugged. “Same difference.”

“Not quite. The kung pao chicken looks good, and you gave it four stars.”

“Okay, what else?” Drew asked her, writing on a pad near the phone.

Jamie flipped the menu over. “Ohhh—they have moo shu. I love moo shu.”

“I don't think I've ever had it. I tend to get the same things al the time. What's moo shu?”

Jamie hopped up to sit on the counter. “It's got little pancake things. You make wraps with the veggies and meat.”

“Huh. I'l try anything once.”

“I'l remember that,” she quipped, echoing his earlier statement.

Drew rol ed his eyes. “What else?”

“Um, just an eggrol for me. With two things and that, I'l have plenty to eat.”

Drew dialed the number without looking at the menu, and Jamie smiled to herself.
I wonder if he cooks at all? Maybe I'll cook for him
. She gave herself a hard mental shake as she reminded herself that he considered what they were doing to be just a casual affair.

get excited. Give it time—see where it goes.

“Food wil be here in about half an hour. I'm gonna grab my robe, and if you're going to stay within sight of the door, you might want to put

something else on. If the delivery guy has a heart attack after seeing you naked, I'l have to find another takeout place.” He looked her over slowly

and then leaned in to kiss her. “Not that I'm complaining about the view...”

He had pul ed her shirt off before Jamie even processed what was happening. He moved with maddening quickness.

“I've got time for a little nibble before he gets here. Or a little nipple.” Taking it into his mouth, he bit down gently, then let it go, laving it with his

tongue. Then he picked up her breasts and pushed them together. “Now that's a sight I wil never get sick of.” He moved quickly from one breast to

the other with his mouth while his hands held her in place. “I'm gonna get my cock between these tits of yours, that's for damn sure.”

He grinned up at her. Her face must have betrayed her surprise, because he drew back and gaped at her. “What? No one's ever done that

before? What kind of wussy guys have you been screwing? These babies are the perfect size to slide my dick back and forth in between. Damn,

those other guys must've had no fucking imagination whatsoever.” He shook his head and went back to sucking on each nipple in turn.

Jamie let him continue for a while, then slid off the counter. “I'm going to go put some clothes on.”

“Not too many. I don't want to waste time later,” he retorted to her retreating back.

The food arrived, and they sat on the plush area rug in his living room, eating and gazing out at the Manhattan skyline. No matter how long he

lived here, it was stil a breathtaking sight, and Jamie raved about the view al the way through dinner, which gave him a strange sense of pride.

Why he should care what she thought of his place, he had no idea, but he found himself wanting her to like it.

She sheepishly admitted she lived in a tiny apartment above a bakery out in Brooklyn. He asked her where. She named the area, and he had to

hold back a wince. Though it wasn't a crime-ridden area, it certainly wasn't as nice as where his parents were.

“I can't believe I don't weigh three hundred pounds, but I've gotten good at blocking out the smel . Luckily they don't sel too many dessert-type

things, so I don't have to suffer too much, mostly bread, muffins, pastries—that sort of thing. I like those, don't get me wrong, but my real weakness

is chocolate—brownies, cookies, you name it.”

“Chocolate, huh? Wonder if I have any chocolate syrup lying around?” he mused. He changed the subject. “So does the sound of my voice stil

turn you on?” He hoped to hel it stil did. He got a kick out of knowing he affected her with just his voice. Of course, it would be cool if there was

more to her attraction to him than just his talking dirty to her.

Jamie blushed and stared down at her food. “Yes,” she whispered, so softly he almost didn't hear her.

Taking her chin in his hand, he tilted her face, forcing her to look at him. “Are you embarrassed?”

“Wel , it seems like such a sil y thing...”

“It's not sil y,” he countered. “Everyone has something that sets them off. For me, with you, it's your legs and your shoes.”

“My shoes?”

“Yeah,” Drew replied, a smal smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “When I see those shoes you wear, al I can think about is having your

legs wrapped around me. It makes my dick hard. See?” He parted his robe to show her his growing erection. She ran her tongue quickly over her

bottom lip, and he smiled. He took his cock in his hand, stroking it slowly from root to tip. “Don't you worry; you'l get your dessert.”

She cracked a smile back at him, then jumped up and went into the kitchen. He heard the refrigerator open and close quickly, and she was

back. She had a container of chocolate syrup in her hand. He grinned in anticipation. “You gave me the idea,” she told him, opening his robe and

pushing on his chest. “Lie down. I want my dessert.”

He immediately complied. “Be my guest.”

She squirted a dol op on the head of his penis and then quickly covered it with her lips and tongue, licking it off. Drew groaned, his hands

scrabbling for purchase on the carpet. She squeezed more from the bottle, covering the shaft until the gooey syrup dripped onto his stomach.

“Yum,” she said, licking up and down. She held his cock in her hand with a light, teasing grip while she kissed and licked every drop off his torso.

She was becoming more open and daring with everything she did, and it amazed her that he could bring out this side of her.

She played with him a little bit more, until he sat up, quickly turning her so she was below him. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Now

it's time for
dessert.” His hand snaked through her legs, finding her pussy. She gasped as he just barely brushed over her mound, then delved

deeper to her core. “You want more?” he asked.

“Yes, God, yes, Drew, make me come,” she begged him. “I want to feel your cock inside me. I need it.”

“You need it?” he asked her, raising an eyebrow again. “You greedy little thing.” After pul ing her panties off, he inserted one finger into her

pussy, angling it so he was rubbing her G-spot. She cried out, and he rubbed harder. “Like that?”

“Yes, yes,” she said, her hips starting to buck.

He leaned down again. “Be stil , or I'l stop.”

She whimpered. “It's so hard when you're touching me like that.”

He repeated the action, and she moaned again. “What, you mean this?”

“Stop teasing me!”

“Oh, I can't do that, honey. You're just gonna have to endure a little bit more.” He inserted a second finger and rubbed both along her G-spot. Her

hips bucked again, and he withdrew his hand.

“No!” she howled. “I'l be good, I promise.” His fingers were back in her pussy before she even finished talking. “Yes,” she purred at the renewed


He took her mouth in a hard kiss and thrust into her relentlessly, adding another finger until Jamie felt deliciously stretched. His gaze boring into

hers, he growled, “Tel me you're mine. Tel me your body is mine to play with. Tel me your pussy is mine.”

“It's yours, Drew, it's al yours.”

“Say it,” he commanded her, starting to pul his fingers out again.

“Okay, okay!”

He prompted her. “Tel me you're mine.”

“I'm yours.”

“Tel me your body is mine to play with.”

“My body is—” She stopped, arching when he rubbed his thumb against her clit with the lightest of touches. “Ahh, my body is yours to play with.”

She was panting. She needed him inside her before they both combusted.

Drew moved between her legs while rol ing a condom on his raging erection. He put his cock at her entrance. “The rest,” he snarled.

“My pussy is yours,” she answered as her hips rose of their own volition to meet his cock. “Al yours.” She would've felt the same thing even if

he'd been reading the weather forecast. There was a quality to his voice that she couldn't resist; something confident, self-assured. It was intoxicating.

He gave her another deep, possessive kiss while he fil ed her. “That's right, Jamie. You're mine.”

“Yes,” she replied, and he began to thrust hard and fast. Neither of them lasted long. Her orgasm nearly tore her apart, and the last coherent

thought she had was, What is this man doing to me?

Drew retreated to the main bathroom out in the hal way, wondering what the hel had just taken place. He couldn't begin to explain why he'd

gotten al possessive with Jamie. What was that al about? He could chalk it up to the whole domination thing, but it was more than that. Hopeful y

Jamie didn't notice—she'd think she had his bal s on a string, and he wasn't about to let that happen.

They'd just been playing around, having fun, and then—boom—he'd started spouting al that crap about her being his. What the fuck?

He grabbed a washcloth from the linen closet and ran it under the tap. His abs were stil sticky from the chocolate syrup, and he hated going to

bed feeling al gross. He wasn't a clean freak, but he also wasn't a slob. He didn't wear disgustingly dirty bal caps everywhere or figure a wrinkled

T-shirt and jeans that barely covered his ass was appropriate clothing to leave the house in. He wouldn't be caught dead in some of the styles the

young kids wore. It wasn't like he had pressed khakis on every day, but his jeans fit him, and if he wore a T-shirt for something other than working

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