Taming The Boss (Billionaires In The City Book 7) (6 page)

BOOK: Taming The Boss (Billionaires In The City Book 7)
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Cali sat back on the rocking chair and looked out over the calm bay behind Mary’s bed-and-breakfast. The whole scene was so peaceful, she was starting to see the appeal of this small town life: fresh air, no blaring horns, the stars were actually visible at night. No wonder Mary seemed so happy. Who couldn’t be happy living in such a peaceful place?

But her peace was cut short by the blaring of her phone ringing next to her. Damn. She’d almost wished that the battery would’ve died by now, but the brand new smartphone had one of those extra battery packs that seemed to last forever. Normally it was something she loved, but ever since last Friday, the phone had been more of a hindrance than a help.

She glanced at the screen and let out a sigh of relief that it was Luke calling—not Easson, like the five other calls that morning. She debated just ignoring the call, but decided at the last minute to answer. Considering a wanted murderer was calling her, it was probably best to keep informed from a guy screwing an FBI agent.

“Cali here.” She pulled the phone to her ear.

“Cali,” said Luke. “I was worried you wouldn’t pick up.”

Figured he’d know what she was thinking, even from hundreds of miles away. “I thought about it. But I wanted to know how the search for Easson was going. He’s been calling and I’m not exactly looking forward to any type of reunion between us where he’s not in an orange jumpsuit and behind bars.”

“Hard to say. Evelyn is still on restrictions until her ribs heal and they won’t tell me anything. But I’ve made a few phone calls yesterday and applied some pressure on some higher-ups in the agency. Hopefully we’ll have something soon.”

Cali stared out at the calm ocean. She liked to think that Luke’s money and influence could get him anything, but then she’d be reminded that not even the king could have everything.

“Maybe you should come back,” said Luke. “If he’s calling you, that can be used to track him.”

“I doubt it. It’s a new phone number every few hours. Every time I block one, another pops up.” Not to mention that leaving would take her out of the running for her two million dollar goal. The only reason the FBI had gotten a lock on Easson in the first place was because he was screwing her to get close to Luke. Did she really have to give up more than her body for this asshole?

“I can send someone to keep an eye on you. Maybe it would be best if you weren’t alone up there.”

Cali thought back to the loud bangs as her tires popped. Who would be able to protect her from stuff like that? “I’ll keep that in mind, but I think some muscle-bound guy showing up would ruin my chances with Rourke.”

Something in her tone must’ve given her away. “Not having much luck?”

“I just got here yesterday,” she said. “The good news is that he didn’t slam the door in my face.” The reality had been so much more extreme, but Luke didn’t need to know that. “He was hesitant to talk, but I think he’ll change his mind later today.” By now, the rumors she’d filled Mary’s head with last night should’ve spread like wildfire.

“I wouldn’t bet on that,” warned Luke.

“Well, you know I get what I want. Give me time and you’ll get your brother back. I just have to wait until he sees reason. Which would be much easier if you told me what really happened between you two.”

“That’s personal, Cali.”

“This whole thing is personal, Luke. If you really want your brother back, don’t make me do this with my hands tied behind my back.”

There was a pause on the other end and Cali held her breath as she waited for what Luke would say. And then he finally gave her what she wanted. “It was a girl.”

That was the most anti-climactic revelation ever. “A girl? All this over relationship troubles?”

“It’s complicated, but the whole thing got dirty and it was right before our parents died. Things got fucked up real fast.”

So she probably got some bonus points for saying that she’d never thought of Luke as anything more than a friend. But that might also explain why Rourke was so skeptical to hear it. The clanging of dishes being washed in the kitchen behind the porch Cali was sitting on broke through the silence. It would be best if Mary didn’t hear this conversation. “I have to go. Keep me updated on what you find out about Easson,” she added before she hung up.

She set the phone back on the arm of the Adirondack chair and let her head fall back, taking in the scents and sounds around her. Someone rang the doorbell and she opened her eyes. Was it another guest or had Rourke finally found out about what she did?

She got her answer a few moments later as she heard pounding footsteps come closer and closer. Yep, that was Rourke. She let her eyes drift closed and tried to use the calmness around her to steel herself for the confrontation coming at her. A loud plop came from next to her and she looked down to see that Rourke had thrown her overnight bag beside her feet. Next to the bag was a huge pair of work boots that had seen better days. Her gaze trailed upwards, along the lines of Rourke’s body. Over his worn jeans and an open black and gray flannel shirt and an undershirt that looked too small to fit over the broad muscles of his chest.

But despite his much too impressive body, all sexual thoughts flew from her mind as she looked up into his smoldering gaze. She had to fight the urge to slink down farther into her chair. “Rourke,” she said with a calmness she didn’t feel at all. “What an unexpected surprise.”

He glared down at her in silence for a few long moments before motioning for the rocky shoreline in front of the house. “Take a walk with me.”

It wasn’t a question. She debated saying no just for the fun of it, but she wanted to get a chance to talk with him again. “Lead the way.” She pushed herself out of the chair.

Except he didn’t lead the way. Instead, he wrapped his strong fingers around her upper arm and pulled her along with him. She had to practically jog to keep up with his long strides until they were so far away that there was no chance Mary would hear them.

“Get your hands off me, you Neanderthal,” bit out Cali as she yanked at her arm.

He pulled his hand away as though he’d been touching lava before he turned to face her and crowded her space until she was forced to take a step back. “You want to tell me exactly what your plan is?”

She took a deep breath and tried to find her cool, calm center again. “My plan was to get you to talk to me again. So it worked.”

“You told everyone I know that I’m a cold bastard.”

“No,” she corrected. “I told Mary you were a cold bastard. And don’t even act like it isn’t true, especially not after the way you treated me yesterday. You can’t play the good guy card here.”

“Why is it so hard for you to believe that I want privacy?”

“Oh, I believe it.” Cali could understand the need for privacy better than most. That wasn’t going to stop her from getting Rourke to meet with his brothers. “But I have the payday of a lifetime waiting for me if I get you to go back to New York with me, so I’m not giving up that easily.”

He nodded as though she’d confirmed something he’d long suspected. “Money. You’re making my life hell for money.”

She snorted. Just the tone she expected from someone who’d never wanted for anything in his life. “I’m not doing this just for money. I’m doing this for lots and lots of money. Two million, to be precise.”

At least he had the grace to seem surprised. “Two million?”

“Your brothers love you and miss you. Please don’t torture them any longer, and just sit down and talk with them. They can be assholes, but so can you. You’ll get along great.”

“And you expect me to do you any favors after the shit you’ve been spewing about me?”

“All I have to do is tell Mary it was an honest misunderstanding and you’re a perfect gentleman. Then if all the people whose opinion matters to you so much see us around town a few times, I’m sure your reputation will be right back to perfect.”

“You have this all planned out, don’t you?”

No. She was really making everything up as she went along, but he didn’t need to know that. “Here are your choices. You can go meet with your brothers, you can pay me the two million out of your own trust fund, or you can sit back and watch as I make your life a living hell. So pick your poison.”

“You little—” He cut off before he finished, closing his eyes and clenching his fists.

“If you hit me, that won’t help your standing as West Bath’s most upstanding secret billionaire.”

“Hitting you wasn’t exactly on my mind,” he warned as his dark eyes raked over her and he inched closer.

She forced herself to hold her ground as she looked up at him. “Thinking of other ways to humiliate me then? Going to throw me over your shoulder and bring me back to Mary?”

“Actually, I was thinking of this.” With that, he caged her head in his hands as he leaned in and kissed her. She gasped in surprise, and he took full advantage as his tongue teased the edge of her lips before slipping inside.

Before she could even begin to get her bearings, he moved, pushing her backward, and wrapped one arm around her back as he guided her against a tree.

Cali reflexively grabbed onto his shoulders as he deepened the kiss. His hands roamed along her sides, roughly palming her ass and pulling her up against his hard erection. It was so similar to their first kiss and so different. There was a history between them now that hadn’t been there when they were two strangers at a party...

She tentatively kissed him back. She knew she should be pushing him away, but for the briefest moment she allowed herself to indulge. Though she wasn’t completely sure why he was kissing her, at least she was sure it wasn’t because of Luke. He wasn’t using her for some dark, ulterior motive like Easson. There was something Rourke liked about her, and at the moment, that was the sexiest thing she could imagine.

Cali kissed him full force, setting an arm around his shoulders and standing on her tiptoes for better access. This beautiful, strong man wanted her. For as long as this moment lasted, she was going to savor it. She pushed at his flannel shirt until his broad shoulders were revealed and she broke the kiss to run her hands over his shoulders.

Rourke wanted her. He wanted her for no other reason than being attracted to her.

Cali pushed him away as she tried to regain control of her traitorous body. Oh God, what had happened to her? She used to be strong and confident Not fawning over some guy just because he found her attractive. Just because he wasn’t her ex...

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled as she scooted away from the tree. “I, um, I need to go.”

She turned away from him and started back to the house as her breath came in deep, heavy gulps. She’d been so stupid. Thinking she could just shrug off what had happened.

“Cali,” said Rourke from behind her.

She ignored him. She couldn’t deal with him right now. How could she explain herself? Though judging from how upset he’d been with her just a few moments ago, chances were he wouldn’t even care about her inner struggles with the fact that the last man she’d slept with had been a psycho.

“Cali, hold on one damn second.”

She forced herself to stop. Despite what Easson had done to her and apparently to her self-esteem, she needed to finish this with Rourke. To get what she wanted. She was stronger than this. She buried the emotion down as far as she could before she turned to face Rourke. “I shouldn’t have kissed you. I’m sorry,” she said stiffly.

He frowned at her and she really hoped he didn’t think she was as crazy as she felt. “I hate to break it to you, but I kissed you first.”

“And I’m sorry I didn’t slap you immediately. I know our relationship might be...confusing after what happened Friday, but I assure you that I’m here on a purely professional capacity.”

“Except for the blackmail thing.”

“That’s a professional blackmail.” He narrowed his eyes and she stared up at him, not allowing herself to back down again.

“Either way, that’s not all I wanted to talk to you about. Do you have any idea who shot out your tires last night?”

Cali felt as though a bucket of cold water had been dumped on her. “What?”

Rourke stepped forward cautiously, as though waiting for her to bolt again. “The guy I know at the shop found evidence that someone shot out your tires. Care to explain that?”

Taking a deep breath, she forced her nerves to calm down. Might as well tell him what happened. “I suspected that’s what happened. But it all came so fast and was over in a heartbeat and once I was stopped, there were no other shots. I was half convinced I made it up, but then you showed up and you already thought I was crazy, so I kind of figured you wouldn’t believe me anyway.”

“And you didn’t think it was at least worth a police report?”

She’d already second-guessed herself up and down. She really didn’t need Rourke talking down to her. Literally. “It was dark out, in the middle of the woods. What would you or any police officer have done?”

Rourke was quiet and she knew she had him there. Even the best trackers had trouble in the middle of the night.

“So who was it?” he asked.

Cali stared at him, wide-eyed. “I don’t know! It’s not like people shoot at me every day.”

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