Read Taming the Montana Millionaire Online

Authors: Teresa Southwick

Taming the Montana Millionaire (15 page)

BOOK: Taming the Montana Millionaire
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“Of course I do. Everyone in town likes her.”

“That's what Haley said when I asked her about you.”

“What?” Marlon asked.

“You want to hook up with Haley. A blind man could see that.”

No way was he telling this kid that they'd already hooked up and all it accomplished was to make everything even more complicated. “It's not that simple.”

“Why do adults always say that about their relationships? Do you think for us kids it's a day at the beach?”

“You have a point,” Marlon admitted.

“I know Haley likes you.”

“Really? Did she say so?”

What was this? Junior high? Should he pass her a note in study hall?

“Not exactly.” Roy shrugged. “But when I called her on it, she said the same thing you just did. That she likes everyone. It was an answer, but not really. You know what I mean? Like you just now. And it was the way she said it, also just like you.”

Haley liked him? Of course she did. She'd gone to bed with him. She'd chosen him to be her first. That filled him with pride followed closely by humility. But did it mean
that they had a chance for something real and lasting? Was she the

“Look, dude, you can't run away. Reaching a milestone age doesn't make you a man. It's staying put and dealing with stuff that does it.”

Marlon suppressed a smile. The kid wasn't so much a pinhead any more. He'd recently acquired some wisdom and was paying it forward. Following Haley's example. When they'd played one-on-one basketball, Marlon had taken him down a peg or two. Maybe it was time to hand back his ego.

Marlon heard the back door open and close just as he said, “What do you suggest I do?”

“You like Haley, right?”


Roy nodded with smug satisfaction about guessing correctly. “You gotta tell her how much you care.”

There was a small sound behind them and Marlon turned.

Haley stood in the doorway. “You care about me?”

Chapter Fifteen

aley wanted to take back the question. If Marlon added that he cared about her “as a friend”, the humiliation would be so much worse than not knowing how to kiss.

And then it sank in that he was talking to Roy, and relief flooded her. “You're okay,” she said to the teen.

“I was with my cousin.” He was standing between the old sofa and coffee table. “I didn't mean to make you worry. Or cause trouble with your family. Marlon said you looked for me in Billings.”

“You said something about a friend there.” And if she hadn't eavesdropped, none of what happened in Billings would have happened.

It hurt a lot that Marlon's heated protest at being mistaken as part of a couple confirmed that he was a contented bachelor. But she would never be sorry he'd made love to her. It was a memory she would hold close to her forever.

“Say something, Haley,” Roy begged.

She smiled. “Next time leave a note.”

“I thought it would be best to just go, that it would be better for you.”

“I appreciate your concern, really. But there was no need to disappear.” She moved farther into the room, keeping the sofa between her and the two guys. “There is something we need to talk about, though. You know I care about you, but sooner or later you have to go home.”


She blinked at him. “Really?”

“I called my mom. She's on her way and was pretty cool on the phone. Said we have to talk about stuff, but it can wait till we get home.”

Haley was happy for him. “No threats of grounding for the rest of your life?”

“Not yet. But I'm sure there will be consequences,” the teen said ruefully.

“I hope so. It means they care.”

“Then the state of Montana cares big time about Marlon,” Roy joked, glancing at the man in question. “What with his community service consequences.”

Haley didn't even want to peek at him. It was hard enough hanging on to her composure when she pretended he wasn't there. But looking at him with all his masculinity, magnetism and charisma, not to mention charm, broke her heart just a little more every time.

“The state of Montana doesn't give a rat's behind about me. It's all about rules to keep civilization civilized.” Marlon's voice was laced with humor but underneath it had an edge.

Haley could feel his gaze and her skin grew warm as her heart beat too fast. “I'm glad you're working things out with your family.”

“It was a girl,” Roy said.

“What?” She was confused at the sudden change of topic.

“The reason I ran away. She dumped me and wouldn't say why. I didn't want to face anyone. My parents blew me off. Said everyone goes through it and we all have to learn to live with disappointment. They didn't understand.” Roy folded his arms over his chest. “But running away was immature. I'm going to talk to Whitney about it when I get home.”

“Very grown-up decision.”

“Marlon mentioned that it might be a good idea.”

It was. Darn him. She wanted him to be a jerk so she could elevate her anger to a certain level and keep out the pain. He was taking that away from her, too.

“When's your mom coming?”

“Not long,” Roy answered. “I wanted to tell you first. Then I need to say good-bye to C.J. and the others before I go.”

Haley nodded her approval. “Good plan.”

He hesitated for a moment. “Would it be okay if I gave you a hug? I mean, Austin's not going to break down the door and beat me up or anything, is he?”

“He's at work. The coast is clear.” She opened her arms and he walked around the sofa into them.

“Thanks, Haley. For everything. Seriously.”

“You're welcome.” Her throat was thick with emotion and her feelings were mixed. She was incredibly glad the program she'd started had helped him, but would miss him terribly. “You're part of the family, kiddo. Don't be a stranger.”

“No way.” He shook hands with Marlon, then walked out the door.

Through the big window she saw him look back and grin. He waved once and was gone. Now she was alone
with Marlon and the question she'd asked just a few minutes before. Maybe he hadn't heard or didn't remember.

He looked at her. “I do care about you, Haley.”

she thought.

“That's nice of you to say.”

“Nice has nothing to do with anything. It just is.”

He didn't sound happy about that, but join the club. She wasn't happy about her feelings either. “Anyway, thanks for all your help.”

There was an angry expression in his dark eyes when he rounded the sofa and stood in front of her. “What are you doing?”

“Saying good-bye.” It was a miracle that she kept her voice from cracking. She couldn't show any weakness that would betray the raging emotions churning inside.

“I'm not going anywhere.”

“Your community service is complete.”

“Signing off on it early doesn't mean you're getting rid of me.”

“News flash, Marlon, you don't live here any more.”

“About that—” He rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. “I'm seriously considering taking the buyout offer for my company.”

And completely sever any ties he had to this town? Every part of her protested and she wondered if it was about losing even that small connection to him.

“But your business was born in Thunder Canyon,” she argued. “You'd be putting your dream in someone else's hands. Like giving your baby away.”

“Some things are more important than business.”

“Like what?

“You.” Intensity burned in his eyes.

“I don't understand.” Her heart was hammering and
blood roared in her ears. She couldn't possibly have heard him right.

“I'm thinking about going to work in the family construction business. Permanently settling in Thunder Canyon.”

For her? She wasn't the sort of woman that a man gave everything up for. That just wasn't possible. She wasn't a woman who could be played with, either.

“Look, Marlon, I'm not sure where this is coming from. It's out of character for you.”

“I think I know my own character pretty well, so I'm confused about your reaction.” His eyes narrowed on her.

“Then let me explain. When you checked out of the hotel in Billings the clerk called us Mr. and Mrs. Cates. Just the misunderstanding made you start to sweat. The words were barely out of his mouth and you were jumping down his throat, correcting him. That shows pretty clearly how much commitment is still not one of your strengths.” Her chin lifted. “So, I'm not sure what's going on with you, but don't expect me to fall into your arms. I don't want to be someone you settle for.”

A multitude of emotions rolled through his eyes like thunderheads until anger locked into place. “I suppose I should have expected that from the status quo queen.”

She winced at the ice in his tone. “Excuse me?”

“You have an exciting opportunity, Haley. The chance to design a line of products for my company, a major national brand. It's a chance to achieve your dream. But were you excited?” He shook his head. “I didn't see it.”

“Because there's a lot to consider. How can I leave my family? They count on me. And ROOTS? Who would keep it going? It's an important program.” She sucked in a deep breath. “Thunder Canyon is my home.”

“You didn't even discuss options. A move away might not be necessary and Thunder Canyon is just geography. Home is where you make it. And if you think staying here is about community loyalty, you're not just lying to me this time. You're lying to yourself.”

“Who do you think you are?” she said angrily.

“The guy who's keeping it real. You're a coward, Haley Anderson.” He pointed at her to underline his words. “You call it noble and everyone here thinks you have wings and a halo. But the truth is you're afraid to leave.”

Marlon turned and his broad back was the last thing she saw before he slammed the door. His accusations ricocheted around the empty room, stirring up a host of painful memories.

She'd been brave once. She'd left Thunder Canyon and life as she'd known it came crashing down around her.

It was going to happen again even though she wasn't the one leaving. This time Marlon was and he'd be taking her heart with him.

This time she would never be whole again.


Nell Anderson—Beloved Mother.

Haley's eyes filled with tears and her throat was thick with emotion as she stared at the headstone in Thunder Canyon cemetery. Feelings welled up that were about losing Marlon and not the loss she'd suffered so many years ago.

Beloved Mother.

The words were deceptively simple.

“I do love you, Mom. And I miss you now more than ever,” she whispered. “I could sure use someone to talk to.”

The sun was shining in a cloudless blue sky. A perfect Montana day. She set the bright bouquet of yellow daisies,
purple mums and baby's breath on the grass. “I'm in love with Marlon Cates. Can you believe it? Sensible, practical me and Thunder Canyon's legendary bad boy?”

A sudden gust of wind swirled around her as if Mother Nature was responding to a disclosure that turned the universe on its ear. It had definitely taken Haley by surprise. On the road behind her she heard a car door close. She felt more than heard footsteps on the grassy ground and the hair at her nape prickled with awareness. Somehow she knew it was the bad boy in question.


Her heart was beating too fast when she met Marlon's gaze. It had been a couple of days since she'd seen him. Worn jeans fit his muscular legs as if they were tailor-made for him. A black T-shirt hugged his wide chest and aviator sunglasses hid his eyes. He looked every inch worthy of his reputation, but now she knew it was nothing more than a façade. His heart was good.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I wanted to see you.”

“How did you find me?”

“Ben.” He took off the glasses and hung them from the neck of his shirt and moved to stand beside her, their arms nearly brushing. “He told me you come here almost every Sunday to put flowers on your mother's grave.”

“I do.” She looked down. “I guess the court reinstated your driver's license.”

“I'm legal again. Got my wheels back,” he confirmed.

“And this joyride to the cemetery is to celebrate?”

“Not exactly. I needed to talk to you.”

He was leaving; she could hear it in his voice. The realization was like a physical blow. It knocked the wind out of her and hurt clear through to her soul. She desperately wanted to curl into fetal position and fold in on herself
to keep the pain from spreading, but dignity trumped weakness.

“You didn't have to come all this way outside of town to say good-bye.”

“I didn't.” He looked sheepish. And too cute for words. “I mean, I did. I'm here. But not to say good-bye.”

Haley was confused. He had a license to leave. Why was he making this harder? “What did you want to talk about?”

“I wanted to tell you that I love you, Haley. I'm
love with you.”

The direct statement knocked the wind out of her and felt like a punch to the gut, but there was no pain. Shock and awe, yes, just before disbelief crept in. “Is this some kind of joke?”

“Look, I know you're ticked off about how I handled that situation at the hotel in Billings.” He looked down. “It was a knee-jerk reaction. Jerk being the operative word. I was still processing the fact that you'd never been with a man before and chose me to be the one. Mostly I was dealing with not deserving you.”

“So you're here out of a sense of responsibility?” She folded her arms over her chest. “No, thanks. I can take care of myself.”

“Of course you can. That's not—” He raked his fingers through his hair. “I'm really messing this up. In my own defense, let me say that I've only recently acquired any experience talking about feelings.”

“I don't get it.”

“Roy and I discussed his reaction to getting dumped by a girl. My comments were sensitive and reasonable.”

“You're the expert on the male point of view,” she said wryly.

“And in the past I'd have just taken him out for a beer and called it a day.”

“He's not old enough to drink.”

“You know what I mean. I didn't blow off his feelings. Because now I know what love feels like. Thanks to you.”

Haley studied his expression. She'd gotten to know him really well and knew when he was teasing or when something bothered him. She could tell when he was angry, annoyed or getting his stubborn on. She was absolutely certain that he was telling her the truth.

“You really do love me.”

“Finally,” he said grinning. “I didn't have to work that hard to convince a venture capitalist to invest in my company.” He curved his fingers around her upper arms, then pulled her close. “And you're in love with me, too.”

Liquid heat poured through her and pooled in her belly when he touched his lips to hers. She sighed and sank into him, every nerve ending in her body doing the happy dance. Until reality set in.

Haley pulled away. “It doesn't matter how I feel because you're leaving.”

“Says who?” When she opened her mouth to answer, he touched a finger to her lips. “You're wrong, Haley. Staying in Thunder Canyon wouldn't be settling. Not if you were with me—” He hesitated, then intensity darkened his eyes. “If you were my wife, anywhere we were together would be home. It's where the heart is and you have mine. I've traveled a lot but I've never met anyone who made me want to stay. Not until you. The most beautiful woman, inside and out, was right in my own backyard.”

BOOK: Taming the Montana Millionaire
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