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Authors: Teresa Southwick

Taming the Montana Millionaire (16 page)

BOOK: Taming the Montana Millionaire
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He nodded. “You gave me back my roots.”

She glanced beside her, to her mother's final resting
place. As the word sank in she remembered the sampler. “There are but two lasting bequests we can give our children—roots and wings,” she whispered.


She looked up. “You're right about me, Marlon. I'm a lying coward and I don't see how you could love me.”


“I fibbed about not remembering that kiss at the football fundraiser. And I felt what was going on between us that very first day when you walked into ROOTS. It was easier to pretend not to care.”


“Because I'm afraid of change, afraid to go.” The breeze blew a strand of hair into her eyes and she pushed it away. “The last time I left—the
time—I lost the most important person in my life. Everything turned upside down.”

“I know, sweetheart.” He reached a hand out, but she backed away. “Okay, I'm going to say something that you already know because you told me that night at dinner in Billings. But it's the truth and I'll keep repeating the words until the message finally sinks in.”

“What?” she asked when he hesitated.

“Bad stuff happens. No one can control it. Not you, or me, or anyone. Losing your mom was the worst. But it had nothing to do with the fact that you weren't here. You didn't cause the accident just because you went away.”

His gaze was magnetic, willing what he said to sink in. And finally she allowed it through. All these years she'd been winging it, telling herself that's what the wings part of roots and wings meant. Now she realized her mom's lasting legacy was to not be afraid to take flight. To follow her dream wherever it took her.

Now she could let herself see that her dream was Marlon.

The weight Haley had been carrying lifted from her shoulders. Or maybe her burden felt lighter because there was another, stronger, pair of shoulders to share it.

“You're right. So right.” Haley walked into his arms and rested her cheek on his chest. “I love you, Marlon. If what you said was an actual proposal, I would love to marry you.”

“I'm going to hold you to that,” he said fervently. “I'll spend the rest of my life proving to you that commitment
one of my strengths.”

“I was wrong about that. You do commitment pretty darn well.” A warm feeling slid down her spine that felt a lot like the comforting touch of her mother's hand. In her heart, Haley knew it was her mother's approval of this man, their marriage. She looked up at him and smiled. “My mother gave me roots and you fixed my broken wings. I'll follow you anywhere.”


aley had been afraid no one would come to the grand opening of ROOTS and had never been happier to be wrong. A week after she'd accepted Marlon's proposal, she'd managed to get everything here. Her mother's sampler was hanging on the wall with a commemorative plaque dedicating the Nell Anderson ROOTS Teen Center to her memory.

She and Marlon looked around the crowded storefront-turned-teen center where a good portion of the Thunder Canyon community was helping themselves to cookies, brownies, coffee and punch. He hugged her, pride in his eyes. “It's certainly an impressive turnout.”

A lot of faces she knew. One she'd just met. Dillon Traub. He was the good-looking doctor filling in for Marlon's brother Marshall, who was taking a delayed honeymoon trip with his wife, Mia.

She leaned into Marlon and said, “I love you.”

“Of course you do.” The familiar twinkle gleamed in his eyes when he looked at her.

Marlon's twin, Matt, moved beside them. “Rumor has it that you're turning down the buyout offer on the company, bro.”

“Not a rumor. Fact.” He smiled proudly at her. “I'm recruiting some new designing talent to breathe life into it. We're tightening the belt to ride out the tough economic times. Then we'll be poised to kick some serious retail butt. Did I mention that I plan to marry the talent and make sure I've got her locked in for life?”

Matt nodded. “You two look happy.”

“There's a good reason for that.” Haley felt all aglow, even if no one could tell and her feet hadn't touched the ground for a week. “Marlon's taking me to Hawaii. He wants my first time seeing the ocean to be in paradise.”

Marlon shot a warning look at his brother. “Don't you dare say it.”

“You mean I told you so?” Matt grinned.

“What did you tell him?” Haley demanded.

“That you might be
The One

“Well, he's the one for me,” she said. “But not because of Hawaii. If he took me to a laundromat, I'd still be the happiest, luckiest girl on the planet.”

“Don't you have a speech to give?” Marlon asked, before his twin could rib him unmercifully.

“Yes, I do. But it's so loud in here, I'm not sure how to get everyone to listen.”

Marlon guided her to the far end of the room and then put his fingers to his lips. The next sound out of him was an earsplitting whistle. Conversation stopped and everyone looked at them.

“Attention, everyone,” he said. “Haley has something to say.”

She smiled her appreciation, then nervously cleared her throat. “Thanks for coming. This is an awesome turnout. A lot of you know this program has been a dream of mine ever since my mom died. Without the help of the people here in Thunder Canyon my brother, sister and I wouldn't have made it through that awful time. This center is my way of saying thank you.”

She looked out at the smiling faces. Ben Walters was there with Linda Powell beside him. Marlon's folks, Frank and Edie Cates, nodded approvingly. They'd given a big thumbs up to her engagement to their son. Austin and Angie were clapping. The two of them had been in touch with Roy, who, it turned out, didn't live far away. He'd started his senior year and was doing great.

She looked up at Marlon, who smiled his encouragement. Turning back at the crowd, she said, “I have some good news and bad. Some of you already know, but for those who don't, Marlon Cates and I are going to be married.”

The announcement was greeted by applause, whistles and cheers. She held up her left hand and wiggled the ring finger with the breathtaking diamond. Just the night before Marlon had gone down on one knee and formally popped the question, then sealed the deal with the impressive jewelry.

“The thing is,” she continued, “I'm moving to Los Angeles and that means I have to step down as the director of ROOTS.” When the crowd made noises of disappointment, she held up her hands. “I appreciate that. You'll never know how much. But the center will continue to operate with a dedicated staff of volunteers. My brother, Austin, promised to put in some time before he goes to graduate school, courtesy of the Marlon Cates scholarship fund.” Her future husband wouldn't take no for an answer on that front. “My sister, Angie, will also put in some hours. So
will Linda Powell and Ben Walters—” When she looked at the older man, he pointed to Marlon and gave her a nod of endorsement. She took a deep breath. “And last but definitely not least, Carleigh Benedict of Thunder Canyon Social Services is going to take over as director. She was my adviser, mentor and friend, and the kids will be lucky to have her. Please give her your legendary Thunder Canyon support.”

The pretty blonde waved and smiled when the crowd clapped enthusiastically.

“That's the spirit,” Haley said. “In conclusion, I'd like to say that donations to the program are always gratefully accepted. It's sad to say good-bye, but Marlon and I will visit all the time. ROOTS is in very good hands.”

And so am I,
she thought as her Montana millionaire pulled her into his arms.

Special thanks and acknowledgment to Teresa Southwick for her contribution to the Montana Mavericks: Thunder Canyon Cowboys miniseries.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-6449-0


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