Tangled in a Web of Lies (26 page)

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Authors: Jesse Johnson

BOOK: Tangled in a Web of Lies
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He could wake up every morning for the rest of his life, looking into these eyes, and never get tired of it.

“Yes! I want to move in with you,” she says, with a huge grin. The things he would do to see her smile like that…

He wraps his arms around her, careful of his brand on her back. She hugs him too, still holding the key in her hand. She pulls her head back, and plants her lips on his. His cock instantly stiffens, as she moves onto his lap and straddles him.

His hands move down her back, gripping her ass in the tight yoga pants she’s wearing as pajamas. She squeals as he pinches her perfectly plump butt cheek, and it does nothing but excite him further.  He lies back on the bed, pulling her down on top of him.

He’s still only wearing a towel, a towel that Lila quickly pushes to the side, fisting his erection in her hand. He groans deep in his throat as she kisses his chest, feeling her breath tickle through the small patch of blond hair.

He digs his fingers through her curls, and she releases his cock, letting it press at the thin fabric of her pants between her legs. Nothing has ever felt this close to home for him. That’s when Odin realizes home isn’t a place, so much as it is a feeling of familiarity, safety, and comfort. Lila is that place, a place where his demons no longer haunt him, no longer have any power over him.

He pushes her pants down over her ass, sliding them just down her thighs enough that his cock can easily slip inside her. She gasps as he moves, pushing every inch of himself deep into her body.

His hands move all over her body, touching her everywhere. His fingers rake through her hair, glide down her back, and squeeze firmly into her hips as they rock back and forth on top of him.

She rides him, moving her hips back and forth. His lips seal over hers and his tongue dips into her mouth. With a hand on the back of her head, he forces her lips into his.

She places her hands on his chest, just over his heart. Her eyes gaze down at him, as she feels his heart beating heavy in his chest.

“I need you,” she whispers.

“I fucking need you too, babe. More than I care to admit.”

Odin moves his hands up her arms, holding tightly to the place that used to make her jumpy. But she doesn’t so much as flinch. Then he smoothes the palm of his rough hand down her chest, stopping for a moment at her breasts. His thumbs graze along her nipples, and her head falls backward, the tips of her hair tickling his legs.

Her hips begin to move again, his cock still thick with need inside of her. His hands move up to her shoulders, then down her sides. One hand firmly grips her side, moving her body in a grinding motion over him.

He leans back, gazing up at her as her hands move to her tits, and she gently squeezes them to her body.

Mother Fucking, Perfect!

He slips his thumb between them, resting his hand on her smooth shaven pussy. His thumb strokes over her clit, and she moans. A fucking sexy as fuck moan, that sends a rush of satisfaction straight to his dick.

He bears his teeth, holding onto his self control as her hips roll back and forth. She’s so tight, griping him inside of her as her body responds to his touch. He rolls his thumb along her clit, back and forth, using the moisture from her core.

Lila moans, her whole body stiffening as her hips jerk forward. He uses his hand on her hip to force her back and forth, making her ride him as she begins to cum.

“Oh! Yes!” she screams, her pussy tight as a fist, her body trembling all over him.

He groans as his cock twitches in her tightness, cumming into the only women he’s ever loved.

Their bodies lock together, sweaty and hot as they ride out the aftershocks. Lila’s face is pressed against his chest, her hair sprawled down her back and across his side. He holds her this way, until she falls asleep. Then he gently lays her on the bed, pulling the covers over her. He gets dressed in the same dirty jeans, and heads out for a drink in the club house, leaving Lila in bed asleep.


Chapter 24

New Orleans Charter

People are spread out everywhere, dancing, drinking, and partying. Typical Friday for any club house. Odin helps himself to a keg in the corner, and before his cup is even full, he’s approached by two club sluts looking to have a good time.

“Haven’t seen you around here,” says the first, a tall blonde wearing a Led Zepplin cut off shirt and bathing suit bottoms.

“Santa Monica Chapter,” says Odin, politely.

“Yep, left his brothers for a taste of California pussy!” Cox interrupts, being his usually cocky self. He tosses his arm around the blonde wearing the Zepplin shirt, and her friend moves on to the next drunk looking to party.

“I do like the California pussy,” says Odin with a dry smile, thinking just how much Lila’s pussy has him hooked.

Cox smiles, and holds his beer bottle up to Odin for a cheers to pussy.

“What’s up with you and Jaylie? You guys getting sweet together or what?” asks Odin.

“I wish, but we all know at the end of the day that heart belongs to Mason. Bitch is hot as fuck though. I’ll take a piece of that wherever I can get it. Right now, she’s technically single so I’ve been hitting it on the double.”

Odin remembers when that love triangle started. The three of them went at it a few times back when they were all teenagers. Jaylie had every boy in this town hooked, but none more so than Mason. Poor bastard.

Odin finishes his beer, and Cox invites him back to the bar for what he calls “party shots”. It’s been a long time since Cox and Odin got drunk together, but as Odin follows Cox towards the bar, he sees Jaylie sitting alone on the steps of the bar’s back entrance.

“Hey, I’ll meet you in there,” says Odin. Cox eyes Jaylie a moment and smiles an all too knowing smile.

“Yeah, alright,” he says sarcastically, a club slut still tucked under his arm as he drunkenly stumbles into the bar.

Jay is sitting with a bottle of Jack in one hand and a joint in the other. Odin sits beside her, not needing an invitation. Jay was one thing he never forgot about Louisiana. She was the kind of girl who burned an imprint on your heart, no matter how hard to you tried to keep your distance.

“Hey, O.” She smiles, passing Odin the joint in her hand.

“Hey, Jay.” He takes a few hits and hands it back to her. She’s every bit as pretty as he remembers.

“It’s good to see you back.” She hands him the bottle of Jack, and he takes a few big swallows.

“Yeah. It feels good to be back. How’s your brother?” Odin can see the sadness that creeps over her expression, hollowness behind her baby blue eyes.

“Drake passed away,” she says biting her lip.

He had no idea. Drake used to be one of Odin’s good friends too. Odin, Drake, Cox and Mason were all close to the same age, and went to the same schools. Drake and Jaylie came from a broken home. A very broken home. The whole town though of them as trash, but there was a lot they didn’t know. There was a lot about Jay that no one knew, except for Odin. They shared a lot of secrets once.

“I’m real sorry to hear that.” Odin feels the loss, despite having been gone all this time.

“I’m sure he’s in a better place.” Jaylie sounds at peace. Odin never forgot about the night he’d brought her back to his house. The things she’d told him.

Odin puts his arm around Jaylie, accepting the joint she holds to his lips.

“What about you?” he asks.

She shrugs, inhaling from the joint until there’s nothing left to hold, and she stomps it out.

“I took off for a while when Mason joined the marines. Did some things, tried some things. None of it really worked out.” Jaylie always did have a hard time fitting in. That’s why she probably thought of this club as home. All the Bandits here were misfits, ones that just didn’t fit into society. 1 percenters.

“What’s up with you and Mason?”

Jaylie holds the bottle of Jack to her lips, rolling her eyes as she throws back a few shots. Then she shakes her head, like she doesn’t have a clue.

“I love him. But there’s a lot he doesn’t know. It always comes between us.”

Odin knows exactly what she means. And for the first time in his life, he knows exactly what it’s like to be Jaylie, and Mason. He nods his head, and they sit in silence a moment, listening to the sound of the Louisiana swamps and the music from the bar.

Odin remembers back, to when he was 16. Jay was a little younger, but already way more mature than most girls her age. He found her all fucked up at a party, about to get gang raped the way she was going. Feeling the good Samaritan, he took her to the club, but his dad was there and he didn’t want to leave her. So he took her home, to his house. The only girl he ever brought there.

He helped her out of the truck and dragged her into his room. She was all giggles, pawing at him like club sluts pawed over members. She was hot, but she was also fucked up, and Mason was one of his best friends. Unlike Cox, that meant something to him.

She threw up a few times, and he kept bringing her fresh glasses of water, until she finally started coming down. Then the unthinkable happened. He’d gone for a cup of water, and she’d undressed herself. When he came back, she was naked, kneeling on his bed.

She wasn’t the first naked girl he’d seen, but she was probably the hottest, and she was willing. It made him nervous not having complete control of the situation.

She noticed he was avoiding looking at her.

“What’s the matter? Don’t you think I’m pretty?” She sounded all innocent, and to tell the truth, he thought she was fucking beautiful!

“You know you’re pretty, Jay.”

“Then why don’t you want me?”

What the fuck did he say to that?

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he told her.

“Why not?” she asked like it was a joke. “Everyone else does.” The look in her eye told him there was no joke to that truth.

Odin looks over at Jay who’s still sipping back on a bottle of Jack, smoking a cigarette. She turns her head, and catches him starring into her eyes. Those same innocent blue eyes. Her face is older, but those eyes still burn with all the passion in the world.

“What?” she asks, like she has no idea what he’s starring at. But everyone stares at Jay, she’s hot and she damn well knows it.

“I was just remembering that night I brought you back to my house, and you puked your guts out all over my room.”

She rolls her eyes, letting out a laugh. “You know you’re probably the only boy who ever turned me down?”

“I don’t doubt that.” Odin is smiling as Jay nudges him on the shoulder.

“I’ve missed you,” she says more seriously, wrapping her arms around Odin’s neck. He puts an arm around her back.

“I missed you too, Jay.” She pulls away for a moment, a soft look taking over her features.

“Have you ever thought about telling Mason the truth?”

Her face turns to stone with his words. She looks down at the ground, no doubt feeling ashamed for things she had no control over. She shakes her head. “I’m afraid he won’t be able to love me the same.”

That Odin understood. Lila had done the same thing, hiding ugly truth from him. And it was hard for him to look at her the same, knowing that Jaime had raped her. It definitely fucked with his head. But he still loved her. That would never change.

“If we want someone to love us completely, we have to open ourselves up. It doesn’t work otherwise.”

“You tell what’s her face everything?” Jaylie switches to full defense mode.

“Lila. And yeah, I did. It wasn’t easy.  There are still some details she don’t know. But I wanted her to love me, all of me. I want to know she isn’t going to bail if she somehow found out. Took her up to the slaughterhouse today, relived a whole lot of history, and you know what? It was all worth it.”

That surprises Jaylie. She stares at him wide eyed, like she’s rethinking her own secrets. But Odin knows what she’s thinking. She’s afraid if everyone knew, they wouldn’t think she was pretty anymore. It’s ridiculous, but he gets it.

“Proud of you,” she says, her gaze turning passive.

“Thanks.” Odin pats Jay on the shoulder and stands up, stretching his legs. “Mason loves you Jay. You could probably grow a dick and that wouldn’t change,” he jokes, and she laughs around the bottle of Jack at her lips.

“Charming!” she says, rolling her eyes.

“He can handle the truth, when you’re ready to give it.”

She doesn’t say anything, deep in her own line of thought. Odin gives her one last smile before heading into the bar to get shit faced with his MC brothers.

A lot of his old brothers know about his past. Some regard him with cold shoulders, and strange looks, which is exactly why Odin had moved to California. But among the judgmental faces are those of some of his longest and most loyal friends.

“There he is, finally! I was beginning to think you ran off, Princess.” Cox holds up a bottle of whiskey, yelling over the loud music and the crowd of people partying.

Odin walks towards him, taking the bottle from Cox, he pours back shots. Mason comes to stand behind him, and pats him on the shoulder.

“Good to see you back, man,” he says as he takes the bottle from Odin, and finishes it off.

“You boys wanna do body shots?” asks a pretty brunette girl, wearing ripped up stockings and a bra.

“Yes we do! Sit right up here, Darling.” Cox hoists her up on the bar, not giving Mason or Odin a chance to turn down her offer. Mason reaches behind the bar for another bottle of alcohol.

“Ladies first,” Mason smiles at Cox, letting him take the first shot. The girl takes her bra off and Mason holds the bottle at the girl’s neck. He slowly lets the liquor pour down between her breasts and Cox laps it up.

“Your turn,” says Cox, pushing Odin toward the topless girl, draped over the bar. Odin takes a weary glance around him, noticing only a few pairs of eyes watching. He leans down, catching the scent of alcohol on her skin. Mason tilts the bottle, and cold liquid oozes down her throat, funneling between her breasts where Odin holds his tongue out. He makes a more of a mess than Cox, a little more hesitant to have his mouth all over her.

“Congratulations sweetheart, you just let the state of Louisiana’s biggest fucking creep suck liquor of your tits.”

Odin turns to find West behind him, glaring at him like he knows some big dirty secret. He’s trying to intimidate Odin into leaving, and that might have worked in the past when Odin was ashamed of the things he’d done. But now that he’s with Lila and she accepts him, he’s able to accept himself. He returns West’s glare with a challenging smile. Mason and Cox have no idea what West is talking about as they wait for Odin’s response.

“Louisiana’s biggest creep is dead. I killed him,” says Odin, staring West in the eye without a hint of fear or hesitation.

“Is that so?” asks West, apparently oblivious to the fact that Odin did indeed put down his old man. “That’s not what I heard.” West straightens his back, clearly challenging Odin.

“I don’t give a fuck what you think you heard.” With that, Odin turns his back on West and jumps up on the bar to take Mason’s place.

“What’s that about?” asks Mason under his breath.

“Another time,” says Odin, taking the bottle of liquor from his hands.

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